Chapter 5
Megumi was surprised that he was able to fall asleep. After everything Yuji told him, the boy thought that he would have been kept awake, thinking. Instead, he had fallen asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
He was exhausted, and he hadn't realized how much stress he was under, until he had released it.
Now, as the he opened his eyes, the reality of the situation crashed down upon him. He glanced over at Yuji, who was fast asleep. The boy looked so peaceful, his features relaxed, and his chest rising and falling rhythmically. Megumi studied the boy's face, and wondered how he was supposed to process everything that he had learned.
In front of Yuji, he had been able to maintain his composure, and he had managed to comfort the other boy. But, the more he thought about what the boy had revealed, the more disturbed he felt. There were still a lot of unanswered questions, but he had no idea how to ask them, without causing Yuji additional distress.
The pink-haired boy's story was, without a doubt, completely absurd. Yet, Megumi couldn't find a single reason not to believe the boy. Itadori was the most honest, and genuine person that he knew. There was no way that the boy was lying, and the look of utter anguish on his face was enough to convince him.
If it had been someone else, he would have thought that they were insane.
The dark-haired boy felt sick and overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation.
He had always been pragmatic, and level-headed. He was never one to jump to conclusions, and he liked to gather all of the facts, before making a decision. However, this situation was unprecedented, and he wasn't sure what to do.
He knew that they would have to talk to Gojo, and he wondered if the man would even believe them. It seemed far-fetched, and unrealistic, but Gojo had a habit of defying the odds, especially when it came to trusting his students.
He thought about Gojo's unwavering faith in Yuji, and his willingness to believe in the boy, despite his lack of experience. He recalled the anger on his mentor's face when he had been told about Yuji's death, and his willingness to fight against the higher-ups.
Yes, Gojo would definitely believe them.
The only question was, what would he do?
What could they do?
He had no idea.
He thought about Nobara's death, and the grief that the boy had displayed. It suddenly made sense, why Yuji had been acting so strange, since his return. He had been grieving. Grieving for the people that he had lost in his timeline, and for the things that had happened.
Megumi was angry. Angry, and sad, and terrified. He was scared of the future that the boy had described, and the possibility of losing his friends. But, most of all, he was furious.
He was furious that the boy had gone through so much, and had been forced to carry the burden alone. He was furious that the boy had suffered, and had been hurt, so deeply. And, most of all, he was furious that the boy had tried to carry the burden himself.
He couldn't imagine what it must have felt like, for Yuji to have experienced all of that. He couldn't imagine the fear, and the pain, and the grief.
He knew that he needed to be there for the boy. He had promised to help him, and he intended to keep his promise. He wanted to support his friend, and help him carry the weight of his burden.
He would do whatever it took to protect Yuji, and make sure that the future that the boy described, never came to pass.
Just as he made up his mind, he heard the boy stir, and he watched as Yuji slowly opened his eyes.
"Hey," Megumi greeted, his voice soft.
Yuji rubbed his eyes and blinked.
"Hi," the boy yawned, his voice hoarse.
Megumi couldn't help but think about how strangely intimate the situation was. He had never really shared a room with anyone besides Tsumiki, and it felt oddly domestic.
"Sleep well?" the other boy inquired.
"Yeah," he murmured, his voice husky. "Actually, really well."
"Good," Megumi nodded, pleased.
He was glad that Yuji had been able to get some rest, and he knew that they would both need it.
"You're up early," Yuji observed, his eyes sleepy.
"I was thinking," Megumi explained, his voice low.
"About what I said last night?" he inquired, his expression cautious.
"Yes," Megumi admitted.
Yuji bit his lip, and his brow furrowed.
"Are you- are you okay, Fushiguro?" he asked, his voice uncertain.
"Are you?" Megumi shot back.
Yuji sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Not really," he admitted.
"Yeah," Megumi murmured, his voice pensive. "Me neither."
Yuji was silent, and he studied Megumi's face. Megumi held his gaze and was surprised by how open Yuji's eyes were. There was a vulnerability and warmth in his brown eyes that he had never seen before.
"Are you having second thoughts?" Yuji asked, his voice hesitant.
"Second thoughts?" Megumi repeated, confused.
"About believing me," Yuji clarified, his expression guarded.
Megumi frowned and shook his head.
"No," he replied, his tone firm.
"Oh," Yuji breathed, his eyes widening.
Megumi saw the hope and relief flash across Yuji's face. He wasn't sure why Yuji was so concerned, and the uncertainty made his heart clench.
"Did you think that I would doubt you?" he questioned, his brow furrowing.
"It's just— the things I told you, they're pretty unbelievable," Yuji responded, his voice unsure.
"True," Megumi agreed, his expression thoughtful. "What you told me defies all logic. It sounds insane and ridiculous."
Yuji sighed, and his face fell.
"But," Megumi continued, "I believe every word of it."
Yuji looked up, and his eyes widened.
"You— you do?" he stammered, shocked.
"I do," Megumi confirmed, his voice sincere.
"Why?" Yuji blurted out.
"Because I trust you. Completely."
Yuji's eyes widened even further, and his lips parted. Megumi was surprised by his own candour, and his honesty. He hadn't intended to admit so much, but there was something about the other boy's presence that made him feel safe.
"Fushiguro," Yuji muttered, his voice thick. "I don't- I don't deserve-"
"Don't finish that sentence," Megumi interjected, his tone firm. "I have seen you do nothing but care, and sacrifice for others. You are a good person, Itadori. Don't ever doubt that."
"O- okay," Yuji choked out, his eyes glistening.
They sat in silence for a moment, before Megumi cleared his throat.
"So, are you still up for talking to Gojo-sensei today?"
"Yeah," Yuji answered, his voice strained.
"Do you want to do it now, or later?" Megumi questioned, his voice gentle. "I can text him to come over."
"Now," Yuji mumbled, his voice thick. "It'll just be worse the longer we wait."
"Alright," Megumi agreed.
He sent a text to his mentor, asking the man to come to see them. He wasn't sure how the conversation would go, but he hoped that Gojo would be able to provide them with some answers.
It didn't take long for Gojo to arrive, and the man entered the room without knocking. He was wearing his sunglasses and carrying takeaway bags, presumably full of food.
"I was already on my way when you texted me," he explained, his voice cheerful. "I hope you boys are hungry."
Megumi glanced at Yuji, who looked like he was going to be sick at any second.
"Gojo-sensei, can you sit?" Megumi requested, his tone hesitant.
The older sorcerer sat down, and tilted his head.
"What's wrong?" he questioned, his tone wary.
"Fushiguro, can you tell him?" Yuji interjected, his voice shaking.
"You want me to tell him?" Megumi queried, his brow furrowed.
"Please," Yuji begged, his eyes pleading.
Megumi turned to Gojo, and took a deep breath.
"I need you to be patient, and not react," he stated, his voice serious.
"Oh-kay," Gojo drawled, his brow furrowing.
Megumi glanced at Yuji again, and saw that the boy was visibly shaking. He took the other boy's hand, and squeezed it reassuringly. Yuji looked up at him, his eyes wide, and Megumi gave him a small smile.
"Itadori is from the future," he declared, his voice clear.
There was a moment of silence, and then-
"Oh," Gojo murmured, his voice quiet.
Megumi watched as his mentor's expression shifted, and his brow furrowed. He saw the moment that the man processed the information, and he saw the shock, and the recognition, flash across the older sorcerer's face.
He was quiet for a moment, as if contemplating how to react.
"It makes sense," he murmured finally, his voice distant.
"It does?" Yuji blurted out.
His grip on Megumi's hand tightened, and the dark-haired boy looked down, surprised to see how pale the boy had become.
"It does," Gojo confirmed, his voice quiet. "All of your behavior since you returned. You've been acting like someone who has lost something. I couldn't figure out what it was, but now, it makes sense."
He removed his sunglasses, and his piercing blue eyes bore into Yuji.
"I'm guessing the future isn't pretty," Gojo commented, his tone somber.
"No," Yuji agreed, his voice hoarse.
"And you don't know how you came back?" the older sorcerer questioned, his voice curious.
"No," Yuji confirmed. "One minute I was dead, and the next, I was in the infirmary, and, well... You were there."
"I see," Gojo murmured, his expression contemplative.
Megumi's eyes narrowed, and his stomach churned. There was something about Gojo's demeanor that made him suspicious. The older sorcerer was too calm, and his questions were too pointed. He wasn't acting the way Megumi had expected, and the dark-haired boy didn't like it.
"How can you accept this so easily?" Megumi blurted out, his voice strained. "We're telling you that Yuji is from the future, and you're acting like it's normal."
Gojo sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Well, it's certainly not normal. It's not something I would have ever thought was possible," he began, his voice thoughtful. "But, ever since Yuji was revived, I've been suspecting that there was more going on than we knew. And, well, Yuji's behavior since he's come back has confirmed that."
"So, you believe me?" Yuji questioned, his voice small.
"I do," Gojo confirmed. "I'm assuming that Megumi believes you too?"
"I do," Megumi stated, his voice firm.
"Good," Gojo murmured, his tone resolute. "Then we have a lot to talk about."
Yuji was visibly shaken, and his grip on Megumi's hand was starting to cut off circulation. The dark-haired boy squeezed his hand, and felt him relax slightly.
He felt Gojo's gaze on him and glanced over at the man. His expression was unreadable, but there was an expression on his face, something akin to awe, and it made Megumi feel strangely exposed.
"So, I suppose the obvious question is, what happened?" Gojo asked, his gaze moving to Yuji.
Yuji was silent, and his expression was strained. Megumi decided to intervene, sensing Yuji's discomfort.
"Itadori told me that on the 31st October, Shibuya was attacked and a lot of civilians and sorcerers died," Megumi informed.
Yuji gave him a thankful look, and Megumi nodded reassuringly.
"Oh," Gojo murmured, his expression solemn.
"T-they called it the Shibuya Incident," Yuji stammered, his voice shaky. "We had no idea what we were up against. It was an ambush. An ancient sorcerer named Kenjaku, along with several special-grade cursed spirits, attacked us. So many people died."
There was another moment of silence as Gojo processed Yuji's words. Then, his expression turned pained.
"How could something like that happen? Where was I? How did I let this happen?" Gojo muttered finally.
Yuji hesitated, his eyes widening. Megumi frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Itadori told me that you got sealed in the Prison Realm by Kenjaku," Megumi relayed, his voice soft.
It seemed like Gojo wasn't able to keep up the calm and collected exterior anymore. Strangely enough, Megumi found it a relief. He didn't want his mentor to suffer, but he didn't want the man to be perfect and untouchable either.
"How?" he demanded, his voice harsh. "The Prison Realm requires someone to spend one minute within its 4-meter radius. I wouldn't- I couldn't- How did they get me there?"
Yuji was silent, and tears fell down his face. Megumi's fingers dug into his shoulder. This information was new for him as well, and it made him sick to his stomach.
"It doesn't have to be a minute in the real world. Only in your head," Yuji uttered, his voice choked. "I- I'm not sure about the specifics, I wasn't there when it happened. Ieiri-san told me later that the man whose body Kenjaku was inhabiting, he was... well, he was a friend of yours. Which caught you off-guard, and allowed them to seal you away."
Megumi watched as Gojo's expression changed from anger to horror, and then finally to pain.
"No, that's not possible," the man denied, his voice hoarse.
Yuji wiped the tears from his face and met Gojo's gaze.
"Kenjaku used the body of Geto Suguru," Yuji revealed, his tone blunt.
Gojo looked like he'd been punched in the gut, and Yuji squeezed his eyes shut, as though he couldn't bear to see the other man's anguish.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice ragged.
Gojo was quiet, and Megumi didn't know what to say.
"That's- That's not all," Yuji confessed, his tone shaky. "Fushiguro, I need to tell this to you, too."
Megumi felt his heart lurch, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. There was more?
"After successfully sealing Gojo-sensei, Kenjaku absorbed a special-grade curse named Mahito. He used his technique to awaken a thousand of new sorcerers - regular people suddenly receiving cursed techniques, and ancient sorcerers were incarnated in new vessels. Then he... he launched the Culling Games."
"The what?" the other boy blurted, his tone stunned.
"The Culling Games," Yuji repeated, his tone flat. "He split Tokyo into colonies. Everyone within the colonies became a player, and everyone who was awakened was forced to play, or they would die. It was a battle royale of sorts. The players had to kill each other for points."
"This is insane," Megumi murmured, his expression dumbfounded.
"It gets worse," he added, his tone somber. "Kenjaku's plan with the Culling Games was to generate enough cursed energy to start the Great Merger."
"The what?" Megumi repeated, his voice hushed.
"He wanted to merge the population of Japan with Tengen," Yuji explained, his voice grim.
Megumi glanced at Gojo, and the man was pale, his hands gripping his knees, his knuckles white.
Yuji looked like he wanted to say something else, but stopped himself, and Megumi wondered why. But before he could ask, Gojo spoke up.
"You said you died in your timeline. Can you tell me more about that?"
He was pale, and trembling once again. Megumi wanted to pull him into his arms, and hold him until he stopped shaking, but he held himself back.
"I can't tell you everything. Not yet," he admitted, his voice shaky. "It's too much."
"That's okay, Yuji," Megumi interjected, his voice gentle.
Gojo, who was looking worse than before, gave him a tight smile.
"You did well. Thank you for telling me what happened," the man commended, his tone earnest.
Yuji's shoulders sagged, and he nodded.
"What's going to happen now?" the other boy interjected, his brow furrowed.
Gojo ran a hand through his hair.
"First, we need to focus on preventing the Shibuya Incident. If I don't get sealed, then the Culling Games will never happen," he asserted, his voice determined.
"Are you sure that's wise?" Yuji cautioned, his tone tentative. "I mean, if you don't get sealed, will Kenjaku not do something else to get the outcome he wants?"
"Perhaps, but it's a risk we'll have to take. I can't- I can't let those things happen. And I can't let all of you get hurt. You're my students," he reasoned.
Yuji nodded, his expression uncertain. Megumi's stomach churned. What was going to happen now?
Gojo stood up.
"We'll meet tomorrow to discuss this. I- I have some things I need to think about," he announced, his expression strained.
Megumi was alarmed. Gojo never looked like that. He was always cocky, and confident. This was a different side to the man, and Megumi didn't like it.
Yuji's eyes were downcast, and he appeared to be deep in thought. Megumi wondered if he was thinking about what would happen next.
The man walked towards the door, and turned back to look at the two boys.
"Now, eat," he instructed, his tone firm. "I need you both well rested and strong for what's to come."
He closed the door behind him, and left.
Gojo had to leave the room, feeling lightheaded; the last thing he wanted was to pass out in front of his students.
The information Yuji shared was shocking and terrifying. He didn't know how to process it all. He didn't want to appear weak in front of the boys, especially after Yuji had confided so much to him.
Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes, attempting to gather his thoughts. His mind raced and his heart pounded so hard he thought it was going to explode. An ancient sorcerer was walking around in Suguru's body, plotting the destruction of humanity.
He felt the bile rising up his throat, and he quickly opened his eyes, and swallowed it down. His hands were shaking, and his legs felt like jelly, but he somehow managed to push himself off the wall, and stumble into the nearest bathroom.
He collapsed to his knees, and heaved the contents of his stomach into the toilet. His eyes stung with tears, and his chest was tight. He couldn't catch his breath, and his hands were clammy.
He had no idea how long he was kneeling on the bathroom floor, his stomach emptied, and his throat sore, but when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, he startled.
"Easy," a voice soothed.
Gojo looked up, and saw Shoko kneeling next to him. Her brown eyes were soft, and her expression was sympathetic.
"Sorry," he murmured, his voice hoarse.
"Don't be."
He gave her a wry smile.
"Do you want to explain why you're on the bathroom floor, and puking your guts out?" the brunette inquired, her tone wry.
Gojo let out a dry laugh.
"I'd love to," the man replied, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Shoko rolled her eyes, and got to her feet.
"Come on, I'll help you up," she offered, her tone gentle.
He nodded, allowing her assistance. His knees ached, head pounding. He knew the nausea had passed, but the taste of bile lingered. Shoko handed him a bottle of water, and he smiled at her gratefully. He took a swig, and then rinsed his mouth out.
"Thanks," he said appreciatively.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong, or am I going to have to guess?" the brunette queried, her tone playful.
Gojo sighed.
"You're gonna need a drink for this one."
Megumi's mouth was dry, and he was tired, but his mind was still racing. Gojo had left the room some time ago, and Yuji was curled up on the bed, his eyes shut. The other boy knew that Yuji wasn't sleeping, because his features were tense, and his body was too rigid.
The information that Yuji had shared was disturbing, to say the least, and Megumi didn't know what they could possibly do. He was sure that Gojo was formulating a plan, and if anyone could stop this madness, it was Gojo. After he gets over the fact that his best friend's body is being inhabited by a psychotic sorcerer, and said psychotic sorcerer is planning to seal him away in a cube, of course.
Megumi sighed, and rubbed a hand across his face. His thoughts drifted back to the Culling Games, and the part of Yuji's story that he hadn't told them. The black-haired boy had a sinking feeling that it was somehow connected to him.
He felt a weight shift on the bed, and saw that Yuji had sat up. He looked tired, and his eyes were swollen, and bloodshot.
"Are you alright?" Megumi asked, his voice gentle.
Yuji smiled at him, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"As good as can be expected, I guess," Yuji murmured, his tone wistful. "I'm a bit relieved, though."
"Relieved?" Megumi inquired, his curiosity evident.
"Yeah. I'm glad that I could share the truth with you. I didn't know if I would ever be able to tell you what really happened," Yuji confessed, his voice weary.
"I'm glad, too," Megumi admitted, softly. "It's a lot to take in, though. I'm sure it was hard to talk about, so, thank you."
Yuji's expression softened.
"Thank you, too," Yuji echoed, his voice tender.
Megumi blushed.
"I didn't do anything," he muttered, his cheeks reddening.
Yuji reached out, and grabbed his hand. His palm was warm, and his skin was soft. Megumi's pulse quickened, and he couldn't meet Yuji's eyes. It was strange, having Yuji touch him, because he wasn't used to it, and it felt intimate. Earlier when Yuji was having a panic attack, and Megumi had held him, that had been different, because it had been a gesture of comfort. Now, Yuji was holding his hand for no reason at all, and it was making his face hot.
"You did, though," Yuji persisted, his tone earnest. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without you."
Megumi squeezed Yuji's hand and glanced up at him. His hazel eyes were warm, and his expression was kind. Megumi suddenly remembered when they had first met, and how Yuji had tried to be his friend. Back then, he had been standoffish, and cold, but Yuji hadn't given up, and eventually, Megumi had warmed up to him.
It was weird to think about that, because, in reality, Megumi had only known Yuji for a few weeks. Their friendship was still fresh, and new, but somehow, he already felt closer to Yuji than he had with anyone else, including Nobara.
"Are you feeling any better?" he ventured, his voice hushed.
Yuji gave him a small smile, and the sight of it made Megumi's chest feel tight.
"A little," he admitted, his tone hesitant.
Megumi shifted closer, and Yuji's smile widened.
"Would it be okay if I- I mean, can I-" he stammered, his voice nervous.
Megumi's face was warm.
"Yes, you can hug me," he assured, voice soft.
Yuji's expression brightened, and he wrapped his arms around Megumi's waist. The other boy placed his arms around Yuji's neck, and hugged him tightly. He rested his chin on top of Yuji's head, and took a deep breath.
The pink haired boy smelled sweet, and faintly of flowers. Megumi could feel the warmth of his body pressed against his own, and he could feel his heart beating against his chest. Yuji's grip tightened, and he tucked his face into the crook of Megumi's neck. Megumi shivered when his breath fanned across his skin.
The boy relaxed, and the tension left his body. Megumi ran his fingers through his soft hair, and his other hand slid up his back, and came to rest between his shoulder blades. He was struck by the urge to press a kiss against his forehead, and his face grew hot.
The sound of the door opening made him pull away, and Yuji's face was red, and he looked embarrassed. Megumi turned his attention to the door, and saw that Nobara had walked in. Her brown eyes widened when she saw them.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," she apologized, her tone sheepish.
"You're not interrupting anything," Megumi corrected, his voice gruff.
She stood awkwardly by the door.
"You can come in, Kugisaki," Yuji offered, his voice encouraging.
She stepped into the room, and shut the door behind her. She gave the two boys a small smile.
"Look, I wanted to apologize. For what I said earlier," she mumbled, her tone sincere. "I didn't want to make you upset, Itadori. I just- I was confused, and frustrated, and- Well, I'm sorry."
"Don't be," he countered, his voice gentle. "I know that this is hard for you - both of you. It must be so frustrating to see me, and not know why, or what's happening. So, I'm the one who should apologize."
Nobara shook her head, tears welling in her eyes.
"No, don't apologize, you idiot," she retorted, her voice fierce. "Just let me join your stupid hug, okay?"
Yuji laughed, and opened his arms. Nobara stepped forward, and pulled both of them into her embrace. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, and sniffled.
"I've missed you, Itadori," she admitted, her voice soft.
"I've missed you, too," he echoed, his voice gentle.
Megumi felt like his heart might burst, and his eyes stung. The three of them stood like that for a while, just holding each other, and breathing in each other's scent. He realized how lucky he was to have friends like this, and he wished he could keep them safe, no matter what.
He remembered what Yuji said about Nobara dying, and his throat closed up. He tightened his arms around the two of them, and pulled them close.
"Fushiguro, you're squishing me," Nobara complained, her voice muffled.
"Oh, sorry," Megumi apologized, his tone sheepish.
They pulled apart, and the girl wiped the tears from her eyes. She gave the two boys a smile.
"So, now that we're all good, what the hell is going on?" she demanded.
Megumi looked at Yuji and saw that he was looking at him, too. He sighed.
"We'll tell you everything," he assured.
The unsaid 'but', hung heavy in the air.
Gojo returned to the room to find the three first-year students sitting together on the bed. Nobara was listening intently to the two boys as they spoke. She had a determined look on her face, and her expression was intense. Megumi had his arm around the pink-haired boy, and Yuji's head was resting on the other boy's shoulder. Gojo watched as Nobara leaned forward and grabbed Yuji's hand. Her brow was furrowed, and her jaw was set.
He felt his heart squeeze and a lump formed in his throat. His students had grown close and they trusted each other, their pain and determination evident in their eyes. He was sure that most people would have called Yuji insane and dismissed him as a lunatic, but these two believed him. They trusted him and were willing to put their lives on the line to save the world.
The pink-haired boy looked over at Gojo and gave him a small smile, warm and with eyes shining with unshed tears.
"Hey, Sensei," Yuji greeted, his tone tentative.
"How are you holding up, Yuji?" Gojo inquired, his voice gentle.
The boy's smile widened.
"Better, thanks," Yuji answered, his tone affectionate.
Gojo noticed Megumi's arm tighten around his friend's shoulders, and the other boy's gaze hardened. He knew that Megumi would stop at nothing to protect his friends, and he felt a wave of pride wash over him.
"Good," Gojo declared, his tone firm.
His two students exchanged a look.
"So, what's the plan?" the dark-haired boy asked, his tone serious.
Gojo smiled.
"Right to the point, I see," he quipped, his tone amused.
Megumi's lips twitched, and Yuji giggled.
"Well, I'm glad you're taking this seriously," Gojo noted, smiling. "Nanami is returning from his mission tonight. I was thinking we could have a discussion tomorrow and figure out what our next move should be."
"Did you tell anyone else?" Megumi questioned, his tone curious.
"Only Shoko," Gojo explained, his voice soft. "I couldn't risk the information getting out."
The dark-haired boy nodded.
"What are we supposed to do until then?" Nobara piped up, her tone exasperated.
Gojo grinned.
"Relax, obviously," he answered simply.
His students exchanged another look.
"What is it with you and your weird sense of humor?" the girl grumbled.
"It's a gift," Gojo replied, his tone light.
Megumi sighed.
"So, what, do you want us to just pretend that everything is fine?" the dark-haired boy snapped, his voice heated.
Gojo's smile faded.
"No, not everything is fine, and I know that," he assured, his voice solemn. "But today has been exhausting, and you should get some rest. We can discuss our plans tomorrow."
He could tell that the three students wanted to protest, but he held up a hand and silenced them.
"I know you want to keep moving, and you're all so eager to do something," he acknowledged, his voice gentle. "But, we have time, and right now, the best thing you can do is take care of yourselves."
"Okay," the three students conceded, their voices tired.
Gojo felt his heart ache, and his chest was heavy.
"I'm going to leave now, but please try to get some sleep, and don't stay up all night," he implored, his tone fond.
His students nodded.
"We'll try," Yuji promised, his voice soft.
The man smiled.
"That's all I can ask for," he agreed.
He gave the students one last look, then turned, and left the room. The door shut behind him, and Gojo felt his shoulders sag. The weight of the day's events were catching up to him, and his entire body was aching. He could still hear the sounds of his students talking, and he sighed.
His mind wandered, and he thought about what the future might hold. He had no idea what would happen, but he had to trust that things would work out.
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