Chapter 17: Hook
I'm pulled from my thoughts of everything that is going on when an insistent pounding on my cabin door gets my attention. I look at my brother confused. Who could possibly be demanding my attention now? That's usually Squirt's job. And he's here with me. And it obviously can't be Tink because she doesn't knock. She just enters and makes her presence known. It also can't be Tiger Lily because she wouldn't wait to be let in.
My brother shrugs, obviously also at a loss to the identity of the knocker, and goes to answer the door. One of my other crew members is at the door and has a shocked and almost distressed look on their face. "Cap'n, there's someone here to see you."
They step aside and standing there is none other than Peter. He almost gives me a guilty look when our eyes meet. He brushes past my crew member and into my cabin. This is out of character, he usually always asks for permission. And I can't understand why he is looking so guilty. To my knowledge he hasn't done anything wrong.
His hyperactive energy takes over and his perviously calm approach turns into him rushing towards the desk I am sitting at. "Are you alright? Tink told me everything. What Wendy did. What happened." He rushes to explain.
My eyes widen for a second in shock at his sudden and overwhelming show of emotion. I school my expression quickly and hold a hand up to stop his rambling. "It's done Peter. You had nothing to do with it. You don't need to apologize." I still don't fully understand why he is feeling guilty about this. He has no control over what others do. Especially not the mermaids. Those sea brats answer to no one but themselves.
He nods, collecting himself. "What did happen?" I guess Tink didn't tell him everything. Or he just doesn't know as much as he originally thought.
I sigh and gesture for him to take a seat. He doesn't, but then I never really expected him to. I sit on my desk and cross my legs. "The mermaids decided to pay us an unexpected visit," I answer matter-of-factly. There's no need to get frustrated. Now that the situation is resolved. Simply stating the facts is more beneficial right now.
My brother laughs dryly at my annoyed comment. I glance over at him with an irritated look. He just rolls his eyes at me and silently encourages me to continue. Sometimes working with my little brother can be irritating.
"It started out fairly normal for them. Just pushing us around. Trying to wreck or drown us." My mind wanders back to the earlier events as I recall them for Peter. "I took us out to deeper water. Then she called the wrath of Poseidon down on us." My tone darkens with the last bit. I clench my fist, reminding myself to keep my anger at bay.
My brother shakes his head at my description. "What?" I ask.
He shrugs. "Why do you say it like that? She blew the shell and a storm came down on us. Why do you have to get all superstitious?" I try to keep his mildly mocking tone get under my skin. I don't believe it works, however.
I grind my teeth in annoyance at my little brother. It's not entirely his fault, he wasn't raised on the sea like I was. I take a calming breath before turning fully to my brother. "I'm going to let your skepticism go because you had a different upbringing than me. But if you had been raised by our father like I was you would know that these aren't superstitions. This is our culture. We must ask for calm seas and fair winds as sea fairing people. Unpredictable weather on the waters leads many sailors and pirates to a watery grave." I know he doesn't understand this. But our father engrained this into me from a very young age. It might be true that pirates are even more superstitious than your average sailor. But we face a lot more troubles than the average sailor as well. So it seems only natural for us to look for any advantage we can get our hands on. Luck doesn't always just happen. Sometimes you have to ask for it, or make your own.
He holds his hands up in defense and doesn't argue further. I nod in approval of his surrender. This isn't the first time we've had this argument. But it is nice to see that he is learning not to continue to press his luck on the subject.
"So that's it?" Peter gets our attention again. "That's all that happened? How'd you get rid of them?" He looks between he two of us, silently begging for one of us to answer.
I shrug. "I reminded her of our arrangement and they left."
My brother snorts, trying to hide his laughter. "Yes because you're always the diplomatic one and don't ever lose your temper in negotiations." His sarcastic tone does not go unnoticed by me. I glare at him and thankfully he gets the point and stops talking.
Peter interjects into our sibling squabble once again. "I should go talk to her. Make sure she doesn't intend to continue what she started today." He turns towards the door, but I stop him from exiting when I respond.
I smile at him. "Thanks Peter, but I'm not sure that is necessary. They were talked into it after all. I don't blame them, not really. But if you insist, who am I to stop you?"
Peter cracks a smile for the first time since his arrival. "No one can stop me!" He laughs joyously. "I'm Peter Pan!" He strikes a dramatic pose as though to further illustrate his point.
My smile grows seeing him become his normal self again. He declares his intention to confront the mermaids rather dramatically then bolts out of the room.
"Really sis, him?" My brother asks in a teasing tone.
I glare at him and punch his arm in retaliation. He rubs his arm and pretends that I actually hurt him. I roll my eyes at him. "Really Squirt, Tink?"
"Yeah, alright. I guess we're both hopeless." We both laugh at his words. It feels good, to be relaxed and carefree with my little brother, if only for a few moments. We might not have been raised together, but we made up for lost time here in Neverland.
"Alright. Maybe we should get back to work?" I suggest.
He gives mea mock salute and crooked grin. "Aye Aye Cap'n."
I roll my eyes and point to the cabin door. He leaves my cabin and I follow. Sure, things might not be great right now. An invader on the island intent on chaos would qualify as upsetting and troublesome. But I'm confident. In my crew, my friends, my family. I'm confident things will be fine. There's nothing that can stop us.
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