Chapter 2: Wendy
I stand up and look down at my youngest brother who now lays on the floor, clinging to what little life he has left. It's unfortunate that he has to go through this, at such a young age too, but necessary. I sigh and turn to my bed. As I turn I catch a glimpse of my reflection and see a noticeable tear in my baby blue dress. I remember when that happened as I look for something, anything to cover it up. I see dark grey folded fabric and recognize it immediately. I snatch it up and carefully tie it around my waist as a sash in a way so it covers the tear.
I'm checking it in the mirror when my other brother, John, enters the room. He looks from our younger brother, Michael, on the floor to me. "Wendy, what happened?" He asks in an outrage rushing to Michael's side and picking him up to put him on his bed.
I fight the urge to roll my eyes, he was always overprotective of Michael. "He's dying John," I state bluntly.
John's face is horrified and he starts to stand. "I'll go get mother, she'll know what to do."
"Mother and father are out, remember? They left me in charge." I remind him. "And don't worry about it."
John's head snaps up to look at me accusingly. "Don't worry about it? Our little brother is dying and you aren't even a little concerned?"
I shrug my shoulders. "Peter Pan is coming. He saves all the dying children, remember? He'll be here for Michael."
"Wendy, those are just stories!" John exclaims, exasperated.
I actually do roll my eyes this time. "They're a lot more than just stories, John. He's coming. And he's going to take us to Neverland where we will live forever. Eternal life John, remember that from the stories? Think of it." I implore him.
He opens his mouth to argue but I don't give him a chance. "Hush, Peter Pan will be here soon. And then we'll all go to Neverland and live forever. You'll see." I push John to sit by Michael's bed and I sit with him. I'm not concerned with Peter not coming for Michael with us here. He only shows himself to children. And John and I are still children.
Just as I'm thinking about the finer points of this plan to get Peter to come get us a shadow crosses over the window. A large shadow. There is no chance that this shadow can be from the streets, we are on the second floor. And the shadow is much too big to be a bird. It must be him. Peter has come. The window flies open and a gust of the night chill enters the room, I try to not shiver. I look at the window and am not disappointed. Light as a feather a boy lands on the window still. He is lanky, has red hair and a big smile. I know his ears are pointed and he has freckles from the stories. Just like the stories he is dressed in dirty cream colored trousers and a green tunic. A thin belt around his waist to hold his little knife. Brown boots adorn his feet as he silently steps into the room.
"Come on in Think," he calls over his shoulder in a friendly tone and waves someone in after him. The figure that enters is a girl. I can't tell an age from looking at her. She is quite small with delicate features. Her golden hair is shorn outrageously short. Her eyes are an eery solid color of sky blue, and her ears are quite pointed. Her clothes seem to mimic nature in a weirdly pretty way. There's something about her that is just off.
Peter, who I know the boy to be, approaches the bed with Michael. "You're going to have to say goodbye now. I'm going to take your brother somewhere far away where he never has to worry about pain or problems again."
"What's going to happen to him?" John asks before I can stop him.
"He'll become one of the lost children of Neverland," the musical voice of the girl answers as she steps closer. "He'll get to be a kid and have fun forever. I promise to take good care of him, I take care of all the lost children. With Peter of course."
"Can we come with him?" I ask quickly. I feel the girl's eyes on me as I continue. "Please, he's out baby brother. And I can't help but feel responsible. And he'll missus terribly. Please, could we come with you?" I try not to beg in my sweet voice. I make my eyes bigger and give Peter an imploring look, begging him to agree. I elbow John carefully, indicating it is his turn to chime in.
"Yeah, could we? He's my brother, my best friend. I can't imagine a life without him," John adds, looking down at Michael sorrowfully.
I see Peter hesitate in his resolve. "I don't usually allow this sort of thing," he argues, but I can see how weak it is.
"Peter!" Tink reprimands, grabbing all of our attention. I can't be sure, but I think Michael even twitches on the bed. "They aren't sick or dying. Neverland is for children without hope. They have a family that will miss them. What will we do then? You cannot allow this!"
There is a silent heartbeat and I can feel my entire body tense for that single moment. The air seems to ripple with the impact of her words. I hold my breath.
"Tink," Peter laughs. "Don't worry. Neverland is for kids. I don't see how bringing two more back with us will make a difference. Besides you heard them, they won't know how to live without their brother. Normally we have to convince sick children to come with us because they don't want to leave their families and they're just volunteering. Come on, what could be the harm?"
I let out the breath I had been holding. I can feel Tina's stare on me. The intensity of her focus gives me slight chills. But I grin happily knowing that I had convinced Peter to take us to Neverland.
"Come one," Peter motions for us to stand up. John and I obey without a second thought. Peter takes something from Tink and hands it to us. They are little pouches filled with... dust? "Sprinkle some on yourselves and think of happy things, think of all the fun you'll have in Neverland with me. That's how you're going to get there."
As we do what we says I see him sprinkle some on Michael and pick him up. He then heads to the window with a big smile and we follow. He glances at us one last time before jumping out the window and flying into the night sky. John watches and mutters to himself before following out the window. I grin triumphantly and follow behind him. Tink follows me out of the window and slams it shut behind her.
"It's the second star, see?" Peter calls to John and I. We follow his gaze and see the star he's indicating just like the stories said.
Then he takes off, full speed towards the star. John and I struggle to try to keep up. Tink silently follows us. I assume she can fly as well as Peter but is staying back with us to keep an eye on us.
After a while of flying suddenly I feel a wave of warm energy come over me, like walking under a waterfall. I look up and see the island.
Neverland. I'm here at least.
We follow Peter towards the island. As we pass over the sea surrounding it I see the pirate ship of Captain Hook. On the deck is a single figure. I am too far away to see anything about them but their black hair being tossed around in the wind.
Peter calls to them and they look up and wave at our arrival. I don't know the relationship between them and Peter, but I hop it doesn't interfere with my plans.
Finally Peter takes us past the cove, which is quiet at the moment, then over the forest and to the small clearing where we land. John and I with some difficulty. Peter immediately starts walking purposefully into the trees as soon as he sees we've all landed. Silently we follow.
At some point I lose sight of ThInk, but I can still feel her eyes on me.
Peter kicks a tree and a hatch opens. Without a word he jumps inside. John and I share a look before shrugging and each jump inside as well. We land in a surprisingly spacious room with beds and hammocks scattered around. I see Peter putting Michael on an empty bed. He then turns to us.
"It's been a long night. You might want to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day," he grins.
"Why is tomorrow a big day?" John asks.
Peter laughs. "Because this is Neverland! Every day is a big day filled with fun!"
With that he marches through a curtain and plops onto his own bed. I can't help but notice that Tink, who I just realized had entered the room, follows him through the curtain. And from the glimpse of the room I got, there is only one bed.
John and I look around for empty place to sleep. John ends up in a hammock close to Michael and I take a small empty bed against the wall. Silently we each drift off into our own dreams.
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