Louis woke up to a quiet buzz against his arm. He swatted at it and curled further into the warmth of the sheets and bed. The buzz came again and Louis scowled as he peeled open his eyes and reached under his arm to retrieve his phone. A picture of a quite fit, Louis admitted easily, curly-haired guy flashed on the screen of a phone he didn't recognize. When did he gain this new, attractive friend? In his confusion and sleep haze, he swiped to answer and pressed the phone between his ear and the bed as he closed his eyes again. Louis mumbled into the phone.
Louis' eyes popped open and he sat up leaving the phone behind on the pillow before turning around to look over his shoulder. Louis covered his mouth with his hand when he saw Liam rubbing at his eyes. "Wha..."
"Holy shit," Louis squeaked under his hands.
"Liam?" the voice on the phone asked louder.
Liam seemed to realize something wasn't right because he looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on the phone. Louis saw recognition and dread cross his face at the same time. He grabbed his phone and pressed it to his ear. "Harry?"
Louis scooted further away under the sheet and went back over the previous night. Dress rehearsal. Zayn. Liam finding them and saving him. Again. Then they came back to Liam's. The blow job. Louis gave his first blow job. And Liam's mouth. Louis groaned quietly at the memory. Then they came back to Liam's bed and they...just talked.
Louis' shoulders fell, half with relief, half disappointment. They talked about everything. Liam reassured him that he wanted Louis, that it didn't matter about what happened up until last night. Louis made his own promises and pulled Liam around him as he drifted off. Liam hung up just as Louis was dreamily remembering how Liam raked his fingers soothingly through Louis' hair until he fell asleep.
"It's-" He cut himself off. He'd become so accustomed to making sure no one used the name Zayn used to use for him. "Yeah, it's Lou," he corrected himself.
Liam smiled easily and laid a hand on his knee. "You okay?"
Louis crawled over to Liam and laid on his chest, tugging on the collar of his t-shirt until he had some available skin to kiss. "I'm great." He nodded to Liam's discarded phone across the bed and said, "Sorry. Didn't really think before I answered. Are you in trouble?"
"Nah, he didn't hear you or anything." Louis visibly relaxed. "But that is just the beginning," Liam admitted.
Liam swept Louis' now destroyed hair off his face. "Of things we have to worry about. Like we talked about."
Louis nodded. He knew they talked about the limitations of their possible relationship and if it would be worth it. They both eagerly agreed it would be. "I know. I'll be more careful."
"We both will."
Louis went to scrub a hand through his hair and winced. "I need a shower."
"Me, too."
Louis' mind immediately went there. And he was allowed to now, because Liam was his...what? Boyfriend? Lover? Someone he could shower with for sure. "Well, I still have a change of clothes in my bag if you want to save water," he suggested.
Liam groaned lazily and shifted them so Louis was laying across his chest, legs lined up with his. "That sounds like a plan." Louis scrambled up and pulled Liam with him into the bathroom, Liam laughing the whole way. Louis took the liberty of pulling off Liam's clothes, item by item. Shirt first, feeling the soft cotton between his fingers, then his shorts, slipping his fingers under the material and against Liam's sleep-warm skin.
Liam opened the shower door and turned the water on while Louis whipped off his own shirt, the same one he'd changed into after rehearsal and then fallen asleep in. Liam turned back around and Louis watched as his eyes started at Louis' face and then roamed down his body. He was suddenly self conscious; Liam had seen nearly every part of him, but it was always in the heat of the moment. Now they were calm and standing in the fluorescents of the bathroom.
Liam put his hands on Louis' hips and leaned down to kiss him. "You're so fit." Louis' nose scrunched up in silent protest, but Liam noticed and kissed the wrinkle away before sliding his hands up Louis' sides and back down. "Can I take these off?" he asked as his hands fiddled with Louis' shorts. Louis just nodded, smooth cheek rubbing against Liam's scruff.
Liam kept Louis close, kissing along his neck, as he helped Louis out of his shorts and pants. Louis eyes fluttered closed as his prick nudged against Liam's hip, and Liam's against his stomach. Liam's hands kept off of his dick though, wandering over the rest of his skin. Then Louis realized he'd never been fully naked in front of him before. He'd shown his body to Liam, pieces at a time, but now he was completely exposed and Liam was pressing his hands into Louis' curves like he was precious, and Louis felt himself get harder because of it.
"Let's get in," Louis suggested out of self-consciousness.
"Okay." Liam stepped in and moved back to let Louis in. Louis stepped in and shut the door, allowing the warm stream to wash over his shoulders and back. He bent his head into the downpour and pushed his wet hair back before emerging from the water. Louis caught Liam's eyes snap up his body and couldn't help the smirk that tilted his lips.
"Enjoying the view?"
Liam had no shame when he arched a brow and said, "Definitely." Louis blushed pink at that and placed his hands over his stomach. Liam made a displeased sound and took Louis' hands in his. "None of that. Come here." He pulled Louis across the space between them and wrapped Louis' arms around his broad back before taking the younger boy's face in his hands and kissing him slowly, but deeply.
Louis moaned into his mouth and hugged him tighter, tilting his head back to give Liam better access, which Liam took and pushed his tongue past Louis' lips and into his mouth. Louis pressed his hands into the muscles of Liam's back before breaking the kiss and catching his breath.
"I have to be at call in half an hour. If you keep kissing me like that, I'll miss the show."
Liam chuckled, but stepped back enough that Louis' erection wasn't pressed between them. "At least let me wash your hair." He grabbed his shampoo and squeezed some into his hand. Louis tilted his head back a little and let Liam massage the soap into his hair.
Humming, he realized, "I'll smell like you after this."
Liam's hands froze for a second before he gave Louis' hair a tug, pulling his head back further with a growl and latching his lips on Louis' neck. "Keep saying things like that and you'll miss your entire show." He painted Louis' skin with his words, making the boy's eyes fall shut.
Louis rocked forward, unconsciously looking for friction, but Liam's hips were too far to give him any, so he whined and pulled Liam up from the blooming bruise he was working on and kissed him. "Mrs. Mastesis will kill me if you leave marks."
"Lisa will have to live. With the way I know you'll look tonight, I need everyone to know you're mine."
Louis' mouth dropped slack as shallow breaths fanned over Liam's lips. Liam pushed Louis back just enough to dip his head into the water and wash the shampoo from the strands. Louis' smile was content as he felt the soap drain down his back. "I'm yours?" Louis whispered after Liam had cleaned his hair.
The look in Liam's eyes was enough of an answer, but when he took Louis lips with his own Louis was sure. He belonged to Liam now. But Louis wasn't sure if that feeling in his gut and in his chest was nerves, afraid he'd screw this up, or desire, the need for Liam to really prove his claim. Either way he didn't have time to explore the feeling; he was already going to be late for call time.
Louis groaned as Liam nibbled on the thin skin over his collarbone, but put a firm hand to his chest. "I have to go."
"Stay," Liam requested, voice low and mouth wet against Louis' skin.
The show wasn't even that important, right? No...wrong. This was Louis' baby. "Li," he whined, voice not nearly as demanding as he'd hoped, but Liam disconnected his lips anyway and looked down at Louis. "I have to go," he repeated, hand gripping Liam's slick skin.
Liam nodded and switched their places so he could shower and Louis could get out. Louis did, pulling a towel from the shelf on the wall and rubbing it over his hair. Liam kept the shower door open, lathering up his own bit of shampoo while he watched Louis dry off. Louis could feel the heavy weight of his eyes and turned to see Liam looking at him.
"What?" he giggled self-consciously.
"I'm just," Liam's shrugged, "still getting used to being able to look at you."
"Well, don't," Louis quipped. "This is a privilege," he reminded and waved a hand over his body.
Liam leaned back against the wall, lips tilting into a smirk. "Don't I know it."
Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes before leaning back into the shower for one more kiss; one that turned into two, and then Louis was dropping his towel on the floor and stepping back over the threshold into the shower for more.
Louis was late. But only a little bit. Still, Mrs. Mastesis was quick to point out that their lead was walking in ten minutes after call time. Louis just ducked his head and apologized before disappearing backstage to store his stuff. When he came out everyone seemed to be waiting on him to start. It felt like they were all staring, a bit intently for just being late, and Louis started tugging at his shirt.
When he got to the front of the stage, Mrs. Mastesis cleared her throat. "Well, if Mr. Tomlinson is done playing caveman, can we get on with our last bits of rehearsal?"
Louis' brows furrowed at the few snickers, but he just nodded and everyone got into place to run through the scenes their teacher requested. After two hours of easy acting and place marking, they were released for lunch and Louis went backstage to make sure all his costume changes were still in order.
He caught his reflection in the mirror behind his rack of clothes and his mouth fell open. His neck was littered with half a dozen dark spots, some small, some bigger, all noticeable. Louis' hand snapped up to cover the evidence, as if everyone hadn't already seen. When did Liam even have the time?
A few kids laughed as they passed, one giving Louis a good-natured backhand to the arm. "Releasing the nerves, I see."
Louis' face burned red as he ran over to his bag and grabbed his phone. His fingers were moving faster than his brain as he typed Seriously !! Do you know how much makeup it will take to covers these ?!
Louis got a reply almost instantly. A laughing emoji and at least they know youre mine.
Louis dropped his phone back in his bag and ignored his "caveman" long enough to scour the spread of food they had backstage.
Liam showed up about an hour before showtime, and Louis found him talking to Mrs. Mastesis animatedly. Liam saw him over her shoulder, and Louis had to completely walk away because the look in his eyes was enough to make Louis want to run into his arms. He ignored the urge and let one of the kids from the theatre class powder his brow that was suddenly starting to sweat.
When the curtain rose and the show started, Louis' mind zeroed in on the story and his lines. He played out the scenes, finding the girl of his dreams (yeah, right), learning the terrible things of the world, choosing love, and then losing it. He maybe hadn't realized the gravity of the play he'd written until that night, until he actually had a love to lose.
As the curtain came down on the final scene Louis found himself actually crying, not stage crying but really crying. He wanted Liam and he wanted him now. He wanted to run back to Liam's house and spend the whole night proving that what they had was worth it.
He wiped his tears quickly as he stood side stage for his turn to come out and bow. When he did, the crowd rose to its feet and cheered. He lifted the hand he held of his female lead and they bowed together, still covered in "dirt and blood".
The after party was held in the dining hall with the cast and crew and a few members of staff and all the parents and family members. Liam was there of course, and Louis couldn't stop fidgeting the whole time his mom fawned over how good he did.
Lottie saddled up to Louis while he was getting something to drink and elbowed him. "If you want, I can make your excuses."
Louis wiped his palm on his jeans. "What do you mean?"
Lottie tilted her head like Louis was the daft one. Which. "You've barely been able to stand in one spot for ten seconds all night. You'd obviously rather be somewhere else than here." She leaned in and lowered her voice. "And your makeup is wearing off." She thumbed across his neck and laughed quietly. "I'll go tell Mum you're exhausted and wanted to rest for tomorrow's show."
With that she was gone and Louis could suddenly breathe. He took his phone out and texted Liam a quick Meet me out back ?
Louis went back to the theatre and grabbed his stuff before heading out the backstage door. He was brought to a halt when a body hit his, and for a moment he thought it was Zayn and he'd have to perform tomorrow with new wounds, but then he was being picked up off the ground and Liam was kissing him hard.
"You were amazing," he whispered against Louis' lips.
Louis hit his fists against Liam's shoulders until he was dropped on the ground again. After looking around to be sure they were alone, he murmured, "Thank you," and then hit him again, harder.
"Ow! What?"
"These!" He pointed to his neck. "I had at least three people call the one who gave me these a caveman after Mrs. Mastesis pointed them out."
Liam wiggled his arms around Louis' waist and buried his face in his neck, humming happily. "Feel a bit like one with all the things I want to do right now."
Louis shuddered, but pushed him back. "Not here. Let's go back to yours."
Liam smiled like he'd just won the Cup and gave Louis a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Meet me there." He went off and Louis went back to his dorm to grab a change of clothes and shower. He spent the walk there imagining how this night would go down. The way the sheets would bunch up at the end of the bed, how thick Liam's fingers were and what that meant for him, spending a second night in a row at Liam's.
By the time he got to Liam's door, he was hard and fidgeting again. Liam let him in and they barely got the door closed before Louis dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around Liam's neck to kiss him. Liam hummed a surprised sound, but locked his arms around Louis' waist, picking him up and carrying him into the bedroom.
Louis kept mumbling along the way how much he needed Liam, how badly he wanted him, and Liam kept responding with moans and hands grabbing at whatever parts of Louis he could. Liam laid him down on the bed, following quickly and covering Louis' body with his. "You sure?"
Louis nodded vehemently. "So sure. Come on, Liam." He accentuated the plea with a roll of his hips. Liam made some low growling sound that had Louis twitching in his pants. Then Liam's hands were moving fast and Louis was wiggling around trying to help Liam get his clothes off. Liam stripped after and all Louis could do was watch when his chest expanded as he lifted his shirt off, how his arms flexed when he pushed his bottoms down.
Liam laid back over him, warm skin on skin, and suddenly his movements slowed and Louis felt his fingertips trail up his side and onto his chest. "You are so beautiful, Princess."
The laugh that came out was completely unintentional and followed by a bright flush to Louis' neck and chest while his fingers twitched in the sheets. "I've never been called beautiful before."
Liam didn't let the outburst deter him. He kissed along Louis' jaw and let his words flitter over Louis' pulse point. "I'll tell you everyday if you let me. You are so beautiful."
Louis hugged him tighter and wrapped his legs around his waist. "This beautiful boy is extra horny right now, and if you don't hurry up this will end before it starts." Liam's mouth made a sound between a chortle and a moan before lifting off Louis and leaving him cold. Louis reached for him as he went and whined.
"Just getting some stuff. Hold on, baby."
Liam crossed the room, Louis' eyes following the line of his body the whole way, and grabbed supplies from the bathroom before coming back. The walk back was even better for Louis then the walk there, lube and a condom in one hand and Liam's prick in his other. Louis licked over his lips hungrily as he watched Liam pull his foreskin back from his head and then up again.
"Please, come here," Louis requested, voice stuck high in his throat.
Liam smiled, a little smug, and dropped the stuff on the bed before dropping himself back on top of Louis. He settled between Louis' thick thighs and slid a hand from his knee down his outer thigh and up his side. "Gonna let me take care of you?"
Louis squirmed and nodded. "Yeah."
"Good boy." The teacher lowered down, trapping their dicks between them and letting them rut against each other, to whisper in Louis' ear. "I want to be so gentle with you your first time. Take my time and open you up real slow." Louis' legs squeezed Liam's waist. "You'll love it, baby."
"Liam," he groaned in frustration and picked Liam's hand up off his side before shoving two of the older lad's fingers in his mouth. Liam swallowed hard, eyes stuck on the purse of pink lips around his fingers. When Louis had coated them liberally he pulled them out and shoved Liam's hand down towards where he needed him.
Liam was trying to kill, just make him implode probably, because he settled his hand on Louis' stomach, just next to his cock, and kissed along his chest. "Easy, Lou. I'm not using spit your first time." He bit down on the curve of Louis' shoulder. "Even though that was really hot."
"Liam Payne, I've fingered myself before for fuck's sake."
He bit down again, making Louis tremble. "Language."
Louis actually hit him. Pounded his fist down on Liam's back. "Gosh...dang it...crap! Liam screw me. Now."
Liam's laugh spread over Louis's stomach as he made his way down Louis' body, raising goose pimples over his skin. Liam coated two fingers with lube as he sat back on his heels. With one hand he pushed one of Louis' legs up, and with the other he teased his two fingers at Louis' puckered rim. Louis' hand flattened out on the sheets next to him, then gripped a handful tight as Liam pushed his pointer finger inside.
"Yes," he breathed out in one long syllable. His legs spread open wantonly so Liam moved his finger in a slow in-and-out, wiggling a little as Louis opened up for it.
"How's it feel?"
Louis' nod was stilted. "Different than my own. Your fingers are so..." Louis moaned as Liam pushed another finger inside. His moan broke off when both fingers were seated inside him. "Big," he finished.
Liam looked down between them and watched his fingers disappear inside Louis. Louis started to rock against them, rolling his hips in waves. "What do you want, baby?"
"You're-fu-crap," Louis growled and stopped to breathe. "My spot is right there," he pushed his hips down to make his point. "Just a little-"
He was cut off when Liam's grip tightened on the back of his knee, his nails digging in, and curled his fingers to press them against the small nub. "Don't tell me what to do, Princess."
Louis arched off the bed, curving deliciously for Liam to watch. His hips started moving faster then, and his words were choked. "More, please. Come on, Li!"
Liam smoothed a hand up Louis' chest to his chin and curled two fingers into Louis' mouth. Louis moaned and sucked on them immediately. His tongue pressed against the pads as Liam's pressed his tips into Louis' spot again. He spread his fingers inside Louis until he was loose enough for a third. He pushed his ring finger in and curled them all up, making Louis bite down on Liam's fingers and moan.
Louis tilted his head away and Liam pulled his wet fingers from Louis' mouth. "Alright, Liam. I'm ready, I promise."
"Not yet," Liam countered. He pumped his three fingers in short thrusts, avoiding his prostate now because Louis was dripping and Liam remembered his stamina at fifteen. "Want you to be really open for me. Don't want to hurt you."
Louis tugged on Liam's shoulder and pulled them flush, his arm draping around Liam's neck. "I'm open, I promise." He lowered his voice and Liam slowed his movements to listen. "I need it now, Li, please."
Liam kissed Louis' neck and nodded, nose brushing against Louis' half dry hair. "Okay, baby. Tell me if it's too much."
Louis scoffed. "It's already too much, Liam. I'll probably come before you're even all the way in."
Liam's voice vibrated in his chest. "You love it so much. You just need to get fucked, don't you?"
Louis nodded, but said, "Language," making Liam laugh as his hand crept between them.
"I think that rule is about to fly out the window. You'll have to forgive me. We're lucky I'm even talking at all; I'm so hard, Lou." Louis pushed his legs impossibly wider, begging with his body. Liam took the open invitation and quickly rolled the condom on, slicking himself up while staying as close to Louis as he could. He lifted up just enough to watch Louis' face as he pushed inside.
Louis' mouth dropped open and his head pushed back into the pillows as one hand flew up to brace on the headboard. "Oh my God," Louis squeaked. Liam slid in slowly, watching for any sign that Louis was feeling more pain than pleasure. But Louis' nails scratched down the wood as he release a broken, "Fu-crap, yes," when Liam bottomed out.
"Okay?" Liam asked, words clipped with restraint.
Louis was breathing like he'd just run a marathon, but he was barely moving, only his fingers still scratching above his head. "Jesus, you're so big." He knew that didn't answer Liam's question, but it was literally the only thing running through Louis' mind right now.
Liam's hands were all over, brushing his drooping hair out of his face, massaging patterns into his hip. Louis consciously unclenched until it didn't feel like Liam was going to rip him in half. "I'm good. Move, please."
Liam huffed a laugh, but pulled out slowly. Louis' breath caught again and his next exhale came out an airy sound on Liam's first thrust. Louis' fingers only dug deeper into Liam's back as he sped up, his other hand falling from the headboard to grab at the pillow by his head. Liam kept as little space between them as possible as he pushed into Louis. Louis' precome was making a mess of both their stomachs, dick gaining back it's full hardness after the initial pain.
Louis could feel the tingling start at his stomach, spreading through his spine and pushing more liquid from his tip. "I'm gonna come, Li." Liam folded Louis' legs back more and thrusted faster, movements coming undone. Louis nearly screamed when Liam wrapped his hand around Louis' aching length, but he quickly turned his face and buried the sound in Liam's pillow.
He gasped in sounds, higher in pitch with each thrust, until Liam gave him a good twist and then Louis was coming, shaking and scratching down Liam's back. Liam stuttered as Louis clenched and went to slowly pull out, but Louis pressed his foot to Liam's ass and croaked, "Finish inside me."
Louis watched his eyes shut heavily as both of Liam's arms came to wrap around him and he captured Louis in a kiss for a handful of thrusts before moaning into Louis' mouth and shooting into the condom. Louis clenched instinctively at the sudden warmth of his cum, pulling a shiver from his lover before Liam let his forehead fall to Louis' shoulder as he pulled out slowly.
He pulled the condom off, tied it up, and threw it towards the direction of his trash can before falling on the bed. Louis slung a leg over Liam's hips and nuzzled into his chest. "Well done," he offered.
Liam laughed, loud and short, before pulling Louis more on top of him and kissed him lazily. "Thank you." He caressed his cheeks with a thumb and looked up at Louis with eyes full of things Louis could hear in his own head. "Really though, how was it for you? You alright?"
Louis made an indignant sound and combed his finger through Liam's hair. "I think I made enough embarrassing noises to confirm it was good for me. You?"
Liam raised a brow and shook his head in near disbelief. "I haven't been with a virgin since I was a teenager, and never one that felt like you. Took my cock perfectly, baby. Practically begged for it."
Louis groaned and hid his face in Liam's neck. "I didn't beg."
"You sort of did," Liam admitted, "but you had me so needy for it, too, Lou." He kissed Louis' hair and turned them on their sides. "I'm out of my mind for you."
Louis came out from his burrow at that, looking at Liam with a hesitant smile. "Yeah?"
"Absolutely. I don't think we're leaving this bed until call time tomorrow." Louis gasped playfully and pulled Liam on top of him.
Louis stood at the mirror, fixing his hair. Pushed back, just how Liam liked it. He straightened his jacket and washed his hands before heading back into the party. There were people he recognized instantly, hadn't changed a bit, and others he'd never seen, not sure if they were spouses or just kids he never got to know.
Across the room was the only person that Louis really cared about. Liam was talking to a small group, all of them enraptured with whatever story he was telling. Louis could relate. He came up to the group and put a gentle hand on Liam's lower back. Liam turned, already smiling, and put an arm around Louis' waist.
"Anyway, the point is, she never set foot in the Sciences building again."
The group laughed and Louis joined, knowing the story just by the punchline. When he looked away from Liam, the group was looking at him with mild confusion and a lot of hesitation.
"Louis? Louis Tomlinson? I didn't realize you and Mr. look great!" He did. He looked really good, thanks mostly to Liam's early morning boxing routines and green, leafy stuff he put with every meal.
"Thank you. I'm sorry, I don't remember your name..."
"Jenny...Torkin. It's fine, we never really talked. But now look at you." She glanced down to his hand. "Married. And I saw that last film you did. Really good."
Louis could barely contain his smile as he looked over to see Liam looking at him adoringly. "Two years in May."
"Wow," another guy chimed in. "Congratulations, guys. Did you up after you graduated, Louis?"
They wanted to know if Liam was fucking Louis ten years ago while he was still in school. Of course, he was, but they'd decided on a story before they came. "Yeah. Turns out we go to the same coffee shop."
"I still don't get why you go to a coffee shop for tea."
"At least mine is caffeinated, Mr. Decaf-no-soy-no-fun," Louis squeaked wildly.
Liam just pulled him in and quieted him with a kiss, nipping his lips just before pulling away. "And that's pretty much the story of our relationship," Liam laughed as he turned back to the group.
They introduced their significant others and Louis was just shaking some petite blonde's hand when he heard his name. He turned to see the source, only to be faced with dark hair and dark eyes.
"Hey." Liam excused them and kept close to Louis' side as they walked the few feet over to where Zayn was standing. "How are you?" Zayn asked, looking up to Liam. "Mr. Payne," he acknowledged.
"Liam is fine. You're not my student anymore."
"Right," he allowed warily. "How are you, Lou?" He asked again.
Louis hadn't flinched a single time hearing that name in nearly ten years. But hearing it in that voice made shivers slither over his spine. "I'm good. Really good. How are you?"
"I'm really good," Zayn answered with sincerity. "I've thought about you a lot over the years."
"Zayn, Liam and I are-"
Zayn put a quick hand up. "Oh God, I know. I mean, I knew before everyone else, right?" Everyone quieted at the reminder. "Anyway," Zayn moved on, "I meant I thought about how I treated you. I was-" he pressed a finger and thumb on either side on his nose, "awful. I can't beg for forgiveness enough for what I did to you." Louis just nodded slowly, pressing closer to Liam. "I know you don't have any reason to forgive me, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I was...messed up back then. Scared, you know."
"And now?"
"I've changed a lot."
A chipper voice came from behind Zayn's shoulder before a smiling blond joined the group with two drinks. "Here you go, babe, just how you like it."
Zayn took the drink and laced an arm around the blond's back. "Thanks, love." He turned back to Louis and Liam. "Niall, I'd like you to meet some old...mates of mine. Well actually, Louis was my best mate for a while, and Mr-Liam was my teacher."
"Woah," he said on a loud laugh. "Scandalous." The blond wiggled his eyebrows dramatically before sticking a hand out. "Niall, Zayn's fiancé."
Louis choked on the air he inhaled and coughed rather unattractively. Liam laughed quietly and rubbed his back until he stood back up with wide eyes. "Fiancé? You? Like engaged to be married to this man?"
Zayn lifted his hand from Niall's back to run through his own short hair. "Yeah, like I said Lou, a lot's changed."
Niall looked between the two before a look of realization came over him. "Lou. Oh wow, you're Louis. And Mr. Payne."
Louis still had his tongue hanging half out of his mouth, so Liam extended a hand towards Niall with a cordial, "Congrats on the engagement, mate."
Niall took it, but instead said, "He's changed. Been through a lot."
Zayn turned and pressed his lips to Niall's fluffy hair. "Helped me through a lot."
"This is insane." Louis' comatose finally wore off. "You're out?"
"Told my family three years after I graduated."
Louis shook his head in disbelief. "And a bloke?"
"Love of my life," he confirmed, making Niall's smile break wider.
Louis had so many questions, but then Niall put a hand on Zayn's chest and leaned up for a kiss and all Louis could do was sigh. "Congratulations, Zayn. And Niall."
Zayn laid his head on top of Niall's and half smiled. "Thank you, Lou. That means a lot."
Louis spent the next fifteen minutes of conversation on auto-pilot. The way Zayn was with Niall, gentle and sickeningly sweet, had tears stinging the corner of his eyes. He couldn't tell if it was anger, a bit of jealousy, or actual happiness for them. Liam happened to see and turned to cover Louis' body with his.
"Baby? You okay?" he whispered, hands on either side of Louis' face.
"Can we go home?"
"Yeah, of course." He gave Louis' forehead a kiss before turning, keeping Louis behind him. "We're actually going to head home. Little one's bed time and all."
"A kid? Oh, wow-yeah, of course," Zayn allowed immediately.
Louis steeled himself and swiped away his tears. He came around to stand next to Liam and extended a hand to them both, taking firm handshakes. "It was good seeing you, Zayn."
"You, too, Lou."
"I'm glad-" he shrugged, not knowing what to say. "I'm glad you're happy."
"Same, Louis. Really. I'm glad you guys worked out."
Louis just nodded stiffly and tugged on Liam's hand. "Nice to meet you, Niall. Bye, Zayn," Liam left them with that and put a protective arm around Louis as they walked out. Louis finally broke once they pulled out of the parking lot. Liam kept a sure hand on his knee the whole drive home, and took care of the babysitter while Louis went to the nursery and picked up their sleeping infant.
Liam came in a few minutes later and squatted down by the rocking chair, petting the small amount of hair on their baby's head. "We did good."
Louis loosed a wet laugh and smiled down at the tiny person in his arms. "We did, didn't we?"
Liam hummed his agreement and kept one hand on Louis and the other on their son for a few minutes of quiet before finally speaking up. "It's okay to be angry."
"Good. Because I am." He shook his head and sighed. "Maybe. I don't know. I just don't get it." He shifted his arms to put his kid's head on his shoulder, patting his back gently. "How can he just be totally out and okay now? After everything?"
"Would you rather him be with a woman and hiding who he is still? Angry at her like he was angry at you? Niall seems like a good guy."
"Well...yeah, I guess. I'm-I'm not angry. Just-I don't know. What did Niall do that I didn't?"
Liam's brows furrowed at that and he leaned up to kiss Louis' frown away. "Hey now. It's nothing you did. It was just where Zayn was at in his life." He tilted his head and kissed his son's hair. "Plus, I'm glad Zayn screwed up. If he hadn't, then I wouldn't have the beautiful family that I do."
"Damn right," Louis said firmly.
Liam gave him one more peck before standing. "Language in front of the kid." He held out his arms and took said sleeping kid from his husband, placing him in his crib and coming over to offer Louis a hand. Louis took it and let Liam pull him to their room.
Louis followed easily as Liam worshiped Louis' body with his hands and lips while he peeled off his clothes, leaving him in his pants. Louis snuggled under the covers and, when Liam got under in just his pants as well, he curled around him with a contented sigh. "Thank you for saving me."
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