Chapter 4: Wendy
Peter took us back to the island from Hook's ship. I decided that I don't like Hook. And I definitely don't like the way she was looking at Michael. And the way she was looking at me too. And the way she worded her deal with Peter.
She thinks she knows something. And that makes her dangerous. She could seriously complicate my plans. But before I can worry about that I have to make sure she can't confirm anything she might think she knows.
I snatch Michael's hand and pull him into the trees with me, out of sight of the others and hopefully out of earshot as well. He struggles against my hold. I hold him tightly though.
"Listen up," I hiss at him, leaning close to his face. "You keep your mouth shut. You don't tell anyone what happened to you. You don't say a word about me."
I'm so close to him that I can see his eyes widen with fear. I can feel him begin to shake in my hold. Good. Maybe he'll listen to me then.
"And don't even think about going to that filthy pirate for help," I warn. My voice spits venom at the mention of that barbaric pirate girl. "No one can help you. You stay where I can keep an eye on you and you don't say a word. Understood?" I give him a small push, adding emphasis to my words.
There is silence for a single heartbeat. Michael's eyes are still wide with fear. He nods his head urgently, having understood my warning.
I smile at his compliance and slowly let him go. To my satisfaction, he doesn't run.
Just watching him tremble before me brings me satisfaction. Is it better to be feared or loved? I would definitely say feared. It seems to give me more power, more control. And that's the kind of power I thrive in.
"Is everything alright here?" The musical voice of the fairy reaches my ears. Pulling me from my thoughts and gaining my full attention. I whirl around to see her emerging from the trees. How long has she been there? Had she heard anything?
I smile sweetly at her. "Of course it is. I just wanted to make sure my little brother was alright." I pull Michael into an embrace. He doesn't respond, except to flinch a little, but I am able to hide that. "We didn't have a lot of time this morning before going to the ship."
Tink looks us over with her eery solid color eyes. Her face betrays no emotion. Her stare is beginning to make me uneasy when she finally speaks. "You should stay on the trails new comer. These woods can be terribly hard to navigate for someone who does not know them." She casually gestures back towards the trail we strayed from. It is difficult to read her expression. It's like trying to read a statue. But I think I might see a tiny trace of emotion cross her face.
"Thank you," I say as sweetly as I can muster.
I take Michael's hand and pull him behind me as I step back onto the trail. Tink watches us as we go. Her solid blue eyes tracking our every step. The farther away we get from her the more she seems to blend into the nature around her.
It's unsettling. Realizing how easily she can just appear and disappear from sight in this environment. She could be anywhere and hear anything and I wouldn't even know.
This definitely complicates things. I am going to have to rethink my plans. A lot of rethinking from the looks of things.
Once I get back on the trail I let go of Michael's hand and huff quietly in frustration. I look ahead of us and see Peter further up the path with John. "Peter!" I call to him, skipping forwards a few steps.
Both boys turn to look at me. "Could you tell us more about the island? I'd love to hear more if we're going to stay here." I am acutely aware of Tink watching me closely, even if I can't see her at this exact moment.
"Oh sure," Peter calls back to me. He stops his progress down the path so Michael and I can catch up. "The island is it's own kind of magic." He pauses for a moment, thinking. "It sustains itself. Nothing really dies here. Everything is in balance."
"Peter," Tink steps out of the trees again and going us. She seems to just melt out of the trees around her. That's not actually possible, is it? "I don't think it is wise to tell strangers of the magic of the island."
"But we aren't strangers," I start. "We're with you now." In my head this argument seems logical enough to work.
The fairy turns her attention towards me. "Your sibling is a Lost Child. You are not," Tink tells me sternly.
"And how exactly does that work out?" I ask. The clarification seems to be a small but very important one.
Tink tilts her head and looks at me. "You're youngest brother was saved and brought to this place to live. A second life. You were not. The title of Lost Child does not apply to you. And neither do the advantages." She explains matter of fact way.
"Tink," Peter cuts in. "If they're going to stay, they might as well know."
I nod my head in agreement and look between Peter and Tink. At least I can count on him to back me up. Even if he doesn't realize that's what he's doing.
"As I was saying," Peter continues, turning to give me his full attention. "It preserves life. Keeps those who live here from aging normally, or at all in some cases. The land is always prosperous and the waters always filled with plenty of fish. It's sort of, how can I explain it?" He pauses and think about his words.
"It sounds like the perfect balanced environment," John comments. This is the first I have heard him join in the conversation. And it is helpful for me. It would be too suspicious if I asked all the questions and did all the talking.
Peter looks at him and smiles. "That's what I was trying to say." His childlike enthusiasm takes over for a moment.
"But what's the science behind it?" John inquires curiously. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at that question. It is completely irrelevant. For one thing, there is nothing scientific about magic. And another, Peter wouldn't really understand the question too well anyway.
Peter laughs and Tink shakes her head at his question. "It isn't science. Science doesn't really have any hold here. This is a land of magic," Peter explains cheerfully.
"Like all magic though, there are limits and rules to it," Tink points out.
Petere nods good-naturedly in silent agreement.
I try to keep my shock off my face. Rules? Limits? To the magic of Neverland? This really will be harder than I thought.
"Like what?" I ask.
Tink turns her gaze to me again and I Geel a chill run down my back. "You don't have to know the intricacies of the magic as long as it works."
"But you get you know," I point out.
"I and a Fan and of the island. My kind can use and thrive in the use of the island's magic. you are human and shouldn't even be here. None of this knowledge is useful to you," Tink states firmly.
"Peter is human, he gets to know," John points out.
Tink rolls her eyes. Or at least I think she does, it's hard to tell. "Peter was raised on the island by Far. And he only gets to know what applies to him. And that knowledge does not apply to you," she explains dryly.
"So," I start slowly, thinking of her words, "what you're saying is that we are only allowed to know things that are useful to us. And nothing is useful to us, so we don't get to know anything."
John nods at my words, obviously having come to the same conclusion.
Tink merely nods in response.
"Does Michael get to know?" I ask.
Tink smiles at Michael when she answers. "When he's ready."
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