Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Timothy let out a long breath and gave himself a once over in the mirror. His hair was a careless mess on his head but he hadn't done anything to attempt to tame it—Eleanor had said she liked it messy. He still looked a bit tired but there wasn't much he could do about that. Sleepless nights were rough on a man. He had spent the night simply riding aimlessly around on his mare and thinking. Thinking about the future and what he wanted out of it—how it would look.
Timothy had thought about buying a new outfit to wear to the party since the nice one from the night before was still at the laundry service but had decided not to—mainly because he had run out of time with everything else he had done today.
After leaving Samantha and Zachary's hotel room that morning, Tim had gone to the hotel café and gotten a quick breakfast and then attempted get some sleep—it hadn't come. So, after an hour of flipping and flopping, Tim had gotten up, gotten dressed, and gotten started on his plans.
And so, he stood there with messy hair, a tired face, worn brown trousers, a clean but work-stained blue shirt with a brown vest, and a nervous smile tugging at his lips.
Time to go to a party. He opened his pocket watch and winced. Damn. It was already three-thirty. He was thirty minutes late. Without wasting another moment, Timothy left his room, stowing his watch back in his pocket as he went.
The streets were fairly empty for the time of day indicating that a lot of folks from town were at the community center. Not much entertainment was ever to be found in Hackney, so people rushed at the chance for music, mingling, and free food.
When Timothy entered the community center, he took a moment to let his eyes adjust to the change in light. Glowing lanterns lit the dusty interior and people were everywhere. The din of their conversations competed with the quick-paced music of the ban for his ears attention. Instinct alone had him returning a few quick greetings as his eyes scanned the community center for who he had truly come to see. He had to give Eleanor a response to what she had told him the night before—honestly, his choice hadn't even been a difficult one to make.
Like a moth to a flame, his eyes were pulled in one direction. There she was. Beautiful and glowing in the dusty lamp light—and currently being harassed by Judith 'loud-mouth' Channing. Clenching his fists, Timothy headed that way.
"Judith, leave me alone. I've done nothing to you."
"You have helped bring sin to this town and now you walk around as if you belong here. Tell me, Eleanor, because I have been wondering, why did you leave the brothel?"
Eleanor wrapped her arms tight around herself. "That's hardly any of your concern."
Judith's beady eyes dropped to her stomach as she sneered. "There is only one reason I can think of that a woman would leave so suddenly...."
"That's right, Mrs. Channing," Timothy came to stand beside Eleanor, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and pressed a tender kiss to her hair, feeling his knees weaken at her nearness. "I fell hard for the woman and begged her to stop working at the brothel and marry me."
Timothy felt Eleanor stiffen. He could feel her big blue eyes on him, searching, questioning, wondering what the hell he was talking about. Timothy didn't waver. He stood proud with his arm around her and held Judith Channing's judgmental gaze.
"Marry you? You're going to marry a whore?"
"I'm going to marry a beautiful, strong, enchanting woman, Judith." Tim was working hard to reign in his temper. "I'm sure your husband wishes he could have been so lucky."
"How dare you!" Judith exclaimed, causing quite a few people to turn in their direction.
A flash of red hair appeared in Timothy's line of vision and Samantha was there. She shoved the preacher's wife hard, causing the woman to stumble backward and have to steady herself on a nearby party guest to save her ass from a nasty tumble. "No, Judith, how dare you!" she hissed. "You should be ashamed of yourself."
"Whores defend each other I see," Judith spat, steadying herself.
A low growl sounded behind Timothy. "I'm about to hit a woman for the first time."
As it turned out, Zachary's fists weren't needed. At Judith's words, Samantha had clearly had enough. She launched herself forward, leaping upon Judith and swinging punches as both women went to the ground. Zachary surged forward as well, probably to pull his feisty woman away and save the preacher's wife's life, but he stopped quickly when another man approached.
"That's quite enough!" Reverend Channing's booming exclamation had Samantha rushing back to her feet and taking a step away from Judith who was curled up upon the floor in a whimpering heap. "What is the meaning of this?"
"I reckon you should have kept a shorter leash on that wife of yours," Timothy replied with a chuckle. "That mouth of hers got her in trouble."
As Zachary took Sam's arm gently and pulled her to him, examining her red knuckles, Reverend Channing helped his wife to her feet. Tim let out another bark of laughter when he saw the blackening around her eye—it kind of matched his own.
"Judith?" Reverend Channing questioned.
She merely sniffed and curled up against her husband seeming more subdued than Timothy had ever seen her. Zachary stepped forward and stood toe to toe with the holy man who was only about five and a half feet tall, thin, gray-haired and quite weak in appearance, which contrasted with the booming quality his voice possessed that had people fearing fire and brimstone so completely on Sunday mornings.
"That bitch of yours called my woman a whore," Zach growled, his jaw popping. "Not to mention what she has said to Eleanor. You need to get her out of here and put a muzzle on her."
For a moment, Tim thought that the reverend might snap back at Zachary which would be a grave mistake. Zachary was angry enough right now to probably break the man's jaw without much thought given to the consequences. Instead, Reverend Channing held tight to Judith and glanced around at the wealth of onlookers. "I'm terribly sorry for the scene caused here. I will take her home to rest and I will pray for all involved in this mess."
"Leave me out of your prayers, Reverend." Zachary replied. "I sure as hell don't want them."
Reverend Channing led Judith to the door but before he was out of hearing range, Timothy heard him speaking to his wife. "I told you to stop causing trouble, Judith. Look what you've done. You've got that murderer looking eager to kill us both."
"Well that," Tim offered, rocking back on his heels.
Zachary pulled Samantha close. Her cheeks were red and she was chewing her lip as she glanced around—they had everyone's attention. "Can we go now?" Zachary asked. "I think we've done all we can do here."
"I think we probably should." Samantha agreed. Doctor Reynolds and Lewis approached and she appeared near tears. "I am so sorry...."
Doctor Reynolds' waved his hand. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault. I probably shouldn't say this, but I've had some beer here today and it's dulled my inhibitions... That bitch deserved to be knocked on her ass."
"You didn't have to do that, Samantha," Eleanor spoke up for the first time. Her voice was so quiet, so lost, so confused. It made Timothy's heart ache for her.
Samantha smiled and wrapped Eleanor in a warm hug. "Yes, I did. The only way to get through to that woman is with fists."
Eleanor swallowed hard as she pulled away and wrapped her arms tight around herself. "Thank you."
Timothy pulled her into his arms, hating how stiff she stood against him. "Ell, will you take a walk with me?" he asked gently. She nodded but said nothing.
The four of them bid farewell to the doc and Lewis and headed toward the door, only to stop in their tracks when Marshall Leonard Oxley came in with his gun drawn and the band fell silent. "Stop right there. Samantha you are under arrest for assaulting Judith Channing."
The man was shaking so badly, if he had been a dying leaf in a wind storm he'd be laying on the ground. His jaw trembled and his voice was shaky. "Mrs. Channing deserved what she got," the doc called from behind them.
Marshall Oxley swallowed hard. "That makes twice that Samantha has assaulted her. I can't keep letting that stand."
"You've never in your life done anything about anything," Zachary countered. "Why break that streak now?"
"I am the law in this town and will be listened to," Marshall Oxley warned. Then, in a move that Timothy knew had to indicate the man was suicidal, Leonard Oxley raised that shaking pistol in his hand and aimed it directly at Samantha's chest. "Are you coming willingly or by force?"
Like lightning from a storm cloud, Zachary erupted. He grabbed Leonard's arm, swung up his elbow, caught the man in his already battered face and ripped the gun from his hand. In less than ten seconds, Leonard was left lying on his back on the ground looking up at a deceivingly calm Zachary who now had those gun sights resting on the Marshall's chest.
"I'm an officer of the law, Zachary Marston...." He stammered through the blood oozing from his split lip.
Zachary snorted. "You're lucky I don't kill you for pointing that gun at my goddamn woman. You're a no-account coward, Leonard, and you always have been."
"She...s..she needs to be under arrest..."
"I don't reckon I'll be letting you arrest anyone today, Leonard."
The cowering man on the floor let out a squeak as Zach stooped low and grabbing the badge on his chest, tearing it from his shirt. He held it up in the lantern light and glanced around.
"Who wants it?" he demanded.
No one spoke up—though Timothy suspected that was caused by shock more than an actual lack of interest. Zach shrugged and tossed the badge at the doc. "Keep that in a safe place until someone comes along who will wear it and make it mean something."
"Maybe you should wear it," Roland Henderson, the farrier in town spoke up. "Since you're the one who ripped it off our lawman."
"No. I don't reckon I care enough about any of you to put my life and sanity on the line to deal with your problems and complaints day in and day out," Zachary admitted honestly. "And Hackney hasn't had a lawman in a long, long time so a few more days without won't hurt. I suggest y'all hold a meeting and pick someone because Leonard is leaving town today."
"I... I am?" Leanord stammered, still laying on his back on the ground with Zachary holding that gun on him.
"Sure are." Zachary grabbed him by his shirt and hoisted him to his feet. "Gavin?"
"Yes?" Gavin approached, adjusting his glasses and appearing quite unsure about the entire situation.
"Is there a stage or a train soon?"
Gavin frowned. "I don't have the time..."
Quickly, Timothy pulled his watch and glanced at the time. "Almost four."
"Yes, there is a stage due to pull out at four-fifteen."
Zachary nodded. "Let's go get your shit together, Leonard, you got a stage to catch. Sam, go ready our horses, I want to take that ride once the good ex-marshall is gone."
Zachary strode for the door, dragging the Marshall with him as Samantha followed behind, casting glares at anyone who dare whisper as they passed.
"Well...." Timothy clicked his tongue. "Zach sure knows how to crash a party."
Doc Reynolds sighed. "I suppose a town meeting will have to be held soon to discuss law and order. Zachary was right. Hackney hasn't had a good lawman in a long time."
"Timothy?" Eleanor's quiet whisper had him looking down at her. She was pale, nervous, and those blue eyes were full of questions.
He smiled gently. "Wanna take that walk now?"
Timothy bid farewell to the doc and Lewis, waved at all the nosy townsfolk who were watching, and led Eleanor out the door.
He saw Samantha stepping into the livery down the street and he saw Zachary shoving Leonard into the jail to collect his belongings. "Why don't we go back to the docs and talk where we can have a bit of privacy?" he offered.
She simply nodded, pulled away from him and walked several paces ahead the entire way there in silence. Once they were settled down at the doc's kitchen table, Eleanor broke her silence. "Why did you say that?"
"Say what?" Hell, Timothy hadn't spoken in a good ten minutes.
Her eyes narrowed. "At the party. What you said to Judith. Why did you say that?"
"Oh." Tim tugged at his shirt collar a bit and popped his neck. "Because...."
"If you said it only to make her be quiet and leave me be then I understand. It's okay. I just want you to know I don't expect anything more...."
"Eleanor stop." Her jaw snapped shut. Timothy reached across the table and laid his hand over hers. "You told me to think things through and come to you when I made a decision. Well, I made a decision."
Pulling away, he got to his feet, walked around to her, and then dropped to his knee beside her as he pulled the shimmering golden band adorned with a single glistening diamond from his pocket. "Marry me?"
Her jaw dropped as she stared down at him as if he had lost his mind. Had he lost his mind? He didn't think so. Silence reigned heavy and awkward. Tim cleared his throat and offered a shaky smile. "Marry me, please?"
"Tim...?" Eleanor shook her head as if clearing thoughts. Her brow furrowed. "If this is about pity...."
Tim hated that damn word. He grumbled under his breath and held the ring out closer to her. "It's not. I don't pity you and you don't need me. But, I want to be with you, Ell and I'm kinda hoping you might want the same thing with me. You're my future—you and that babe in your belly. Let's be a family. Marry me."
"Have you.. have you honesty thought about this?" Eleanor asked, her lips shaking. "Have you thought this through?"
"Yes. I spent all night long riding around in circles and thinking. I thought and thought and gave myself a headache and then thought some more. No matter how much thinking I do, I can't come up with a single reason not to build a life with you. I worried at first that I wouldn't be able to support a wife and child but then I remembered I'm a rich man now." He winked. "And then I worried I wouldn't know how to be a father because I didn't exactly have the best influence when I was young but then I realized that Paul Marston taught me all I need to know about fatherhood. I will be a good husband to you, Ell. I swear that. And I'll be a good father to this child. I swear that too. Folks in this town love to talk so let's give them something worth talking about. Be my wife."
Eleanor simply stared in his eyes a moment as if searching for answers to questions she didn't voice. And so, Timothy attempted to let every emotion he felt shine out of them. Would she see his earnestness? His hope? His longing? The honesty within them telling her that a life together was truly what he wanted? Damn, he hoped so.
Tears shimmered in her deep blue eyes and then finally she nodded. "Yes..." A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Yes, I'll marry you."
Timothy's hands were trembling violently as he took her hand and slipped that golden band with a single shimmering diamond on her finger. It fit perfectly. He gazed up at her and when his eyes met hers he saw her emotions clearly for the first time. Her guards and defenses had come completely down.
He saw the hope, the fear, the want, and the longing and Timothy vowed then and there that he would not let this woman down. He was going to be everything she had ever let herself dream she might have. Tim wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb before raising up and pressing the gentles of kisses to her unsuspecting lips.
It was barely more than a brush of their lips and yet it left Timothy breathless, weak, and off balance. Slowly he pulled away and took her hand. "I won't let you down, Eleanor. I'll be a good husband."
Another tear slid down her flushed cheek. "I..I know you will."
"I've been a nervous wreck all day," he admitted, running his finger over her ring. "It took me nearly two hours at the mercantile to pick this out—and they only had three choices in stock. And I visited that Anders man at the lumberyard—he sells houses out of a catalogue. I narrowed it down to three that I liked but figured I'd let you make the final say—and if you don't like any of them, you can pick out a different one...."
He stopped because she seemed overwhelmed. Swallowing hard, Tim cleared his throat. "Are you okay? If you don't want to marry me, Ell, you don't have to... I don't want you to feel pressured..."
"Stop." This time it was Tim's jaw snapping shut. Her hand came to his cheek and rested there while her thumb ran against his lips lighting the very blood in his veins on fire. "Of course I want to marry you. You... you are so much more than I ever imagined I would find, Tim. I don't deserve you..."
He frowned. "Of course you do. Hell, you deserve every good thing in the world to happen to you. And I'm going to spend my life doing all the things you deserve."
Tim got to his feet. "And now I'm gonna go make sure that Zach got the good Marshall out of town. You rest."
"Don't you..." Her gaze darted to her bedroom door. "Don't you want to stay?"
Damn.... The answer to that was yes. That or take her back to the hotel and lock her up in there for a day or two. But he wasn't going to. Squaring his shoulders, Tim stepped back. "No. Not until we're married."
"Tim?" She got to her feet. "You don't have to worry about my honor, remember? You've had me before. We can go to my room, or the hotel if you'd rather..."
Nostrils flared, fists clenched, blood burning, Tim took a step away from the temptress. "No. I'm doing this right, Ell. I'm damn ashamed of those times before and I won't treat you like that again. I won't share your bed with you until we're husband and wife. That's something you deserve."
Eleanor smiled and launched forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his chest. Timothy put his arms around her and hugged her tight. He dropped a kiss to her soft blond hair. "But I think we should get married in a hurry," he admitted. "Because I want you something fierce."
Eleanor didn't raise her head and her voice was muffled against his shirt. "The only person in Hackney who can perform marriages is Reverend Channing—I don't think that's the wedding I want."
Timothy squeezed her a little harder. "Then I guess we'll be taking a trip soon, won't we?"
A/N: They're getting married, y'all! Of course Tim wasn't going to walk away from Eleanor! But most of you already knew that! And Sam's back at it with those fists of fury, knocking harpy's on their asses one by one! Zach has now kicked yet another problem out of town--he's cleaning up the streets. But no, he will not be the lawman--he hates dealing with people so a job in which he has to serve the people doesn't seem like a place he'd want to be! Thank you all so much for your support so far! I love reading your comments.
Love ya!
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