Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Five
The sunrise on Samantha's sleeping face was the most beautiful sight Zachary had ever seen. He wrapped one of her soft red curls around his calloused finger and pressed a tender kiss to her brow. He hated to wake her, but the crew would be out soon to begin working.
"Sam? It's time to wake up, sweetheart."
Zachary found himself gazing into those deep green eyes as they fluttered open. A smile curved her sleepy face. "Good morning."
"Good morning." Zachary gave that curl wrapped around his finger a gentle tug. "We need to get up and get dressed. The crew will be here soon."
Samantha groaned and buried her face in his bare chest. "Let's just lay like this and sleep all day.'
Zachary had to admit that was damned tempting. They had spent most of the night all wrapped up together, gazing at the stars and talking about the future. Morning had come far too early. "Probably be best to get you dressed before they show up. You look mighty tempting in my shirt and I'd hate to have to knock another man's eyes out of his head."
Samantha's light laughter rang out in the early morning air. She pulled away and sat up, letting out a loud yawn as she stretched her arms high above her. Zachary's mouth went dry at the sight of his woman all wrapped up in the blue fabric of his shirt, the collar open and unbuttoned to reveal the swell of her breasts and the heart shaped emerald that laid between them. An emerald that was so much more than just a necklace. Samantha was his forever, just as he was hers, and now she wore proof of that.
"I have to get to town," Samantha said, dropping her arms and rubbing at her sleep lined face.
Zachary frowned. "Why?"
"Because I work at the post office today."
Zachary watched her get to her feet and he laughed out loud when the long johns she wore fell to the ground, clearly the knot he had tied to hold them up had come undone—of course that laughter died when his eyes took in the curves of those creamy, freckled legs.
Samantha quickly yanked the long johns back up and her cheeks were glowing red. "I think you should probably take me to the barn so I can get dressed."
Zachary shoved himself to his feet. "I'd say you're right." He sure as hell didn't want another man seeing his woman looking so damn tempting. The fire had died in the night so Zachary simply stomped around on it a bit to ensure there were no glowing embers left. He packed up their small camp quickly, tossed the saddle on Blaze and hopped on the geldings' back.
When Samantha slid up behind him her arms circled around him, those soft hands burned his skin—branding him as they laid against his bare stomach. Zachary knew he would never get enough of her. As they rode slowly back toward the barn, Zachary laid his hand over hers. "You don't need to work in town, Sam. I want you here to get the farm going."
"It's only three days a week, Zachary, and I like working there. Gavin was kind enough to give me the job so I don't want to just abandon him."
"Gavin worked there for years without any help. I'm sure he'll survive."
"Zachary Marston, I may have agreed to be your wife but that doesn't mean you can tell me what I will and won't do. I want to work with Gavin and so I'm going to. It's only three days a week—the rest of my time I'll spend here building back your ranch and farm."
"Our ranch and farm," Zachary quickly amended. Damn stubborn woman. "And I'm not trying to control you, Sam. Do you remember that there is a man out there that has spent quite a few years after you? Not to mention Thomas has made it clear he can't be trusted if I'm not around. I can't protect you if you're in town and I'm here."
Samantha tensed behind him. "Of course I remember. Do you remember that I said I would not hide and live in fear any longer? I did that long enough."
Letting out a grumble, Zachary rubbed at his jaw. "You are stubborn. You know that?"
She laid her head against his bare back and when she sighed, her breath against his skin caused Zachary to tremble. "I've been told that a time a two. I also think I'm worth putting up with, don't you?"
Zachary chuckled as he rode Blaze into the barn and slid off the saddle, helping Samantha down as well and taking the time to press a long slow kiss to her lips before releasing his hold on her. "Get dressed, Sam. If you're determined to work in town then I guess that's what you're gonna do. We'll pass the crew on the way into town and I'll tell Timothy he's in charge today. I reckon I'll find something to do in town while you're busy."
Samantha rolled her eyes as she went to her saddlebags and pulled clean clothes from them. "No, Zachary. I can ride Athena into town, work for the day and come back to the ranch when I'm done."
Zachary shook his head as Samantha went into an empty stall to change. He sat down in a rickety chair by the barn door, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't think you will ride to town and back alone. You don't even have a gun."
He grumbled under his breath when his rolled up blue shirt was suddenly tossed over the stall door and collided with his face. "I'll be fine," she insisted. Damn stubborn woman. "And I used to have a gun, but it was stolen from me shortly before I arrived in Hackney and I haven't had the money to replace it."
Zachary's first instinct was to put his foot down and demand she do things his way—all he wanted in the world was to keep her safe. But Samantha was not a woman who could be controlled, even if it were for her own good.
"You won't be riding into town or back out here alone. Don't bother arguing. You are my world, Sam, and I won't let you be harmed simply to save your pride."
"Oh," came her muffled response and Zachary could practically hear her blushing. He wasn't sure why she seemed so surprised when he spoke of how much she meant to him. Shouldn't the woman already know?
"I'll take you into town and as long as you promise to stay with Gavin, or one of the women from the saloon all day, and not wander around alone, I'll come back out to the ranch to work. I'll head back to town and pick you up from work later this evening and we can get dinner at the diner and call the hotel home tonight so you don't have to travel all the way back into town for work tomorrow. Will you agree to that at least?"
Silence came from that stall for several long moments. Finally, Samantha stepped out, tucking her clean blue blouse into her tan skirt and smiling. "I think I can agree to those terms."
Zachary watched those wild curls shimmer as she tossed them over her shoulder. "And before I leave town this morning, we'll be going to the gunsmith and getting you a new gun and gun belt."
He had expected her to voice some argument since she seemed to be in that kind of mood this morning. Instead, her gaze softened. "Of course. I would love to have a gun again. It would make me feel safer." A slow smile curved her lips as she began walking toward him. The way her hips swayed held Zachary captivated. "I think you just want to see me wrapped in leather and bullets, Mr. Marston."
Swallowing hard, he tilted his head. "You'd probably look pretty damn good in my bandolier."
"I'll try it on tonight," she promised, settling herself down on his knee.
Zachary growled, wrapped his arm around her waist and locked her in place. "You are amazing."
"So are you. Thank you for giving me freedom and space, Zachary. I know you worry, and I know you have good reason to, but we can't let fear of that man dictate our lives any longer. I promise I won't be foolish. I won't take risks. I will keep my wits about me, and if I see anyone or anything that makes me even the slightest bit uncomfortable, I will cling to someone I trust like glue and send someone else to fetch you."
Zachary sighed and rested his head on her shoulder. "I never want to control you. I just want you safe. I know you kept yourself safe a long time before I came along so I'll just have to trust you know what you're doing." Pressing a kiss to her jaw, he raised his head. "We should probably get going now. It'll take us a while at the gun shop to find just the right gun, so you'll probably be a little late to work."
Samantha stood up and touched her curls which were wilder than normal this morning due to drying in the night breeze. "I don't know what I'm gonna do to control this hair. They may run me out of town before I get there."
Zachary chuckled. "Come here and sit down in front of me. I'll fix it for you."
"Are you going to cut it off?" she asked with a frown, though he noticed she didn't hesitate to do as he asked and get to her knees in front of him, putting all those red curls in his lap.
"I'd cut my own leg off before I'd ever cut off this damn hair," he vowed. Zachary grabbed the canteen from Blaze's saddle and used the water inside to dampen Samantha's hair, making it easier to work with and run his fingers through. Then he began to work.
"Are you braiding it?" Samantha was clearly surprised and not attempting to hide it. "I had no idea a man like you would know how to braid hair."
"I had little sister's remember?" Zachary smiled at the memory. "They used to love braiding the ponies manes and tails and they taught me how. Sara made it clear that any true horseman or horsewoman had to know how to make their pony presentable."
"Did you just compare me to a pony?" Samantha asked, a smile in her voice.
Zachary grunted before reaching out and tearing a strip of leather fringe from Blaze's saddle. After quickly tying the bottom of the braid to hold it in place, he kissed her hair. "Well, I would ride you all day."
His laughter filled the barn. Damn he felt good. Light hearted even. Zachary had never in his life since that horrible day five years ago imagined he would ever feel so free to laugh and simply be. Samantha had given him that back. For that alone, Zachary would walk through the flames of hell and never think twice for the woman.
Zachary was about to tell her yet again just how much he loved her, when she shocked him into silence by turning on her knees to face him and offering a sultry smile. "Since you're being so agreeable this morning, allow me to return the favor."
She blew a warm breath against the front of his trousers and Zachary felt his cock respond instantly. Damn, this woman was something else. She was confident in herself and what she wanted. She was eager and hungry and it aroused him unlock anything else in the world ever had.
"Sam, what are you doing?"
"Do I need to explain it to you?" she whispered. Those green eyes gazed up at him through long lashes as her hands undid his pants and he chose not to mention the way they were shaking.
Zachary was already long and hard as she freed him from the confines of his trousers and she never broke eye contact as she slid her tongue along his tip and drew a string of curses from his lips as his hand flew up and grabbed the wooden beam on the wall behind him.
"God dammit, Sam..." he groaned as she moved her mouth away several inches and smiled. "Don't tease me, damn you. Give me that mouth."
She didn't leave him waiting any long. Fucking hell. Zachary certainly hadn't expected the morning to go like this, but he wasn't going to complain. And if anyone showed up before Samantha finished, Zachary would not hesitate to run them off at gunpoint.
He lost all ability to think, move, breathe as Samantha pleasured him. His hips moved in time with her mouth and one of his hands rested on top of her braided hair while the other continued to grip that wooden beam behind him.
When she took him to the back of her throat and let out a humming moan, it nearly sent him over the edge and his fervent whispers of her name grew more urgent. Samantha clearly recognized the urgency. She moved faster and with more determination.
Zachary felt that tightening in his legs, working its way up to his core. Tighter and tighter—hotter and hotter—Zachary tried to move her head away, but she waved his hand off. One last moan left her throat and it was the last bit of pleasure that Zachary could stand before he found himself erupting in her mouth.
"I fucking love you, Sam..." Zachary panted as he felt the aftershocks of his release pulsing through him and attempted to catch his breath and return to earth.
"I love you too, Zachary," she replied, rising to her feet. "Now get dressed, we have company riding in."
Zachary heard the hoofbeats in the distance and the voices. He realized she was right. Rising to shaky legs, Zachary buttoned his pants and found his shirt. Damn, he could hardly stand. That woman had done a number on his legs.
Samantha took several long drinks from the canteen by the chair before fastening it once again to Blaze's saddle. Once Zachary donned his shirt and his weapons, he swept Samantha into his arms. "I'm sorry I couldn't repay the favor this morning. Tonight, you're mine."
Samantha smiled and pressed herself tight against him. "I'm always yours."
Samantha had never in her life felt more powerfully feminine than she did since Zachary had awaken that hungry, passionate side of her that she hadn't even realized existed. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye as they entered town. He was so powerful, so strong, so proud.
A flush covered her cheeks. She had probably been a bit too forward in the barn that morning. Proper ladies were supposed to mild and meek when it came to their sexuality, weren't they? Then again, Zachary certainly hadn't seemed to mind her eagerness—as a matter of fact she recalled him being quite fond it.
"Alright let's head to the gunsmith and pick you out some leather and iron."
Samantha was pulled from her memories of their time in the barn and realized Zachary was leading her to the edge of town and the gunsmith shop that sat there. They hitched their horses and Zachary took Samantha's hand gently and led her inside.
"Well hello there, Zachary," the owner, Norman Derk greeted as they stepped into the dusty interior. Samantha had never been in his shop before and she took a moment to appreciate all the guns gleaming behind glass doors and under glass counters.
"Hello, Norman, this is my fiancée Samantha." Samantha felt herself glow at her new title. Fiancée. It sounded nice.
"Nice to meet you, Samantha." Norman's smile curved his large mustache which was curled at the tips with a bit of grease, and it deepened the harsh lines in his sun-weathered face. His bushy brows hung over friendly blue eyes. "I've heard a lot about you around town."
Samantha felt her face heat. She was sure he had. Probably all horrible things if Judith Channing had been the wagging tongue spreading the gossip. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Derk." She held out her hand and he shook it firmly.
Then he released his hold and folded his hands on the counter in front of him. "What can I do for you both? You seem to have plenty of weapons, Zachary. I don't believe there's room for another."
Zachary raised his brow. "There's always room for another," he countered. "But I'm not looking for a gun for me. The lady here is needed a gun and a gun belt."
Norman's eyes widened a bit. "The lady? I have to say most ladies I know don't wear gun belts and six shooters."
Zachary tensed a bit and Samantha recognized the sign that his temper was beginning to be riled. It truly didn't take much to rile it when it came to her. "Sam isn't like most women," he assured the other man. "And she wants a gun belt and a gun to fit it."
Normal held his hands up in surrender. "I meant no offense, Zachary. But she is such a delicate lady—perhaps she would be better suited for a small derringer? We have a new lady's model that would fit her hands just right..."
Zachary released Samantha's hand, stepped forward, and clenched his fists. "If you don't want to sell the goddamn woman a goddamn gun then we'll just go elsewhere...."
Samantha was reminded of his interaction at the lumberyard with Mr. Anders. Did Zachary know how to shop without threats? She stepped forward quickly and placed her hand on his arm to silence him. "Mr. Derks, I understand your concerns. I know most ladies aren't accustomed to large revolvers and you're attempting to sell me something I can use properly. Zachary is correct when he says I am not like most women. I have been shooting guns—both rifles and revolvers—since I was only around eight years of age."
"Of course, ma'am!" Norman seemed happy to turn his attention to her. "I hope I did not offend you, ma'am."
"You didn't," she assured him.
"I have plenty of weapons and belts to choose from." His eyes shifted back to Zachary. "Is there a price point the lady and I should be mindful of?"
"No. She gets what she wants. I want her to test it out back and make sure it's a weapon she's comfortable with before you sell it to her."
"Of course." Now it was Norman's turn to seem offended. "I've been selling weapons longer than you've been alive, Zachary Marston."
"Well, alright then," Zachary adjusted his gun belt. "Sam, I'll just go put Athena up at the livery while you shop and let Gavin know you're gonna be a bit late."
Samantha's eyes widened when he turned and attempted to stride for the door. She clutched at his sleeve. "Oh no you don't, Mr. Marston. Don't you remember what I said the last time you dropped me in front of salesman, told him money was no option, and the lady was to have whatever she wanted and then simply walked away?"
His expression was sheepish as he rubbed his neck. "I uh... I don't care much for shopping."
"And I don't care much that you don't care much for it," Samantha assured him. "You will stay here and help me pick out a gun and belt and you'll be happy while you do it." She rose on her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his lip. "Please?"
It was Zachary's turn to blush a little as he glanced at Norman from the corner of his eyes and then pressed a kiss to Samantha's brow. "Yes ma'am."
A/N: I'm back! I'm alive! I'm feeling much better and recovering from pneumonia. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Just wanted to show a bit more growth in Sam and Zach's relationship and how they interact! Love y'all!
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