Chapter 5: Hook
The sun is already shining by the time I leave my cabin in the morning. I know I overslept. But at the moment I am tired, I am hungry, and I do not want to be awake and ready to work. The only real advantage to mornings on my ship is the sea.
I step towards the railing and take a deep breath. The salty air and sea breeze starts to wake me up. I feel more than hear my first mate come up next to me.
Like most captains, I have a special relationship with my first mate. He's my brother. Half brother if you want to be technical.
James Jr., named after our father. He doesn't look anything like our father though. He's tall, lanky, and awkward with mousy brown hair and faded blue green eyes. There's a few freckles on his sickly pale skin. He was a sickly child before Neverland. Barely knew the sea or our father, or even me, before he died. We look absolutely nothing alike. So no one would believe we're related, but it's true. A few years after my mother had me, our father met his mother in Ireland. From what I've heard, Junior didn't even meet our father until he was almost six.
"Tired Sis? My sift ended over an hour ago. You were supposed to relieve me." He lightly teases in his own awkward way.
I glare sleepily at him. He takes the hint that I am obviously not in the mood.
"Right. Sorry. Not awake yet. Sorry. I'll just go back to my post then. Mornin' Cap'n." He gives me a half-hearted salute and starts to scurry away timidly. I try not to roll my eyes at him. How he's related to our father I'll never understand. I mean, I know how he's related to our father, I'm not oblivious to the fact that my father wasn't faithful to my mother. But there is absolutely no resemblance. Physically or otherwise. I would almost argue that they are polar opposites.
He suddenly stops and stumbles back to me. "Oh yeah. Tink came by looking for you. You were asleep. Didn't want to wake you up. She left a message."
I sigh. I turn to him. He has officially put a wrinkle on my morning. "And you didn't think maybe you should've started with that Squirt?"
He shrugs uneasily. "Like I said, you were asleep. Sorry Cap'n." His eyes dart around nervously.
I watch him and smile. "So what'd Tink have to say to you, Jr?" I smirk when his eyes widen at the implication in my comment. I know he has feelings for my Fae friend. Unfortunately it isn't even a possibility, her being a Fae and all. Still, it was cute to watch him fawn over for from a distance. Maybe I shouldn't encourage it, knowing it can only end badly. But I enjoy the entertainment. Besides, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anyway so there's no reason to get too concerned about his feelings.
"She wasn't here to see me, she was here to see you. I was just the one on night shift," he insists.
I try not to laugh. The corner of my mouth twitches upwards into a small smirk. "You sure about that?" I tease.
"Yes," he states bluntly. "It's Tink."
"Alright." I hold my hands up in surrender with a slightly mocking smile. "You have a point. What was so important she had to make a midnight trip out here but not important enough to wake me up once she got here to tell me herself?"
He scrunches his face up like he's thinking. "Um, something about that Wendy girl. Maybe we should move to your cabin."
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and I tilt my head. "Why?"
He shrugs. "You might want to brood on this information."
I give him a weird look. "I don't do that." My tone is laced with indignation.
His eyes widen at my comment. "Of course you don't. Sorry I mentioned it. Can we just go so we can talk about it?" He gestures hesitantly towards the door to my cabin, trying to silently encourage me to do as he asks.
There's a moment of tense silence. I squint my eyes at him and watch him fidget uncomfortably. I know he wouldn't tell me to talk in the cabin if he didn't think it was a good idea. Despite this, I enjoy making him squirm a little. I might be his sister, but I'm also a pirate. Though, one to think of it, both of those are reasons for me to want to make him squirm a little.
"Fine, Squirt. Let's go to my cabin and talk." I gesture for him to lead the way. We go to my cabin and walk in. I motion for him to take a seat at my desk when I take my seat behind the desk. He sits down and continues to fidget awkwardly. "So? Spill." I order.
"Okay. She seemed upset about this Wendy girl-" he starts but I cut him off.
"Tink, upset?"
He nods with wide eyes. "I think her exact words were, and I'm paraphrasing here, "this annoying hummingbird is sticking her nose in" and I kind of zoned out on the metaphors after that."
I laugh a little. "Are you serious?" I ask skeptically.
He nods. "Sorry. But I got the general idea. Basically, Wendy was poking around about the magic of this place. And not too subtly either." He takes a breath. "Tink knows she's up to something. Something bad. And it has to do with the magic of this place. She's worried."
"What does she want me to do?" I ask, giving him a look.
He shrugs. "Hell if I know. I can't read her mind. You'll have to ask her."
I smirk at his comment. "Maybe you should ask her." Maybe teasing him about his little crush isn't the wisest decision I've ever made. But it's so much fun to watch him stumble around about this.
He shakes his head with eyes wide as saucers. "No!"
I pretend to be surprised by his reaction. "Well, why not? She did talk to you when she was upset, didn't she?" I try to point out.
He squints his eyes at me, possibly a little suspicious about what I'm trying to do. "She was looking for you."
There's a moment of silence. "Fine. I'll talk to her. You should get some rest, Squirt."
With a nod, he gets up and exits the cabin. I sigh after he's left. Tink worried? That's uncharted territory. But still, if Tink is worried about anything, it is cause for all of us to worry. The Fae are like stones. If something causes enough concern to crack their shells, then it is really concerning.
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