Chapter 12
Nanami was more or less used to Gojo's antics by now.
The man had his own set of rules, which only he understood. His way of thinking was not the same as the average person's, and the man's logic was not something a normal human being could comprehend.
Still, the whole ordeal with Yuji coming back in time seemed to cause Gojo to act even more erratically.
"What is it exactly that you need my help with?" Nanami asked, looking at the man.
"I need you to come with me to talk to Utahime," the sorcerer replied, a strange expression on his face.
"And, you can't do that alone because...?"
Gojo scowled.
"Because she hates my guts and might throw a knife at me," the man deadpanned.
Nanami raised an eyebrow.
"So, you want me to act as a human shield?" he asked.
Gojo laughed.
"Oh, c'mon, Nanami, I just need you to be there. Don't make it weird," he grinned.
"Can't you ask Shoko? I thought she and Utahime were friends," Nanami tried.
"I did."
"She told me to stop acting like a child and deal with my problems by myself," Gojo pouted.
"Well, that's a sound advice," the blond man commented.
"I'll buy you lunch."
Nanami sighed.
"Fine," he conceded.
Gojo's face brightened, and he threw an arm around Nanami's shoulder.
"C'mon, let's go," he said.
"Stop touching me," the other man grumbled.
Gojo laughed, and took a step back.
They walked in silence, and Nanami couldn't help but glance at Gojo every now and then. There was a look in the man's eyes, and the blond man wasn't quite sure what to make of it.
"Are you worried?" Nanami asked, finally.
Gojo glanced at him, and smiled.
"You'll have to be more specific, Nanami," the man replied.
"About the future. The things Itadori said. The whole situation," Nanami said, sighing.
"Do I look worried?" Gojo asked, shrugging.
"You're avoiding the question," Nanami pointed out.
"Am I?" the man smirked.
"Well, then, maybe you're wrong."
"Gojo, you are the least subtle person I know, and your avoidance tactics are worse than a toddler's. So, can we stop playing games, and can you tell me the truth, for once?" Nanami asked, stopping.
Gojo stopped walking too, and his lips quirked upwards.
"Nanami, you are so funny. Why do you always think you can see right through me?" he asked, chuckling.
Nanami frowned.
"It's a reasonable assumption, based on your personality. You are not as cryptic as you think you are, Gojo. And, the more you try to hide your emotions, the easier it is to tell what you're really feeling," the blond man explained.
Gojo sighed.
"You are so perceptive, Nanami," the man said.
"I've been told," Nanami retorted.
"Okay, okay, fine," Gojo grumbled. "If you really must know, I'm fucking terrified."
Nanami blinked.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked.
Gojo rolled his eyes, but there was no real malice in the gesture.
"Remember the notebook Yuji gave me with the timeline?" he asked.
"Yes, of course," Nanami answered.
"Things keep changing."
"Well, that was expected, wasn't it? We try need to change some things, so the events in the future can be avoided," the blond man pointed out.
"Yes, but, they've been changing at an alarming rate," Gojo said.
"Alarming rate? In what way?"
"Well, first of all, Megumi realizing his Domain Expansion. It wasn't supposed to happen until a month later, on a different mission," Gojo said. "According to Yuji, Hanami didn't get killed in his old timeline, not until the Shibuya Incident. And, I know this is not a big deal, but they were apparently supposed to play baseball, not soccer."
"Is that so bad?" Nanami asked.
"No, but it's just a sign that the timeline is shifting, and not staying the same," the man said, sighing.
"I thought that was the whole point," Nanami remarked.
"Sure, but, these were the events we agreed not to change. If something as insignificant as the game changes, what about the bigger stuff?" Gojo said.
"You're worried that the timeline is going to change too much and we won't have the upper hand when the time comes," Nanami concluded.
"But, you are the one who insisted we needed to change the future, and now you're having second thoughts?" Nanami questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Can you stop analyzing me for a second, Nanami? I'm having a crisis," Gojo complained.
Gojo sighed, dramatically.
"What if the whole thing goes wrong?" the man asked, a frown on his face.
"I don't know," Nanami admitted.
"I'm the strongest, and even I can't see the future. I can't control everything, and if things don't turn out the way we want, there's nothing we can do. I still have no clue what to do about Sukuna, and, honestly, I'm starting to doubt that anyone can fix the problem," the man continued.
Nanami was a little taken aback. It wasn't like Gojo to doubt himself.
"Gojo, there's no need for you to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders," the blond man said.
"Isn't there, though?" the white-haired sorcerer asked, bitterly.
"Not even you can save the entire world, no matter how hard you try. All we can do is our best," Nanami replied.
"You don't get it, Nanami," Gojo groaned. "I don't know how to be anything but strong. If I'm not strong, I'm worthless."
Nanami was speechless. He had known Gojo for years, and had seen him go through a lot. Still, the man had never shown any weakness, and his attitude was nothing but confidence. He always found Gojo an annoying, childish pain in the ass, and his narcissistic, arrogant demeanor was the biggest reason. But, right now, the sorcerer wasn't the cocky bastard who Nanami knew, and, he felt something close to compassion towards him.
"Gojo, you are not worthless. No matter what," he said, quietly.
"I don't need your pity," the white-haired man sneered.
"Good, because that's not what this is," Nanami retorted.
"It's fine, Nanami, I'm just being dramatic," Gojo waved him off.
Nanami sighed.
"Why do I have to deal with you?" he muttered.
"Because, you secretly care about me," Gojo smirked.
"Don't push it," the blond man warned.
"Alright, alright," Gojo chuckled.
"So, what do you need to talk to Utahime about?" Nanami asked.
"Oh, about that," the man started, rubbing the back of his neck. "I need to tell her that one of her students is a traitor, and giving information to Kenjaku."
Nanami's eyes widened.
"Who?" he asked.
"Kokichi Muta."
"Gojo, what the hell are you talking about?" Utahime demanded.
The white-haired sorcerer shrugged.
"It's the truth," he said.
"And how exactly do you know this?" the woman asked, her arms crossed.
"It's better if you don't ask," Gojo said.
Utahime huffed, and turned towards Nanami.
"What is he talking about, Nanami?" she asked, her eyes pleading.
"He's not lying, Utahime. He found out a while ago, and the evidence is solid," the man replied, apologetically.
"Nanami, you are a smart man, and you wouldn't take part in this bullshit without a reason. What is really going on?" Utahime asked, exasperated.
Gojo was about to intervene, when Nanami put a hand up.
"It's complicated," Nanami admitted.
"Complicated," the woman repeated.
"It's a long story," Nanami said, sighing.
"I've got time."
"We don't," Gojo said.
Utahime glared.
"You are infuriating," she spat.
"I'm aware," the man said, smiling.
"Utahime, I'm sorry," Nanami said. "If we could tell you the truth, we would. But, for now, please trust us. The less people know about this, the better."
Utahime studied him, and, eventually, her expression softened.
"Fine," she sighed. "Let's say I believe you. What am I supposed to do with this information?"
Gojo took a step closer.
"Come with us to talk to him. He trusts you," he said.
Utahime's eyes narrowed.
"And what do you plan on doing to him? He's my student," she challenged.
"We won't do anything to him," Gojo assured her.
"Yes, really. I know I don't look like it, but I do have morals, Utahime. I'm not going to hurt a kid," Gojo replied. "Plus, he's not the bad guy here. He was promised something that he couldn't refuse."
"And, what's that?"
"A healthy body."
Utahime's expression was incredulous.
"That's not possible," she scoffed.
"You'd be surprised, Utahime," Gojo said, darkly.
Utahime's eyes met Nanami's, and he nodded.
"Alright," she said. "When?"
"As soon as possible," the white-haired man answered.
"Okay. He's probably at the dorms now - well, Mechamaru is," Utahime explained.
"Let's go," Gojo said.
They made their way to the Kyoto dorms, and Nanami watched Gojo carefully. The man had regained his composure, and there was a determined look on his face.
They came to the building, and Utahime knocked.
"Coming!" a voice yelled.
The door opened, and they were greeted by Mechamaru.
"Oh, sensei," he said, startled. "Uh, hi, what can I do for you?"
"Hello, Mechamaru," Gojo said.
"Oh, hello, Gojo-san," Mechamaru greeted, his tone wary.
"Can we come in?" the white-haired man asked.
"Um, of course," Mechamaru agreed.
"Thank you," Gojo smiled, and walked in, followed by Nanami and Utahime.
"We need to talk to you, Kokichi," Gojo said, his voice calm.
"Uh, sure, but why?" the boy asked, his voice uncertain.
"I think you already know the answer to that question," Gojo told him.
Mechamaru was silent.
"Is this true?" Utahime asked, quietly.
"Sensei..." the boy started.
"Mechamaru, please," Utahime pleaded.
"I'm sorry, sensei," Mechamaru whispered.
Utahime shook her head, and Gojo could see the tears in her eyes.
"It's okay, Kokichi. I just need you to tell us the truth," she said, gently.
Mechamaru was still silent.
"Look, we know that you've been leaking information to cursed spirits," Gojo said, sighing. "And, we know about your deal with Mahito, too."
"What is it that you want from me?" Mechamaru asked, finally.
"We need your help."
Mechamaru was taken aback.
"My help?" he echoed.
"Aren't you going to kill me?" the boy asked.
"Do you want me to kill you?" Gojo inquired.
"Then, why would I?" the man asked, smirking.
"But, I'm a traitor. Why would you trust me?" Mechamaru asked, puzzled.
"Let's say I have a good reason to," Gojo answered, cryptically. "The question is, are you willing to help us?"
Although the puppet didn't reflect Kokichi's face expression, Gojo knew he was probably emotional.
"What do you need me to do?" the boy asked.
"First, I need to know who exactly it was you communicated with," Gojo said.
"The cursed spirit you mentioned, Mahito," Mechamaru replied. "He is the one I made a binding vow with. And, there was someone else too, although he never told me his name. It seemed like he was the one calling the shots, though."
"Yes, I suppose he would have a good reason not to tell you his name," Gojo agreed. "Did you ever meet him in person?"
"Once," Mechamaru said. "But, it was only brief. We met at a shrine, and it was dark, so I couldn't see his face very well. It was just a short conversation. He had long, dark hair, and seemed to have a very high status."
"Long, dark hair, huh?" Gojo mused. "Anything else?"
"Yes, there was something across his forehead, although I didn't see what. It looked like a scar, or something similar," Mechamaru replied.
"Stitches," Gojo muttered.
"Nothing," the man said, shaking his head. "Listen, Kokichi, this is really important. Do you think you could get them to meet you, somehow?"
"I mean, I could try. But, I don't know what it would take. They were very cautious when it came to communicating with me, and meeting in person is risky for them," Mechamaru told him.
"What if you had something that they wanted? Would they meet you, then?" Gojo asked.
"Probably," Mechamaru said. "What kind of thing do you mean?"
"Oh, I don't know," the man mused. "Something they need, but failed to obtain."
"I'm not sure," Mechamaru admitted. "What did you have in mind?"
"Sukuna's fingers," Gojo grinned.
A couple days had passed since the Goodwill Event and Yuji was enjoying his time with his friends. Although it was still really weird, hanging around his upperclassmen while having to pretend like he wasn't close with them, it was nice. Of course, he had some minor slip-ups, but he figured that was inevitable. He was glad that everyone seemed to accept his weird behavior.
They were outside, training, and Yuji was sparring with Maki. Nobara and Megumi were practicing on the side, while Inumaki, and Panda watched.
Maki lunged forward, and Yuji sidestepped, quickly. The girl swung her spear, and Yuji blocked it with his arms.
"You're fast," the girl remarked.
"So are you," Yuji grinned.
Maki attacked again, and Yuji jumped backwards. He moved forward, and aimed a kick at Maki's leg. She dodged it, and swung her weapon again. The spear barely grazed Yuji's chest, as he managed to dodge at the last second. He moved towards her, and she struck again, this time aiming for his legs.
Yuji flipped over her spear, and landed behind her.
"That was a cheap move," the girl complained, as she turned to face him.
"I've learned that the best way to win is to use any advantage," Yuji said.
"Is that so?" Maki questioned, her eyes narrowing.
"Of course," Yuji smirked.
Maki attacked, and Yuji blocked the blow with his forearms. He pushed against her, and her eyes widened, as the force was enough to make her stumble backwards. She tried to hit him again, and Yuji easily avoided the attack.
Maki kept her distance, and studied him, for a moment. She swung her weapon, and it extended, striking Yuji. The pink-haired boy grabbed it, before it could hit him, and Maki's eyes widened.
She pulled it back, but Yuji held onto it, firmly.
"This is frustrating," she complained.
"What is?" Yuji asked.
"You. I can't believe a first-year with barely any experience can match me in speed, and strength," she muttered. "What grade are you, anyway?"
"Uh, I've never been assessed," Yuji answered, his heart pounding.
"Well, I can imagine that you're Grade 2, at least," Maki said, as she yanked her weapon back.
"Thanks," Yuji grinned. "You too, though."
Maki rolled her eyes, and the two continued sparring, until Yuji's phone buzzed.
He took it out, and checked his messages.
"Shit," he muttered, stopping.
"What is it?" Maki asked, panting.
"Oh, uh, nothing," Yuji said, trying to calm his heart.
"Really?" the girl said, raising an eyebrow. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Haha, I'm fine," Yuji laughed, awkwardly.
Maki looked skeptical, but shrugged, and turned away.
Yuji sighed, relieved, and opened the text, again. It was from Gojo.
'Yuta is back. Meet me in my office.'
Yuji ran as fast as he could. His heart was pounding, and he was trying to control his excitement. If Yuta was back, it meant that the plan to save Tsumiki was coming into play.
He entered the building, and went straight to the second floor. He burst into Gojo's office, and found the sorcerer sitting at his desk, talking to Yuta.
"Oh, Yuji! You made it here in record time," the man said, grinning.
Yuji's gaze shifted towards Yuta, and he smiled, widely.
"Okkotsu-senpai! It's so good to see you!" Yuji exclaimed.
Yuta blinked at the sight of him, chuckling as he turned back to Gojo.
"I see what you mean, sensei," he said.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Yuji asked.
Yuta laughed, and patted the pink-haired boy on the shoulder.
"It's nice to meet you, Itadori," he said.
"Oh," Yuji stammered, his cheeks turning red. "I forgot. You don't know me."
"Not yet, anyway," Yuta corrected.
"You should sit down, Yuji," Gojo said, gesturing towards one of the chairs in front of his desk.
The pink-haired boy did as he was told, and sat down, crossing his legs. Yuta sat down beside him, while the white-haired man remained standing.
"I have filled Yuta in on your... situation," Gojo explained.
"Yeah, I figured," Yuji said.
"I think I can help you," Yuta said, his tone confident.
"You can?"
"Yes. But we need to find and kill Mahito first. Although it might be possible without it, the best way I can copy an ability is to have Rika eat a part of the body."
"So, once we kill Mahito, we might be able to reverse Tsumiki's curse," Gojo added.
"This is great!" the pink-haired boy said. "But, how do we find Mahito?"
"Actually, I have been working on that," Gojo replied.
Yuji felt his heart jump, excitedly.
"You have?"
"Yes. Me and Nanami went to Kyoto to talk to Utahime and Mechamaru."
Yuta raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, who's Mechamaru?" he asked.
"Oh, right," Gojo sighed. "We have a lot to catch you up on. Mechamaru is a second-year student at Kyoto. He didn't participate at last year's Goodwill Event, so you probably haven't met him."
"Right," Yuta nodded.
"Anyway, Mechamaru's real name is Kokichi Muta, and he has a heavenly restriction that makes his body weak. His condition is so severe that he cannot even be in the same room as other people, and he is in constant pain. He uses a puppet, Mechamaru, to attend school and socialize," Gojo explained.
"That sounds awful," Yuta frowned.
"Yes, well, unfortunately this means that he is the perfect candidate to be manipulated. As it turns out, Mechamaru was giving information to the curses," Gojo continued.
"So, he's a traitor?" Yuta questioned.
"Sort of. I don't think he was doing it willingly. It seems like he was promised something he couldn't refuse."
"How convenient," Yuta snorted.
"Yes, but, we can use that to our advantage," Gojo said.
"Oh? How so?"
"Well, Kokichi and Mahito made a binding vow. In return for the information he gave, Mahito would use his cursed technique to give Kokichi a healthy body. We plan on using that connection, as a way to get them to meet. That will be our chance to kill Mahito," Gojo explained.
"That could work," Yuta agreed. "But, would they be willing to do it? What about the risk involved?"
"We already know that the curses want Sukuna's fingers. They were trying to obtain the ones at Jujutsu High, but thanks to Yuji's warning, they didn't manage to. They know that we are keeping the rest somewhere, but they don't know where. What if Kokichi offered to lead them to the location?" Gojo suggested.
Yuji felt a surge of excitement, and he turned towards Yuta, eagerly.
"This could work!" he exclaimed.
"It could," the black-haired boy agreed.
Gojo smirked, and nodded.
"Kokichi managed to secure a meeting with Mahito. I was hoping that Kenjaku would be there, too, but he's still being cautious. He only appeared the one time, when he first made a deal with Kokichi. He probably uses Mahito as a go-between," Gojo said.
"So, when is the meeting?" Yuji asked.
"Tonight," Gojo replied.
Yuji's eyes widened, and his heart raced, excitedly.
"Yes. So, boys, how does a trip to Kyoto sound?"
The ride to Kyoto was a little awkward, but mostly because Yuji didn't know what to say. He had known Yuta in his future, but the other boy didn't know him, yet. It was strange, sitting in the same car as someone, but having them not recognize you.
But, Yuji was grateful that Yuta had an open mind, and was willing to believe him.
The three of them were currently walking through the deserted industrial park, headed towards the warehouse where Utahime had seen Mechamaru. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the ground, and the air was growing colder.
"So, this guy, Mahito, has the ability to change the shape of people's souls? Like, permanently?" Yuta asked, breaking the silence.
"Yep. That's his curse technique. It's pretty strong, too. He can kill anyone and turn them into a curse, unless they are able to protect their souls. And, you can only protect your soul if you are aware of its outlines."
"What happens if their soul is changed?"
"The person becomes a curse, and they have no control over their actions," Yuji answered. "They turn into Mahito's puppet."
"That's sick," Yuta said, his voice full of disgust.
"I know," Yuji agreed. "I want nothing more than to rip his head off."
"I can't wait to help you do that."
Yuji couldn't help but grin. He and Yuta were similar in so many ways. They were both sentenced to die by the higher-ups, only to be saved by the very sorcerer who was supposed to execute them. They both had a strong desire to protect others, and were willing to do whatever it took to accomplish their goals.
Yuji thought back of the long days of training he had spent with Yuta, preparing for the worst case scenario before Gojo's battle against Sukuna. They had trained hard, and pushed each other to their limits, but they had also laughed, and talked, and gotten to know each other.
He wondered if Yuta had even survived on that timeline. That world cutting slash had hit him in the stomach, and he had been bleeding profusely. And, Yuji hadn't stuck around long enough to see what had happened.
"So, Okkotsu-senpai, did you like Africa?" Yuji asked, trying to break the tension.
"It was nice," Yuta replied, shrugging. "I trained a lot, and I got a chance to clear my head. Plus, the scenery was beautiful."
"I bet."
"But, when Gojo-sensei called me and said that I was needed back in Japan, I jumped at the chance. I'm happy to be here," Yuta added.
"Really?" Yuji asked, his face breaking out into a wide grin.
"Of course. I missed all my friends, and I'm not about to pass up the opportunity to take out some bad guys and save the world," the other boy said, smirking.
Yuji felt relieved. He was glad that Yuta had returned. With him around, the odds were definitely in their favor.
"We're here," Gojo announced.
The trio stopped in front of a large, metal door, at the entrance of the warehouse.
"So, is Mechamaru here already?" Yuji questioned.
"Judging by the cursed energy around, both him and Mahito are inside," Gojo answered.
"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go," Yuta said.
Gojo held up a hand, and shook his head.
"Hold on. We need to wait until Mechamaru leaves, and Mahito is vulnerable. Then, we can go in," he said.
"But, why wait?" Yuta asked.
"Because, in order not to break his binding vow, Kokichi must give Mahito the information he wants. If we kill Mahito, and prevent Kokichi from upholding his side of the vow, Kokichi will suffer the consequences. So, we can't interfere, until after Mechamaru is gone," Gojo explained.
"Got it," Yuta nodded.
A few minutes passed, and Gojo signaled that Mechamaru had left. He pulled the door open, and the three of them stepped inside the building.
"I stopped masking my cursed energy, so he knows we are here," Gojo said.
Yuji and Yuta both nodded, and followed him.
"Where is he?" Yuta asked.
"Probably trying to hide. Considering he was terrified of Gojo-sensei last time we fought him, he knows better than to show his face," Yuji commented.
"That's right," Gojo said, smirking.
"He's probably just biding his time until he has the upper hand. I doubt he would be foolish enough to attack you, knowing what happened the last time," Yuta pointed out.
"Well, too bad we don't have all night," Gojo said, sighing dramatically. "So, we're gonna do it my way. Get ready, boys."
"Get ready for what?" Yuji asked, nervously.
But, instead of an answer, Gojo took his blindfold off, revealing his bright blue eyes.
Yuji looked at Yuta, and the black-haired boy shrugged, clearly confused. Gojo had a habit of doing things without telling anyone, and this was no exception.
"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void," Gojo said, calmly.
All of the sudden, the warehouse was gone. The darkness surrounding them seemed to stretch on forever, and it felt like they were trapped in a never-ending vacuum.
Yuji had only been in Gojo's domain expansion once, but he remembered the feeling well. It was overwhelming, and disorienting, and it made him feel small.
But, it worked.
Because, in the blackness of the void, he could see Mahito. The curse was floating in front of them, his face distorted with fear.
Gojo laughed and held both boys close, his arms wrapped around their shoulders, so they don't feel the effects of the domain. Yuji still felt a little woozy, and Yuta was looking pale, but considering the horror frozen on Mahito's face, they were clearly getting the better end of the deal.
"Mahito, my old friend, how's it going?" Gojo asked, casually.
The curse stared at him, his eyes wide. Yuji figured that he wasn't able to speak, or move, due to the domain expansion.
"I know, I know, it's been a while. We really should catch up. Maybe grab a cup of coffee, or something," Gojo said, grinning.
Yuji looked at Yuta, and the boy was trying his best not to laugh.
"But, I'm afraid our time is short, and we have business to discuss. You see, this is Yuta Okkotsu. He's an old student of mine, and I brought him here for a reason. You see, his ex-girlfriend, Rika, is a special-grade cursed spirit, and I was hoping you could give us a piece of yourself, so that she can eat it and get a new ability."
Yuji didn't miss the way Mahito's eyes darted towards Yuta. Clearly, the curse understood what was going on.
"Unfortunately, she isn't here, right now, but, I'm just gonna close this domain, so Yuta can summon her, and then, well, you'll see."
Gojo grinned, and snapped his fingers, and just like that, the domain was gone. The warehouse was back, and they were no longer surrounded by an endless abyss.
Mahito was standing in front of them, face still twisted in terror, probably still reeling from the effects of Infinite Void.
But, they were all quickly distracted by the appearance of a massive, cursed spirit. She was floating above them, her form huge and imposing. Yuji had seen Rika before, but her appearance still caught him off guard.
"Rika-chan, this is Mahito. Be a dear, and eat him for us, please," Yuta smiled.
The curse let out an animalistic roar, and launched herself at the terrified Mahito. She grabbed him with her giant, claw-like hand, and threw him into the air, catching him with her other hand.
The curse began to squeeze, and Yuji watched as Mahito scrambled to transfigure himself into a blob, so that Rika's hand couldn't get a grip. But, the curse just dug her nails in deeper, and continued to squeeze.
Blood started to trickle from the curse's wounds, and Yuji couldn't help but smile.
Good, he thought. Let him bleed.
Finally, the curse's bones cracked, and he let out a howl of pain.
"Rika, enough," Yuta called out.
The curse stopped squeezing, and tossed Mahito back onto the floor, like a rag doll.
"Itadori, Gojo-sensei mentioned that Mahito had caused you a lot of trouble," Yuta said, flashing Yuji a heartwarming smile, that was slightly terrifying. "So, I think you should have the honors."
"Thanks, senpai," Yuji exclaimed, as he lunged towards the bleeding curse, his fist raised.
He struck the curse in the chest, and felt a rush of pleasure as his knuckles connected with flesh and bone. It was an incredibly satisfying feeling, and Yuji punched Mahito again, and again, and again. Not having to hold back was liberating.
He felt the familiar rush of a Black Flash, and smiled as the curse's blood splattered on his face. He didn't stop, though.
This is for Junpei. For Kugisaki. For Nanamin. This is for everyone.
Mahito screamed, and struggled, but he was no match for Yuji.
Finally, Yuji's fists were soaked with blood, and he was breathing heavily.
Mahito was on the floor, his body a mangled mess of flesh and bones. His hair was matted with blood, and his clothes were stained crimson.
Yuji could hardly believe his eyes. He had dreamed about this moment for a long time, and the reality was better than he had imagined.
"Are you done?" Yuta asked, his voice calm.
Yuji stepped away from the bloody curse, and nodded.
Yuta approached the mangled curse, his expression neutral.
"Rika-chan, dinner time," he said, gesturing towards the injured Mahito.
Rika roared, and flew towards the dying curse, scooping him up and throwing him into the air. She caught him in her mouth, and chewed.
Yuji's eyes widened. He had forgotten that the Yuta's ex-girlfriend was a bit... uncivilized.
Rika swallowed, and burped.
"Did you enjoy that?" Yuta asked, smiling.
The curse nodded, and Yuta patted her head.
"You can go now, thank you, Rika-chan," he said.
The curse faded away, and Yuji watched as the boy's face broke out into a wide grin. His eyes were sparkling, and he looked happier than the pink-haired boy had ever seen him.
"That felt amazing," Yuta said, turning towards Yuji.
"It was," Yuji agreed, laughing. "That was very satisfying."
"Yes, it was. Although, it was a bit... barbaric," Gojo commented.
"You're one to talk," Yuta said, chuckling.
"You have a point. Now, I'm hungry. Wanna grab something to eat, boys?"
It was already late, and Megumi was up, scrolling through his phone, trying not to fall asleep.
He hated to admit it, but the thought that Yuji was still not back from wherever he had gone was keeping him up. He had resisted the urge to text him, not wanting to bother him, or look clingy.
Megumi sighed, and put his phone down. He was being ridiculous. Before he had realized his feelings, he wouldn't have thought twice about sending a stupid text. He was letting his emotions cloud his judgement, and that was a dangerous thing, for a sorcerer.
Suddenly, there was a soft knock on his door, and the boy felt his heart race. He got up, and opened it, and saw Yuji, standing outside, his face covered in dried blood, a grin plastered on his face.
"Itadori, what the hell-"
Yuji pulled him into a tight hug, cutting off the rest of the question.
"I killed him," Yuji whispered, his breath hot on Megumi's ear. "We did it. I finally killed him."
Megumi gasped, and pushed Yuji away, so he could see the other boy's face.
"Mahito? You killed him? How?" he asked, his eyes wide.
"Long story, and I'll tell you later. But, it was so, so good. I've never felt anything like that," Yuji confessed, his voice full of emotion. "I finally got my revenge."
"That's great, Itadori," Megumi said, smiling. "I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, Fushiguro," Yuji whispered, and Megumi noticed the tears forming in his eyes.
"Don't cry, dummy," Megumi scolded, wiping away a tear.
"Sorry. I'm just... emotional, I guess," Yuji mumbled, looking down. "There will be no Culling Games, Fushiguro. No Great Merger. No mass casualties. I- I'm so relieved."
"I'm happy for you, Itadori," Megumi repeated, smiling. "That's incredible. You're incredible."
"It wasn't just me," Yuji pointed out. "It was Gojo-sensei and Okkotsu-senpai, too."
"Okkotsu-senpai is back from Africa? When did that happen?" Megumi asked.
"Earlier today, actually. It was a surprise, even for me. But, it was a good one," the boy answered. "There's one more thing, but I can't tell you about it just yet. But, trust me, when I say, that it's a really, really good thing."
Megumi nodded, but didn't push for an answer. Yuji looked like he was about to burst. He was practically glowing, and Megumi had never seen him so excited.
"Go, shower, you're filthy," Megumi ordered, playfully. "And then, come back. I'm not letting you sleep alone tonight."
"Really?" Yuji asked, his smile so wide that it was almost blinding.
"Really. Now, go," Megumi urged, gently.
Yuji nodded, and hurried away, his footsteps echoing off the hallway.
Megumi flopped onto his bed, and stared at the ceiling. He couldn't stop smiling.
It was a great night.
A/N: Yayy, thanks for reading and thanks everyone who's leaving little comments, I absolutely love reading them ❤️ See you soon!
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