Chapter 30
When the pillar of light disappeared, Megumi felt so terrified that he almost couldn't breathe.
The light had disappeared, and Yuji's body had fallen onto the ground. He was lying there, still, unmoving, and Megumi's heart dropped.
He didn't even realize he was running, sprinting, towards Yuji, and his legs were shaking and his breath was short, and his vision was blurring, and his eyes were burning.
Gojo was already kneeling down next to him, and he was checking his pulse, and Megumi couldn't think, couldn't feel anything but the fear that was overwhelming him.
"Please," Megumi whispered, falling to his knees, and he grabbed Yuji's hand, his fingers squeezing his limp wrist.
"He's alive, Megumi. Sukuna is gone," Gojo said softly, his voice filled with relief.
"Yuji," Megumi breathed, and he leaned down, pressing his ear to Yuji's chest, and his eyes widened when he heard his heartbeat, the steady rise and fall of his chest, and he almost sobbed.
Yuji was alive.
He was breathing. His heart was beating.
Yuji was alive.
Yuji was alive.
Megumi didn't realize he was crying, his tears falling down his cheeks, and his hands were trembling, and his lips were quivering, and he felt Gojo's hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently, reassuringly.
"He did it," Megumi murmured, and his voice broke.
"He did," Gojo replied, and Megumi could hear the emotion in his voice. "Yuji did it."
He could feel the weight of the words, the meaning behind them, the magnitude of the victory.
"What's going on?" Nobara's voice broke the silence, and she ran up to them, her eyes wide. "Is he-"
"Yuji did it. Sukuna is gone," Gojo repeated.
"Thank God," Nobara sighed. "We were watching from the side. It was terrifying."
"He did great," Gojo said, his tone soft.
"How is he?" she asked, kneeling down next to them.
"Unconscious. Probably exhausted," Gojo replied. "Shoko, can you help him?"
"I'm already on it," Shoko said, and Megumi realized that she was already crouching down next to him, and he could feel her cursed energy as she was starting to heal him.
"Is he going to be okay?" Megumi asked.
"He should be. He's in a better condition than last time, thanks to the Reverse Cursed Technique he's been using."
"Good," Gojo said. "I'll warp you two to the infirmary so you can help him."
"Okay. Thanks, Gojo," Shoko said, and Megumi watched as his teacher picked Yuji up and warped him and Shoko away.
He stared at the space where Yuji had been, the sudden emptiness feeling surreal.
"You okay?" Nobara asked, and he could see the worry in her eyes.
"Yeah," Megumi answered, and his voice was shaking, and his throat felt tight.
He looked up to see Tsumiki and Hana approaching them.
"Tsumiki, are you okay?"
"She's a little shaken, but she's okay," Hana said, and she had her arm around her. "It was quite scary."
"Yeah, it was," Nobara agreed.
"Is Yuji okay?" Tsumiki asked, and she looked worried.
"He's okay. He's unconscious right now, but Shoko's going to heal him," Nobara replied.
"Oh. That's good."
"Yeah. Thank goodness," Hana agreed.
"I'm going to head over to the infirmary to make sure he's okay," Megumi said.
"Okay. I'm sure he'll appreciate it when he wakes up," Hana said, and she gave him a small smile.
"Thanks, Hana. For agreeing to do all this. I'm-I'm sorry you had to go through this. I know it wasn't easy."
Hana chuckled.
"It wasn't easy, no. But, I'm glad we were able to help. And, I'm glad Yuji's okay."
"Thank you," Megumi repeated, and Hana gave him a reassuring smile.
"And, Megumi?"
"I feel a bit silly for not realizing sooner, but... I'm happy for you. You and Itadori."
Megumi felt his cheeks heating up, and he looked away.
"Oh. Thank you."
"I'm serious," Hana insisted. "You guys are cute together. You make a great couple."
"Uh, thanks. Um, anyway, I'll see you later," Megumi stammered, and Hana laughed.
"Go see him. Tell him we'll stop by to visit him later."
"Okay. Thanks again," Megumi said, and then he turned around and started running towards the infirmary.
When he got there, he opened the door and entered the room, and his heart sank when he saw Yuji lying in bed, his chest rising and falling slowly, his face pale, his expression peaceful.
"How is he?"
"He's stable. His wounds were healed, and he's resting now. He should wake up soon," Shoko answered.
"Oh. That's good."
"I'm finished here, so I'm going to head out. Let me know if there are any changes, or if something happens, okay?"
"I will. Thank you, Ieiri-san."
"No problem," Shoko said, and she stood up and walked towards the door. "I'll see you later."
"Bye," Megumi said, and she shut the door.
And then, Megumi was alone with Yuji, the only sounds in the room the rhythmic beeps of the monitor.
He was quiet for a moment, taking in Yuji's features, the rise and fall of his chest.
"You idiot. You scared me," Megumi said, and he grabbed his hand, interlacing their fingers, and he could feel the warmth of his skin, could feel his pulse against his own.
Yuji's hand twitched, and Megumi held his breath.
And then, Yuji was groaning, and he was blinking, and his eyes were open, and he was staring up at him.
"Who are you?"
Megumi stared at him, and his heart dropped.
Yuji chuckled, and his hand squeezed Megumi's, and his lips were curling up into a grin.
"Gotcha," he said, and Megumi felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. "Your face is hilarious."
"You bastard. Don't do that," Megumi growled, and he let go of his hand and hit his arm. "You almost gave me a heart attack."
Yuji winced, and then, he chuckled again, his voice hoarse.
"Sorry. Couldn't resist."
But, he couldn't even pretend to be mad at him, not when Yuji was looking at him like that, his smile wide and his eyes sparkling.
"How do you feel?" Megumi asked, his tone softer.
"Free," Yuji replied, his tone wistful. "It's hard to believe, but, I don't feel Sukuna anymore. It's strange, not having him inside my head. It's... different."
Megumi still couldn't quite believe it, couldn't quite believe that they'd actually won.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Megumi said. "It must've been so hard."
"I was actually fighting him, inside his innate domain," Yuji said, and Megumi stared at him, his mouth falling open.
"You were-you were fighting him?"
"Yeah," Yuji confirmed, and his gaze was focused on the ceiling. "He said if he killed me there, he'd be able to bury my consciousness and take over my body and escape Jacob's Ladder. But, I beat him."
Megumi didn't know what to say.
"You fought him," Megumi repeated, the words sounding surreal. "You fought a fifteen finger Sukuna. In his domain. And, you won."
Yuji turned his head and looked at him, his eyes shining.
"Yeah. I won."
Megumi could barely breathe.
"Yuji, you're-"
He didn't even know how to put his thoughts into words.
"Amazing," Megumi finished, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're amazing, Yuji."
Yuji grinned, and his eyes crinkled at the corners.
"Well, if he had his domain expansion, I would have been a goner. It was a pretty close call. And, the fight wasn't easy. But, yeah, I guess you're right. I did win."
He sounded so proud, and Megumi smiled.
"I'm happy for you. I can't imagine how it must've felt to have to deal with him."
"I feel sorry for him, you know. Even though he was evil, even though he tried to destroy the world, I still can't help but feel bad. He was so miserable, so angry, and it's sad."
Megumi knew Yuji's empathy was part of what made him who he was.
"Yeah, I can see why you'd feel that way."
"But, I don't regret killing him," Yuji added. "Not at all."
"That's good," Megumi said, and he squeezed his hand, and Yuji smiled.
"Anyway, enough about that," Yuji said, changing the subject. "Come sit down. I wanna hold your hand and be disgustingly in love with you."
"Idiot," Megumi muttered, and Yuji laughed, the sound making his heart flutter.
Megumi sat down in the chair next to his bed, and Yuji grabbed his hand and held it, and he could feel his warm palm, the way his fingers were laced with his own.
"There. That's better," Yuji murmured, and his eyes were bright.
"How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" Megumi asked.
"Nah. I feel fine," Yuji answered. "Really, I just wanna flirt with you and be all sappy and gross."
Megumi rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I've earned the right to be sappy," Yuji defended. "I mean, I literally just fought the King of Curses. I deserve some flirting."
Megumi couldn't argue with that.
"Alright, then, Yuji. Woo me."
"Oh, don't worry. I will. I'll make you fall madly in love with me. I'll sweep you off your feet. I'll charm the pants off you. I'll-"
"Are you sure you aren't delirious from blood loss or something?"
"No," Yuji laughed. "I'm just in a really good mood."
Megumi didn't think he'd ever seen Yuji this happy before.
"Well, I'll have you know I'm already madly in love with you, but my pants are definitely staying on."
"That's unfortunate," Yuji said, and then, his lips curled up into a grin.
And then, Yuji leaned forward, and his free hand was cupping his cheek, and Megumi could feel his fingers brushing his skin, could feel his thumb tracing his cheekbone, could feel the warmth of his palm, could feel the calluses from training.
Yuji kissed him, and it was gentle, and it was sweet, and Yuji was holding him like he was precious, like he was the most important thing in the world.
And, God, Megumi had never felt this way before, had never felt so wanted, had never felt so loved.
When Yuji pulled away, Megumi felt breathless, and he stared at him, his vision blurry.
"Hey, don't cry. Your tears will make me cry."
"Idiot. It's not because I'm sad," Megumi sniffled, wiping his eyes. "I'm just happy."
Yuji chuckled.
"So, are you ready for me to flirt with you more?"
"Do your worst."
Yuji grinned, and he scooted over in the bed, and he patted the empty space next to him.
"Get in the bed."
"You can't be serious," Megumi deadpanned. "We're in the infirmary."
"Yeah, and you made it clear that your pants aren't coming off. So, we're going to cuddle and hold hands and kiss. You can't stop me. I literally just beat Sukuna."
"You're such a dumbass."
"Yeah, but I'm your dumbass. And, I want you to snuggle with me, and I'm going to flirt with you, and there's nothing you can do about it. So, get in the bed, Fushiguro Megumi. I'll fight you."
Megumi stared at him for a moment, and then, he sighed, and he pulled his hand away and took off his shoes and his uniform jacket, and he climbed onto the bed and laid down next to him.
"Good. There's my boyfriend. Gotta love it when he's in the bed."
"I am seriously considering getting up," Megumi warned.
"No. You aren't. I'm irresistible."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"You are a literal pain in my ass, Yuji."
"Well, you can be a pain in mine anytime you want, babe."
Megumi snorted, and then, he burst out laughing, and he couldn't stop himself, his chest shaking as the laughter tumbled out of him, and Yuji was smiling so brightly, and he was so beautiful.
"God, I love you," Megumi managed between laughs.
"See, this is what I'm talking about. I'm literally irresistible. You're in love with me, and it's embarrassing."
"Just don't call me babe ever again. Or, any other cheesy nickname, okay?"
"Fine. I'll just call you the love of my life, the best thing that's ever happened to me, the light of my life, my sunshine, the apple of my eye, the air that I breathe-"
"Stop," Megumi said, and the laughter bubbled out of him again, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd been this happy.
"I'm just messing with you," Yuji chuckled, and he reached out and brushed his fingers along his jaw. "I don't know about you, but, I'm pretty sure you're my soulmate. I don't believe in all that fate crap, but, there's no way you're not the love of my life."
"That's the gayest thing I've ever heard, Yuji."
"Yeah, and we're both super gay. Now, cuddle me."
"You're so needy," Megumi said, and then, Yuji's arm was draping around his waist, and he was pulling him close, and their chests were pressed together, and their legs were tangled, and Megumi's chin was tucked into his shoulder.
"There. Perfect," Yuji whispered, and Megumi could feel his breath against his skin, could feel his lips moving against his collarbone.
"If Gojo-sensei walks in and sees us like this, I'm never going to hear the end of it."
"Eh. Worth it."
"Your idiot."
Megumi wrapped his arms around his back and hugged him.
"My idiot," he agreed.
Gojo-sensei did not walk in on them.
Hana, Tsumiki, and Nobara did.
They'd been talking and laughing and kissing, and Yuji's hands were wandering, and Megumi's mind was hazy, and the door opened.
"Oh. Oops. Sorry," Nobara said, and her face was bright red.
"It's fine. We were just talking," Megumi lied, and Yuji was grinning, his hand resting on his thigh.
"Uh-huh," Nobara replied, and then, she'd cleared her throat, and Hana and Tsumiki walked into the room, their faces flushed.
"Sorry," Tsumiki said, her gaze pointed at the floor. "We were just wondering how you're doing, Yuji. You seem... better."
"Oh, yeah. Much better," Yuji answered, and Megumi glared at him. "Anyway, what's up?"
"Not much. Just came by to see you. You're looking pretty cozy there, Fushiguro. Are you two celebrating the victory or something?" Nobara teased, and Megumi felt his cheeks heating up.
"Yes. We're totally doing the nasty," Yuji deadpanned, and Megumi almost kicked him out of the bed.
"I am literally going to kill you, Yuji," Megumi threatened.
"Please stop talking."
"Oh, come on. You know I'm kidding. Tsumiki-chan, please don't look at me like that. I'm not doing anything inappropriate with your brother. Besides, his pants are still on, so-"
"Stop talking, or I'm going to throw you out the window," Megumi growled, his face burning.
"Wow. So aggressive."
Tsumiki laughed, and Hana was covering her mouth with her hand, her shoulders shaking, and Nobara was chuckling.
"I'm so sorry," Megumi mumbled, turning to look at Tsumiki and Hana. "Ever since he woke up, he's been insufferable. He won't stop flirting with me."
"It's called being happy! I just beat Sukuna, and I'm alive, and the love of my life is in the bed with me, and-"
"Anyway," Megumi interrupted, trying to ignore the way his heart fluttered when Yuji called him the love of his life. "I'm guessing Gojo-sensei has already spread the word about the fact that Sukuna is gone? Knowing him, he's probably throwing a party."
"Oh, he did mention something about a party. He just texted-"
"THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A SURPRISE!" Gojo shouted from the doorway.
"Jesus Christ, sensei. Don't do that," Nobara snapped, jumping. "You almost gave me a heart attack."
Gojo walked into the room and waved, and his grin was wide.
"Speaking of heart attacks! Megumi-chan, are you planning on giving me one? So scandalous, snuggling with your boyfriend in the infirmary. And, with your clothes on, too! What a travesty. And, here I thought I taught you better. You wound me."
Megumi was pretty sure the blush had reached the tips of his ears.
"Oh, I'd love to give you a heart attack, sensei," he retorted. "Preferably, by strangling you."
"Rude. So rude, Megumi-chan. I'm the one who taught you how to fight. Shouldn't you be more grateful?"
Megumi decided that he won't be answering that.
"It's good to see that you're okay, Yuji," Gojo-sensei added, his tone softer.
"Thanks. Feels good to be alive."
"I'd imagine. Anyway, my surprise party has been compromised, thanks to Nobara, but, it's going to happen! It's going to be huge! Everyone is coming! It's gonna be fun! I already texted Utahime, although she said something about me being an annoying, cocky, loud-mouthed jerk. Whatever. It's fine. She's bringing her students. She's actually excited, even though she's pretending not to be."
Megumi wondered if Gojo and Yuji shared the same brain cell sometimes.
"Sounds like a blast," Yuji replied, and he sounded genuinely excited, which shouldn't have surprised Megumi.
"Oh, it will be! But first, get some rest and take it easy, okay? I'm gonna need a couple of days to plan everything."
"Sure. Fine with me."
"Great. Anyway, I'm gonna go annoy Nanami. Bye!"
And, then, he was gone.
Megumi leaned back against the pillows and stared up at the ceiling. Despite the chaos, his life had somehow become calmer than it was before. He no longer had to worry about Sukuna, and Yuji wasn't in danger anymore. It was nice.
So, he closed his eyes, and he listened to Yuji talk, and he felt his lips press against his cheek, and he heard his sister, Hana and Nobara giggle, and the infirmary was filled with warmth and light, and his heart was full, and he was happy.
"Yuji! You're okay! I was so worried!"
Yuji opened his eyes and blinked, his vision blurry. He needed a few moments to process what was happening. He was curled up on the bed in the infirmary, and Megumi was asleep next to him, his dark hair falling into his face, and he was holding him, his arms around his waist.
He turned his head and found Choso standing at the foot of the bed, and he smiled and sat up, careful not to wake Megumi.
"Hey, onii-chan," Yuji greeted. "I'm fine."
Choso sighed.
"I thought you were going to die," Choso mumbled, and his shoulders were hunched. "You know how I can feel it when one of my brothers is going through a transformation or dying? It felt like that. I was so scared."
Yuji reached over and squeezed his hand.
"Yeah. I know. I guess I was, in a way. Going through a transformation, that is."
Choso looked confused.
"I had a sort of... awakening, when I fought against him inside his innate domain. I haven't really had the chance to tell anyone yet, but, I guess, I have some of his abilities, now. It's kinda weird."
"How does that work?"
"I dunno. Gojo-sensei said it would happen, but I never thought it was true. I'm able to use Shrine, I guess. His cursed technique that can slash his opponents," Yuji answered, his voice soft. "It's really useful. I was able to kill him because of it."
Choso stared at him for a moment, and Yuji felt exposed, like he was a science project or something. But then, Choso smiled.
"You've grown," he said.
"Thanks. I mean, I had to. I had to be strong enough to protect the people I love."
Choso nodded, and Yuji knew he understood.
"I'm proud of you, Yuji," Choso whispered, and Yuji's chest tightened.
"I'm proud of you, too," Yuji replied. "I'm glad you're in my life."
"Me, too," Choso agreed. "Eso and Kechizu said hi, by the way. They miss you. We should all hang out soon. You can teach them about video games like you taught me. I want to learn how to play the Pokémon games. They sound cool."
Yuji couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah. Sure. That sounds great. We'll all play together. You're gonna love it."
Choso grinned.
"Anyway, I'm going to go. I brought you food, by the way. Yuki's been teaching me how to cook, although she says I'm still hopeless. I tried making a breakfast I saw on TV. I think I got the recipe right. I made enough for both of you, and I brought coffee."
"Oh, hell yeah. Thanks. We'll try it," Yuji replied, grinning.
He felt an overwhelming rush of gratitude for Choso. He really was the best brother he could have asked for.
As he left, Choso turned to look at him, and his smile was warm and genuine.
"By the way, Yuji, you look happy."
And then, he was gone.
When Shoko was satisfied with Yuji's condition (or, rather, when she grew tired of having two teenagers in the infirmary, which was more likely), they were free to leave, and Yuji had practically dragged Megumi back to his room, his hand holding his tightly, and he hadn't let go since.
"I'm so ready to sleep in my own bed," Yuji sighed, plopping down onto the mattress. "That infirmary bed sucked."
Megumi hummed in response and climbed into bed with him.
"Can we cuddle?" Yuji asked, and Megumi's expression softened.
"Sure. As long as you don't get handsy."
Yuji chuckled and wrapped his arms around his waist, and their chests were pressed together, and Megumi rested his chin on top of his head, his nose buried in his pink hair, and his heart was warm and full, and he could have stayed like this forever.
"I should probably shower," Yuji muttered, and he buried his face in his neck. "I smell like the infirmary."
"That's a polite way of putting it. You also haven't shaved, and your stubble is scratchy. It's driving me crazy," Megumi teased, and he pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Well, I've been busy. Fighting Sukuna takes a lot out of a guy. Besides, I know you like the scruffy look. You can't hide it from me, Megumi. Your face gives it away every time."
"But, I'm your idiot."
Yuji still seemed to be in a good mood, and Megumi was glad. He couldn't remember the last time Yuji had seemed so relaxed and carefree, and his eyes were bright, and he was smiling, and it made him look beautiful.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Megumi asked. "After everything, I mean."
"Yeah. I'm fine," Yuji answered. "I just feel like, I dunno. Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I guess. I'm no longer worried about losing control, and I don't have to deal with Sukuna, and you're alive, and everyone is safe, and I'm really happy. Back when I woke up in the infirmary, with the memory of everyone dying, I was terrified that I would have to go through that again, that I wouldn't be strong enough, and smart enough, to save everyone, and I just really thought that if I had to watch Sukuna take you away from me again, it would have broken me."
Megumi swallowed hard, his chest tightening.
"But, I'm alive, and I have you, and it feels amazing," Yuji continued. "I'm so happy that it scares me, honestly. So, sorry if I've been a bit... clingy, or whatever. I just want to be close to you. I'm pretty sure I'm still in shock or something. Maybe it'll sink in later, and I'll have a breakdown, but right now, I just wanna tell you silly things and kiss you and cuddle you and annoy the hell out of you."
Megumi kissed his forehead.
"I'm not complaining. You can cling to me all you want."
"Cool. So, do you want to take a shower with me? You know, to make sure I don't fall over and crack my skull open or something. You could wash my hair. I promise I'll keep my hands to myself," Yuji suggested, his smile wide and genuine.
"You're ridiculous," Megumi laughed. "Sure. Whatever. I'll shower with you."
Gojo's surprise party was... well, surprising.
Yuji was pretty sure that his teacher was just happy for the opportunity to throw a party, even if it was a bit last minute, and he was going a bit overboard. He'd managed to rope Nanami into helping him plan, which was hilarious. Nanami had the patience of a saint.
It was nice to see everyone together. The Kyoto students had shown up, along with both Utahime and Kusakabe. Although most of them seemed hesitant and unsure of what to do or say, Todo had immediately latched onto Yuji, and had dragged him off, babbling about fighting and the power of love.
There were banners. That was a bit unexpected. And, balloons. Yuji wasn't sure if he was amused or disturbed by the fact that his teacher had bought balloons that looked like a skull and a pair of eyeballs, and, in big, bold, white letters, they read "CONGRATULATIONS ON SAVING THE WORLD, YUJI!!!"
Although the banners with the text "BYE-BYE SUKUNA!!! YOU SUCK ASS!!!" were definitely bordering on the edge of being inappropriate.
The food was good. Yuji had to admit, Gojo had taste. There were a bunch of sweets, which was typical, but there was also a variety of sushi and mochi and cake and other treats. There was even an ice cream sundae bar, and a cotton candy machine.
The music was... interesting. Mostly, it was a lot of J-pop and rap, and Gojo's favorite bands. Yuji had a feeling that Gojo's tastes were more aimed at entertaining himself than the students, but he wasn't complaining. The music was catchy, and Nobara, Miwa, Momo, and Todo were dancing together.
"Sensei," Yuji said, and Gojo spun around, a huge grin on his face.
"Yuji! Having fun?"
"Yeah. Um. What the hell are those?"
Gojo followed his gaze, and his eyes lit up.
"Those are chocolates shaped like Sukuna's fingers! I had them specially made! They're dark chocolate. They're delicious. Try one!"
Yuji stared at him for a moment, not entirely sure if he was joking or not. They did, indeed, look like Sukuna's fingers, complete with the nails. Well, then. He supposed there was nothing he could do, so he might as well try them.
"Thanks," he replied, reaching for one.
Gojo beamed.
"Is my dear Megumi enjoying the party? I don't see him anywhere," he continued, glancing around.
"He said something about needing a break," Yuji answered, taking a bite out of the chocolate finger. It tasted better than he expected. "He's probably somewhere outside. He was complaining about how hot it is, and he doesn't like the music."
"Boo. Rude. It's good music!"
Yuji chuckled.
"Yeah. It is. I actually like it. The J-pop is nice. Thanks, by the way. This is the best party anyone has ever thrown for me. It means a lot."
Gojo grinned and ruffled his hair, and Yuji leaned into the touch.
"Of course. You deserve it."
Yuji was pretty sure his smile was almost painful, but he couldn't help it.
"Well, have fun. I have a lot of things planned! Make sure to have some cake and enjoy yourself."
"I will. Thanks, sensei!"
As Gojo walked off, Yuji glanced around the room. Nobara seemed to be arguing with Mai, but it wasn't heated. More like bickering, really. He couldn't hear them over the music, but Nobara was clearly exasperated, and Mai looked amused. Maki was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. She caught Yuji's eye, and she nodded, her smile small and soft. Yuji returned the gesture.
"Hey, Itadori!"
Yuji turned, his gaze settling on Panda, who was making his way towards him, a cup in hand.
"Hi, Panda-senpai."
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. Much better. Everything still seems a bit unreal. It's weird. I just keep thinking about what I should do now that Sukuna is dead," Yuji answered, shrugging.
Panda chuckled.
"What did you want to do, before?"
"Honestly? I never really thought about it. I was just a regular middle school kid, who spent most of his afternoons in the hospital, visiting my grandfather. I always felt like there was more to life, you know? Like, I was meant to do something more," Yuji mumbled, and his voice was quiet. "I didn't have any real aspirations, or anything. I just knew I wanted to be strong. I wanted to protect the people I loved. I didn't really care how. I didn't even think about it."
Panda hummed.
"And now?"
"I don't know. I have all this power, now. I suppose I should focus on fighting and developing my techniques. And, I will, but it's strange. I don't feel a sense of urgency, anymore. I have the rest of my life to become stronger. There's no rush," Yuji admitted.
"You're allowed to take some time off," Panda pointed out. "I'm sure no one would fault you for it. Especially considering that you lived through a whole other timeline, and by the sound of it, it wasn't pretty."
Yuji snorted.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Thanks."
"No problem. Now, how about we have some cake, and then, we tease Yuta into asking Maki out?"
Yuji smiled.
Megumi was sitting under the cherry tree, watching the leaves sway in the breeze, when someone approached him, and he turned, finding Mai staring down at him, her lips curled into a smirk.
"Fushiguro. Long time no see."
Megumi sighed.
"Yes, I am enjoying the party. No, nothing's wrong. No, I'm not moping. And no, I'm not interested in having a drink with you."
Mai laughed.
"So, what? You're just gonna sit here and pout?"
"I'm not pouting. I'm relaxing," Megumi corrected. "I don't have to be surrounded by loud music and obnoxious people to relax."
"That's boring," Mai stated. "Why aren't you hanging out with your boyfriend? I'm sure he's wondering where you are. Aren't you worried he'll think you're cheating on him or something?"
"Yuji trusts me," Megumi said. "And besides, Yuji is a social butterfly. He's probably talking to everyone and having a good time. He'll come find me when he's ready. He always does."
"You two are kinda gross," Mai replied.
"Says the person who's hitting on her cousin. At least Yuji and I aren't related."
Mai scowled.
"Actually, if you really wanna know, I wasn't hitting on you. Not now, anyway. You're not really my type," she continued, her voice soft, and Megumi could see a hint of vulnerability in her eyes.
"Oh," he said, blinking. "Then why are you out here?"
"Uh, I actually wanted to ask for your help," Mai muttered, and she looked incredibly uncomfortable, her eyes averted.
"My help? With what?"
"Well, uh. I was wondering if you know whether Kugisaki is interested in anyone, or if she's single."
Oh. Oh.
"Not that I care, or anything. Obviously. I'm just asking for a friend. You know how it is," she continued, and her words came out in a rush, and her cheeks were red, and she seemed to be struggling to maintain her composure.
Very slowly, a smile crept onto Megumi's face.
"A friend, huh?"
"Yes. A friend. A friend who's not me."
"Don't 'hmm' me. Just tell me if you know or not. And, don't tell her I asked, okay? Because, like I said, I'm not interested. I'm not interested at all."
Megumi hummed again, and his smile grew wider.
"She's single," he answered, and Mai relaxed.
"Cool. Uh. Thanks. I guess."
"I thought you hated each other's guts?"
"We do. Absolutely. She's the worst. The literal worst," Mai huffed.
"Right. So, you're not going to go ask her to dance, then?"
"Absolutely not. Gross. What would give you that idea?"
Megumi shrugged.
"I just figured you'd wanna celebrate the fact that Sukuna is gone, and you'd be willing to put aside your differences for a little while."
Mai's scowl was back, and she glared at him.
"Fuck off."
Megumi watched her turn and stalk off, and he couldn't stop the chuckle that bubbled up from his throat. So, Mai had a crush on Nobara. That was... well, it was certainly unexpected. He wondered how that would work. Yuji would find it hilarious, and Megumi had a feeling that their relationship would be quite volatile, considering their personalities.
Well, they'd figure it out. Megumi wasn't about to interfere.
He was still smiling to himself, when someone sat down next to him, and he looked over, meeting Yuji's brown eyes.
"There you are. You're missing all the fun," he teased.
"Sorry. I just needed some fresh air. Besides, it's too loud, and too hot, and sensei's music choices are questionable, at best."
Yuji laughed, his hand resting on his knee.
"It's fine. I figured you'd want some space. So, what are you doing?"
"Watching the clouds. Wondering whether you're going to ask me to dance. Listening to the birds," Megumi replied.
Yuji stared at him for a moment, a small smile playing on his lips.
"So, you want me to dance with you?"
"No. I was just wondering," Megumi corrected. "I'd turn you down. I hate dancing."
Yuji was still grinning.
"Uh huh. Well, maybe I should try my luck, anyway."
Megumi rolled his eyes.
"Sure. Fine. Ask me."
"Will you dance with me?" Yuji asked, his voice low.
Yuji chuckled.
"Can't blame a guy for trying."
Megumi reached out and grasped his hand, lacing their fingers together, and he lifted it up, pressing a kiss to the back of Yuji's palm.
"No, I can't. Tell you what. I won't dance, but I'll go back to the party, and I'll stay with you."
"You sure? It's okay if you'd rather stay out here."
"Yeah, I'm sure. If I need a break, I'll come back out here, okay? Besides, I need to keep an eye on Gojo-sensei. I think I heard him say something about fireworks, and I'd rather not deal with that."
Yuji laughed again, his expression bright and warm, and he stood up, pulling Megumi along.
"Okay. Let's go."
Maki was just refilling her drink, when Panda and Yuta suddenly appeared, and Yuta was looking at her nervously, his eyes wide. Panda, on the other hand, was smirking, and his grin was wicked, and he had his arm wrapped around Yuta's shoulders.
"There you are, Maki! We've been looking everywhere for you," Panda announced.
Maki raised an eyebrow.
"I was here the entire time."
"Really? Weird. Anyway, Yuta has something to ask you!"
Yuta made a strangled noise, and he elbowed Panda in the side, and Panda only laughed.
"Oh, right. You wanted to talk to her alone, didn't you?"
"Have fun, you two," Panda grinned, and then, he was gone, and Maki was staring at Yuta, who was bright red, and he was wringing his hands, his eyes downcast.
"Um. Sorry. I didn't. I mean. I wasn't. Uh. Panda was just..."
"What's going on?" Maki asked, and she had a feeling she knew what was going on.
"Nothing! Nothing is going on. Absolutely nothing. Panda's probably suffering from heatstroke. He's delirious. Hallucinating, probably. You know, animals and all that," Yuta stammered.
"Right," Maki said.
"Well, I'm just gonna. I'm gonna go. I'll see you later."
Yuta turned to leave, but Maki reached out, grabbing his arm.
"Yuta," she called, and Yuta froze. "Why don't you and I have a talk? In... private?"
"Good," Maki said, and she pulled him out of the room.
They didn't speak as they walked. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she figured it would be a good idea to go somewhere more secluded. Yuta was still bright red, and his eyes were glued to the ground, and she was pretending like her heart wasn't hammering away in her chest.
When they were far enough away, and they were hidden by a large tree, Maki stopped, and Yuta almost collided with her.
"Yuta," she started, and Yuta glanced at her. "Why are you acting all nervous and shit?"
Yuta blinked.
"I'm not blind. I can tell that Panda was trying to play matchmaker," she continued, crossing her arms over her chest. "But, the other night, when I slept in your room, and we were talking, you seemed so calm. So, I don't understand why you're getting all flustered now. Unless you've changed your mind?"
Yuta's face was the color of a tomato, and he shook his head quickly.
"No. No, I haven't changed my mind. I guess I'm just embarrassed because I wanted to do this my way, but I chickened out, and Panda stepped in," he mumbled, his voice quiet.
Maki frowned.
"What does that mean? How were you going to do it?"
Yuta fidgeted, and his eyes met hers, and she could see a hint of uncertainty and vulnerability in his dark blue gaze.
"Um. Well. I was going to ask you out on a date. After Sukuna was dealt with. I thought that would be romantic, and appropriate, and everything, and then, we'd take it from there," he explained. "But, I didn't get the chance. So, Panda and Toge decided to intervene. Which, isn't surprising. They've been doing that a lot, lately. And, now, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."
Maki was silent for a moment, staring at him, and she wasn't sure what to say. She knew that Yuta liked her. She had known that for some time. And, she also knew that he'd never ask her out, not on his own. But, it was strange, hearing him say it, and her heart skipped a beat, and she bit her lip.
"You wanted to do this your way, huh?"
Yuta nodded.
"I mean, I'm sure it would've been awkward, no matter what," he muttered.
Maki stepped forward, reaching out, and she placed her hand against his chest, her fingers splayed, and she leaned in, her nose bumping against his, and her breath ghosted over his lips.
"Well, let's not let those two have all the fun. I don't mind a little interference, once in a while," she murmured.
Yuta swallowed, and his expression relaxed, and he lifted his hands, cradling her face.
"Hm. Okay."
And then, he kissed her.
Of course, there were fireworks. Of course.
Yuji and Megumi were standing side by side, watching the spectacle, and Megumi was frowning, while Yuji was laughing.
"Why are you so surprised, Megumi?"
"Because, he's ridiculous, and he does whatever he wants, and no one can stop him," Megumi grumbled.
"True. But, it's his party, and if he wants to set off fireworks, then, he'll set off fireworks," Yuji pointed out. "Plus, they're really cool."
"They're annoying, and unnecessary, and loud."
"They're pretty," Yuji countered, his arm slung around Megumi's waist. "Look. Isn't that one shaped like a dog?"
Megumi squinted.
"I suppose."
Maybe the fireworks were a little pretty, and they were a nice touch, but Megumi would never admit that, not out loud. He'd just have to pretend to be annoyed, because Gojo-sensei's antics were exhausting.
"Hey, why is Kugisaki dragging Mai over to the tree? I thought they hated each other?" Yuji asked, sounding confused. "Do you think she's trying to murder her? Should we help?"
"Help murder her or help stop Kugisaki from murdering her?"
"I'm not sure," Yuji said, and Megumi glanced at him, and he was staring at the scene, his eyebrows knitted. "Wait. WAIT. Is Mai kissing her?"
"Looks like it."
"Is she allowed to do that?"
"I don't think Kugisaki minds," Megumi replied, his eyes following them as they moved to the other side of the tree, and the sounds of Nobara's giggles could be heard.
"I feel like I'm seeing something I'm not supposed to be seeing," Yuji murmured.
"Probably. I'll distract you, then," Megumi said, turning and grasping his chin.
Yuji's eyes widened, and his mouth fell open, and Megumi chuckled, kissing him softly.
The party was, after all, a success.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed all the tooth-rotting fluff in this chapter!
Also, I ship both YutaMaki and NobaMaki, but for this particular fic I was going with YutaMaki. And, NobaMai is something I always found intriguing, they don't really interact much in canon, but when they do, there's definitely some sort of tension there. Or is it just me? Well, anyway.
Thanks for reading and see you next week!
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