Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen
As badly as Samantha wanted to be truly annoyed or angry over Zachary's bossiness at the docs', she couldn't manage it. She was filled with far too much happiness. Zachary was back. He wasn't going to be running around the country chasing a cold-blooded killer, and he had made it clear he wanted a future and a life with Samantha.
How could she possibly be mad at that turn of events?
And so, with a smile she couldn't seem to erase, Samantha followed along behind him down the street lost in her thought. She was pulled from those thoughts when Zachary suddenly stopped walking and glanced back at her.
"What's wrong?" she asked, glancing back as well, wondering if something was going on behind them.
Zachary held out his hand. "Why are you back there? Come walk with me."
That smile simply grew bigger upon her face as a blush rose on her cheeks. Samantha wasn't certain why she suddenly felt a bit shy with Zachary. She slid her palm into his and those calloused fingers circled her softer hand gently, their fingers entwining.
Never had Samantha felt more proud than she felt walking down the street hand in hand with Zachary Marston. She didn't care about the glances, the whispers, the gossip and rumors that swirled.
Samantha realized they were heading toward the lumberyard. She frowned. "What are we doing?"
"Like you said, you can't fix up a pile of ash."
"So, we're ordering lumber for a house?" That wasn't quite what she'd been hoping for when Zachary had pulled her out of the docs house. What had she been hoping for? Samantha glanced up at Zachary's face and trembled as she remembered how those firm lips had felt against her own and the way his passionate kiss had dominated her so completely. Samantha had always been a headstrong girl which had led to her being a headstrong woman but something about Zachary had her wanting to give all control over to him—in one area at least.
Zachary sighed. "Just come on."
Samantha found herself led through the gate of the lumber yard and Zachary approached a pot-belled man with wire rimmed spectacles, a blue velvet coat with tails and a black top hat. She nearly laughed at the absurdity of his appearance.
"Can I help you, sir and ma'am?" the man greeted jovially, his eyes falling momentarily to Zachary and Samantha's joined hands. Samantha gave a small tug in an attempt to pull her hand away, fully aware that this public display was inappropriate. Zachary, however, gave her hand a firm but gentle squeeze and held fast.
He cleared his throat. "I need to see about buying a house."
The man's face brightened as he smiled and held out his hands. "Of course. Of course. I have a catalogue of available homes right over here. We have some in stock and some that will need to be ordered but we can get you any home you want out of the book."
The man was still talking as he turned and led them toward a tent at the corner of the lumberyard. "Order a house from a book?" Samantha whispered to Zachary. "I've never heard of such a thing."
Zachary grunted. "You can order just about anything nowadays I reckon."
Stepping through the open tent flaps, Samantha realized the man had taken a seat at a desk. He pointed to the two chairs on the other side. "Please sir and ma'am, have a seat."
Samantha gave one more gentle tug of her hand and Zachary was mumbling under his breath as he released his hold on her. She sat down awkwardly in one of the offered seats and waited for Zachary to sit down beside her. He didn't. Instead, he went to the side wall of the tent and stood against it. Samantha frowned up at him. Zachary shrugged. "I don't put my back to doors."
Samantha winced. Of course, he didn't. With his gentle attentiveness toward her and his quiet strength, it was often easy to forget that Zachary's life had been hard the last few years. Easy to forget that he was always just a little on edge and waiting for something to happen.
The man in a top hat and tails seemed a bit confused by Zachary's behavior a moment, but being a true salesman, he plastered that friendly smile right back on his face. "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Joseph Anders. I tend to travel around a bit and haven't been in Hackney long. Who might you fine folks be?"
"Zachary Marston. And this is Samantha."
"Nice to make your acquaintance," Joseph tugged at the lapels of his coat after Zachary's short reply and Samantha nearly laughed. Zachary was extra bristly today—except with her of course. She could still hear his deep quiet voice as he had held her so tightly in the doc's office, 'I missed you, Sam.'
"Here is our catalogue, sir, if you'd like to come take a look. We can get you any home you take a liking to." Joseph laid a big blue catalogue on the table. "Did you have anything particular in mind, sir?"
Zachary tipped his head. "The lady is sitting right there. You can show her the catalogue."
Samantha frowned. "You want me to pick your house?"
Zachary's throat worked as he swallowed hard. He spared a quick glance at Joseph before returning his gaze to her. Samantha knew he didn't feel comfortable being soft with an audience. She simply sat there and waited for him to speak. "I want you to pick...." His jaw tightened a bit before he continued. "Our house?"
Samantha could have sworn her heart skidded to a stop in her chest as she simply stared up at the man. Their house? She pushed herself to her feet—and her slightly shaky legs carried her to Zachary. "Our house?"
He pulled his hat off his head and thick black hair fell over his brow as he gave a little nod. "Yeah. Sit down there and pick out the one you like." When Samantha remained silent, Zachary grumbled under his breath. His dark brown eyes searched hers. "A life together, right? That's what we wanted? We'll need a house for that."
Samantha felt tears gathering behind her eyes and she fought desperately to blink them back as she chewed her lip. "If that's your attempt at a proposal, Zachary Marston, I'll be expecting more."
Color rose on his stubbled face. That slow lazy smile curved his lips, placing those dimples in his cheeks. "Yes ma'am." He dipped his head low and caught her lips in a gentle kiss. Samantha's legs went unsteady beneath her and she reached out to grip his shirt in her hands. The kiss became a little less gentle—a little more needy.
The clearing of a throat had the pair flying apart. Samantha adjusted her blouse and smoothed out her hair as she quickly went back to her seat and sat down upon it, unable to meet Joseph's gaze. "Sorry about that..." she mumbled, staring down at her hands.
"I'm not," Zachary chimed in. "Now show the woman the houses so she can get to picking one."
"Zachary, are you sure you don't want to look at them?"
"Pick your damn house, Sam."
Samantha grew frustrated. "Don't you even have an opinion on what house you'd like to have?"
Zachary came to her chair and crouched down so she could look into his dark eyes. Eyes that she seemed to lose herself in far too easily. He reached out and slid a stray lock of red curls behind her ear. "No, I don't. I'm not a man who needs much, Samantha. Give me my horse, my guns, some food, some water and I'm fine. Creature comforts are lost on me."
"And those four things are all you need, huh?" she asked, hoping for a teasing tone but fearing she was far too breathless.
Another of those slow lazy smiles followed her question. "You already know the answer to that." Those calloused fingers danced gently over her cheeks before Zachary shoved himself to his feet and placed his hat back on his head. He turned his attention to Joseph Anders, whom Samantha had all but forgotten existed. "Show her the damn catalogue."
Samantha focused on the other man as he gave her a knowing smile and laid the book in front of her. "There's quite a few different models to choose from. Is there a certain price point we should be staying under?" he asked.
A quick glace at Zachary had him shaking his head. "Nope."
Joseph Ander's eyes widened. "Are you certain? There's quite a large difference in the price of some of them..."
"Anything she wants. Price doesn't matter."
Any other man saying such a thing would have annoyed Samantha. But she knew Zachary and she knew that he wasn't simply throwing those words and his money around in an attempt to impress her. He was far too honest a man to play games such as those.
Joseph Anders eyes nearly bulged from his head behind those spectacles he wore. "Don't you even want to know the prices?"
Zachary shook his head and shifted his feet. She could tell by the way he rolled his shoulders that he was growing restless. "Nope."
"Most men don't let their ladies make such costly purchases without at least some input. Women don't always make sound financial decisions..."
Zachary's gaze narrowed and Samantha hid her smile behind her hand. "If you don't want to sell the goddamn woman a house then we can just leave..."
"No!" Joseph stood quickly and held his hands out. "I'm terribly sorry for offending you sir, and you ma'am. I most certainly did not mean to."
"It's quite alright," Samantha assured him motioning for him to retake his seat. "I'm afraid Mr. Marston can be a bit hot-headed at times."
"Hot-headed?" Zachary muttered. He stepped forward once again. "You got a blank bill of sales handy? I'll just sign my name to it and you can fill out the rest once Samantha makes a decision."
As Joseph Anders quickly opened a desk drawer to produce the requested document, Samantha glanced up at Zachary. "Where are you going?"
"I'll just wait outside in the air," he assured her. She knew better than to argue with him. Zachary Marston was going to do whatever it was that Zachary Marston wanted to do.
Samantha watched him quickly scratch his name down on the document Joseph had indicated. Then after pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, Zachary turned and was gone, leaving her alone in the tent with a very eager looking Joseph Anders. "Time to get to business, ma'am. Since the gentleman said price is no option, why don't we begin with our nicer models...."
Samantha stepped out of the lumberyard gate after a good hour of having her ear talked off by Joseph Anders. She had expected to see Zachary standing outside the tent when she'd left but he hadn't been there. Leaving the lumberyard, Samantha looked up and down the road. Where was that damned man?
"Looking for someone?"
Samantha nearly screamed before turning around and seeing Zachary standing just outside the lumberyard. He was lounging against the tall wooden fence with his arms crossed over his chest and a cigarette dangling from his lip. "You nearly got yourself punched," she warned, laying her hand over her pounding heart.
Zachary tossed the cigarette down and put it out with his boot. Shoving himself away from the fence, he pushed his hat back a bit. "Did you get the house you wanted?"
Samantha sighed. "I suppose. He said they had it in stock and the men would deliver it to your ranch tomorrow afternoon. It would have been nice to pick it out together."
Zachary frowned. She hadn't meant to let him see the sadness in her eyes but it was clear that he had. The man was far too observant. He took her wrist gently and pulled her body close. "I just wanted to let you have what you wanted. I didn't think you'd need me there..."
She rolled her eyes, though it felt far too good to be held close to him this way to offer any resistance or attempt to pull away. "I didn't need you there. But I would have liked to have you there."
His gaze softened as his hands went to rest on her hips. "I'm sorry, Sam." The sincerity in his words had her swallowing hard. "I didn't realize... We can go back in. You can show me what you picked out."
Samantha shivered. "No."
"What's wrong?" Zachary's grip on her tightened. "Did he do something to you?"
"Other than talk my ear off for an hour as he attempted to sell me nearly everything he had in that catalogue? Did you know he sells more than just houses? He has everything you need to furnish them too. Rugs, tables, chairs, sofas, beds, even candlesticks. He also sells pre-made barns. Wagons. Carts. Buggies. Everything a person might ever need."
A quiet chuckle rumbled from Zachary's chest. He pressed a gentle kiss to her hair. "I'm sorry. You can punch me if you'd like. I deserve it."
Samantha swallowed hard, heat swirling low within her as her body stood flush against his. "I don't want to punch you," she promised. "But if you ever leave me alone with a salesman again after you've let him know that money is no option and the lady is to have whatever she wants, I'll be shooting you in the kneecap."
Zachary winced. "Fair enough."
Samantha sighed and simply stood in his arms, enjoying the closeness. Her rumbling stomach had him pulling away. "Come on. Let's go tend to your stomach."
He took her hand in his once again and began to lead her down the road. "This surprises me," Samantha admitted as they made their way toward the diner.
"What does?"
"How openly you display your affection," she replied honestly. "I just assumed you'd be a man who kept those things hidden."
Zachary was quiet for a moment and Samantha wondered if she had hurt his feelings. She bit her lip and glanced up at him to find that he was staring off down the street, his expression distant. "Why would I?" he finally asked.
"Most men I've known aren't open with their affection."
"Most men are fools," Zachary snorted. He was quiet a few more moments before continuing. "I've known a lot of bad and ugly in this world, Sam. There's darkness out there and I've seen it, I've touched it, I've been lost in it. You know because you've seen it too." He paused and Samantha squeezed his hand. "If a man gets lucky enough to find a woman who brings light into that darkness and he lets his pride stop him from giving her every ounce of affection and love that she deserves—then he's a fool."
Samantha fought back the rise of emotion in her throat. "You really are a welcome surprise, Zachary Marston."
He released his hold on her hand and slid his arm around her shoulders, holding her gently as they walked, their feet in perfect sync as they made their way down the dirt road. "I'll do my best to keep you happy always, Samantha." Then he grinned. "Plus, keeping my hands on you lets the other men know you're mine."
She laughed even as a delicious little tremor ran down her spine at the way he said the word 'mine'. "So, you're marking your territory then?"
He kissed her hair. "Yes'm."
She simply rolled her eyes and leaned into him. The conversation and easy banter flowed naturally and comfortably between them as they made their way into the diner and at their lunch. "What would you like to do now, Sam?" Zachary asked once they made their way back outside.
Samantha bit her lip. What she wanted to do was have Zachary alone to herself again. She smiled up at him. "Why don't get the horses and take another ride?"
Zachary's brown eyes darkened and his gaze became possessive. Clearly, he knew exactly what she had in mind for their ride and it was also clear that he had no objections.
They were heading toward the livery and passing the Hackney Saloon and Brothel when Eleanor and Caroline came rushing out in a flurry of skirts and corsets. "Samantha! We haven't seen you in forever!"
Samantha did her best to seem happy to see them as she hugged them both. Normally she would have been very happy to see her friends, but just now she had other things on her mind. She spared a glance up at Zachary and it was clear from his gloomy expression that he wasn't happy with the turn of events.
"How have you been?" Samantha asked them both.
"Miserable," Eleanor replied. "Thomas is a monster to work for and this place just isn't the same. Are you okay? I saw him hassling you out in the alley earlier. We heard those horrible things Thomas said to you."
"Thomas had you in the alley?" Zachary's voice was ice and it froze the blood in Samantha's veins. She couldn't seem to form words as she simply swallowed hard and nodded. "And you didn't tell me?"
"What's going on over here?" Timothy's good-natured tone rang out as he approached the group.
"Eleanor and I were just checking on Samantha after you both had that run in with Thomas in the alley this morning," Caroline announced, fidgeting with her skirt. "Thomas has been on a rampage since then. Says if Samantha is going to be doing those things in alleys with random men she should at least be working for him. He thinks Zachary is still gone and he plans on coming after her...."
Caroline stopped speaking when Zachary suddenly broke away from them and strode toward the saloon.
Samantha cursed under her breath. She rushed to him, grabbing at his arm, digging her heels into the dirt, and trying her best to stop him—she might as well have been tugging on a runaway bull for all the good it did her. "Zachary stop. It's not worth it."
Zachary shook her off as if she were nothing but a pesky fly. "I won't be talked out of this, Samantha. Wait out here."
Samantha felt dread lodge in her gut. What the hell was her man about to do?
A/N: Well that took an unexpected turn. As always, thank you for reading and commenting and please let me know what you think!
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