Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen
Sunday dawned brightly outside the red floral curtains of Samantha's hotel room. She had not seen nor heard from Zachary in three long days. Maybe she had been wrong. Maybe those gentle touches, tender gazes, and softly spoken words hadn't meant to him what she had thought they had. Maybe she had been wrong to think that he might possibly be someone she could begin to build a future with.
Maybe the man was just busy.
Rising from bed, Samantha slid from her night clothes and began to dress for the day. She had nowhere to go and nothing to do when she got there. Thursday she had spent the day locked up in her hotel room staring out the window as rivers of rain had run in rivulets down the panes.
Friday and Saturday had been spent working at the post office, learning her role at the job and also feeling her heart nearly beat out of her chest when unfamiliar faces would walk in—perhaps she shouldn't be working so out in the open where Clinton or his men could find her. Then again, she could not possibly simply hide herself the rest of her life—what kind of life would that be?
Samantha could only hope that Clinton Matthews had finally given up on his obsession with her and she would never see his scarred face or ice blue eyes again.
Slipping into her black skirt and red blouse, Samantha clipped her red curls away from her face, allowing them to hang down her back and have their freedom—most days that was easier than attempting to tame them. Making her way downstairs, Samantha ordered breakfast from the hotel diner and enjoyed her meal alone in a back booth.
Stepping into the sunlight and feeling the warm spring breeze blow across her face, Samantha decided what her plans were for the day. Athena had been cooped up in the livery for three days and she knew the horse would be craving a bit of exercise. Samantha had not gone on a ride simply for the sheer enjoyment of it in a long while. Today was a beautiful day to do just that.
Samantha was heading for the livery when she saw heard footsteps coming up behind her. Tensing and ready to run if necessary, Samantha spun around quickly. Timothy was standing there smiling, raising his hands in surrender—causing Samantha to realize she had been prepared to strike him.
His green eyes sparkled. "You're just as jumpy as your feller."
Samantha frowned. "My feller?"
"Tall, dark, moody? You remember him, don't you?"
Her gaze went skyward before she responded. "Just barely. I haven't seen or heard from him in days." She quickly cleared her throat and averted her gaze.
"He's been busy working," Timothy acknowledged. "And missing you."
Samantha cursed under her breath, knowing that he would be able to see the color that rose in her cheeks. She smoothed out her blouse and changed the subject from how badly Zachary may or may not have missed her. "How are you and Zachary friends? You seem so very different."
Timothy's laughter rang out. "Yeah I reckon we are. We've known one another since we were real young. I didn't have the best home life and his family became my family." Timothy shrugged as he watched a wagon load of wood go down the street. "We weren't quite so different then. Life has changed him."
Quiet fell over them. Samantha swallowed hard. Life certainly had a way of doing just that to people. Timothy cleared his throat and clapped his hands together. "So, what were your plans today?"
Samantha was happy to have the conversation moving to something else—she wasn't in any hurry to dwell on the past or the pain it caused. "I'm taking Athena for a ride. It's a beautiful day for one."
"That it is. I got some work lined up for the day at another ranch. I gotta be heading that way. Be careful out there, Samantha, and have a good time."
"You're working on Sunday?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to get some money saved up so I can buy me a place of my home. I'm getting tired of calling a hotel home."
Samantha nodded. She understood that. She so badly wanted a home again. For two years she had run, for nearly six months she'd laid her head in a tiny bedroom above a saloon, and now she slept in a hotel—a home sounded so very nice.
"You know, if you happened to be out riding and you happened to wander in the direction of Zach's place.... I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to see you." Throwing a wink in her direction, Timothy shoved his hands in his pockets and walked on down the road whistling a tune.
Samantha felt a moment of temptation. She wanted to see Zachary so badly. She was worried for him. How was he doing after burning down his family home? She could have asked Timothy but she knew that Zachary was a private man—he wasn't someone who would want her asking around about him and she did not want him to think she was prying or gossiping about him. If Samantha wanted to know how he was doing, she would have to ask him in person. Which brought her back to Timothy's teasing suggestion.
Should Samantha ride out to the ranch and see Zachary? She wanted to badly, however, he hadn't attempted to see her since the day the house had burned, and she did not want to force her presence upon him. Perhaps she would simply hop on Athena'a back and simply go wherever her best friend carried her.
Smiling at the silly direction her mind had taken her, Samantha continued on her way to the livery. It was then that she saw Judith Channing and the bird-like woman was heading straight in her direction with that nose in the air, judgement in her eyes, and what was bound to be a lecture on her lips.
Today was such a beautiful day and that harpy was going to come along and ruin it. Samantha took a look around, desperate for any route of escape—unfortunately everything was closed this time of day on a Sunday. It was nearly time for church services to be starting, why was Judith going to waste her time cornering Samantha once again?
"Samantha, I wish to have a word with you!"
Samantha came to a stop just outside the livery doors and clenched her fists as she pleaded for patience. "I would think that after our previous interactions, it would be obvious I do not wish to have any more words with you, Mrs. Channing."
Judith fussed with her hair beneath her blue bonnet which matched the blue dress she was wearing. "Please, Samantha, your hostility is quite unbecoming. I've heard about you spending time with that Zachary Marston and I warned you he would be a bad influence. I am merely attempting to help you."
"You will not speak ill of Zachary Marston to me, especially when the man is not even here to defend himself," Samantha scolded. "Surely there are other wayward souls you could be wasting your time on, Mrs. Channing, because I did not ask for nor do I need your help."
"I reckon if she does need help she's got more dependable folks she can turn to."
Zachary's sudden voice over her shoulder caused Samantha to let out a gasp before turning quickly to see him standing behind her. As always, when her eyes fell on him, her breath caught and her heart beat just a bit faster in her chest. He was tall, broad, strong and wrapped in well fitted black trousers and a dark gray chambray shirt. His black bandolier was pulled across his chest, a low slung black gun belt sat on his lean hips, a bowie knife was hooked to both legs, and a rifle was slung over his shoulder and resting on his back. The sharp features, the dusting of black stubble, those intense dark eyes, firm lips.... Samantha felt herself tremble as she imagined those lips against her own. Claiming her. Devouring her.
Zachary's gaze met hers and narrowed. Could he read her mind? Were her thoughts plain for him to see in her eyes. That gaze dropped to her lips and, quite unconsciously, Samantha ran sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and ran her teeth along it.
Zachary's jaw tensed and he swallowed hard. Samantha drew a shaky breath as Zachary took a step toward her, standing so very close—close enough that she could feel his heat and had to tilt her head back to hold his gaze. She was powerless under those dark eyes. Samantha recognized the feel of his calloused fingers on her wrist as they grabbed hold gently and gave her a tug, pressing their bodies together.
Samantha was trembling uncontrollable, her breaths were becoming more ragged, her heart pounded against her ribcage. Zachary's free hand came to her face, those fingertips were gentle as they traced her cheek but they might as well have been lightning bolts. A moan slip passed Samantha's lips. Zachary's brown eyes darkened with want and Samantha knew, as his head lowered, he was preparing to kiss her. Her eyes slid closed. Their breath mingled in the morning air. Thought was impossible, she was simply full of want for the man in front of her.
"Honestly? You're acting no better than those common brothel whores you lived among all those months."
Judith Channing's voice had Samantha coming back to her senses. She realized then just how closely her and Zachary were standing—just how hot the air around them had become. And just how out in the open they were standing where anyone could see them bedside the livery. Shaking her head to clear her want-filled thoughts, Samantha leapt away from him and tried to calm her breathing and steady herself.
"What the hell did you just say?" Zachary's voice was barely more than a low, animalistic growl as he stepped around Samantha and stood over the preacher's wife.
Judith clearly had more bravery than sense as she stood her ground. Her hands were folded in front of her and she raised that nose in the air as she met his gaze. "Samantha spent far too much time around those women and now with your influence on top of that, I'm afraid nothing I say is going to convince her to save her own soul."
"Samantha is good damn woman, better than you, and that's the last thing I have to say to you. You see me, you see Samantha, you cross the street and keep going, understood?"
Judith began sputtering and stammering, but Zachary was clearly done with the conversation. He reached back, took Samantha's hand gently in his own, despite his obvious temper, and led her across the road to the boardwalk by the laundry service. It seemed Judith had the good sense not to follow.
"That woman is a monster," Zachary warned, his gaze sharp as it stayed locked on Judith Channing, who was huffing as she headed down the road in the direction of the church on the outskirts of town.
Samantha's mind was still spinning. From the near kiss, those hungry looks, Judith's accusations, Zachary's warning, and the gentle way that Zachary was still holding her hand, his thumb caressing her tender wrist. She let out a long breath, steadied herself and shook her head. "She's a judgmental harpy, that is certainly true, but I wouldn't label her a monster."
Zachary nodded, his gaze was still watching Judith's retreating back but it was clear to Samantha that he was no longer seeing main street. His eyes had once again taken on that haunted expression. "I paid her good money to hire men from the church to clean the house before I left town. She's a monster."
Understanding dawned and Samantha shivered when she recalled the blood stained farmhouse. "I'm sorry she did that."
"And I'm sorry I sent you into that house. I... I didn't know..."
Samantha offered a comforting smile, placing a gentle hand on his cheek in an attempt to ease the pain she saw there. "I know you didn't, Zachary. I'm sorry I wasn't able to hide it from you—I wanted to badly."
"You never should have seen the house that way," Zachary insisted. "It wasn't your responsibility to clean that and I would never want you seeing sights like that one."
Samantha was surprised by Zachary's openness with her. Sure, his gaze was averted and he kept swallowing and seemed unsure of himself but he showing more of that tenderness that she knew lived inside of the man. Whatever he'd done in the last five years had taken a large toll on him, but the man he'd been before was still in there.
She let her hand fall to her side. "Horrible sights happen."
Slowly his gaze found hers. Those brown eyes seemed to be looking straight into her soul. "Talk to me, Samantha. Why are you in Hackney? Why is Athena all you have left in the world?"
It was the second time that Zachary had asked her that question and just like the time before, Samantha felt an ache deep within herself to open up and tell him. Always before she had kept the truth hidden. She had been certain that telling anyone about Clinton Matthews would place them in danger. Something about Zachary took away her fear. She wanted him for an ally—even if only against her memories.
Just like the time before, Samantha opened her mouth to let Zachary in, to tell him the truth, but then her gaze was drawn to main street. "Honestly?" she demanded, pulling her hand from Zachary's grasp and clenched her fists. "She's coming back."
Judith Channing was coming back down the street with Marshal Oxley in tow. Zachary tensed and Samantha could tell he was about to head toward the approaching woman. She put her hands on his chest and instantly his gaze dropped back down to hers. "Stay here. I will deal with this."
She stood her ground. "Stay. As soon as I handle Judith, I am going for a ride on Athena and I would like for you to join me."
Zachary's jaw was tense but he gave a small nod after several moments and Samantha turned and strode away, meeting Judith and the Marshall on the street. "Can I help you both?" she demanded, having no respect for either of the people in front of her.
"Mrs. Channing, uh didn't say it was Samantha and Zachary causing a problem when you told me to come help...." Marshall Oxley stammered, his one eye darting between Samantha standing in front of him and Zachary back on the boardwalk.
"I can assure you that the only person causing any problems this morning was Mrs. Channing herself. She seems obsessed with me, Marshall, and it's through no fault of my own I assure you."
"Obsessed?" Judith scoffed. "I am merely attempting to help you! Zachary Marston is not a man with which you should align yourself."
Crossing her arms over her chest, Samantha glared at the woman. "And I suppose you are a person more suited for aligning myself with?"
The nod following her question was whole-hearted. "Of course."
"I see." Samantha tapped her fingers against arm several times and then sighed. "Tell me, Mrs. Channing, just how much money did you steal off of Zachary before he left town?"
Judith's eyes widened nearly comically. She squeaked several times sounded much like a newly hatched chick and her gaze went to Marshall Oxley, who seemed torn between wanting to flee because of his fear of Zachary and wanting to stay so he could hear the gossip.
"I have never stolen a thing in my life," Judith finally vowed.
"He told me that you were paid to send men out to the farmhouse shortly after he left town. Those men were meant to do a bit of work there. That work was never done. Either those men stole from you or you never sent any men and simply pocketed his money for yourself. Which is it? I'm inclined to believe it was the latter."
Judith's mouth moved up and down several times as if she were desperately gulping for air. She stomped her foot once and waved her hand toward the Marshall. "Are you going to allow her to speak to me this way?"
Marshall Oxley scratched at his oversized belly. "She's not doing anything illegal, Mrs. Channing. Now why don't we just...."
"You are useless, Marshall and a disgrace to our town! First you let that monster Zachary Marston get away with slaughtering his family and now you let this whore....."
Whatever further venom Judith Channing had been going to spew from her mouth, no one would ever know, because upon hearing her say such a horrible thing about Zachary, Samantha's arm took on a life of its own. She drew back and swung, throwing all her weight into the punch that sent her fist careening into Judith Channing's jaw.
Judith cried out as her neck snapped back and she fell sideways. Her eyes were wide and her hand was covering her abused jaw when she turned to face Samantha again. "I want her arrested," she gasped, moving to stand closer to the Marshall—apparently thinking that would offer her protection.
Samantha was shocked by her own actions. She had just punched the preachers' wife on main street, in broad daylight, right in front of the only law in the town. What had she been thinking? Samantha was not a violent person and never had been. But hearing Judith, who had been a thorn in her side for months, spread such terrible lies about Zachary—it had been more than Samantha could tolerate.
Marshal Oxley cursed under his breath, bringing Samantha's attention to the man. She should be frightened of him—he had caused harm to come to her before when he'd fired that shot to spook Athena and caused Samantha to strike her head. But she wasn't afraid of Marshall Oxley. Of course, that probably had more to do with Zachary's footsteps she could hear approaching from behind than her own bravery.
"Samantha, you're under arrest for assaulting Mrs. Channing."
Judith offered a haughty sneer which simply reignited Samantha's anger. She was gathering herself up to launch her body at the horrible woman when Zachary's hand closed firmly on her shoulder and stopped her in her tracks.
"I think you'll want to rethink that decision, Leonard."
Marshall Oxley paled considerably and adjusted his dirty brown eyepatch. "Uh.. Now Zachary she hit her..."
"And the good woman of the church called Samantha a whore."
Leonard Oxley swallowed hard. "Name calling ain't the same as throwing punches."
Zachary grunted. "Then I want Mrs. Channing arrested as well. For theft. I paid a good deal of money to her for a job and that job was never completed."
Samantha realized they had a lot of attention on them. Folks were watching from many different directions. Hackney Oklahoma didn't often see such excitement on a Sunday morning.
"How about we all just go our separate ways now and uh... calm down?" Marshall Oxley offered, holding up his hands.
Samantha was more than willing to do just that but Judith seemed enraged. "Marshall Oxley, do something!"
Zachary's low chuckle rumbled close to Samantha as he pulled her closer to him, pressing her back into his chest. Dear lord, she couldn't seem to draw a full breath being held near him this way! "It would be the first time he ever has," Zachary assured the preacher's wife.
Then, in true Zachary Marston fashion, it seemed he was through with the conversation whether anyone else was or not. He released his hold on Samantha's shoulder and took her hand in his. "Let's go for that ride now," he offered before leading her away from a stuttering Marshall Oxley and an irate Judith Channing.
A/N: When Zachary is done talking, the conversation is over ha! Who knew Samantha could throw such a good punch? And damn but the two of them nearly set the streets of Hackney on fire with those sparks ❤❤ Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!
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