Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Five
Timothy pulled his wife close and kissed her golden hair as she slept peacefully in his arms. His wife. Eleanor was his wife. They'd been married nearly two weeks and yet it still didn't feel real at times. Timothy had spent much of his life feeling as if he didn't completely belong—as if he didn't truly have his own place or anyone who would love and pick him over everyone else. He had found that in Eleanor.
"Good morning." Her sleepy voice greeted in the silence.
"Good morning, sweetheart," Timothy replied, running his finger down her smooth arm.
Eleanor yawned and stretched out beside him, drawing Timothy's attention to the curves and outline of her body beneath the sheet they were wrapped in. "What time is it?" she asked.
With a sigh, Timothy grabbed his watch from the bedside table and clicked it open. "Time for me to get up and get ready to head to the ranch and work on the house."
He saw the disappoint cross her delicate face. It caused his heart to ache a bit. He knew that she was tired of sitting in town alone every day while he worked. Most of the people in town still wouldn't have anything much to do with her. Doc Reynolds and his new lady love Catherine would be happy to spend time with her, but she insisted she did not want to intrude on their budding relationship. Caroline and the ladies at the brothel would also keep her company but they kept different hours than Eleanor did lately and Eleanor didn't seem eager to spend time at the saloon and brothel—She didn't like remembering the things she'd done there, or the things that had been done to her.
"Do you have time to come to breakfast with me before you leave?" she asked.
Tim smiled. "Of course." He put his finger under her chin and lifted her head so he could press a tender kiss to her soft lips. "I always have time for you, Ell. You know that." His lips turned down into a frown. "Do you want me to stay in town today? I could catch the workers before they leave and have them let Zach know I won't be there."
Her big blue eyes lit up a moment but then she shook her head. "No. No, you're needed out there, Tim."
Timothy kissed her long and slow. "But if I'm needed here then here's where I'll be," he countered.
Her long blond lashes rested on her cheeks as Eleanor's eyes remained closed and a tiny smile curled her lips. "I know you'd stay, Tim, and I'm tempted to tell you to, but I know that we need our home complete. I don't want to live in this hotel forever."
Tim sighed. "I know you're lonely here while I'm gone. Do you want to come with me? Sam should be home, she doesn't work at the post office today."
"I don't know.. I don't want to bother her."
"She'd probably punch you if she heard you say that. And Mrs. Judith Loud-mouth Channing could tell you, you don't want that to happen. Sam packs a mean punch." He smiled when she laughed. "Come with me, Ell."
Those blue eyes that had a way of making him feel ten feet tall and all types of heroic gazed up at him. "Okay. But breakfast first."
Timothy's stomach rumbled in response. "Of course. I don't work on an empty stomach."
Leaving the bed, Tim took Eleanor's hand and helped her up as well. She swooned a bit and he knew she'd been hit by another dizzy spell. Worry gnawed at him. Her pregnancy had not been easy for her. She'd been doing much better with proper food and rest but she still suffered from frequent dizzy spells and headaches. Doc Reynolds had insisted that she rest as much as possible and permanent bed rest might be called for the further she got into her pregnancy.
"You don't feel good. How about I just tuck you back in and I'll go get breakfast and stay with you today?"
Eleanor laid her palm against his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. I just got dizzy because I got up too quick."
Tim studied her closely, her face had gone pale with her dizziness but the color seemed to be coming back. "You're sure? Does your head hurt?"
"No." She kissed him quickly and pressed herself tight against him, reminding Timothy that neither one of them had bothered with putting clothes back on last night. "Now, take me to breakfast. I'm starving."
He lowered a hand to the swell of her hip before letting his fingertips rest against the slight swell of her low belly—the place where their child was growing. "Reckon we should get dressed first or go as we are?"
Her light laughter made his heart swell—she was laughing more and more lately. Timothy loved seeing his wife so happy. "Clothes would probably be a good idea," she mused. "I'm sure the diner has a policy or two about it."
Timothy nodded and helped her dress before yanking on his own clothes and boots. Fastening his gun belt, he watched Eleanor place her long blond hair in a braid with practiced ease. He had a feeling his own fingers would knot themselves together if he ever tried to braid something.
Leading Eleanor down the road, Timothy glanced around main street. It was still fairly early but Hackney had already begun coming alive. Children laughed as they made their way to the schoolhouse. The din of voices and tools could be heard coming from the sawmill. Men and women milled the streets, going about their mornings and enjoying the peaceful breeze that was blowing.
Just as they were approaching the diner, Samantha's voice stopped them. "Good morning, you two!"
Tim and Ell turned to see Samantha and Zachary approaching on the boardwalk. "Hey guys. Is everything okay? We were just gonna eat some breakfast and come out to the ranch."
Samantha's bright smile is infectious as she replied. "Great! We'll eat with you. There's something Zachary and I wanted to talk to you about."
Tim nodded, taking a minute to study Zach's unreadable face. The man was a steel trap when it came to his emotions, and it was almost always impossible to tell what he was thinking. What could they be wanting to talk to them about? It couldn't be bad news. Samantha was smiling and she wasn't a good liar—that meant the news had to be good. Right?
The foursome entered the diner and Tim was instantly aware of the eyes on them. He squared his shoulders, kissed Ell's cheek and walked proudly beside her. He chuckled quietly to himself as he realized he, Ell, Zach, and Sam were probably the most gossiped about people in town.
Zachary growled at the onlookers, clearly daring them to speak. Timothy's chuckle turned into laughter. The infamous foursome had their own personal guard dog. Samantha rose on her toes and kissed Zachary's jaw. Timothy watched his best friend melt under Sam's touch as the tension left his broad shoulders. "Come on, Zach. Let's enjoy our breakfast."
The four of them settled down at a back table—Zachary of course sat in the corner with a clear view of each door and window. After they had ordered their meal, Samantha turned to Eleanor with a warm smile. "Zach and I talked last night and we'd like to make you both an offer."
Ell glanced up at Tim and he shrugged. "What kind of offer?" he asked.
Samantha turned her gaze to Zachary who simply raised a brow and stared back at her. She cleared her throat and nudged him in a very non discreet matter with her elbow. Tim did his best to hide his smile behind his hand, aware of Eleanor looking away as she too attempted to hide amusement.
Zachary cleared his throat and put a gentle arm around Samantha's shoulders. "After breakfast y'all can go gather up your things and we'll head out to the ranch together. You'll stay with us until your house is done being built."
Timothy blinked several times. Eleanor opened her mouth twice but shut it each time as no words came out. Samantha gently slapped her own brow before turning to Zachary. "You were supposed to ask, Zach. Ask them if they'd like to move in with us until their house is done."
Zachary shrugged. "I don't waste time with beating around a bush."
Before anyone could respond, the waitress brought out their breakfast. Timothy took a bite of bacon and met Zach's gaze. "You want us to move in your house at the ranch?"
Zach shrugged. "Why not? You work out there every day. Eleanor can't enjoy being holed up at the hotel. Most folks in this town are judgmental assholes you can't get along with." His gaze went around the diner at all the other patrons who were giving their table a wide berth and glancing their way now and then. "You'd be foolish to stay here and put up with that nonsense when you can come out to the ranch and stay."
Leave it to Zachary Marston to be overly blunt and to the point. Samantha pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers. "What he means is, we'd really like for you both to come stay with us. You'll be closer to the house while you work on it and Eleanor and I can keep each other company while we work around the ranch. The company will no doubt be better than the company here."
Zachary paused having just shoved a large bite of eggs in his mouth. He frowned. "That's what I just said," he muttered around his mouthful.
Samantha simply kissed his cheek and Tim saw his brown eyes light up as he seemed appeased and went back to his meal. Timothy thought about what they both had said.
He'd be lying if he said he wouldn't like living back on the ranch sooner rather than later. He wouldn't have to travel so far to work on the house everyday which would mean more time he could spend with Ell. Plus, he wouldn't have to worry about her, the baby, and the health of them both while he was away from them every day. He wouldn't have to worry that someone would treat her harshly while he wasn't around to defend her.
Turning his attention to Eleanor he attempted to gauge what she was thinking but she was frowning and picking at her oatmeal. "What's wrong?" he asked gently.
"I don't want to be a burden...."
"Bullshit," Zachary's deep voice snapped, causing their attention to go back to him immediately. Timothy was surprised by the anger he saw. "A burden? Don't be so damn ignorant, you're not a burden. You're married to my brother which makes you family. Now stop wasting time, eat your breakfast, and get packed. There's work to do."
Timothy shrugged as he turned back to Eleanor. "So, what do you want to do? If you want me to kick his ass for calling you ignorant, I'll try my best, but I think we should take the offer. I'd feel better having you closer to me and it would be nice to not live in the hotel anymore—I've called that place home a long time."
She bit her full lip and he could see the want in her eyes. "I say we go then. I'd much rather spend my days with Sam than holed up at that hotel. And with the possibility of bed rest, I'd rather be there."
Tim laid his hand on her stomach and nodded. "Everything will be just fine."
He turned back to Samantha and Zachary. Zachary seemed to be pointedly avoiding glancing their way as he simply ate his food but Sam was watching them with a happy smile. "So, you'll come?"
Tim chuckled and took another bite of his bacon as he leaned back in his seat. "We'll come."
"Zachary!" Zachary grumbled at hearing his name called out. He just wanted stand here, wait for Tim and Eleanor to finish packing, and then go home. Turning toward the sound of that voice, Zach saw Gavin Jones approaching quickly—running as a matter of fact.
Immediately, his gaze went to Sam who was standing on the boardwalk a short distance away talking with Caroline. He put a hand on his gun and addressed Gavin. "Is something wrong?"
Gavin slid to a stop, panting a bit as he shoved his glasses up on his nose. "No. Nothing's wrong." A nervous glance went to Zach's hand on his gun. Zachary forced his hand away.
"Probably shouldn't come running down the street yelling out my name like that, Gavin. Makes me nervous."
You nervous?" Gavin swallowed hard. "Right. Anyway, I thought you might want to know that someone arrived on the train this morning."
"Lots of folks arrive on trains." Zachary crossed his arms over his chest. "That's what trains are for."
"Yes, but this man...."
"Good morning, Gavin," Samantha's voice rang out as she approached Zach's side. Instantly, he slid an arm around her shoulders pulling her close.
"Good morning, Samantha." Gavin adjusted his vest and fixed his glasses once again. "I was telling Zachary about a man I met that arrived on the train today."
Samantha met Zach's gaze. "What man?"
"I don't know. He hasn't told me yet."
Zachary turned his attention back to Gavin. The man finally seemed to have caught his breath but the look on his face showed his concern. Concern about the new arrival in town. Zachary felt tension course through his muscles as they tightened. He became hyperaware of his surroundings and his grip on Samantha tightened, pulling her closer into the safety his body would provide her.
"Talk Gavin." Zachary growled.
Gavin nodded quickly. "Of course. He says his name is Arthur Thomas and he's come to serve as the new lawman in town."
Zachary ran that name through his mind but it rang no bells. He'd never heard it before. "How would he know about the lack of law here?" Zachary asked. Tim and Eleanor had just approached with packed suitcases but thankfully they and Sam were simply listening. They clearly recognized his tension.
"Because we put word out in the papers and to the law in other towns."
"And what does any of that have to do with me? If he's decent at his job, he'll be the best lawman this town has had in over a decade. If he turns out to be another Leonard, I'll send him away on the same damn train he showed up on."
Gavin tugged at his vest once again and cleared his throat as he tried to maintain Zach's gaze despite his obvious nerves. Zachary didn't like this. What the hell was going on? "When he got to town, he stopped in the post office and introduced himself. He also asked about you."
Zachary froze. "Me?"
"Yes. He was asking if you'd settled down and moved back to the ranch. I didn't tell him anything. I told him if he wanted to know anything about you, he'd have to ask you."
Zachary had heard enough. There was someone new in town. Someone Zachary had never heard of. Someone who had obviously been threatening enough to scare Gavin. And whoever that someone was had been asking questions about him. Clearly the bastard wanted to die.
"Where is he?"
"Uh...the jailhouse. He said he wanted to get right to work and settle in."
"Don't the townsfolk have to vote or something?" Samantha demanded with a frown.
Zachary shook his head before Gavin could answer. "Leonard Oxley was Marshall for over a decade. Clearly this town doesn't care enough to get involved with who the law is in their town."
With that, Zachary strode away. He had nothing else to say and heard quite enough to know his next course of action. Townspeople saw him and quickly skirted out of the way as he strode down the road toward the jailhouse. He could faintly hear Samantha, Tim, and Eleanor insisting that he needed to calm down and that there had to be a plausible explanation—but Zachary ignored them.
He had seen the fear on Sam's face when Gavin had mentioned a stranger. It would be a cold day in hell before someone rode into town and harmed that damn woman—she was an angel. She was light and hope and everything that Zachary had lost for so long. If Clinton Matthews or his men thought they could slip into town and take her away, Zachary would let them know they'd been wrong—dead wrong.
When he reached the jailhouse, he insisted everyone else remain outside just before he threw the door open, banging it off the wall and nearly breaking the hinges. Hackney's newest lawman leapt to his feet behind the desk and nearly fell backward over his chair. Zachary took in the sight of Arthur Thomas. He appeared to be in his forties with a lean build, thick dark hair that matched the handlebar mustache on his face. Gray eyes, wide with fear, stared back at Zachary while his thin lips trembled. Zachary never forgot a face, so he knew he had never seen this man in his life.
"Wh...Who are you?" Arthur demanded, standing up straight and attempting to straighten up his chair and act as if he hadn't nearly pissed his damn pants mere seconds before.
Zachary's gaze narrowed. "You should know. You're the one that's been asking about me."
Those gray eyes widened and every ounce of color drained from Arthur's face, though he attempted to hide that with a shaky smile as he adjusted his gun belt. "You must be Zachary Marston?"
A grunt was Zachary's only reply.
Arthur stepped around the desk, keeping his hands on his gun belt in a stance that was no doubt supposed to seem casual. Zachary was no fool. Arthur was scared. Of him. Why? "I was hoping I'd get a chance to speak with you," Arthur acknowledged, settling himself casually against the desk. "I've heard a lot about you."
"I don't know you." Zachary stated. "And I don't take kindly to anyone asking other folks about me."
Aruthur swallowed hard, grabbed a flask from the desk and took a quick swallow. He held it out to Zachary but he ignored the offered drink and Aruthur slowly sat it back down. "I wasn't trying to pry," he insisted. "I've been in law enforcement for a while and heard about you and the way you were single-handedly taking out Clinton Matthews gang. When a chance to work in Hackney came around, I was hoping you'd be back here, and I could meet you."
Zachary took a moment to let that settle in. He was sure he was known by quite a few law men. But to have one follow him to Hackney and claim to be excited to meet him while clearly scared shitless? That was more than a little suspicious.
"I've put that life behind me," Zachary replied, his voice calm and even. He gripped the handle of his gun and didn't miss the way sweat slicked Arthurs' brow as he followed the movement. "But I won't hesitate to protect what's mine if Clinton Matthews or any of his men attempt to ride in and take it."
"Of course." Arthur crosses his arms over his chest as he remains perched on the desk. "I think we got off on the wrong foot, Mr. Marston. I'm not a threat to you."
"I know you're not."
The new lawman blinked several times and nodded, clearly understanding the double meaning of Zachary's reply. "Good. And I want you to know I'll be a good lawman here. If I hear of Clinton Matthews or any of his men sniffing around, I'll deal with them."
Zachary simply grunted. The conversation was over. He didn't trust this man at all, but he couldn't simply kill him—not while the man was currently posing no threat and wearing a badge on his chest.
He turned and strode from the jail, taking Samantha's hand and leading her back toward the livery where Athena and Blaze were hitched. "What was that about?" Timothy demanded, he and Eleanor following along behind.
Zachary stopped by the horses and shook his head as he thought back over the encounter with the supposed law man. "I don't know. He says he's a lawman and he's heard of me because of my run ins with Clinton and his gang." Zachary felt Sam shiver at the mention of that name and his temper simply grew hotter. "Said coming to Hackney was what he wanted to do because he'd hoped to meet me or some shit like that."
"You don't believe him?" Samantha asked, her voice quiet and shaking as she curled herself against his chest.
"No." Zachary wrapped protective arms around her. "He's hiding something. He was scared of me."
"Anyone with half a brain is scared of you," Timothy replied, rocking back on his heels and obviously attempting to lighten the mood.
Samantha's hand gripped Zachary's shirt. "What if... what if they've found me, Zach...."
Zachary looked into those deep green eyes. Those eyes that he planned on spending the next sixty years looking into. "You're mine, Sam. Nothing and no one will hurt you or take you away from me. I'm not losing anyone else."
A/N: Is the new lawman friend or foe? Only time will tell! It's snowing hard outside my house, we already have about 6 inches (which is alot of our area) with more steadily falling so we may lose power (though i hope not!) Stay safe and stay warm to anyone else currently experiencing the snow!
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