Chapter 20
Megumi was standing next to Yuji, waiting for the pairs for the first switch training session to be announced.
The sun was shining, and it was a nice, warm day.
He felt Yuji's fingers intertwine with his own, and squeezed his hand.
"Good morning, everybody," Gojo's cheerful voice greeted them.
"Morning," Megumi muttered.
"Okay, listen up," Gojo said, his expression suddenly serious. "Today is the day we start the switch training. Exciting, isn't it? So, let's see who your partner is going to be."
He took out a paper from his pocket, and unfolded it.
"First, we have Nobara and Miwa. Second, Yuta and Nanami. Third..."
Megumi's mind was reeling. He didn't want to admit it, but he was nervous. Gojo was still talking, but he couldn't focus.
Yuji was holding his hand, and Megumi realized that his palms were sweaty. When will his name be called? He tried to listen, but his heart was beating too fast.
"...And, lastly, Megumi-chan. You'll be switching with me!"
Megumi couldn't believe his ears.
"Yes, that's right! You'll be training with me. Isn't that great?" Gojo asked, and grinned.
Megumi noticed the disappointed expression on some of the student's faces. He figured that most people were hoping to train with the strongest sorcerer.
"Sure," he muttered.
"Wonderful. Everyone, pair up with your partner, and choose a room to train in," Gojo said, and clapped his hands. "Ui Ui will be going around to complete the switch, so just wait for him. Have fun, and remember, there is always something to learn from each other. Now, go!"
Everyone dispersed, and Gojo turned to Megumi.
"So, shall we?" he asked, grinning.
Megumi nodded, and took a deep breath. He could do this.
"Yuji-kun, I asked Choso to spar with you, so you'll probably find him in the training field," Gojo said, his gaze still on Megumi.
"Oh, okay," Yuji said, and gave Megumi a reassuring smile. "See you later."
"Have fun," Gojo said, and chuckled.
As Yuji walked away, Megumi felt a bit self-conscious. He could feel Gojo's eyes on him, even under the blindfold, and he felt like the man could read his thoughts.
"Let's get started," Gojo said, and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Okay," Megumi replied, and took a deep breath.
They walked towards the training rooms, and Gojo chose one at the end of the corridor. As they entered, his teacher sat down on the floor, and crossed his legs.
"Sour candy?" Gojo asked, reaching inside his pocket.
"No, thank you," Megumi replied, and shook his head. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, Megumi-chan. Ask away," Gojo said, and smiled.
"Why did you pick me as your partner?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Gojo asked, chuckling.
Gojo didn't answer right away. He looked at him for a while, and then took a deep breath.
"Megumi, how much did Yuji tell you about what happened during the Culling Games?"
Megumi knew what he was referring to.
"I know about Sukuna. About what he did... to me. And, uh, Tsumiki. And you."
"Oh," Gojo said, sounding a bit surprised. "I didn't think he'd tell you."
"Yeah, well, it wasn't the most pleasant conversation, but... I'm glad he did. I wanted to understand," Megumi said, and sat down across from him.
"I see. Well, that's good. Communication is important," Gojo said, and leaned back on his hands. "So, then you know that Sukuna still wants you."
"He's weak, now. And, he can't really do anything. But, we have to be cautious. I don't know what Kenjaku has planned for him. For you," Gojo said, and sighed. "I'm afraid that Sukuna might try something again. So, you need to learn from the strongest. Sukuna only has one minute to control Yuji under the binding vow. I need to to be strong enough to fight him off for that long."
Megumi blinked, and then swallowed. He had not expected such an answer.
"Oh. Okay," he managed to say.
"So, I hope you're ready, because you'll be doing a lot of training today," Gojo said, and smiled.
"Okay," Megumi repeated, his voice a bit shaky.
A couple of minutes passed, and then the door opened, and Ui Ui entered the room, followed by Mei Mei.
Well, here goes nothing, Megumi thought, and braced himself.
Being in Gojo's body felt strange.
Like, really, really strange.
For one, he was much taller. He had to look down when he talked, and, he wasn't used to that. Also, Gojo was a lot stronger than him. He could feel it.
The worst part was, well, his eyes.
Gojo's Six Eyes.
It was so bright. Everything was. He could see every little detail. He could see the particles in the air, the dust, the light reflected off the windows, the veins of the trees outside. He could see every bit of cursed energy around him, and it was overwhelming.
Megumi didn't know how Gojo could even stand to look at people. It was too much.
Of course, his own face staring back at him was weird, too.
It was surreal.
"Megumi-chan, are you okay?"
Megumi looked at the man who was occupying his body, and shook his head.
"No," he answered, honestly.
"Yeah, I figured," Gojo said, and chuckled.
"I have a headache," Megumi said, rubbing his forehead.
"That's normal. Here, put these on," Gojo said, and reached into his pocket.
He pulled out a pair of black sunglasses, and handed them to him.
Megumi put them on, and sighed in relief. The sunglasses were tinted so dark that he was pretty sure that if anyone else were wearing them, they wouldn't be able to see a thing.
However, now, he could see without feeling like he was going to explode.
"Thanks," he said, and gave him a small smile.
"No problem," Gojo said, and winked. "So, how does it feel being the strongest?"
Megumi didn't respond right away.
"Exhausting," he said, eventually.
Gojo laughed.
"Oh, you have no idea. Well, I'm glad that the glasses helped."
"They did. Thanks," Megumi repeated, and rubbed his neck. "So, what now?"
"Now, we train," Gojo said, his tone serious. "I want you to learn Simple Domain. And, if you can manage, Reverse Cursed Technique, too. Though, that's a bit tricky, so don't push yourself."
"Alright," Megumi said, nodding.
They spent the next hour practicing, and, much to his surprise, he was making progress.
Simple Domain wasn't as difficult as he'd thought. Gojo explained that in order to learn the technique, he should use it in Gojo's body, while Gojo would use it in his. That way, both Megumi's body and soul would become accustomed to the technique.
"Think of it like learning a foreign language. You can speak the language, but, you can't really think in that language, unless you're fully immersed in it," Gojo had told him.
It made sense.
Of course, Gojo was struggling a little bit with learning to use his techniques in Megumi's body, which was amusing.
"How can you live with such a small amount of cursed energy? I'm exhausted," Gojo complained, after expelling a lot of his cursed energy summoning a Divine Dog.
"I can't help that my body was born like this. Besides, you're the one who has an insanely huge amount of cursed energy. It's not my fault," Megumi said, rolling his eyes.
"Ugh, fair point," Gojo said, and pouted. "Can I have some sour candy? Your blood sugar is really low."
This was definitely the strangest training session Megumi had ever experienced.
"Sure, I guess," he said, and took out the packet.
Gojo opened the bag, and threw a piece of candy in his mouth.
"Mmm, that's better," he said, chewing. "Though your taste buds are a bit dull. Is that also because of your lack of cursed energy?"
"No, that's because I have some common sense. Too much sugar is bad for you," Megumi said, frowning.
"Oh, pffft, please. Sugar is life," Gojo said, and stuck out his tongue.
Well, Megumi's tongue.
Megumi frowned again. Seeing himself smile and act silly was extremely weird.
"Don't make my face do stupid things," he muttered.
"What was that, Megumi-chan?" Gojo asked, smirking.
"Nothing," he said, sighing. "Let's get back to training."
"As you wish," Gojo said, chuckling.
As the afternoon rolled by, Megumi felt like they had made good progress. Of course, both Simple Domain and Reverse Cursed Technique would probably be harder to use in his own body, but, at least now he knew what it felt like, and, maybe he could get the hang of it.
Speaking of Reverse Cursed Technique, it was the part he struggled with the most.
"Did I mention that I only learned Reverse Cursed Technique in my second year? I mean, I mastered it, of course, but it took me a while," Gojo said, grinning.
"You didn't mention that," Megumi replied, annoyed. "You usually don't mention things that make you look less perfect."
"Hm, you got me there. Well, I'm full of surprises," Gojo said, laughing.
"Whatever," Megumi said. "So, how did you learn it?"
Gojo was quiet for a moment.
"Well, long story short, I almost died. So, I had no choice but to figure it out," he said, shrugging.
"Wait, you almost died?" Megumi asked, shocked.
"Oh, yeah. I'll tell you all about it some other time. Maybe over lunch. How does sushi sound? Or, ice cream? We can have both. Yeah, let's do that. I know the best places," Gojo said, grinning.
"Uh, okay," Megumi said, not knowing how to react.
Gojo was a lot to handle.
"Anyways, as I was saying, Reverse Cursed Technique is a bit different. It's more complex. And, it's hard to explain," Gojo said, and looked down, seeming lost in thought. "But, you have a knack for it. I can tell. So, I'll do my best to teach you, okay?"
"Alright," Megumi said, nodding.
A couple of hours later, Ui Ui returned, and switched them back.
As soon as Megumi was back in his own body, he could feel a great sense of relief. The weight of Gojo's cursed energy was gone, and, his headache was also fading away. His body, however, felt like it had been through a battle.
"You look tired," Gojo remarked, looking at him.
"Yeah, I'm a bit sore. What's up with your body?" Megumi asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Feels normal. Maybe my blood sugar is a little bit lower, but otherwise, no big deal," Gojo said, grinning.
"Of course," Megumi said, shaking his head.
"Tomorrow, we'll train together again, without the switching. It'll help you understand the feeling better," Gojo told him.
"Sure," Megumi said.
"And one more thing," Gojo added. "Don't talk with Yuji about your training, okay? Don't tell him about the techniques you learn, either."
Megumi looked at Gojo with a bewildered expression.
"I don't want Sukuna to know what you're learning," Gojo said, his expression serious.
"Okay," Megumi agreed, nodding.
"Alright. See you tomorrow, then," Gojo said, and left the room.
As Megumi walked back towards the dorms, he thought about the events of the day. It had been intense, and exhausting, but also interesting.
He was definitely looking forward to working on the techniques in his own body tomorrow.
When Yuji arrived back to his room, he found Megumi asleep on the bed, with his phone still in his hand.
Yuji sat down on the bed, and looked at him. He seemed peaceful, and Yuji smiled.
Megumi's hair was messy, and he had a strand of it that was covering his face. He carefully brushed it away, and placed a kiss on his forehead.
Megumi shifted, and yawned.
"Hey," Yuji whispered, and smiled.
"Hi," Megumi replied, and blinked, clearly disoriented.
"How was your training with Gojo-sensei?"
"Intense," Megumi said, sighing.
"What did you guys do?"
"Uh, Gojo-sensei said not to tell you," Megumi replied, scratching his head.
Yuji felt hurt for a second, but, then, he remembered what Gojo had told him about not letting Sukuna know what was happening.
"Oh. Okay," he said, smiling.
"How was your training?"
"It was good. I'm totally getting the hang of Convergence. Choso was a big help," Yuji said, grinning.
"Good," Megumi said, and gave him a small smile. "It's nice to see you bonding with your brother."
"Yeah. I'm happy to have him," Yuji said, and smiled. "Speaking of siblings, how's Tsumiki? Have you spoken to her?"
"Yeah, actually. She called earlier. She's doing well. She says hi," Megumi said, and chuckled. "We can have dinner with her tomorrow, if you want? I'm too dead to move tonight."
"Yeah, sure. Let's do that," Yuji said, and nodded.
"Now, it you would kindly get your ass in the bed and cuddle me, I would appreciate that," Megumi said, and yawned.
Yuji laughed.
"Someone's grumpy. Come here, you," he said, and wrapped his arms around him.
"Hmm," Megumi hummed, and nuzzled against his chest.
Yuji pulled the covers over them, and closed his eyes.
He could feel the exhaustion of the day settling in, and he sighed.
"Good night," Megumi mumbled, sleepily.
"Night," Yuji said, and kissed the top of his head.
Choso had to admit that he was feeling a little bit nervous.
He was waiting for Yuki, so the two of them can set off on their mission together.
A mission to get Eso and Kechizu on their side. Choso felt so thankful to everyone at Jujutsu High, for never questioning why he wanted to bring his brothers over. Of course, Yuji had been the one who'd suggested to try and bring them back to their side, but, Choso hadn't expected everyone else to be so accepting.
He wasn't worried about not being able to convince his brothers. He was certain that they would join him - after all, the three of them always cared more for their family, than curses, sorcerers, or humans.
It was more the fact that he was worried about how his brothers were going to react to finding out he had tricked them.
They must have grieved for him, when they'd learned of his supposed death.
Choso was startled by Yuki's voice.
"Yes," he replied, and followed her outside.
"So," she said, as they were walking. "Tell me more about your brothers."
Choso grinned. He loved talking about his brothers.
"Eso and Kechizu are a lot like me. They care deeply for the people they love, and are very protective. I'm the oldest, and, they look up to me. But, we're equal in our bond, and in the way we fight," Choso said, and sighed. "Kechizu is the youngest of the three of us. He's more hot-headed, and quick to jump into a fight. Eso is a bit more cautious. He thinks before acting."
"They sound wonderful," Yuki said, and smiled.
"They are," Choso said, and smiled back. "I hope you'll like them."
"I'm sure I will," Yuki said, and winked.
She was so sweet.
He couldn't wait to introduce her to his brothers.
"Do you mind if I ask how old you are?" Yuki asked, her voice curious.
"Uh, no, I don't mind. I am 150 years old," Choso said, and scratched his head.
"Oh," Yuki said, raising her eyebrows.
"Well, I'm not sure if it really counts. I lived most of my life sealed up. The nine of us, my brothers and I, were created by my father," Choso explained. "During those 150 years, before we got incarnated, we could only talk to each other. We weren't able to move, or anything. So, even though I have existed for 150 years, my experience as a living being is only a couple of months."
"Oh," Yuki said, blinking. "So, technically, you're a baby?"
"Well, no. I'm an adult. But, I suppose you could say that I'm a young adult," Choso said, laughing. "But only if you look at me as human. When you consider me as a curse, then I'm quite old."
"Which do you prefer?" Yuki asked, curiously.
"I'm not sure. I haven't had enough time to experience being a human, yet. However, I do like experiencing all these new things. I like the people I've met," he said, and smiled. "Though, I am still a bit confused about certain parts of humanity."
"Yes," Choso said, and blushed.
"Do tell."
"Uh, well," he said, and rubbed his neck. "I don't know. Humans seem to have a lot of trouble admitting their feelings. Like, Yuji and Fushiguro, for example. It was so obvious to me that they loved each other, and yet, neither of them admitted their feelings. Why is that?"
Yuki chuckled.
"I'm not sure," she said, shrugging. "Sometimes, we're scared. Scared of rejection. Or, scared of getting hurt. So, we hide our feelings. But, you're right. We should always speak our minds. I, for one, think it's better to tell someone how you feel, than to live in regret."
Choso nodded, and smiled.
"You're so wise, Tsukumo-san."
"Call me Yuki, please. We're friends," she said, and grinned.
Choso was thrilled. Yuki thought of him as a friend.
"Okay," he said, smiling.
"We're almost there. Let's go over the plan one last time," Yuki said, and stopped.
"Okay," Choso said, and nodded.
He had a good feeling about this.
The two of them stood in front of the house.
Choso was nervous. He was excited, but also, he couldn't help but worry that something might go wrong.
He knew that his brothers wouldn't hurt him, and, that, deep down, they wanted to be reunited. However, it had been a while since the three of them had seen each other, and, there was always the chance that Eso or Kechizu might be upset with him.
"I can sense the cursed energy of at least five different individuals," Yuki told him. "I assume two of them are your brothers?"
"Yes," Choso confirmed. "I can sense them, too."
"Mei Mei's crows confirmed that Kenjaku is not present, which is good," Yuki said, and sighed. "The other three might be curses Kenjaku absorbed, or curse users that have aligned themselves with him. I only feel two special-grade presences, though, so, apart from your brothers, I doubt there's anyone particularly strong."
"We can take them," Choso said, smiling.
Yuki grinned, and took a step towards the door.
Choso followed her.
They didn't bother to knock. Instead, Yuki simply kicked the door down, and they walked in.
They were immediately faced with two curses, both of them grotesque looking. But, Choso didn't even get the chance to activate his own cursed technique, before Yuki killed them with a single swing of her sword.
"I guess it won't take much effort, then," she said, grinning.
Choso was impressed. He knew she was powerful, but, still, the speed with which she had killed those two curses had been incredible.
"Wait. Do you feel that?" he asked, and looked at Yuki.
"Oh. You're right," she said, and narrowed her eyes. "The third one is a human. A curse user, probably."
She didn't seem very worried. Choso supposed she was right, though. He was confident they could easily kill any curse user that Kenjaku had allied himself with.
They started making their way through the house. There was a long corridor, and, many doors leading into separate rooms.
"Eso, Kechizu!" Choso called out.
Choso turned his head. Eso was standing at the end of the corridor, staring at him, wide-eyed.
"Onii-chan! But how? Are you okay?" Eso asked, and ran over to him.
"I'm fine," Choso said, and embraced him. "I have so much to tell you. Is Kechizu here, too?"
"He's coming. He's on the roof," Eso said, and shook his head. "I'm so glad to see you. You're really okay? I thought you were dead."
Choso could see the tears forming in his brother's eyes.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Don't cry, Eso. It's alright," he said, and placed a hand on his shoulder.
Kechizu was there, too.
"Kechizu! You're here!" Choso exclaimed, and opened his arms.
Kechizu ran into his embrace, and hugged him tightly.
"Onii-chan," he said, quietly.
"Oh, I'm so happy to see you," Choso said, and held his brothers tightly. "Who else is here? There's another presence."
"Oh, yeah. There's a guy. He's probably hiding. Geto-san ordered us to stay here and keep an eye out for intruders," Eso explained.
Choso glanced over at Yuki, and saw her nodding.
"We came to get you two. We want you to come back with us, to Jujutsu High," he said, and smiled.
"You're fighting alongside sorcerers?" Eso asked, raising his eyebrows.
"I am," Choso said, nodding. "The sorcerers there are my friends. And, we have a brother, too. His name is Yuji."
"A brother?" Kechizu asked, and blinked.
"Yes," Choso said, and laughed. "We have a half-brother. He's a sorcerer. He's very kind, and powerful. And, he taught me a lot about being human. He's been a great help."
"You're sure we can trust him?" Eso asked, eyeing him.
"I'm certain," Choso said, nodding. "He's good. Come meet him."
"What do you say, Kechizu?" Eso asked, and nudged him.
Kechizu nodded, and smiled. Well, Choso could tell that he smiled, but he was sure that for an outsider, it would have looked like Kechizu had simply bared his teeth.
"Great," Choso said, and grinned.
"Who's that?" Eso asked, nodding towards Yuki.
"Ah, this is Tsukumo Yuki. She said we're friends," Choso told them, excitedly.
His brothers gave Yuki a curious look, and she chuckled.
"Hello. Nice to meet you," she said, waving at them. "I'm sorry Choso, but, can we deal with the curse user first?"
"Right. Sorry," Choso said, and sighed.
He turned to face his brothers.
"We have to go find the curse user. Do you know where he is?"
"Oh, uh," Eso said, and rubbed his neck. "Probably in the attic."
"Thank you," Yuki said, smiling. "Come on, Choso."
"Right. We'll be back, soon," Choso told his brothers, and followed her.
They went upstairs, and found the door to the attic. Yuki was about to open it, when, suddenly, the door swung open.
A man with long blonde hair in a ponytail was standing there, staring at them, wide-eyed.
"Huh," he said, and narrowed his eyes. "A woman and a curse. Interesting."
He was trying to act tough, but, Choso could tell he was frightened. Yuki had a massive amount of cursed energy, and the guy must have felt it, too. Choso felt a little bit bad for him.
"You're the curse user?" Yuki asked.
"And what if I am?"
"We're here to kill you. Sorry," she said, and shrugged.
She moved forward, and swung her sword. The curse user stumbled back, narrowly avoiding the blow. As he scrambled backwards, he tripped, and fell to the ground.
"Shit," he hissed, and glared at them.
Choso noticed that one of the marks under the man's eye disappeared. Interesting.
He looked at Yuki, and the two of them exchanged a look. She nodded.
He held his palms together and released a stream of Piercing Blood. The curse user tried to get out of the way, but, his body was hit by the blood, and he screamed.
He collapsed, and Choso approached him, cautiously. If not the attack itself, the poison in Choso's blood would be enough to kill him.
The man groaned.
The marks under his left eye were all gone. Choso assumed it had been some kind of cursed technique.
"Should we take him back to the school? Maybe he knows something useful," he suggested.
"No, I don't think he does," Yuki said, shaking her head. "If anything, he was probably fed false information. There's nothing more he can do for us."
"Ah, okay," Choso said, and sighed.
It wasn't like he was particularly sad about killing the man. He had no interest in killing humans, but, the guy had been a threat, and, had aligned himself with Kenjaku.
"No, no, no," the man said, coughing. "Don't kill me. I know things. I can help."
"You've been very unhelpful," Choso pointed out.
The man was pathetic. Choso wondered why Kenjaku had bothered to recruit him.
"Hey, make sure he has no marks left under his eyes," Yuki told him, and walked towards the door. "When you're finished, come back down. We have to leave."
"Alright," Choso said, nodding.
Yuki walked out, and shut the door behind her.
Choso decided not to waste time. He didn't have anything against the curse user, and, he'd prefer to not prolong his suffering.
He released a stream of blood again, and watched as the last marks under the man's right eye disappeared, along with his life.
Choso turned, and made his way down the stairs.
When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he found Eso and Kechizu talking to Yuki.
"Choso. All good?"
"Yes. He's dead," Choso said, and looked around.
"Let's go, then," Yuki said, and led the way outside.
As the four of them exited the building, Choso suddenly got a bad feeling. Something didn't feel right.
"I think -" he started, but was interrupted by Yuki.
"Look out!" she exclaimed, and drew her sword.
A horde of cursed spirits was flying towards them.
"Goddammit. That shithead must have alerted Kenjaku," Yuki said, and scowled. "Choso, get your brothers out of here. I'll deal with this."
"What? No! I'm not leaving you," Choso said, frowning.
"We can help, too," Eso said, and Kechizu nodded.
"It'll be faster if you just leave. I need to lead them away, first. There are too many civilians around. We can't fight here," Yuki said, and glared at him. "Get them back to the school, Choso."
Choso hated this. But, she was right. There were too many people around. If they fought here, someone would get hurt.
"Okay," he said, nodding. "Be careful."
"Of course," Yuki said, and grinned. "Oh, and Choso? We should hang out again, soon."
She winked, and turned away.
She started running, and, the curses followed her.
Choso was a little dazed, but, he knew they didn't have time. They had to get away, and quickly.
"Come on," he told his brothers, and ran.
He didn't look back.
It was the first time - at least in his current timeline - that Yuji was seeing Choso look so worried.
"She'll be fine. Yuki's strong," Yuji said, and gave Choso an encouraging smile.
Choso didn't look convinced.
"I should have stayed," he said, sighing. "I could have helped her."
They were sitting on the floor in the basement room, and Choso was clearly distressed. Yuji couldn't blame him. He, too, was a bit concerned about Yuki. However, he didn't want to admit it.
Choso arrived with Eso and Kechizu half an hour earlier, and, after introductions were made, he had told them everything that had happened.
"You couldn't have helped her. There were too many civilians around. Someone might have gotten hurt. Besides, Yuki can take care of herself. You'll see," Yuji told him.
Megumi was sitting next to him, and Yuji could tell that his boyfriend was doing his best not to show how weirded out he was by the appearance of Choso's brothers.
Eso was pretty normal looking. Sure, his face was a bit unsettling, and he had a questionable sense of fashion, but, apart from that, he looked almost like a human.
But, Kechizu was... something else. Yuji thought his brother's appearance was a little creepy, but, he supposed that was the price of having a curse as a brother.
"So, you're really Sukuna's vessel?" Eso asked.
He was staring at Yuji, eyes narrowed.
"I'm really Sukuna's vessel. Don't worry. He doesn't control me," Yuji said, smiling.
Eso was looking at him skeptically, but, Yuji didn't mind. This was still going much better than their encounter in Yuji's previous timeline.
"I hope we can trust you," Eso said, crossing his arms.
"We can," Choso said, firmly.
Eso nodded, but didn't say anything.
Yuji didn't blame him for being suspicious. It was understandable.
They spent the next ten minutes making small talk.
It wasn't that bad, but, Yuji could tell that everyone was on edge. Choso was worried about Yuki, Eso and Kechizu were wary, and Megumi looked as if he would rather be anywhere but there.
Suddenly, the door opened. Everyone jumped up, and stared.
Yuki was standing in the doorway, a triumphant grin on her face.
"Hey, everyone," she said, casually.
"Yuki! You're okay," Choso exclaimed, and ran over to her.
He stopped right in front of her, and seemed unsure what to do.
"Are you going to hug me, or what?" Yuki asked, and laughed.
Choso grinned, and embraced her.
"I'm glad you're alright," he said, quietly.
Yuji smiled. He was happy, too.
"Sorry I'm late. Those cursed spirits were a pain in the ass," Yuki told them. "I'm fine, though."
She pulled back from the hug, and looked at Choso, grinning.
"So, how about that date, Choso?"
The next day, the morning assembly was louder than usual.
Everyone was discussing their swap training from the previous day, and, Yuji could tell they were all excited about the new experiences they had had.
"I guess I owe Miwa an apology," Nobara sighed.
"Why?" Yuji asked, curiously.
"Well, I always found her nice and friendly. But, to be honest, I never thought of her as a capable sorcerer. She's good, though, especially for someone without a cursed technique. She's pretty proficient in using a Simple Domain, too," Nobara said, shrugging. "I guess I was a bit judgmental."
"I was wrong, too," Maki admitted, sighing. "I always pester everyone about not training enough and having slow reflexes. But damn, being in a normal body, without Heavenly Restriction? That shit is tough. I got tired real quick."
"Who did you swap with, Maki-san?" Nobara asked, curious.
"Nishimiya," Maki answered. "But damn, it felt amazing to be able to use cursed energy. Although, it's really not something I would need to learn and use in my own body, cause that would be impossible. Still, I had some fun."
"Panda-senpai, Inumaki-senpai, who did you two swap with?" Nobara asked, looking at them.
"I'm a cursed corpse, so, swapping was not an option. I did some training with Utahime, though," Panda said, shrugging. "Toge swapped with Todo, and he seemed to have a lot of fun."
"Shake," Toge agreed, nodding.
Yuji smiled. It was nice, hearing his friends talk about their experiences. It was a shame he hadn't been able to experience a similar thing. Well, technically, he had. Just not in this timeline.
"Okay, but the most important question," Nobara said, and grinned. "How did it feel like to swap with Gojo-sensei, Fushiguro?"
"Honestly? Weird," Megumi answered, and shrugged. "I got a headache real fast. The Six Eyes are a fucking nightmare. And, that cursed energy was insane. How the hell does he keep it under control all the time?"
"Damn. You really were lucky," Nobara said, chuckling. "I heard Mai talking about how she wished she had been the one to swap with him. She was saying something about wanting to peek under the uniform, and see if Gojo-sensei really has a six-pack. God, she's so gross."
Maki made a face.
"Ugh. Thanks for the mental image, Nobara."
Nobara just laughed.
"Oh, and what about you, Itadori? Who did you swap with?"
"Uh, no one," Yuji mumbled.
"Wait, what?" Maki asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey guys, I don't think any of you would want to hang out with Sukuna in my head. He's an asshole," Yuji said, smiling nervously. "Plus, I already did it in my old timeline, so..."
"Wait," Nobara said, and shook her head. "How did you swap in your old timeline, if Sukuna was inside your head?"
Yuji realized his mistake too late. Panic rushed through him. Shit.
"I, uh. That's not. I, uh," he stammered, trying to find a way out.
Megumi came to his rescue.
"That's enough, guys. Stop interrogating him."
"I agree. Enough questions," Gojo said, appearing out of nowhere.
His students stared at him, eyes wide.
Gojo laughed.
"Sorry, guys. Didn't mean to interrupt. But, we're all here, so let's start."
They went to their seats, and the morning assembly started.
Yuji glanced at Megumi, and mouthed, 'Thank you.'
Megumi smiled.
A/N: I didn't realize that writing the swap training would be this tricky, and I tried real hard to avoid any plot holes and things like that, but, please let me know if something doesn't make sense!
I wanted to write out more pairs, but, it would have taken a while, and I wanted to make the plot move forward. So, I settled for what I have (I might include some other scenes for the second training though, but I'm not set on anything yet).
From what I gathered in the manga, RCT and Simple Domain are the two main things people were able to learn through swap training (apart from martial arts skills). So, I tried to pair people in a way that our Tokyo cast is able to learn Simple Domain from the Kyoto students, and some of them will be able to try learning RCT in the second training. But, since RCT is much harder, not everyone will be able to master it, even if they swap with the right person.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked the chapter 😊
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