Chapter 22
Training with Kusakabe was no joke.
Although switching with him was much less overwhelming than switching with Gojo, Megumi still wasn't a fan of the whole swap-training concept.
It was weird, and strange, and Megumi couldn't help but think that the whole thing was kind of fucked up, considering the fact that he was literally in someone else's body.
But, Kusakabe was good at explaining things, and was a great teacher, and Megumi was a fast learner, so, despite the discomfort, he was glad that Gojo had put them together.
He was actually grateful for having a teacher who was serious and focused. He was tired of Gojo's stupid jokes, and annoying nicknames, and constant teasing.
Although, he had to admit that Kusakabe's lack of sense of humor, and overall serious demeanor, were making the whole thing a lot more frustrating at times.
He was currently being tossed around, and the older man was explaining how he could improve his footwork, and how he could better control his body.
Megumi was panting, and trying not to groan, when Kusakabe flipped him over, and sent him flying across the room.
He landed on the floor, and just lay there, breathing.
"Come on, you could have dodged that. My body will be so sore after we swap back," Kusakabe said, annoyed.
Megumi got up, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"Sorry," he muttered.
"Focus," Kusakabe commanded.
"Yes, sir."
Megumi took a deep breath, and then charged.
"Toge, I think the point would be to master the Simple Domain, not to talk," Panda said, laughing.
He was watching his friend, currently in Noritoshi's body, form a barrier, and then drop it, and then try to form it again.
"Well you would be exited, too, if you could finally speak without the fear of accidentally casting a curse on someone," Toge grumbled.
"True," Panda admitted. "Noritoshi, you holding up alright?"
Noritoshi grumbled, and looked away.
Panda chuckled. Noritoshi refused to use rice ball ingredients, or any other sort of restrictive language, so he had taken to grumbling and growling. It was funny, and Panda was enjoying himself.
It seemed like Toge was enjoying himself, as well, despite the fact that he was still struggling with maintaining the Simple Domain.
"Hey Panda, do you think Yuta has a crush on Maki? Cause I saw them the other day, and they were talking, and laughing, and they looked like they were flirting, and I think they'd be cute together," he rambled, and Panda sighed.
"Toge, you need to focus."
"Right, sorry," Toge apologized.
He concentrated, and formed a barrier again.
"I still can't believe that Yuji is from the future and all that. Like, I mean, I know we've seen a lot of shit, but time-travel? That's weird," he continued, dropping the barrier, again.
"I'm sorry."
"You're not sorry."
"I'm not."
"Toge, please."
"Okay, I'll focus."
"I fail to see the logic behind this arrangement," Nanami sighed, rubbing his eyes.
"But Nanami, don't you want to learn Reverse Cursed Technique from me? I thought you would be honored," Gojo teased.
Nanami was trying very hard to keep a straight face, but the Six Eyes was making it difficult, and his eyes were watering, and his head was pounding.
"I'm sure the children would benefit from learning from you, more than I would," he managed, blinking his eyes, and looking away.
"Now, Nanami, you should have a little more faith in yourself. I'm sure you'll learn plenty from me. Just look at Megumi. I've been teaching him for a week, and he's already able to create a Simple Domain. And he's able to heal a papercut. A papercut!"
"I'm sure Fushiguro-kun is very proud."
"Of course he is. I'm the best teacher ever," Gojo bragged.
"I'm sure," he said, and winced as he tried rolling his eyes and looking away.
"Nanami, what's the matter? Is the light bothering you?" Gojo asked, grinning.
"Shut up."
"Oh, but Nanami, how can I, when you're clearly suffering," he said, and laughed. "I almost forgot, here, these are for you," Gojo said, and handed him a pair of sunglasses.
Nanami took them, and put them on. The pressure immediately eased, and he could finally look at the other man, without his head feeling like it was splitting open.
"Did you seriously let me suffer this whole time, and didn't give me these, until now?" he asked, incredulously.
"I was waiting to see how long it would take you to ask," Gojo explained, shrugging.
"Gojo. You're infuriating."
"Now, now, let's not start using mean words. After all, you have a whole week of me as your partner. That's not very nice, don't you think?"
Nanami sighed. Gojo was very much able to give him a headache on a normal day, without the body swapping, let alone like this.
This was going to be a long week.
As soon as they announced the pairs, Nobara was overcome with excitement.
The fact that she was paired with Shoko meant that she would be given the chance to learn Reverse Cursed Technique from the very best, and although she didn't know exactly how that would work, she was thrilled.
Shoko was a brilliant doctor, and an excellent sorcerer, and Nobara could only hope that some of her brilliance would rub off on her.
She had been worried about her abilities, after seeing Megumi's progress and Yuji's growth, and she couldn't help but feel like she was falling behind.
But, this week, she could focus on honing her skills, and become stronger.
Being in someone else's body, once again, felt strange. She could tell that her body was different. The balance was off, the weight was strange, and it was a bit harder to move, but Nobara didn't mind. Last time it only took her a couple of minutes to adjust, and this time was no different.
"How do you feel?" Shoko asked.
"Alright, I guess," Nobara said.
"Are you in any pain?"
"No. Why would I be in pain?"
"During the last switch, Arata-kun had some cramps. I mean, it could be because he's a guy, but, if you feel anything, please let me know."
Nobara nodded.
"Can you show me the Reverse Cursed Technique?"
"Of course."
Nobara watched as Shoko healed a cut on her palm, and felt a wave of excitement. She hoped that, by the end of the week, she would be able to heal herself, as well.
"Hey, Ieiri-san, are you able to perform RCT on others, when you're in someone else's body?" Nobara asked, curiously.
"I am, but it's not as efficient, because I'm not used to the flow of energy in the body I'm in," Shoko explained. "I think I could deal with some minor wounds, but not anything serious. Why do you ask?"
"Oh. So that means that any of us would technically be able to heal others, if we had a strong enough grasp on RCT," Nobara said.
"Well, yes, I suppose," Shoko agreed.
"So how come only certain sorcerers have the ability?"
"Because not all sorcerers have a good grasp on the technique. It's one thing to heal yourself, and another thing entirely to heal someone else. For example, as strong as Gojo is, he was never able to use RCT on anyone else but himself," Shoko explained. "It's about the energy balance, and understanding the flow of energy within your own body, but, more importantly, understanding the flow of energy in the person you're trying to heal. Not many people are able to do that."
Nobara nodded. She felt her excitement grow, and couldn't wait to get started.
"So, should we start?" Shoko asked.
The week passed by in a flash, and everyone seemed satisfied with the progress they had made.
Megumi was now confidently using a Simple Domain, and his hand-to-hand combat skills had improved significantly, which meant that his body was constantly covered in bruises, but, even so, he felt proud of himself.
The bruises, however, gave him the chance to practice the Reverse Cursed Technique, and he was proud to say that he was able to heal the smaller injuries, although his technique still needed a lot of work.
He was happy, and satisfied, and, for the first time in a while, he felt like he had improved.
Everyone was gathered in the common area, and talking excitedly, when Gojo entered the room.
"Well, well, it looks like you've all had a productive week. I hope you all have learned something," he announced.
Everyone nodded, and hummed their agreements.
"Now, we were lucky that we were able to do all this training without an attack, but, I'm afraid that we don't have a lot of time," Gojo declared. "So I want you all to stay alert, and ready."
Everyone tensed.
"Don't worry, though. You've all improved so much, and I know that you'll do just fine," Gojo said, and smiled.
"Sensei, is everything okay?" Yuji asked, concerned.
"Everything is just fine, Yuji-kun," Gojo assured him. "But, I would suggest you all be ready, just in case."
Megumi swallowed.
He had a bad feeling about this.
The next few days went by quietly, and Maki found herself relaxing.
She hadn't expected to have any free time, what with the looming danger, but the days were uneventful, and she found herself able to train with Panda and Inumaki, and watch the others, as well.
They all seemed to be progressing nicely, and Maki was happy.
At times, she still felt a bit frustrated because everyone seemed to be learning more and more, while she was still stuck with her spear, but, she focused on training extra hard, and pushed her feelings of inferiority down.
"There you are," she heard a familiar voice call out.
Maki turned, and saw Yuta approaching.
"Hey," she said, smiling.
"Are you hiding?"
"Not really," Maki said, shrugging. "Just came to sit here for a while."
"Can I join you?"
"Of course," Maki agreed, and moved to make some space for him on the bench.
Yuta sat down next to her, and looked around.
"It must be frustrating to you, seeing them all learn new things," he said, gently.
"A little," Maki admitted.
"You know, you've improved a lot, too, over the past few months," he reminded her. "It may not be as flashy as everyone else's, but your improvement has been just as important."
"I suppose," she mumbled.
"Maki," he said, softly. "You're one of the most skilled fighters I've met, and I admire you a lot. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."
She tried to hide the blush that was spreading across her cheeks, and looked away.
"Thanks," she whispered.
Yuta had changed so much since he had returned, and had grown into his own. His eyes were filled with more determination and confidence, and his whole presence was calmer and more mature.
He was also much more affectionate and open, and, sometimes, when he looked at her, Maki couldn't help but wonder whether his gaze was lingering a little longer than it used to.
"You know, I really missed talking to you, when I was overseas," he said.
Maki's heart fluttered.
"Well, we did exchange a few messages," she said.
"Yeah, but, it's not the same as having a real conversation," Yuta argued.
"I guess not," Maki agreed.
"You should be proud of yourself," he said.
She could feel his hand hovering above hers, and, for a moment, Maki wondered whether he would actually touch her.
But then, both of their phones buzzed.
Yuta sighed, and took his phone out, and Maki did the same.
However, both of them froze, when they read the message.
Gojo-sensei: Everyone, gather in the courtyard, now. We have a situation.
Yuji ran to the courtyard, and his heart was racing.
Megumi was running alongside him, and they were both trying to calm their breaths.
Once they got there, they found the others, looking equally as confused, and worried.
"Is everyone here?" Gojo asked.
"Everyone is present," Nanami said, and looked around.
Yuji took a deep breath, and tried to prepare himself for whatever news Gojo was about to share.
"Good. Because I just got some news, and it's not good," he announced.
"What happened?" Nobara asked, worriedly.
"Special grades. All over Japan," Gojo declared.
"Wait, all over Japan?" Panda asked, confused.
"But why?" Mai asked.
"Isn't that obvious? To divide us," Megumi grumbled.
"Megumi's right. They know we trained, that all of you got stronger, and that, if you were to fight them, you would stand a much better chance. So, they are making us spread our resources," Gojo explained. "The sightings are spread out all over the country, and we're not sure where the most significant attack will take place. Which is why I need you all to be on guard."
"Are you sending us out?" Nobara asked.
"Yes. I'll send you out in teams, and you will each be responsible for the assigned territory."
"How many special grades have been spotted?" Nanami asked.
"We have confirmation of nine," Gojo answered.
"Nine?" Yuji asked, shocked.
"Yes, but, we have reason to believe there may be more," he explained.
"Are we supposed to kill them?" Mai asked.
"Of course," Gojo answered, nonchalantly. "Each group will have a sorcerer of at least grade 1 to assist. You're going to fight. This is war, and you need to be prepared."
Yuji felt the fear rise inside of him.
"When will we go out?" he asked.
"Right away. I'll be assigning territories in a minute. But, before that, I have a few other things to tell you."
"Go on," Maki said.
"Although every special grade is dangerous, they're not equally powerful. Some of them have been active for a while, and have a lot of experience, and the others are newly formed, and may not be as skilled, yet. I want you to be careful. Don't underestimate any of them, and be careful not to overestimate yourselves," he warned.
Yuji swallowed.
"Now, for the other thing. We have reason to believe that Kenjaku wants to use this opportunity to make a move. His main goal is to seal me away, but honestly, I'm not too worried about that," Gojo said. "But, he is way stronger than any of the special grades, and I think that he may try to get involved. So, if anyone encounters a man looking like Geto Suguru, do not engage him. Call for me, immediately."
Yuji's throat went dry.
It was happening.
It was actually happening.
And, instead of focusing on all-out attacking one area, like in Yuji's old timeline, Kenjaku was spreading his resources. That meant that he would be a lot harder to track down.
This was bad.
He instinctively reached for Megumi's hand, and held onto it tightly.
"Yuji," Megumi said, softly.
Yuji squeezed his hand.
"Any questions?" Gojo asked.
Yuji shook his head. He didn't want to ask any questions.
"Alright. Now, let's divide the areas."
Yuji was very close to hyperventilating, and his legs were shaking.
It wasn't the prospect of the fight itself that had him on the verge of panic, but the fear that came with knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop the events that would unfold.
When Gojo first told him that he and Megumi would be sent into the two opposite corners of Japan, and, therefore, would be separated, Yuji's stomach dropped, and he almost threw up. He wanted to be there with Megumi, to protect him, even though he knew that the other boy was more than capable of protecting himself.
But it took one look from Gojo, as if silently asking "who does Megumi really need protection from?", and Yuji knew that, as much as it pained him, the best way to ensure Megumi's safety was to be as far away from him as possible.
Megumi didn't seem very pleased with the arrangement either, but he didn't argue. He just accepted his assignment, and looked at Yuji, and Yuji felt his heartbreak.
He couldn't help but worry that the events of the future might play out differently, and Megumi would be hurt, or worse, and he wouldn't be there, and the guilt was eating him alive.
"Yuji," Megumi whispered, as they stood at the school's gate. "It's going to be okay."
Yuji wanted to believe him.
"I'll see you soon, okay?" Megumi continued, and reached for his hand.
Yuji intertwined their fingers, and, for a moment, allowed himself to enjoy the warmth and comfort that spread through him, and hoped that it would last.
"Promise you'll be careful," he said, and held Megumi's gaze.
"I promise."
"And promise you'll come back, okay?" Yuji pleaded.
"I will. I promise," Megumi repeated, and brought his hand to Yuji's cheek, gently.
"Come back to me," Yuji whispered.
Megumi smiled, and, for a moment, leaned in.
Then, he stopped.
"I should get going," he whispered.
"Please," Yuji said, and closed his eyes.
He felt Megumi's lips, soft and gentle, on his own, and leaned into the kiss, and held onto the feeling, desperately, as if trying to save it, to keep it, forever.
Then, Megumi pulled away.
"Good luck," he whispered, and then he was gone.
"Ready, Fushiguro-kun?" Nanami asked, as they stood in front of the gates.
"Yes," Megumi lied.
Truthfully, he was far from ready. His stomach was churning, and his heart was racing, and his mind kept flashing images of Yuji, hurt and scared, and alone, and he couldn't bear the thought.
Well, he wasn't too worried about the special grade they were about to face. Megumi had confidence in his abilities, and, with Nanami there to support him, he was fairly certain they could defeat the curse.
What was terrifying him, though, was the idea that, once he left, he wouldn't be there to help Yuji, if he needed him.
"Let's go, then," Nanami said, and took a step forward. "We're meeting Ino-kun at the location."
Oh, so Ino is assigned to this case, too, Megumi thought.
It was good, because Megumi had a lot of respect for him, and he was fairly certain that, with Ino's help, he would have a much easier time defeating the special grade. Plus, Ino was used to working with Nanami, which would also make things less stressful.
The car ride to the train station was short, and the ride itself was uneventful, as well.
"It's going to be a 4-hour ride to Hiroshima," Nanami said, once they were seated. "Why don't you get some rest, Fushiguro-kun."
"No, it's fine," Megumi declined. "I don't think I could sleep."
"Alright," Nanami agreed.
Megumi tried to distract himself with his phone, and his music, but his heart was racing, and he was worried about Yuji, and his family, and the rest of his friends, and, despite his best efforts, he found himself unable to concentrate.
"Are you worried about the fight?" Nanami asked, carefully.
"No," Megumi answered, honestly. "I'm confident we can handle it."
"But you're worried about your friends, aren't you?"
Megumi was taken aback by the question. He didn't expect Nanami to pick up on his thoughts.
"Yes," he admitted.
"I see," Nanami said.
Megumi looked at him. He was wearing his usual, stoic expression, and his glasses were glinting in the sunlight, and Megumi wondered what he was thinking.
"Nanami-san, have you ever... I mean, did you..." Megumi stammered, trying to find the right words.
"Have I ever cared deeply for a friend, before?" Nanami finished.
"Yes," Megumi confirmed, and felt his cheeks burn.
"Not quite in the same way, but, yes, I have," Nanami said, quietly.
"What happened?" Megumi asked.
Nanami sighed.
"What do you think happened?"
"Did you lose them?"
"Did you have any regrets?"
"All the time."
"Do you still feel guilty?"
"Not as much as I used to. I feel angry at the fucked up jujutsu society, more than anything."
"Nanami-san, is this the end? Of jujutsu sorcery?" Megumi asked, hesitantly.
"That's hard to say," Nanami answered.
"So, what if it is?"
"I'm not sure, Fushiguro-kun."
Getting to Tsuruoka was uneventful.
During the ride, Yuji, Todo and Maki didn't talk much. Yuji was anxious and jumpy, and was trying not to focus on his fears, but it was getting harder and harder, and he kept imagining the worst scenarios, and trying to figure out how to prevent them.
"Itadori, my brother," Todo said, breaking the silence. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Yuji answered.
"You seem a little tense," Todo continued.
"I'm just a little nervous," Yuji confessed.
"It's only a special grade. I could probably kill it alone, without using my cursed technique," Todo said, with a proud grin.
"Yeah, probably," Yuji said.
Yuji didn't know how to explain his real concerns. Todo and Maki were strong, and had a good sense of judgment, and would be able to handle whatever the special grade threw at them, he was certain. But, Yuji had a feeling that Kenjaku's plans went beyond scattering some special grades across Japan and going after Gojo, and, although he had no idea what he was really up to, he couldn't help but worry.
"If you say so," Todo said, and patted him on the back.
Maki looked at him, and narrowed her eyes.
"Is something else bothering you?" she asked, bluntly.
"No," Yuji lied.
She sighed.
"Fine. Don't tell me. But don't let it get to you."
"Don't worry, Maki-san," Yuji promised.
She looked at him, and then sighed again.
"If you say so," she grumbled.
Once they got to Tsuruoka, they set out for their mission. The special grade was said to be roaming around the outskirts of the city, and, while its exact whereabouts weren't known, there were several eyewitness reports of it terrorizing local residents.
"Is it registered?" Yuji asked, as they walked.
"No," Todo answered.
"Great," Yuji mumbled.
They walked through the empty streets, and Yuji's eyes darted around, looking for the slightest trace of movement.
"Maybe it left," Maki suggested.
"No. It's definitely here," Todo said, confidently. "Can't you feel the cursed energy residuals?"
Maki looked at Todo, her expression slightly annoyed.
"No. I actually can't. Since I can't sense cursed energy at all, remember?" she said, and rolled her eyes.
"That's right," Todo said, thoughtfully. "I forgot."
"You're hopeless," she sighed.
"Hey," Todo complained. "My brother doesn't care that I forgot."
Yuji was not in the mood for their playful bickering, and was beginning to get a bit agitated. He knew it wasn't rational, and that Maki and Todo weren't doing anything wrong, but he couldn't help it.
He needed to find the special grade, and take it down, and then get back, and make sure Megumi was alright.
"I don't like this," he announced.
"Relax," Maki said. "We'll find it."
"I don't want to relax. I just want to-" Yuji started, and then froze.
Something was moving towards them.
"Maki-san, look out," he yelled, and grabbed her, pushing her out of the way.
He turned around, and found himself staring at a doll-like figure, with large, glassy, black eyes. It was wearing a kimono, and its face was covered with a porcelain mask, but its features were distorted, as if it was melting.
"I think we found it," Todo said.
The curse raised its arm, and a stream of black liquid flew out.
"Todo-san, watch out," Yuji warned.
But Todo was faster, and, in a few quick steps, he was right in front of the curse, his hand gripping its neck.
"You're pretty weak, aren't you," Todo remarked.
"It's not," Yuji said, and pointed at the black substance covering the ground.
Todo followed his finger, and saw the liquid rising, forming several shapes. It looked like the cursed spirit had summoned a group of minions, and, upon closer inspection, they were dolls, dressed in tattered, dirty clothing.
"How cute," Todo said, dodging an attack.
Maki was already engaged in combat, and was swinging her spear, taking down one doll after another. Her movements were graceful, and, watching her, Yuji was reminded of the first time they sparred, and how impressed he was with her skills.
Todo quickly jumped in, joining the fight, and, between his strength and Maki's speed, they were making a good team, and were taking the dolls out, one by one. Yuji took the opportunity to charge at the special grade, hoping to take it by surprise.
As soon as he was close, he jumped in the air, and, with all his strength, punched the curse's face. The blow landed, and the porcelain mask shattered, revealing a grotesque, disfigured face, with black, empty holes instead of eyes.
"What the fuck," Yuji whispered, horrified.
The curse's body began to tremble, and then its arms grew longer, and reached for Yuji, grabbing his shoulders. The sensation was painful, and the curse's touch burned his skin. Yuji felt the blood rushing through his veins, and his heart rate sped up, and, for a second, he was unable to move.
"Itadori... Yuji...?" the curse spoke, its voice quiet and raspy, and Yuji's stomach turned.
"How do you know my name?" he demanded, his eyes widening in shock.
The curse didn't respond. Instead, it raised its head, and, from the place where its eyes had been, two tentacles shot out, aiming for Yuji.
"No, you don't," Yuji yelled, and jumped back, dodging the attack with ease.
The tentacles changed directions, and flew towards him, and he managed to avoid them again.
"What do you want?" he asked, panting.
The curse didn't answer, but continued its attack, its tentacles now moving rapidly, in a frenzied manner. In the meantime, Todo and Maki were finishing up the last few dolls, and soon would join Yuji in his fight.
"Come on, talk to me," Yuji shouted, and lunged forward, landing a blow on the curse's face.
The curse stumbled back, and the tentacles slowed down. But then, its head started shaking, and Yuji's ears were filled with the sound of cracking, as the curse's skull split open, and the black, liquid-like substance poured out, covering its entire body.
Yuji took a step back, and waited.
"Shit, I think it's about to open its domain," Todo said, and ran over to him.
"I know," Yuji replied. "Maki-san, stay close to Todo, he is better at a Simple Domain than me."
"I'll protect you, Maki-chan," Todo promised.
"Fuck off," Maki snapped, but stood next to him.
The curse let out an awful, deafening screech, and, then, it realized its domain.
"Shit," Yuji whispered, and prepared for battle.
"Damn it, I wish I did better with the Reverse Cursed Technique training," Megumi remarked, as he pressed a tissue against the wound on his shoulder.
The wound was closing, slowly, but, since he hadn't gotten a good grasp of the technique, the healing process was taking much longer than it would, if a healer had worked on him.
"I can't believe you can even do Reverse Cursed Technique," Ino said, impressed. "Aren't you, like, 15?"
"I'm almost 16," Megumi grumbled.
"Still," Ino insisted. "That's amazing."
They had defeated the special grade, although it had been a hard fight, and had cost them a lot of their strength. For a moment, Megumi was worried he would have to use his domain, which would have drained him completely, but Nanami had come through, and, with a well-timed, and perfectly-aimed blow, he had struck the curse, which gave them the opening they needed to finish it off.
"Well, we would've been in a worse position, if you hadn't summoned Ryu," Megumi said. "You're pretty skilled, yourself."
"I've always wanted to try it, and I thought now was as good a time as any," Ino explained, grinning.
"It was pretty impressive, Ino-kun," Nanami added, and nodded.
"Nanami-san! Thank you," Ino exclaimed, clearly delighted by the compliment.
"What happens now? Do we offer back-up to the other teams, or do we return to Tokyo?" Megumi asked.
"The nearest team should be in Fukuoka, it's Itadori-kun's brothers," Nanami said, thinking. "I'd say three special-grades should have a pretty easy time taking down one."
Ino seemed taken aback by his words.
"What do you mean three special-grades?" he asked, incredulously. "There are three special-grade sorcerers I don't know about?"
Megumi had forgotten that Ino didn't know about Yuji's unusual family situation.
"Not sorcerers. They'd probably be grade 1, if they were," Nanami explained. "As cursed spirits, they are special grades."
"Cursed spirits?" Ino repeated, sounding stunned.
"Yes," Nanami confirmed.
"So, you're telling me that, if Itadori's brothers are special-grade cursed spirits?" Ino asked, still struggling to make sense of the situation.
"Well, half-brothers, and half-cursed spirits. It's complicated," Megumi corrected him.
"Complicated? Is that your way of saying 'yes, Ino, your understanding of reality has been shaken'?"
"Basically, yes," Nanami agreed.
"I see," Ino said, slowly.
"Anyway, back to my question. Do we go to Fukuoka, or head back?" Megumi asked, changing the subject.
"I'm gonna call Yaga, and ask for an update," Nanami said, and pulled out his phone.
Megumi hoped that Yuji's mission was going well, and that he hadn't run into any complications. He didn't like the fact that he wasn't with him, and would've much preferred to fight side by side.
"Hey, do you guys hear that?" Ino asked, suddenly.
"Hear what?" Megumi asked, alarmed.
"Chanting? I think I can hear chanting," Ino explained.
Megumi focused on the sounds, and, sure enough, there was a faint noise, and it sounded like chanting, although he couldn't tell what it was, exactly.
"I can sense a spike in cursed energy," Nanami said, and narrowed his eyes. "It's coming from the direction of the chanting."
"Let's go check it out," Megumi suggested.
"Yeah, it sounds like a ritual of some sort," Ino added.
"It might be," Nanami admitted. "Let's move."
Yuji was tired.
It had taken longer than he'd expected to defeat the special-grade, and holding up a Simple Domain while fighting it had taken a toll on his energy levels. But thanks to Todo's Boogie Woogie, they managed to land a series of fast blows, and weaken it significantly, before it was able to summon more dolls.
To top it all off, he managed to land a series of Black Flashes, and finished the curse off.
"You're still as strong as ever, Itadori," Todo commented, and patted him on the back.
"You didn't do too bad, yourself," Yuji replied, and smiled at him.
They were both panting, and sweat was dripping down their foreheads, but they were alive, and mostly unharmed. Maki had a few cuts, but she'd managed to dodge most of the attacks.
"What now?" Yuji asked, looking at the others.
"We report in," Maki answered, and pulled out her phone.
Yuji was still on edge, and anxious about what would happen next, but, at least, this part was done, and they'd succeeded in completing the mission. He took a deep breath, and tried to steady himself, but, as he exhaled, a sudden, and overwhelming sense of dread came over him.
"Guys, something is wrong," he said, trying to stay calm.
"What do you mean?" Todo asked, immediately alert.
"I don't know, I just feel like something bad is happening, and it's close," Yuji explained, feeling frantic.
"Where?" Maki demanded, her grip tightening on her spear.
"Somewhere nearby," Yuji said, uncertainly.
He closed his eyes, and focused.
He didn't know where this feeling was coming from, but he knew he was right, and that something terrible was about to happen. His heart was pounding, and his chest was tight, and, for a moment, he thought he was going to have a panic attack.
But then, he heard someone chuckle.
"Itadori Yuji," a voice said, and, as soon as he heard it, Yuji's fear turned to anger.
"Kenjaku," he snarled, his eyes flying open.
Todo and Maki were frozen, staring at the source of the sound. Yuji's eyes followed theirs, and saw a figure in the distance, and, upon closer inspection, he recognized the tall, slim build, and the long, dark hair.
"Oh, so you know who I really am, huh?" the sorcerer asked, with a hint of amusement. "I have to say, I'd love to know how you found out. No matter. Let's chat, shall we?"
"Like hell we will," Yuji shouted, and lunged forward, ready to attack.
"Ah-ah," Kenjaku chided, raising his hand. "Let's not get hasty. We need to have a little talk, before you can do anything else."
Maki was already reaching for her phone, most likely to alert Gojo, but Kenjaku waved his hand, and, before she could press a button, her phone was covered with a thin layer of cursed energy, and the screen went blank.
"Don't bother," he said, smirking. "I don't plan on staying here for long."
"What do you want?" Maki growled, her teeth clenched.
"As I said, I want to have a chat with Itadori Yuji," Kenjaku replied, calmly. "And I'd like to know how he found out about my plans. That's all."
"Fuck off," Yuji spat, and balled his hands into fists.
"Such hostility," Kenjaku said, shaking his head. "Why? You don't even know me. Well, maybe you do. Maybe you remember me from when you were a child. Did I make an impression?"
"No," Yuji replied, through gritted teeth.
Kenjaku studied him for a second, and Yuji could see him analyzing him, his eyes moving up and down, taking him in.
"You don't seem surprised by what I just told you," Kenjaku remarked, curious. "Did you talk to Choso? Although that wouldn't explain how you knew who I really was."
"I know what you've been up to, and I'm not gonna let you do it," Yuji stated.
Kenjaku let out a short laugh, and crossed his arms.
"And how are you going to stop me, Itadori Yuji?"
"I'll figure something out," Yuji replied, defiantly.
"Will you? Because you don't look too good. The fight must've taken a lot out of you, and, honestly, you look a bit worn down. Tired, even."
"Shut the fuck up," Yuji yelled.
Kenjaku ignored him.
"But don't worry, I'm not here to kill you," he continued, unfazed by Yuji's reaction. "That's not part of the plan. I'm sure you're relieved, aren't you, Itadori?"
"Gojo-sensei will figure out you're here, and come after you," Yuji threatened.
"Oh, I'm sure he will, but not until after I'm gone. In the meantime, though, let's chat. How's Sukuna? Is he behaving himself?"
"I'm gonna fucking kill you," Yuji shouted, and took a step forward, his body tense with rage.
Kenjaku raised an eyebrow, and smiled.
"That's not very nice, Itadori," he said, his tone slightly scolding. "Is that how you talk to your mother?"
Yuji ignored Todo's and Maki's shocked expressions, and charged at the sorcerer, determined to knock the grin off his face. But before he could get close, a wave of cursed energy hit him, and he was forced to his knees. He couldn't move, and felt as if an invisible force was pushing down on his shoulders, and holding him in place.
"How rude. I don't like being interrupted, Itadori," Kenjaku said, with a sigh.
"I told you, I'm gonna kill you," Yuji promised, struggling against the restraint.
"You are certainly welcome to try. Although, I wouldn't, if I were you," Kenjaku replied, smiling. "See, I'm not planning to kill you, but your friends here are free game, as far as I'm concerned. So, I'd watch your temper."
Todo took a step towards the sorcerer, and Yuji held up a hand, stopping him.
"What do you want to talk about?" he asked, trying to sound calm, even though he was panicking.
"Thank you," Kenjaku said, smiling. "First of all, I can sense that you have only consumed three of Sukuna's fingers. Why is that? You've had plenty of opportunities."
"None of your business," Yuji snapped, glaring at him.
"I see. That's okay, I can find out myself, by talking to the man in question."
"Good luck with that," Yuji scoffed, but his heart started beating faster, and his mouth went dry.
"Oh, I'll manage," Kenjaku promised, his smile widening. "In fact, I'll get to the bottom of it, right now."
Yuji's eyes widened, and his body stiffened. He didn't know what Kenjaku was planning, but, instinctively, he knew that it was bad, and that he needed to be prepared.
"Todo," he called out, quietly. "You both need to get out of here, now."
"What?" Maki asked, stunned.
"Go," Yuji commanded. "You can't fight him."
"Like hell we're leaving you," Maki hissed, her grip on her spear tightening.
"You heard him, he's not gonna kill me, but he'll kill you," Yuji pointed out, frustrated. "So go. Call for back-up, or whatever."
"But, Itadori-" Todo started to protest, but stopped.
"Please," Yuji whispered. "I don't want to lose anyone else."
Kenjaku watched the scene unfold, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
"What makes you think I'll let them leave?" he asked, mildly amused.
"I'll do whatever you want, if you let them go," Yuji replied, not looking at him.
"You'll do whatever I want, regardless. That's the whole point, Itadori," Kenjaku reminded him, smirking.
Yuji didn't reply. He'd said his piece, and there was nothing else he could say.
He knew that there was no way out of this. Kenjaku was going to get what he wanted, whether Yuji fought him, or not. There was nothing he could do to stop him, and the knowledge filled him with a sense of dread.
He just needed Todo and Maki to get away, and then he would do what was necessary.
Which, in this case, was fighting Kenjaku, and buying enough time for the others to get to safety, and call for back-up.
"Hmm, I can't really say no to such a sincere offer, can I?" Kenjaku asked, grinning. "I'll let your friends go. If they can make it past the cursed spirits, that is."
As soon as the sorcerer finished speaking, the area around them was surrounded by a swarm of curses, and Yuji's blood ran cold.
There had to be at least a hundred of them, and most were at least grade 1, if not higher. It was going to be difficult, if not impossible, to escape.
"Shit," Yuji breathed, his pulse racing.
"You better go," Kenjaku said, his tone bored. "Bye-bye, now."
Yuji watched as Maki and Todo exchanged a look, and nodded.
"Get the hell out of here," he urged them. "And take care of each other."
"We will," Todo assured him. "Don't worry."
Yuji smiled, weakly.
"Go, guys," he urged, hoping his voice didn't sound as desperate as he felt.
Maki and Todo ran off, and, as soon as they did, the curses attacked, and Yuji turned his attention to the sorcerer.
"Don't think I'm gonna let you go without a fight," he warned, his eyes narrowed.
"Of course not. I didn't expect you to," Kenjaku replied, his smile widening. "But I'm afraid my time here is limited, so I'm going to have to ask you to behave."
With those words, he reached out, and grabbed Yuji's jaw, his grip firm and unyielding.
Yuji tried to lunge at him, but once again, he was paralyzed, and unable to move. He could feel the cursed energy emanating from the sorcerer's fingers, and realized that Kenjaku had used some sort of binding technique to keep him in place.
He struggled against the invisible chains, but to no avail. Kenjaku chuckled, and shook his head.
"Oh, Itadori," he chided, mockingly. "You're so strong. So much stronger than when I last saw you. I'm impressed, I really am."
Yuji stared at him, and swallowed, hard.
"Now, open your mouth, will you? I have some fingers I'd love you to eat."
A/N: Ooooh, things are starting to get intense...
Also, I'm not sure what you think about Yuji being so easily overpowered by Kenjaku, but I hope it wasn't too disappointing. I thought a lot about whether I should write it differently, but ultimately, this man was able to overpower both Choso and Yuki when they were both at the top of their game, not to mention how him and Uraume easily fought off everyone during the Shibuya Incident. And here, Yuji is exhausted and scared for his friends' lives, and he hasn't awakened Sukuna's technique yet, so he's not at his full strength.
So yeah, I decided to write it this way. Please don't hate me!
Anyways, as always, thank you so much for reading! Until next time, stay safe and healthy, and have a wonderful week.
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