Chapter 10: Wendy
Now that we're back at Pan's hideout I can clear my head. My duel with the pirate captain on the ship has been running through my head on a loop since it ended. That barbarian really gets under my skin. But I need to focus now. I can't let her or anything else distract me. I can't allow her to get under my skin like this. Not if I am going to focus on what is important. And now I have my sights set on the lagoon.
When Peter gave us the tour I noticed that Tink had an unusual reaction to the voices and other noises coming from the waters there, and I want to know why. We were too far away to see anything, which only piques my curiosity more. I never got a look at whatever or whoever was there making the noise.
Now, I'm certain Tink won't want to take me back there. She doesn't seem interested in doing anything that benefits me. But Peter, so far he's been more than willing to do whatever I ask. As long as I ask properly at least. So that's the plan.
I skip up to Peter and plaster a sweet smile on my face. "Peter, can you take me to the lagoon? I'd love it if we went there together. I didn't get a good look at it earlier. Maybe the two of us can do something there. Please Peter?" I inwardly cringe at the sweetness I have had to put into my voice. But if it gets me to my goal, then I will do it.
Peter grins. I can see him caving already. He seems excited at my suggest even. Excellent. But Tink interrupts the moment. Typical. Why can't she keep to herself? "Peter, it's getting late. The lagoon is even more dangerous at night."
Peter rolls his eyes at the Fae. "Come on Tink, where's your sense of adventure?" Yes, I don't even have to bother getting involved. He'll do all the arguing for me. This might just work out after all.
"No! You're not going." Tink says with finality. I struggle not to scowl at her. She is really starting to annoy me. Who made her the boss? Since when does Peter Pan have to listen to anyone?
Peter's joyful face drops and he sighs. "You're right Tink. We won't go tonight." Tink nods in approval. But, thankfully, Peter isn't done yet. "We'll go tomorrow! Right away in the morning!" His declaration leaves room for very little argument. Especially since he begins to walk away almost instantly after the words leave his mouth.
I grin in triumph. Tink's eyes flash with disapproval, or at least I think they do since she is so hard to read, as her attention snaps to Peter. "That is unwise." Peter stills in his retreat at hearing her words and turns back towards her.
I narrow my eyes at her, both suspicious and curios about her words. "And why is that?" I try to make my inquiry sound innocent. Though honestly, I have no idea what he's talking about. And I would like to know.
She ignores me. Not that I'm surprised by this. "You know what they are like. Bringing her there will not go well. I know you like to play games boy, but you also must think before you act, child." She continues to address Peter. They? Who is she talking about? Why are they being so vague? I silently hope that one of them will give me answers.
Peter furrows his brows in confusion. "Why wouldn't it be a good idea? It sounds like fun to me. I think she'd like the mermaids."
"Mermaids?" I try to hide the awe and confusion in my tone, I'm not entirely sure I am successful though.
Peter nods. "Of course!"
Tink doesn't look at me but I know from her words that she is speaking for me. "It isn't what you think. They are not what you think. The lagoon is dangerous. If you are smart, you will stay away."
I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I've heard about mermaids from fairytales, how bad could they be? Besides if Tink doesn't want me to of there, I definitely want to check it out. I have an amused expression at her words. "I think I'll take my chances, fairy. Besides, like he said, it sounds like fun."
Peter grins at my words and claps his hands. "Great! Tomorrow we will go to the lagoon!" He turns to enter the hideout.
Tink shakes her head at his retreating back. "Fine. But don't say you weren't warned." Her tone is almost venomous. She narrows her eyes at me once more before turning and breaking eye contact.
I give her an irritated glare before following Peter into the hidden space where we all sleep. Peter insists we get some rest for another big day tomorrow. I roll my eyes. Does he ever get tired of that? But if I'm going to be here, I have to play my part, for now at least. So I plop down onto the same place I've been sleeping the past few nights and sigh. At least tomorrow will be something different.
I take a moment to ponder on what Tink said. That it won't be what I think. The fairytales always depict mermaids as a semi-gentle race that splash and gossip and sing. What could be dangerous about that? If anything, they seem like my kind of girls.
Could the stories have gotten something wrong? I find it hard to believe, seeing as the stories have been fairly true so far about Neverland and Peter Pan. True, there have been some differences. Like Hook being a teenage girl, that was a surprise. And Tink being well... Tink. And that Tiger Lily is nothing like the stories. Also the stories fall short on describing just how many children there are on Neverland. Okay, maybe there are a lot more differences than I originally thought.
But still, the important details were the same. Peter Pan is here, he leads the Lost Children. Hook is a pirate captain and their ship is in the waters just off the island. Tink is a Fae and follows Peter around. Tiger Lily is the daughter of the chief and knows Peter. The basic geography of the island is essentially the same as well. Not that there was exactly a map to go off of, but I can make an educated guess there, right? I mean, all the music areas are here, and the landmarks. There's the native territory, mermaid lagoon, the cove, skull rock, the beach, the forest, and Pan's hideout.
So why would something like the mermaids be 'not what I expect'? I suppose I will find out tomorrow. I grin at the thought of my small victory in convincing him to take me there to check it out for myself.
Even still, I doubt it will be anything I can't handle. Especially considering everything I did to get here. There's no way I'm backing down now. Whether or not it isn't what I expect. I will learn what makes Tink so uneasy about the lagoon. And I will achieve my goal.
I close my eyes and let my mind rest. I am going to need my rest for tomorrow after all.
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