Bonus Chapter - Great Minds Think Alike
A/N: Hi guys!
I guess I have a little surprise for you here. Warning: it's disgustingly sappy, cliché, and cheesy. You've been warned.
Hope you enjoy it nonetheless, though. 😊
Megumi eyed Yuji suspiciously.
Yuji had been acting really strange lately. Not the usual strange. Megumi thought his boyfriend was cute when he did his adorable, air-headed and spacey thing. He was even cute when he was being an idiot, which was often, but right now, Yuji was acting really, really weird.
Megumi wondered if it was something he did. He didn't remember doing anything that warranted Yuji's unusual behaviour, but maybe he just didn't remember. After all, Megumi wasn't perfect. It was possible that he was so oblivious to his own behaviour that he'd accidentally hurt Yuji, though Megumi doubted it. Yuji was usually quite up front with his feelings, and he was never afraid to call Megumi out on his bullshit, and yet, for some reason, Yuji hadn't said anything this time.
Although, Megumi supposed the strangest thing was that it wasn't necessarily a bad kind of weird. Yuji didn't seem unhappy, just nervous. His smile was strained and he had a permanent blush on his cheeks. He seemed to be constantly distracted by his thoughts (which Megumi suspected had something to do with him), and Yuji was a lot more attentive than usual.
Not that Megumi was complaining. He enjoyed having Yuji's undivided attention, especially when his boyfriend would look at him with such tender eyes and kiss him as though Megumi was his whole world. However, it did make him worry. What had caused this? Was something going to happen to him or to them?
Yuji's sudden clinginess was worrying, because as much as Megumi loved cuddling and being held, he knew there had to be a reason for Yuji's behaviour. There had to be something on Yuji's mind, something important that he was keeping from him, and it made Megumi feel anxious.
Megumi was used to being the one who kept his emotions bottled up. It was how he had survived for most of his childhood, and he had only started expressing his emotions after their first year and all the chaos that came with it. Still, despite the many months of practice, it was still difficult for him to express his feelings, and it made him uncomfortable knowing that he couldn't help Yuji with whatever he was dealing with.
"Where are you going?" he asked as he watched Yuji grab his wallet.
Yuji blinked and tilted his head to the side. "I'm gonna go shopping," he answered, giving him a smile. "Nobara asked me to go with her."
Megumi raised an eyebrow.
"Why doesn't she go with Mai? Or Maki, or Miwa, or any of the girls?"
He hoped he didn't sound too suspicious. Hanging out with Nobara was pretty normal, after all.
"Because I'm stronger than they are and they don't like carrying her bags," Yuji explained. He shrugged and grinned, his dimples making an appearance. "You know how she is."
Megumi stared at Yuji for a moment, trying to find a flaw in his argument, but he couldn't. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Yuji had a good reason, and although it was weird that Nobara would ask him and not Megumi (not that Megumi minded), it was plausible.
"I guess," Megumi replied. He sighed and stood up. "Fine, have fun."
He gave him a peck on the lips, but before he could move away, Yuji wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Megumi smiled, thinking his boyfriend wanted another kiss, but instead, Yuji buried his face into his shoulder and hugged him.
"Yuji, what—"
"I love you," Yuji interrupted. His voice was soft, his tone full of warmth and adoration. It made Megumi blush. "You know that, right? That I love you, more than anything."
Megumi rolled his eyes, although he was smiling. "You're so sappy," he said. He put his hands on Yuji's cheeks, cupping them gently. "But, yeah, I know. And you know I love you too, right?"
Yuji kissed him again, this time a little harder. When Megumi kissed him back, Yuji let out a happy sigh, and it made Megumi chuckle.
"What's gotten into you?" Megumi asked as he pulled away. He brushed his thumb across Yuji's cheek, and Yuji leaned into the touch.
"Nothing," he answered, and his grin widened. "You just make me really happy, Megumi."
"You're weird," Megumi said. "Go before Nobara starts yelling at you."
Yuji laughed. "I'll see you later, then. Bye!"
Megumi nodded. "Bye."
As soon as the door closed behind Yuji, Megumi walked over to the couch and sat down. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm his racing heart. It was okay. There was nothing to worry about. Everything was fine. Yuji was going shopping with Nobara. It was normal. Nothing was wrong.
So why did he feel so anxious?
"Thanks for meeting me, Tsumiki!" Yuji greeted as soon as the door opened.
"You're welcome," she replied. "Come on in."
Yuji smiled and walked inside, looking around the familiar apartment. Tsumiki had invited them over plenty of times, so it was no surprise that everything was just the way he remembered it. Her boyfriend was out of town, so Yuji knew that they wouldn't be interrupted. He felt grateful that Tsumiki was willing to help him out.
"So, what's up?" she asked, sitting down on the couch. She patted the seat next to her and waited patiently for him to join her. "You seemed excited on the phone, so I figured it must be important."
"It is," Yuji answered. He sat beside her, bouncing his leg up and down anxiously. He took a deep breath. "Okay, so, you know Megumi and I have been together for a while, right?"
Tsumiki nodded.
"And, you know that we're really happy, right?"
"Of course," Tsumiki said. She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Are you planning to propose or something?"
Yuji choked. He coughed and sputtered, his eyes widening in surprise. He hadn't realized that he was being so obvious.
"How did you know?"
Tsumiki laughed. "Well, first of all, you have that lovesick puppy look on your face, which you always have when you're talking about him," she answered. "Second, you called me out of the blue, saying you had something important to ask me. Lastly, Megumi just texted me and mentioned that you were out with Nobara, which, considering you're sitting on my couch, is a lie."
"I am so obvious, aren't I?" Yuji said.
"Just a little," Tsumiki teased. "And, I know you'd never lie to him unless it was important."
"So," Tsumiki continued, leaning forward, her interest piqued. "Are you actually planning on proposing?"
Yuji flushed.
"Yes," he replied, and a smile broke across his face. "I want to spend the rest of my life with him, Tsumiki. I can't imagine being without him. I love him."
Tsumiki seemed to melt, and she clapped her hands together, letting out a happy squeal. She wrapped her arms around Yuji and pulled him into a tight hug, and Yuji happily returned the embrace.
"I'm so happy for you, Yuji," she exclaimed. "Oh, my baby brother is getting married!"
"He hasn't said yes yet," Yuji reminded her. He chuckled nervously. "I don't even have a ring, and I'm not sure where to start. Do you have any ideas?"
"Do I ever!" Tsumiki exclaimed. She grabbed her laptop and opened a webpage. "There's so many options! You have to think about his style, the type of stone you want, the setting and the metal, and—"
"Wait, wait," Yuji interrupted. "What does all that mean?"
Tsumiki stared at him incredulously.
"Have you never looked into this before?" she asked.
"Not really," Yuji admitted.
"Okay, well, first of all," Tsumiki said, turning to face him completely. "Let's start with the basics."
She opened a new tab and searched for engagement rings. She scrolled through several pages, showing Yuji a few examples, explaining what each feature meant and what they did.
"Do you have any idea what Megumi might want?" Tsumiki asked, glancing at him curiously.
Yuji scratched his cheek and shrugged.
"He likes simple stuff," he answered.
"That's true," Tsumiki agreed. She clicked on a different page, one filled with basic rings, and she turned the laptop towards him. "Something like these?"
Yuji studied the screen, his eyes scanning over the various rings, each with their own unique design. He didn't want to get something that was too flashy, but he also wanted to get Megumi something special, something that would represent their love and commitment.
"Maybe," he replied. He bit his lip and frowned, still unsure.
"Here, let's try this," Tsumiki said. She tapped a finger against her chin thoughtfully. "Close your eyes and tell me what comes to mind when you picture yourself giving Megumi an engagement ring."
Yuji did as he was told.
"Okay," he said. He took a deep breath and let his mind wander, letting his thoughts drift until a picture began to form. "I want it to be unique, but not fancy. Can't imagine any stones. Maybe a silver band. Not gold, definitely not gold."
"What about black?" Tsumiki suggested.
"Black and silver," Yuji murmured. He grinned, his eyes still closed. "Perfect. Something that says I love you, but not too obvious. Not something that people will immediately recognize as an engagement ring. Just enough so we know, you know?"
"Yeah, I get it," Tsumiki said. "So, like, an engraving? On the inside?"
"Yes! Yes, exactly!" Yuji exclaimed. He opened his eyes and beamed at her. "Thank you, Tsumiki! This is exactly what I needed! Now, all I have to do is find the perfect ring."
Tsumiki typed something into the search bar, and a new page popped up. Yuji's jaw dropped.
"Is that—are those—"
"The rings you described," Tsumiki finished, grinning proudly.
"Holy shit," Yuji gasped. He pointed to the screen and gaped. "That one!"
"The silver band with the black stripe in the middle?" Tsumiki questioned.
"Yeah," Yuji breathed.
He stared at the picture, and he could already see it on Megumi's finger. The black line would match the dark strands of his hair, the silver would match his skin tone, and the simple design would suit his personality. It was absolutely perfect.
"This is the one," Yuji decided.
Tsumiki smiled and nodded.
"I agree," she said. "It suits him."
"And, there's an option for engraving," Yuji noticed. He smiled happily and hugged Tsumiki again. "Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome," Tsumiki laughed.
They spent the rest of the afternoon going over the details and finalizing the order. Yuji was giddy with excitement, and he couldn't stop smiling.
Yuji asked Tsumiki to get the package when it arrived and to keep it hidden until he told her otherwise. She agreed, and when he left, he was feeling even more confident than before. He could hardly wait to see the look on Megumi's face when he popped the question.
It was Saturday, which meant that the two of them had the entire day to themselves. Megumi woke up with Yuji in his arms, his boyfriend snoring softly as he slept. He smiled and tightened his hold, nuzzling his face into the crook of Yuji's neck.
Yuji stirred, a sleepy moan escaping his lips. His eyelashes fluttered, and when he finally opened his eyes, he looked straight into Megumi's.
"Morning," Megumi greeted, leaning down to press their foreheads together.
"Hi," Yuji replied. His voice was raspy, still rough from sleep. It sent a shiver down Megumi's spine.
They shared a brief kiss before they untangled themselves from the covers and made their way downstairs. The sound of paws against hardwood floor reached their ears, and Yuji giggled as a big, shaggy black dog jumped on his chest.
"Good morning, Shadow!" Yuji greeted, ruffling the dog's fur.
Megumi smiled and shook his head fondly. They adopted Shadow not too long after their discussion at Maki and Yuta's wedding, and since then, the dog has become their baby. They spoiled him with treats, toys and lots of belly rubs, and whenever they went out, Shadow was never far behind.
They headed into the kitchen, and while Yuji prepared breakfast, Megumi poured two cups of coffee and sat at the table. Shadow was right by his side, his head resting on his thigh as he looked up at him with bright eyes. Megumi sighed and rolled his eyes.
"You're a brat, you know that?" he muttered, stroking his soft fur. Shadow's tail wagged excitedly, and Megumi knew that the dog was going to start begging the moment Yuji finished making breakfast.
Ever since Yuji had come back from his shopping trip with Nobara, Megumi's worry had subsided a bit, although he was still a little curious. Yuji had been acting strange, but he seemed happier, which was good. Megumi was happy that Yuji was happy, but a part of him still wondered why. He had a feeling that he would find out soon, though.
"Here you go," Yuji said, placing a plate in front of him.
Megumi smiled and thanked him, grabbing a fork and digging in. The eggs were scrambled and covered with cheese, the toast was crispy, and the bacon was nice and thick. Megumi could never get tired of Yuji's cooking.
"Mm," he hummed. He looked up and met Yuji's eyes, smiling fondly. "It's good."
"Thanks," Yuji replied, grinning sheepishly.
Megumi ate, enjoying the taste and the comfortable silence between them. Yuji sat across from him, eating his own food, and every once in a while, their legs would brush against each other. It made Megumi feel warm. The simple gestures, the casual intimacy, and the way Yuji looked at him, as though he was the most precious thing in the world.
Megumi had never thought he'd be so lucky, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't get butterflies whenever he saw Yuji. It wasn't something new. He's been in love with Yuji since their first year. However, the feelings were stronger now. More intense. He loved Yuji even more, and every time they kissed, held hands or did something as simple as cuddling, Megumi would fall deeper in love.
It was a good thing, really. Megumi never thought he'd have this kind of life. A quiet, happy life, with someone who loved him just as much as he loved them. Megumi didn't believe in fate, but sometimes, when he saw Yuji smiling at him, looking at him as though he was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, Megumi wondered if this was what destiny felt like.
But in that moment, when the sunlight filtered through the window and made Yuji glow, when he watched his boyfriend feed Shadow a piece of bacon, and the way the corner of his eyes crinkled when he laughed, Megumi was hit with the realization that, yes, this was his destiny.
And, maybe, it was time to make it permanent.
Megumi was sitting by the counter at Nobara's apartment, a cup of coffee in hand. It was mid afternoon, and Yuji was out running errands, which gave Megumi the perfect opportunity to ask Nobara for advice. He sipped his drink slowly, trying to keep calm, and when he finished, he took a deep breath.
"Nobara, I need your help," he said.
Nobara raised an eyebrow. "With what?"
"I want to propose to Yuji," Megumi confessed.
There was a long pause, and Megumi waited anxiously for her reaction.
"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
Megumi scowled. "You heard me."
"Yeah, but, like. I'm a bit concerned that maybe I misheard you. You know, due to my hearing not being good enough."
"I said I want to propose to Yuji."
Nobara gaped at him. She opened her mouth, closed it, and then opened it again. "Okay. Well. Wow."
She shook her head and drained her wineglass.
Megumi frowned. Why was she acting like this? It's not like it was unexpected. Yuji and he had been together for five years, after all. They had been together since first-year. They'd both graduated, and got a nice apartment. They had a dog, for God's sake. It was perfectly reasonable to want to get married.
"I don't see why this is so shocking."
"No, it's just—" she paused. "I'm sorry. I'm still wrapping my mind around the fact that you, Fushiguro Megumi, are actually planning on proposing."
She sounded genuinely shocked, and for the life of him, Megumi couldn't figure out why.
"Okay, so tell me the plan. The whole thing. What's your timeline? Where are you gonna do it?" she asked, leaning forward.
She raised an eyebrow.
"I'm still working out the details," Megumi admitted.
"You're still working out the details," she repeated slowly. She rubbed her temples and sighed. "Alright, okay. Let's start from the beginning. Have you picked out a ring yet?"
Megumi blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Actually, I already have," he mumbled.
Nobara blinked.
"When did you get it?"
"Last week. After I had a, uh, realization. About our relationship," Megumi explained. He fidgeted uncomfortably under her intense gaze. "I mean, we talked about marriage before. Especially last year, when we went to Maki and Yuta's wedding. But, I didn't really consider it seriously until recently."
Nobara stared at him, her expression unreadable. Then, a smile broke across her face.
"So, what kind of ring did you pick?" she asked.
"Simple," Megumi answered. "Silver band with two honey brown-ish lines, one on each side. There's also an engraving, but I'm not telling you what it says."
He felt his cheeks flush, and he quickly took another sip of his coffee, hoping to hide the color.
"Honey brown, huh?" Nobara teased, a smirk tugging at her lips. "That's a good color for Yuji."
"Shut up."
Nobara seemed amused, but she didn't say anything else. She finished another glass of wine and poured herself another. She was silent for a moment, thinking over her next words carefully.
"So when exactly are you gonna do this?" she asked.
"Honestly? I'm not sure. I have a vague idea, but nothing concrete."
"And, what are these vague ideas?"
She seemed awfully hung up on the timeline, and Megumi couldn't figure out why. She didn't think he was rushing things, did she? Sure, maybe he was a bit impulsive, but it wasn't like he didn't have time to think things through. He wasn't exactly jumping the gun.
"Uh, next week?"
Nobara choked. She coughed and sputtered, gasping for air.
"What?!" she exclaimed.
"Why are you so surprised?" Megumi demanded.
"Because it's next week, Megumi," Nobara answered. "Next week."
Megumi frowned. "Yeah, and? So?"
"You can't possibly plan an entire proposal in less than seven days," she pointed out.
"I'm sure I can," Megumi argued. "I just need a place. That's actually the reason I'm here, but you're acting really weird."
"It's not weird!" Nobara protested. "It's just—oh, fuck it. I don't have a choice."
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing, nothing." She waved her hand dismissively. "So, a place, huh? Something special?"
"Yes, and preferably private," Megumi added.
"Hm." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Any significant places in mind? Like, a first date spot, or a memorable event, or something along those lines?"
Megumi took a minute to consider her suggestion.
"Well," he began. "I guess it's safe to say that our first year was pretty damn memorable, with the whole time travel situation and all."
Nobara nodded. "Yeah, that's true."
"We got close after I spent those two months with him hidden in the basement room at Jujutsu Tech," Megumi continued. "Our first kiss was at the infirmary at Jujutsu Tech. I confessed to him in the courtyard at Jujutsu Tech. Our first date was at goddamn Jujutsu Tech. Nobara, do you see the theme here?"
Nobara snorted.
"Yeah, sounds about right," she agreed.
"It's like everything we did revolved around Jujutsu Tech," Megumi said with a sigh. "But I can't exactly ask Shoko, 'hey, mind if we get engaged in the infirmary?'"
Nobara burst into laughter, nearly spitting out her drink.
"That'd be hilarious, though," she managed to get out, wiping tears from her eyes. "Imagine Shoko's reaction."
Megumi rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, it'd be hilarious," he agreed sarcastically. "Anyway, we need a place where we can have privacy, but also somewhere special. Like... oh."
"Oh?" Nobara repeated.
"That's right, our first date. Thanks, Nobara."
"Um, you're welcome?"
"You're a genius, you know that?" Megumi told her, standing up. He put his empty cup in the sink and headed towards the door. "Thanks, I gotta go. See you later."
He left before she could say anything, his mind racing as he went over the plan in his head. He could see it now. Him, down on one knee, holding the ring. Yuji, standing there in shock. The words he'd say. How the whole thing would play out. Everything was falling into place.
All he needed to do was get Yuji there, and make sure he didn't suspect anything.
"Oh my god."
Nobara and Tsumiki were sitting at a table outside a café, and Tsumiki was staring at her incredulously. Nobara had just finished recounting the events of the previous day, and Tsumiki's expression was one of pure disbelief.
"Is this some sort of joke?"
"And neither of them has any idea?"
Tsumiki let out a disbelieving laugh, shaking her head. "What the hell are the odds of that?"
"Slim, I'd assume," Nobara replied.
"How do you deal with this?" Tsumiki questioned. "This is the weirdest situation I've ever heard of."
"Did Yuji tell you how he was planning to propose?" Nobara asked. "Or when, for that matter?"
"Not exactly," Tsumiki admitted. "He was saying that now that he has a ring, he just needs to wait for the right moment. Which, knowing him, could literally be any moment."
"Well, the good news is that Megumi's planning to do it next week," Nobara informed her. "The bad news is, they are both idiots, and I don't think either of them realize what's going on."
"You're telling me," Tsumiki chuckled. "If only they knew..."
"They'll figure it out eventually," Nobara assured her. "In the meantime, let's just try and keep the two idiots from finding out about each other's plans. God, can you imagine if they did? It'd be a fucking disaster."
Tsumiki giggled, covering her mouth. "Who says it's not going to be a disaster, anyway?"
"Oh, I have no doubt that it will be," Nobara replied.
Yuji couldn't believe his luck.
It was as if the perfect opportunity had landed right in his lap. And it wasn't just a good opportunity. It was the best opportunity.
"You want me to come with you to Jujutsu Tech tomorrow?" he asked.
"Yeah," Megumi confirmed. "Gojo wants me to take a look at some cursed object or whatever. It shouldn't take too long. I figured we could have lunch while we're there, if you're up for it. Remember the picnics we used to have there? They were always fun."
"Of course I remember," Yuji said. He grinned and leaned over to press a quick kiss to Megumi's lips. "How could I ever forget your first time cooking for me? You were so cute, trying to act like it was no big deal."
"Shut up," Megumi grumbled, but he couldn't help smiling.
Yuji laughed, and his heart fluttered. God, he loved this man.
"Anyway," Megumi continued. "We don't have to cook. I'll get some takeout. What do you say?"
"Sounds perfect," Yuji agreed. He kissed him again, his mind spinning.
"Good," Megumi said. "It's a date."
As they pulled apart, Yuji noticed that his hands were trembling slightly. He couldn't help it. This was it. The opportunity he'd been waiting for. And Megumi had no idea.
He couldn't wait.
Megumi woke up early, a bundle of nerves. Today was the day. The day he would finally propose. The ring was hidden in his jacket pocket, and he was already mentally rehearsing his speech.
"Morning," Yuji murmured sleepily, wrapping his arms around Megumi's waist.
"Hi," Megumi said. He turned and pressed their foreheads together. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good," Yuji mumbled, a smile forming on his lips.
Megumi smiled back. Yuji was so beautiful, especially when he was just waking up. His hair was tousled and messy, his skin was soft, and his eyes were hazy with sleep. He was adorable, and Megumi felt his heart melt.
"Hey," he said, leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to Yuji's nose.
"Mm, hi," Yuji hummed.
He tightened his grip on Megumi's waist and pulled him closer, pressing their bodies together. They were both shirtless, and Megumi could feel the warmth radiating off of Yuji's body.
"We have to get ready," Megumi reminded him, despite not wanting to move.
"No, we don't," Yuji whined, burying his face in Megumi's neck.
Megumi laughed and ran his fingers through Yuji's hair. He had to admit, he definitely had some ideas about how they could spend the morning. But they couldn't, not today. They had plans, and Megumi needed to make sure everything went perfectly.
"Come on," Megumi said. He kissed the top of Yuji's head. "Let's get up. We can take a shower together, if you want."
"Mhm, that sounds good," Yuji mumbled. "What if I get distracted?"
"Then we'll just have to take longer," Megumi replied.
Yuji grinned and rolled over onto his back, looking up at Megumi with half-lidded eyes.
"Okay," he said, pulling Megumi down for a kiss.
The two of them got up and showered together, which, predictably, took a lot longer than expected. They finally got dressed, and while Megumi went downstairs to make breakfast, Yuji took Shadow out for a walk.
After breakfast, the two of them got into the car and drove to Jujutsu Tech. Megumi kept his hands steady on the wheel, ignoring the nervous energy in the pit of his stomach. He was a bundle of nerves, and it didn't help that Yuji was sitting in the passenger seat, looking beautiful and perfect, his hair shining in the sunlight.
They arrived at Jujutsu Tech and walked hand in hand to the old dorm building, where Gojo was waiting for them. Obviously, the whole story with the cursed object was a complete lie. Megumi had to bite the bullet and ask Gojo to help him out (the amount of teasing he had to endure was borderline unbearable), and now, here they were.
"My favorite boys!" Gojo exclaimed as they walked in. "Right on time."
"Good morning, sensei," Yuji greeted cheerfully.
"Morning," Megumi grumbled.
Gojo was wearing a shit-eating grin, and Megumi was almost positive that he was about to embarrass the fuck out of him. He just hoped he would at least wait until after the proposal.
"So, the cursed object," Gojo began. "I wanted you to take a look at it, since it could be related to that mission you did a couple months ago, Megumi. It's in my office. Yuji-kun, why don't you stay here? We'll be right back."
"Alright," Yuji agreed, smiling sweetly.
Gojo winked at him before leading Megumi away. Once they were far enough, he turned and looked at Megumi. "I can't believe my baby boy is getting married," he said, grinning from ear to ear.
Megumi felt his face heat up. "Don't say that," he muttered.
"But it's true," Gojo insisted. "You're growing up so fast, Megumi. I remember when you were a tiny, angry little ball of angst. Now look at you, all grown up and about to pop the question."
"Please stop talking," Megumi groaned.
"Fine," Gojo huffed. "I'll behave. But only because we have a job to do. Come on, let's go. I've got everything you asked for."
Gojo led him down the hallway and into his office. As promised, he had a picnic basket filled with all Yuji's favorite food (Megumi's list contained five different restaurants from different parts of Tokyo, but Gojo was able to teleport, so he supposed it was not a big deal for him), a bottle of champagne, some Kikufuku Mochi all the way from Sendai, and a bouquet of blue hydrangeas.
"Thanks," Megumi said quietly. "I owe you one."
"Can I walk you down the aisle, then?"
Instead of sitting around and waiting like he was told, Yuji took the opportunity to prepare his surprise.
It was hard to hide the basket in the car without Megumi noticing, but luckily, his boyfriend was more distracted by the fact that they were at Jujutsu Tech than he was with the contents of the trunk. So, when Megumi was out of sight, Yuji grabbed the basket and made his way to the spot where he and Megumi had their first date.
He placed the basket down and started setting things up. He put a blanket down on the grass and spread out some pillows, followed by a few candles (according to the internet, candlelit proposals were romantic), and then he placed the containers of food on the blanket. He had gotten some of Megumi's favorite takeout the day before, and, although it wasn't freshly cooked, he figured it would still taste good.
After he was satisfied with his work, Yuji snapped a photo, sending it to Tsumiki, who immediately responded with a bunch of heart-eyed emojis.
He then promptly made his way back to the entrance, making it seem as though he had been waiting there the entire time.
Megumi and Gojo reappeared a few minutes later, and Yuji waved at them, a smile on his face.
"All done?" he asked.
"Yep!" Gojo answered brightly. "Everything's taken care of. I have some super urgent business to attend to, so why don't you two enjoy your lunch together? I'll see you later."
Gojo teleported away, leaving Yuji and Megumi alone.
That was when Yuji noticed the large picnic basket in Megumi's hand. He tilted his head curiously. "What's that?" he asked.
Megumi's eyes widened, and he seemed to freeze up for a moment.
"Nothing," he replied quickly. "Do you remember where we had our first date?"
Of course Yuji remembered. He literally just set up a picnic over there. Playing dumb was getting more and more difficult, but he did his best to hide his excitement.
"Yeah," he answered.
"Wanna go have lunch there?"
The two of them walked up the hill, and Yuji watched Megumi's face as they approached the spot. When he saw the picnic set up, his jaw dropped.
"Wait, is this—?"
"Yes," Yuji confirmed, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Wanted to surprise you. Surprise."
"Yuji," Megumi breathed.
His eyes were shining, and Yuji could tell he was overwhelmed with emotion. It made his heart ache, and he wished he could tell him the truth right then and there. But, as much as he hated it, he needed to wait. Just a little longer.
Megumi's eyes darted between his own basket and the picnic that Yuji had prepared, and he could practically see the gears turning in his head.
"I can't believe you did all this," Megumi said. He sounded dazed, and Yuji couldn't blame him. "I wanted to surprise you, too."
"Oh yeah?"
"Well, I hope you're hungry," Yuji joked. "I brought your favorites."
Megumi let out a breathy laugh and nodded. "And I brought yours," he said.
They both set down their respective baskets, and sat down on the blanket.
"Let's eat, then," Megumi said, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
Megumi was absolutely, one hundred percent, completely, undeniably, utterly fucked.
Yuji had clearly spent a lot of time planning this surprise. And he had been so happy, so excited, and Megumi didn't want to ruin it. Not yet. He needed to come up with a plan, and fast. Yuji was already reaching for the picnic basket Megumi had brought, and Megumi wasn't sure how to explain the very specific, elaborate, and romantic proposal-worthy picnic inside.
"Wait, don't open that yet," Megumi blurted out.
"Huh?" Yuji looked at him curiously.
"Let's... uh, talk," Megumi suggested. "For a bit."
A blush immediately crept up Yuji's cheeks, and he fidgeted slightly. "Yes! Yes, talking. Let's do that. Right now."
Megumi raised his eyebrows. Was Yuji nervous? About what? He couldn't possibly know what Megumi was planning.
"I want to tell you something," Yuji said, looking down at his lap.
"Me too," Megumi admitted.
Yuji's head snapped up. "Wait, really?"
Megumi nodded. "Yeah. What is it, Yuji? You go first."
Yuji was practically bouncing with excitement, his hands clenched into fists and his eyes sparkling. Megumi could tell he had been waiting to tell him for a while.
"Okay, okay, okay," Yuji began. He was rambling, and Megumi couldn't help but smile. It was cute. "So, uh. Remember our first year? The whole time travel thing, and Sukuna, and everything?"
Megumi knew it wasn't a real question, so he didn't respond. He simply nodded, urging Yuji to continue.
"Well, um." Yuji was blushing, and he was visibly struggling to get the words out. "When I got sent back in time, there was a lot of stuff I knew I had to fix. A lot of people I wanted to save, and stuff. But, I'm not sure I ever told you about how my biggest motivation to fight, my biggest motivation to keep going, even on my old timeline where we never got together, was..."
"Was what?" Megumi prompted, his heart beating faster.
Yuji's blush darkened, and he took a deep breath.
"You," he answered, his voice barely above a whisper. "My biggest motivation was always you, Megumi. Out of all the people I wanted to save, the only one I truly couldn't stand the thought of losing, the only one I would sacrifice anything for, was you. I would've sacrificed myself if it meant that you would live, no hesitation. Because you are the most important person in the world to me. You always have been, and you always will be. You are everything to me, Megumi. And, um, so."
Megumi's breathing picked up, a sense of panic rising in his chest, along with an overwhelming surge of love. Yuji's speech was so genuine, so full of emotion, and it left him breathless. But, the only reason Yuji would start off his speech with a story from their first year was if...
"Yuji," he managed to get out. "What are you—"
"So, I'm not sure if you're aware," Yuji continued, cutting him off. "But I've loved you since the day I met you. I didn't know it at the time, obviously, but looking back, I can see it so clearly. Everything about you was fascinating to me. Your personality, your appearance, the way you talked, the way you laughed. I wanted to be around you, all the time, and it felt like I couldn't get enough of you. And ever since then, that's just... not changed, at all. Every day I spend with you is the happiest day of my life, and I never want it to end. I love you, Megumi. So, so much. More than anything."
Megumi felt a lump form in his throat. This couldn't be happening. Yuji couldn't possibly...
"So, uh," Yuji's blush grew darker, and he pulled something out of his pocket. "I know we've been together for a while, and I've known for a long time that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Fushiguro Megumi, will you marry me?"
Megumi sat in stunned silence, his eyes fixed on the object in Yuji's hand.
It was a ring. A simple, silver band, with a black stripe running along the middle. It was elegant and beautiful, and Megumi instantly fell in love with it.
"Oh my god," he said. "Oh my god."
He felt light-headed. This wasn't what he expected. At all.
"Um, is that a no?" Yuji asked, looking dejected.
"No!" Megumi exclaimed.
"No, it's not a no, or no, it's not a yes?"
"No, I mean, yes," Megumi corrected himself. "Wait, no, I mean..."
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to collect his thoughts. He had no idea how to deal with this situation. His mind was racing, and his heart was pounding. He felt like he might pass out.
Megumi felt so overwhelmed that he did the first thing that came to mind.
He laughed.
Yuji stared at him, bewildered, and Megumi could only imagine what he must be thinking. He knew he must look crazy, laughing uncontrollably and blushing furiously, but he couldn't stop himself.
"Megumi, are you okay?" Yuji asked, concerned.
Megumi covered his face with his hands, trying to calm down. He was shaking, and tears were starting to form in his eyes. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he wasn't sure which would be more embarrassing.
"I'm fine," he managed to say. "Just... give me a minute."
"Are you sure? We can forget all this and move on with our lives if you want," Yuji offered.
"No, I'm sorry," Megumi said, taking a deep breath. "This is just a lot, and I'm a little overwhelmed."
"I understand," Yuji said. "Do you need some time to think about it? You don't have to give me an answer right now. We can take things slow. There's no rush, Megumi. I can wait as long as you need."
Megumi wiped away his tears, trying to compose himself. He shook his head. "I don't need time," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "Actually..."
Now or never, Megumi thought.
He took a deep breath, and then pulled the ring box out of his pocket, revealing the ring he had picked for Yuji.
Yuji's jaw dropped, and he stared at the box in disbelief.
"I was going to ask you the same thing," Megumi confessed, his cheeks burning.
"You... what?"
"I love you too, Yuji," Megumi told him, his voice barely above a whisper. "God, I have this whole speech prepared and everything. Fuck. Okay, just... let me say it. Before I lose my nerve."
Yuji looked like he temporarily lost the ability to speak. He just nodded, his eyes wide.
"So," Megumi started. "I think I told you this a long time ago, under very different circumstances, but I never had a logical reason for saving you. It was a selfish, emotional decision. But now, looking back, I can't help but wonder if I knew, even then, that you would become the most important person in my life."
"Yuji, before I met you, I was angry and bitter and sad. I hated everyone, including myself. But then, you showed up, and you turned my entire world upside down. You made me want to be a better person. You gave me something to look forward to. Even from the very beginning, I was drawn to you. Your smile, your laugh, your stupid jokes, and your determination to stay positive, no matter what."
He could feel his throat tightening, and his voice was starting to shake, but he pressed on.
"When you died, it was like the world ended. For me, anyway. It was stupid - I barely knew you, and I had no right to feel the way I did. But then you came back, and you were all traumatized, and I could tell that something inside you had broken. So I decided that screw the old Megumi, who pushed people away, and never cared about anyone. From now on, I would do whatever it took to make sure you were safe. I would be the one to protect you, even if it meant sacrificing myself."
"And it was so easy," Megumi continued, his voice cracking. "To love you. You made it so fucking easy, Yuji. I've loved you for so long, and I've never stopped. If anything, I love you even more, and I can't imagine my life without you. So, Yuji, will you marry me?"
The two of them sat in silence, staring at each other. Both of them were red-faced, and Megumi was sure they looked absolutely ridiculous, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He was too overwhelmed by the love he felt for Yuji, and by the sheer absurdity of the situation.
"Oh my god," Yuji finally said. "This can't be real."
He started to laugh, and soon, Megumi joined him. They were both shaking, and they couldn't stop. It was too much.
"Fuck," Yuji gasped. "What the hell are we supposed to do now?"
"Say yes, obviously," Megumi replied, wiping away the tears that had started to stream down his face.
"We both said yes, though."
"Then we'll both say yes."
Yuji grinned. "I can live with that."
"Me too," Megumi smiled.
There was another pause, and then they burst out laughing again.
"This is the best day of my life," Yuji declared, grinning like an idiot.
"Same here," Megumi agreed. "This is fucking insane."
They laughed until their stomachs hurt, and when they finally managed to calm down, they took the rings out of their respective boxes.
"They even match," Yuji marveled.
"How did we manage that?" Megumi wondered aloud. "Oh my god, yours also has an engraving. Mine too."
"What does it say?" Yuji asked, leaning in to look.
"Saving you saved me," Megumi said, a blush forming on his cheeks.
"Oh, wow," Yuji murmured, a matching blush spreading across his face.
"And yours?"
"I'll never stop saving you," Yuji read, his voice barely above a whisper. He let out a choked sob and immediately started crying. "Megumi."
"Come here," Megumi said softly.
He wrapped his arms around Yuji and pulled him into a hug. Yuji buried his face in the crook of his neck, and Megumi held him tightly.
"I love you so much," Yuji sobbed. "I can't believe we both had the same idea."
"I love you too," Megumi whispered, stroking his hair. "And I know. We're both saps."
"It's your fault," Yuji sniffled.
"I guess I'm a bad influence," Megumi joked.
"I can't wait to marry you," Yuji mumbled.
Megumi kissed his forehead. "Neither can I," he said. "Now, let's go eat. All this crying is making me hungry."
"Right," Yuji agreed. "What's in your basket, anyway?"
"All of your favorite foods," Megumi admitted.
"Yeah. I even got Gojo to get some of that Kikufuku mochi to remind you of home."
"Megumi," Yuji sighed. "I'm gonna start crying again."
"Please don't," Megumi chuckled.
"Okay, okay, fine," Yuji said, wiping his eyes.
"Also, I got you flowers, cause... I dunno. You like flowers."
Megumi grabbed the bouquet from his basket and handed it to Yuji. The other boy smiled as he accepted the gift.
"Morning glories," he observed, admiring the blue flowers. "They're beautiful."
Megumi chuckled. "Not morning glories," he said. "They're hydrangeas. Dummy."
"Huh," Yuji said, a grin spreading across his face. "You're right."
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Megumi's lips.
"Let's eat," he said. "I'm starving."
The two of them ate lunch, chatting and laughing the entire time. Every once in a while, they would glance down at their new engagement rings, and blush.
When they were finished eating, Yuji grabbed the champagne and poured them each a glass.
"Cheers," he said, raising his glass.
"Cheers," Megumi echoed, clinking his glass against Yuji's.
They drank the champagne, and Yuji let out a satisfied sigh.
"This is so nice," he said.
"Yeah," Megumi agreed.
He laid back on the blanket, resting his head on one of the pillows. Yuji joined him, and the two of them gazed up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by.
Megumi suddenly remembered something, causing him to look at Yuji curiously.
"Hey, when you were all secretive, going 'shopping' with Nobara," he started. "Were you...?"
"Having a nervous breakdown on Tsumiki's couch instead, looking at rings online and trying to figure out how to propose to you? Yes, I was," Yuji admitted sheepishly.
"Wow," Megumi chuckled. "So you told both Nobara and Tsumiki?"
"Yeah," Yuji confessed. "Wait. Don't tell me you did too."
Megumi snorted. "Yeah," he said.
"No way," Yuji said, laughing. "They must think we're so pathetic."
"Probably," Megumi agreed. "We should text them, by the way. I bet they're freaking out."
"Good idea," Yuji said.
With that, he took a selfie, both him and Megumi sticking their ringed fingers up into the air, their other hands forming peace signs. They knew neither of them would ever hear the end of this, but in the moment, neither of them could bring themselves to care.
They were going to spend the rest of their lives together. And that was all that mattered.
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