Liam watched Louis until he disappeared out of sight before closing his office door and letting his head fall with a heavy thump to the wood. What the hell was that? Louis. Little Louis Tomlinson. Well, not so little anymore.
It was no secret around the grounds that Louis fancied the male variety, but he'd always been such a good kid. Decent marks, well-mannered. Until last year that was. When rumors spread about Louis and a boy he pushed himself on, and he started getting bullied, Louis retreated. His smile vanished, his eyes got darker; his attitude went from a delightful cheek to a disdainful annoyance.
Liam tried, maybe too hard, to get the old Louis back. Maybe that was what gave Louis the idea that there was something there that wasn't. Had Liam given him some sort of false hope?
It's not that Louis wasn't attractive. He was. Liam always thought he was a cute kid. Maybe if he was older...Liam shook his head of that idea. But Louis wasn't a kid anymore. He was dealing with things that kids shouldn't have to deal with. He was brave, braver than Liam was when he was bullied in school. Louis had accepted something about himself that took Liam years past his age to accept.
And now, Louis was...all grown up. And kissing apparently. Liam pushed off the door when he realized he was smiling. He tried to rub the tingling sensation from his lips and fell into his office chair. He attempted to wrap his mind around the fact that Louis, his Lou, had kissed him, and then he'd looked so torn up about it.
Maybe Louis hadn't even meant to kiss him; at least, not like that. He can imagine being the only openly gay kid in a school full of bigots had to be hard for his dating life. It was probably just a freak incident. A one time thing. Maybe Louis didn't mean anything by it.
The kiss lingered in his mind until he couldn't take it anymore and shut his laptop with a huff. He pulled his phone from his pocket and pulled up his recents. The phone rang twice before a groggy, sleep-heavy voice answered. "Yello?"
"Drinks tonight?"
"Uh yeah, my shift starts at nine."
Liam glanced down at the clock on his desk. 5:30. "Thanks, mate." He heard a grunt and then the line went dead. Liam rolled his eyes, knowing that was probably the only wake up call the lad would have and he should be thanking Liam for making sure he was up.
Four hours to kill. Liam leaned back in his chair and rested his head. He'd wiped his lips at least a dozen times since Louis left, but he could still feel the kiss like it was seared into his skin. Then the way Louis' breath caught when he felt Liam close behind him. After thinking about it, Liam was mad. The least the kid could've done was given him some warning. Now Louis probably thought he was a bad kisser. Which, he wasn't. But Louis probably thought so. Liam hit his hand down on his desk in frustration. It didn't even matter what Louis thought. It meant nothing. It was nothing.
Liam pushed away from his desk and made the very adult decision that pre-gaming was a must tonight. He gathered up his things and made his way across campus to where the few in-home faculty houses were lined up, almost like one long house because they were so close. He keyed his way into his and flicked on the lights before dropping his bag on the couch and shrugging off his jacket, hanging it on the rack by the door.
He toed off his shoes and let them fall from his feet next to the couch, then undid the top two buttons of his shirt and he reached into his glass liquor cabinet, pulling out a bourbon and a glass. After he poured a couple fingers, he set the bottle on his coffee table and picked up the remote to the stereo, pressing play on the current mixed tape he'd discovered by a friend of a friend. Not exactly Westview listening standards, but in his own home, he couldn't care less.
He sipped on the amber liquid and felt warmth flood his veins. He bobbed his head to the heavy beat and walked aimlessly around his living room. Once he finished off his first round, he poured another. The air started getting hotter and Liam's mind began to wander.
Had Louis always had such bright eyes? And he was sure Louis bought his trousers a size smaller than school regulations, because they suited him well. Had Louis always
Liam laughed out loud at his ridiculous train of thought, the sound a pierce to the silence of his home. He realized his glass was empty again and tried to think if this was his third or fourth refill. Didn't matter either way, tomorrow was Saturday and all he had was a meeting with the other compulsory departments about the progress from the first two weeks of school.
So he filled up again and kicked his legs up on his coffee table. There was probably no use fighting his brain now, not that he needed to. He wasn't thinking anything bad. Was he? Was it bad to notice if a student was fit? Especially if that fit student made a pass at you?
Liam's phone rang, making him jump before pulling it from his pocket. The ID was blurry, but when he answered, the voice was familiar. "Thought we were meeting. It'll get busy soon and I won't be able to sit and talk."
Liam pulled his phone from his ear and the screen lit up with the time. 9:20. Where had the time gone? Had he really spent four hours thinking about Louis? Liam set his glass down, thought better of it, picked it back up to finish it off, and set it down again before scrubbing a hand over his five o'clock shadow. "I'm so sorry, mate. I'll be there in ten."
The noise cut off and Liam hurried as best he could while calling a cab service. If he drank this much just thinking about Louis, he could only imagine he'd get smashed if he actually tried to talk about him. He didn't want to risk driving home. The cab picked him up a few minutes later and then dropped him in front of a busy nightclub, or midnight lounge, if you asked Harry.
Liam tipped the driver and slid out, still in his work shirt, but he'd changed into jeans and trainers. He approached the security guard and gave him a typical handshake routine before he was allowed entry. The club was busy, but not as packed as he knew it would be in an hour. He made his way through the dance crowd to the less crowed bar area, complete with booths and select food options.
He approached the sturdy wooden bar and knocked on the surface. A head of curls shook as his best mate looked up at the sound. A smile spread across his face and Liam gained one to match. "Leemo. Thought you'd ditched me."
"Never, Haz. Just lost track of time. Plus, you're working. It's not like you're bored."
"Please, I'm not working." Harry scoffed and set down his rag before leaning an elbow on the bar. "Owning a club and working in a club are two very different things."
"Then you won't mind putting in an order of chips and a couple beers, and joining your dear old friend for a drink?"
Harry nodded easily and turned back to the kitchen doors at the end of the bar, shouting out his order and stepping around from behind the bar to join Liam. He led Harry to their usual spot and sank into the seat.
"Oh no." Harry raised a brow. "You look like a man with a problem. Do tell."
Liam wasn't sure if he was ready to tell Harry what happened. Because nothing happened, he reminded himself; it was just a fluke. "Just stress of the new school year."
Harry looked at him like he knew Liam was lying, but opted not to say anything. Their food came and two beers were set on the table. Harry ordered two more to follow and sank back in the seat. "Fine. Don't tell me, but who else are you going to tell?"
Liam hated when Harry made sense, which was all too often. He took a gulp of his brew and chewed on a chip while he decided how to start the conversation. One more sip and he said, "What's the oldest you'd ever date?"
Harry looked confused by the subject, but just frowned in consideration before answering. "Age has never been a big deal to me. Pretty old, I guess."
"And, um, how young is too young?" Liam knew his voice sounded weird. It's not even like he meant the question like that. He wasn't thinking of dating Louis. Dating Louis. He laughed at the proposal. He just didn't know how to ask what he wanted to know.
Is it creepy to think your fifteen year old student is fit, fit enough to kiss a second time?
"Well, as a law-abiding citizen, I'd just go with legal for starters. Old enough to drink is old enough for blowies in my book." Harry smiled wide like he'd just given Liam a good chestnut of advice.
Liam's forehead creased. "But age of consent is sixteen." Louis was almost sixteen. A few more months and he would be.
Harry stopped with the mouth of the bottle an inch from his lips. "Yeah," he started warily, "but that's still a kid. You asked my limit and I think kids are kids."
Kids are kids. There you have it. No matter their forwardness or maturity. Louis was a kid. "Makes sense."
"Why'd you ask? Did you knock some pretty boy up from a one-nighter, and just found out he's only fifteen?"
Liam rolled his eyes at his best friend and landed a light punch to his arm. "That's not how it works, tall one. It's a wonder you're gay at all."
Harry laughed then, loud and sudden. "You, of all people, know I'm gay as it gets. Don't doubt me."
Liam laughed and picked up his second beer when it was placed in front of him. He had his answer. Louis was a child, plain and simple. All kisses, past or future, were to be completely forgotten.
The staff meeting was boring, dragging, and Liam couldn't keep his attention on the task at hand. Luckily his brain was barely functioning after last night. If it were at full force, he wasn't sure what he would think about, but he could guess.
He wasn't confused anymore. He knew that it was wrong to think of Louis like that. Harry was very clear in his opinion and Liam was sure it would be shared by the general public. Either way, Louis could be forty-five, he was still Liam's student and that was certainly against some rules.
Liam's head shot up from where he was scratching idle lines with a pen onto the email they'd printed for all the department heads. "Yes, sir," Liam answered the Headmaster, Milton Powers.
"Stay out a little late last night?" Head of Sciences, Clark Foster, sneered.
Liam internally rolled his eyes. Yes, Foster. Liam was young enough to go out and get drunk and be alive the next day. Barely, but still. "Not too late," he lied.
Foster gave him a purse of his lips before Headmaster Powers continued. "I've heard you're working with the kids on this year's play. How's that going?"
Liam shrugged. He hadn't exactly signed up to help the kids with the original script, it was more like an assumed responsibility. Plus he hadn't even had his first meeting with them yet, and didn't know anything about what it was about. Only that Louis was in on it, and now that only added to his current unsteadiness.
"We haven't met yet. The students that are writing for the play are meant to meet with me later this week, I think."
"That's very kind of you to help them."
Liam knew, without looking, a flirty battering of eyelashes accompanied that voice. "Thank you, Penny, but I haven't done anything yet." If Liam were into women, he wouldn't be into this one. She was the History and Geography Head, nearly fifty and, Liam realized like a punch to his gut, he preferred them a bit younger. She wore too much eye makeup and always had an opinion, generally unwarranted.
"Still, these kids look up to you and you're an excellent role model," he felt her lean a bit closer, "being so much closer to their age and all."
Liam tried for a smile, but he was almost sure it came out a grimace. "Right, thanks."
"Moving on," Powers announced, and Liam couldn't agree with the man more.
It was Tuesday. Last class before lunch, and Liam realized he hadn't seen Louis since last Friday. He'd be seeing him for the first time since the kiss. Liam piddled around in his office, too nervous to sit in his classroom and watch the students filter in one by one until finally the one he would be waiting for entered. No, he'd be the last to arrive and the class would be full. He'd barely notice one student in the crowd and he'd start the lesson immediately.
He forced himself to send an email or two for work related things before calmly grabbing his things and heading down the hall to his classroom. The door was propped open and he glided through, determined to keep his eyes on the board instead of the kids. He dropped his bag in his chair and picked up a dry erase marker.
"New book starting today, as noted in your syllabus. I hope all of you brought your A-game." Liam wrote the title Macbeth on the board before starting a list of themes they'd be discussing right under it. He wrote Tragedy in big letters off to the right and finally dropped the capped marker back to the tray and turned around.
His eyes did a scan of the students, most scurrying to copy down what he'd written. Second row, middle chair...empty. Louis was absent. A flash of anger flared in Liam's mind. If he had to come back to class and face this then so did Louis. He was the one that kissed Liam.
With a grim set to his mouth, Liam sat at his desk and grabbed the well-worn book from his bag. "We'll take turns. I'll read the first few pages, then I'll call on someone to read next. I won't make you, so if you'd prefer not to, just call out someone else name. But up to five extra points will be awarded to each of you for today, depending on how often you read."
Liam flicked past the title page and acknowledgments and opened his mouth to read when someone came crashing into the classroom, out of breath. He looked up to see a slightly sweaty, flushed Louis standing in front of his desk. His eyes absolutely didn't do a once over of the boys caramel skin and wrinkled shirt.
"Sorry I'm late, Mr. Payne," Louis panted for air. "I was with Mrs. Mastesis. Here's my, um-" He went to hand Liam his pass, but just dropped it on the desk instead and retracted his hand. Liam picked the note up from the desk and looked it over, seeing Lisa's signature down at the bottom.
"Take a seat, Mr. Tomlinson," Liam ordered without looking at him. Was his breathing faster than it was a second ago? Louis squeezed through the front row and sat in his usual spot. Liam clenched his jaw and felt his hand crumple up the small paper. He had to control whatever he was feeling right now. More anger? Relief? Confusion? Something even more dangerous? "Retrieve Macbeth from your bag, Mr. Tomlinson. You'll be the first to read after me."
He didn't look up for confirmation. He didn't look up when he finished reading. He didn't look up until he heard Louis' voice, speaking the narrative like he was always meant to, an easy lilt to his voice that had Liam's eyes flicking over the swoop of brunet hair. When Louis finished, he set the book down and looked up, eyes locking with Liam's. He swore he saw something like desire shadowed in those ocean blues, but it was gone before Liam could blink and Louis had his arms crossed over his chest.
"I've read a bit. Someone else can read now."
Liam nodded dumbly and Louis gave him a confused moment of eye contact before pointing out a girl that would probably read half the book if Liam let her. Louis' head dipped back to his book, but Liam was stuck now. Couldn't stop looking. It was like Louis was a completely different person than he was last week. His cheekbones were no longer round and pudgy. They were sharp and elegant. His eyes were lined with a feathering of lashes that swept across his cheeks when he blinked. His lips were more pink. Liam swore they weren't that color last week.
Louis shifted in his seat, crossed a foot over his knee, and Liam tracked the movement. His school trousers bunched up at his thigh and stretched taut. His thighs were thicker than most kids his age. Liam nearly gasped when he felt an involuntary twitch in his pants. He quickly dropped his eyes to his book and rubbed at his temple. This was wrong. Where was his control?
He glanced up one more time, because he's selfish and loves trouble apparently, and Louis was looking back. When their eyes met this time, the desire didn't leave Louis' eyes. His small, pink tongue flicked out and licked over his thin bottom lip. Liam eyes followed the movement with zero caution. Louis brought his bottom lip between his teeth and bit down. Liam leaned forward in his seat subconsciously and licked over his own lips. He saw Louis' eyes go wide and suddenly remembered where he was and what he was doing.
Liam pushed back from his seat and stood, making enough noise to have the kids look up at him in confusion and the female student stop reading. "Um." Liam tried not to look at Louis, but it's like the boy took up the entire room. He could see the smirk on Louis' lips and wanted to kiss it from his face.
Liam turned towards the board to catch his breath. He'd just admitted he wanted to kiss Louis again. He shakily picked up a marker and said, "Let's," before clearing his throat and trying again. "Foreshadowing. Let's foreshadow some things based on what we've read so far."
For the rest of the class, Liam spent as much time as possible facing the board, throwing questions over his shoulder. The bell rang and Liam took extra time to clean the board while the kids filed out behind him. When he heard it was quiet, he sighed and turned around, only to find Louis sitting in his seat, things still laid out and looking at Liam.
"Lou," Liam said with surprise, before realizing he maybe shouldn't be calling his student, a student he recently developed...feelings?...for, by his fond nickname. "Mr. Tomlinson."
"Mr. Payne." Louis said his name like he knew he was in trouble.
Liam glanced at the door, the still open door, then back at Louis. He walked over and shut it with a small click, the sound a blaring siren in the silent classroom. "Mr. Tomlinson-"
"You can call me Lou. If you want..."
Liam came back and leaned on his side of his desk, releasing a long-suffering breath. "Don't, Louis."
"I'm sorry." Louis stood up and came before Liam on the other side of the desk. "For what I did the other day. It was stupid."
"Yes, it was." Liam still wasn't looking up.
"I know you're not like-not into that." Liam could only hum noncommittally at that. "I'm younger than you. I get that."
"You are."
Louis huffed and Liam heard his footsteps before he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Payne, I won't tell anyone what I did. And I'm not offended that you don't think I'm fit."
"I do," Liam admitted, voice a bit rougher than it was a few minutes ago.
Liam finally stood up and faced Louis, looming over his smaller body. "I think you're extremely fit. I had no idea you were-" Liam licked his lips and brushed Louis hair out of his eyes. "I like being able to see your eyes."
Louis' mouth opened, then closed, then opened again before curling a fist in Liam's button up and pulling him into a rough kiss. His other arm came around the back of Liam's neck and he moaned into his mouth. Liam couldn't move, couldn't make his mind work to do anything. The same memory of anger flashed back into Liam's mind, that Louis probably thinks he can't kiss since he didn't give him a chance before. He had a chance now.
Liam growled against Louis' lips and picked him up under his plump thighs to wrap them around his waist. Louis gave a surprised squeak, but kept kissing Liam like a seven nation army couldn't pull him off. Liam opened Louis' mouth and swiped his tongue teasingly along the seam of his lips.
Louis moaned and rocked his hips against Liam, pointing out his obvious arousal. Liam broke the kiss and set Louis down on his desk, standing between his legs and fixing his hair. He gulped up lungfuls of air before he said, "We can't-"
"I'm not a kid," Louis argued before he could finish.
Liam's face went soft and he ran a thumb across Louis' cheek. "I was going to say we can't do this here."
Louis bit down on a smile and turned to kiss Liam's palm. "I have free period after lunch."
Liam shook his head. "I can't be seen leaving with you in broad daylight."
"So when?"
Liam tilted his head in thought. "After the meeting with all the writers this week, you have to schedule a one-on-one with me right?"
Louis lips tilted into a knowing smile. "I'm sure I won't be free until it's dark. I'm very busy things."
"Don't tell anyone, but if someone asks just say you've made an appointment."
Louis pouted and Liam just wanted to snatch the pink bottom lip between his teeth. "But the group meeting isn't until Thursday, so I won't be able to meet with you until Friday."
"Three days," Liam reassured. "I'm sure you can make it." Liam bopped another quick kiss on Louis' lips before taking himself away from the temptation. Louis reached for him, but Liam just pulled his jacket off the back of his chair and shrugged it on.
"I love that coat," Louis purred. "Fits you. And your arms..."
Louis trailed off, eyes locked on where Liam was buttoning his coat closed. Liam felt a smug pride fill his chest. Louis thought he looked good. He probably shouldn't be so affected by the opinion of this boy, but if Louis liked the jacket, then Liam was sure he'd wear it again.
He laid his large hands on Louis' thighs. "I like these. I'm sure Headmaster Powers has given you citations for them. They're tight."
"Why have the ass I have if I'm not going to flaunt it?"
Liam covered Louis' mouth with a hand and smirked. "Let's not talk about your ass right now."
"Why not?" Louis asked, the words muffled by Liam's palm.
"Because," Liam finished buttoning his coat and adjusted it, "unlike you, I don't have a free period next. I don't want to be teaching kids while thinking about..."
"My ass?"
"Yeah." Liam gave Louis' hip a smack for the sass, making Louis yelp softly and then laugh. His hand didn't leave Louis' hip, holding it firmly instead. "Hey, have Malik and his friends bothered you since..."
Louis diverted his eyes to somewhere behind Liam's shoulder. "Just from a distance. I think you scared them a bit for now."
"What did they-I mean." Liam scrubbed a hand over his cheek and let his thumb trace circles on Louis' waistband. "Did they do anything to you? Hurt you? Anything else?"
Louis lowered his head and Liam heard the shaky inhale. "No."
"You can tell me, Lou. Even before..." Liam slid his hand up to the dip of Louis' waist. "I'm always here to listen."
"They didn't. He almost-" Louis shook his head, "but you came."
Liam's hand tightened almost painfully on Louis' side. "But he didn't?"
"No," Louis reiterated. "I promise."
Liam let his forehead fall to Louis', who squeezed his fingers in Liam's coat. "I've always been protective of you. My favorite student."
"I've always had a crush on you. My favorite teacher."
Liam chuckled and pressed a kiss on Louis' cheek. "You're missing lunch."
"You could give me something to eat."
Liam groaned and backed up again. "Enough of that. God, have you always been so-what am I saying, of course you have. You're a menace." He pulled Louis to stand and retucked his shirt so he wouldn't get a citation before giving him a pat on the bum and pointing to his still sprawled out school supplies. "Go. Eat. I'll see you on Thursday in class and then after lessons for the meeting."
Louis nearly skipped over to his desk and shoved his things in his bag. Liam came around to sit on the edge of his desk and just watch him. He might've given some extra attention to when Louis bent over to pick up his "dropped" pencil. How had he never noticed the glory of Louis' bum? It was easily one of the best he'd ever seen, and the boy was only-never mind.
Once Louis shouldered his bag, he came back and wrapped his tan arms around Liam's waist before leaning up and whispering against his lips. "Would it be too forward of me to let you know that I'll wank to you tonight? Like I do almost every night."
Liam closed his eyes purposefully and took a long breath, letting it out slowly. "Menace." He turned Louis around and walked him, pressed against his back, to the door. "Go eat." One more kiss on the soft curve behind his ear and Liam opened the classroom door, stepping a few feet away. Louis sent one more teasing glance towards Liam over his shoulder before he turned a corner and was gone. Liam shut his door again and fell back against it. It was becoming a pattern. Liam roughed one hand over his face and the other over his semi. Louis Tomlinson would surely be the end of Liam Payne.
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