Chapter 14 - Marriage
Valar's POV
I stared out of the balcony at the village that dwelled in the mountain below. Icy wind blew through the peaks of the rocky guardians.
There was an anxious feeling in my soul as the big event drew closer. I was going to marry Zulo today. I was happy however the concept of matrimony was still quite new that even I didn't fully know, despite me the being the one who created it.
A soft voice broke my thoughts. Turning around, I saw Broomie. She was dressed in a thick fur coat with her hair tied in braids. She was attempting to adapt to the cold weather which was greatly different from the blazing heat of the desert.
Broomie: Are you feeling alright, Creator?
Me: I am. I was just thinking about the wedding today.
I noticed that there was a bundle of flowers in the servant's hands. She held out it out to me.
Broomie: The Destroyer wanted me to give to this to you.
I picked up the flowers and admired the colors. Broomie bowed to me before leaving the room.
The flowers intrigued me as I had never seen them before. Black petals shimmered with a purple essence and their stems had magic swirling around them. They were surprising big compared to mortal hands. They actually seemed to match the size of my own.
I felt energy through the veins. It almost felt like an unworldly surge of magic.
Zulo: They're beautiful aren't they?
I looked up and saw my future spouse standing a short distance away from me. He smiled as he walked up to me, his wings folded in a calm manner.
He kissed me before motioning to the plants.
Zulo: Do you know what they are, Valar?
Me: No.
Zulo: They are the flowers that grow in the fields of the oblivion, my plain of existence. One day I want to take you there. It's beautiful... like you.
Blush coated my cheeks as I smiled.
Zulo: Are you ready for today?
Me: Yes.
Zulo: I'll be waiting. Adaraze ya.
He backed away before walking over to the balcony. His wings opened and he flew off. I couldn't hold back my smile.
Broomie suddenly came into the room while holding white fabric and rolls of fur.
(Time Skip)
My servant tucked the flowers into my scarf as decoration.
I was dressed in a white military like uniform with fur trimming. The only color was my brown scarf and the black flowers.
Despite me being the feminine half of the relationship, I didn't want to wear a dress.
We were standing in a room in the temple. I could hear the crowding of voices grow which told me that more people were arriving.
Broomie looked out from the small crack in the door.
Broomie: We might have to take this outside. It's like everyone across the lands is coming here to see you marry the Destroyer.
I felt myself become nervous. Even though I was their Creator, I still felt that they would judge me.
The room soon grew quiet. I ran the plans through my mind while taking deep breaths.
I was going to vouch my love and then wrap the amulet around Zulo's neck. He would do the same for me.
Once we are married, we would be allowed to have a week alone together. Just me and him.
Broomie tied a black flower around my wrist and looked up at me. She adjusted my pant leg and tried to dust off my arms.
Broomie: Ready, Creator?
I nodded. I pulled open the door and walked out.
The temple was full of people but I could pick out Zulo from the others. He wore a uniform as well. His black wings were unfolded, his feathers spread out.
I felt mortal eyes on me as I walked towards my future spouse. Standing in front of him, I showed a smile on my face.
Broomie held out an amulet to me. I grabbed it and unhooked the clasp. After gently wrapped it around his neck, I spoke my vow.
Me: You, the Destroyer, have the possession of my love. And now, I will do my best to love you and care for you for the rest of eternity.
I traced my hand against the amulet and muttered a few words of prayer in my native language.
Zulo repeated the process and said his words.
Zulo: Creator. My love for you is eternal. I will stand with you and love you. Not even death can separate us as I will always find you. In this life and the next...
We will always be together
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