Coming out
Daichi [POV]
After practice I tried to catch Kiyoko on her way out to apologize but she just ran away. A concern nagged at the back of my mind, what if she's Homophobic? That's the reason why Suga and I are still closeted, because we're both scared. I was about to walk away when Takeda came up to me
"You were trying to talk to Kiyoko is there something that you need?" He asked cheerfully
"Is Kiyoko homophobic at all?" I blurted out before I could even stop myself. Takeda thought for a bit before he replied
"I don't think she is in like a mean way like most people I think she's just scared in general" He explained "I think it was because she was harassed by some lesbians a while ago but I'm not sure" He raised an eyebrow "Why is someone gay?" I looked at Suga furrowing my eyebrows concerned. Suga hesitated but nodded slowly. It was about time we told someone anyways
"Well actually......., we are....., me and Suga......, are dating" I explained slowly, Takeda's face lit up with excitement
"Whoa really? Congrats guys" He patted the both of us on the shoulders "For how long?"
"Well we've been dating for three months now" Suga told him proudly
"Have you told anyone that you guys are gay?" He asked
"No....., you're the first person we told" I told him
"But Kiyoko found out by walking in on us making out in the supply closet we've been trying to apologize but she keeps running away" Suga added
"So that's why she's bee avoiding you two" He scratched his chin "But how long have you two been keeping this a secret?"
"Almost a year for me but" I paused looking at Suga "It's coming up to four years for Suga" Takeda's eyes widened with surprise
"Four years? Suga how have you kept it a secret that long?" He exclaimed
"I just haven't had anyone to tell" Suga explained
"When did you first realize?" He asked
"Around the middle of my second year of junior high" Suga scratched at the back of his neck
"Wow" he gasped "Thanks for telling me it's an honor"
"But about Kiyoko?" I asked changing the subject
"Give her some time she'll eventually come to realize you two mean no harm" he explained
"I see thanks Take" I bowed to him "But we should get going"
"I'll see you two tomorrow then" He smiled
"Daichi my parents aren't home if you want to come over" Suga offered
"M'Kay" I nodded
"Use condoms" Takeda called jokingly as we left
"Thanks for the tip but we're not there yet" Suga called while laughing
"No problem" Takeda laughed. We walked to Suga's house as the sun sat behind the horizon
"Your parents never seem to be home" I pointed out
"They're home when I'm at school but the work the night shifts" He explained unlocking the front door
"I see" I nodded
"Are you hungry? I'm hungry" He asked going down to the kitchen
"Yeah I guess I'm a bit hungry" I responded following him
"Daichi do you know the struggles of having a strict mom who's gluten free and a dad who's lactose intolerant?" Suga asked opening the fridge "Like I just want some cheese sometimes"
"Why don't you buy some then?" I asked
"Because my mom's super strict and says that would be unfair that everyone cant have it" he whined
"Come over to my house whenever then my mom loves cheese" I laughed "Though personally I'm not a huge fan"
"I'm gonna move to Wisconsin" (A.N. The land of cheese heads (I know people from Wisconsin but I'm sorry if that offended you) Suga announced
"Seriously Suga?" I raised one eyebrow
"And you see this?" he held up a carton of almond milk "It's disgusting"
"You're pretty passionate about your dairy" I pointed out
"Please can we go out and eat something?" he asked
"If you wan't I don't care but I'm not paying again it's your turn this time" I insisted
"Fine fine let's just go" he grabbed his keys that he threw on the counter he had like six keys on the key chain but I had no clue what any of them unlocked except I knew one was for the front door
"Suga I've been meaning to ask why you've got so many keys?" I asked as I put my shoes on
"I've got no clue what some of them do I just like the jangly sound they make" he laughed shaking his key chain
"Isn't that heavy though?" I asked
"Not really" He handed it to me, he was right it wasn't that heavy "But I still like the jangly sound"
"You're like a little kid Suga" I rolled my eyes
"But you love me anyways" He raised an eyebrow locking the door behind the both of us. On the way there I was forced to listen to Suga's LONG dairy rant
"Daichi what am I supposed to do if I've had a bad day? I can't have ice cream because we don't have any" He exclaimed "And it's not like I can do anything about it because my mom's strict about our food"
"You can come over to my house if you've had a rough day" I offered waiting at the crosswalk for the light to change
"I mean yeah but wouldn't that get annoying for you after a while?" He asked
"How many bad days do you have on average?" I raised an eyebrow starting to walk as the light changed
"Not that many actually but I like dairy like what if Kageyama wasn't allowed to have milk he'd be pissed" He frowned "I'm pissed"
"So you're just a closeted dairy freak unlike Kageyama who just doesn't care what others think about his obsession?" I asked
"No I'm a closeted gay but that's not the point right now I'm not talking about my sexuality I'm talking about milk" I made a mental note in the back of my mind to never get Suga started when it comes to dairy because he never stops
"Daichi are you even listening to me I'm being very serious here" he crossed his arms in front of his chest
"Yes Yes I'm listening" I insisted nodding along
"My dad isn't as strict, he buys me real milk every now and then though he can't drink it, like we've gotta smuggle thing's into the house so mom doesn't catch us smuggling gluten or Dairy in like it's harder than smuggling something on a plane" He insisted (A.N. I wrote that on the plane btw so that's interesting)
"I believe you" I agreed, I had met his mom once and it was as I went to pick Suga up for a date or just to 'hang out' as far as she knew. Suga looked so much like his mom it was impossible to deny they were family.
"What would have happened if you were born lactose intolerant" I asked
"Then I wouldn't be going on this long rant" He insisted "But have you ever had glutton free cookies it tastes so weird"
"I could imagine" I shrugged
"And a peanut butter sandwich with gluten free bread it's awful and I love peanut butter"
"Aren't you allergic to peanut butter though?" I raised one eyebrow
"No I had a boyfriend that was, I almost killed him one time, that wasn't fun, I think that's why he broke up with me"
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