Chapter 1: Hook
I lean on the railing of the deck of my ship, the Jolly Roger, and watch the waves. In the distance I see the island, Neverland. It looks so peaceful from this distance. No sound of the Lost Boys and Girls and their rambunctious leader Peter Pan having fights or playing their games. No sight of the fairies and their shine flitting about having too much to do to stop and take a breath. I can't even see the mermaids gossiping as they splash about in the cove. I close my eyes and listen to the waves lap against the side of my ship. The sea breeze blows in my face and I take a deep breath, enjoying it. My black curly hair is blown about in the wind, I don't bother to pull it back.
I love the sea, I am a Pirate after all. A captain in fact. Captain Hook.
I smile at the moniker, given to me by none other than Peter himself. No, I do not have a hook for a hand. I touch my hook, hanging from my belt. My souvenir. I was in a fight on the deck of my ship and had lost my cutlas. I knew I was done for if I didn't do something. So I grabbed the only thing in reach to save myself. A hook. And wouldn't you know? I won. And so it stuck. Go figure.
Over time I came to accept the name. Not that I had a choice, it obviously wasn't going away any time soon.
I smile as I feel a presence behind me on the deck of the ship. I know who it is before they even speak.
"Hello old friend," I say to the open sea. But she can hear me.
"Enjoying the good weather I see," comes the musical voice of my fairy friend.
"You know it Tink." I take an exaggerated deep breath of the salty air and let out a sigh of contentment. "I'm bored of this peace though. I'm meant for action. I wish we had a little excitement."
I don't have to be looking at my pointy eared friend to know she's smirking slightly at my comment. "You of all people should know to be careful what they wish for Captain."
I smirk and turn around to face her, leaning back on the railing. Her petite frame is clothed in her usual green and brown ensemble. A leaf-like green skirt that wraps around her body, a lighter green form-fitting shirt with bronze and brown elegant designs on it that catch the light. A brown corset with bronze embroidered designs to make it look like tree bark. Her green arm bands circle her upper arms. And her wristbands are tied around her wrists with tiny tools sticking out. Her golden hair is still cut short at her jaw, her bangs falling across her forehead and being stirred by the wind. Today a delicate cutlas hangs off the wide belt around her waist. Her tall boots that mimic the forest floor finish her outfit.
Upon seeing the cutlas I raise an eyebrow at her. I cross one boot-clad foot over the other as I stay in my leaning position looking at her. "You planning on bringing me some excitement Fairy?"
Tink gives me a questioning look. I give her a minute to catch up. I tap my own cutlas hanging off my belt to give her a clue. She gives me a wicked smile when she catches on. With a nod she pulls her blade out and waves her other hand in offering. I smile and kick off from the railing. I shed my red and brown captain's coat and toss it to the nearest crew member. They catch it and the rest of the crew, whom had been going about their chores this whole time, step back to give us room.
I draw my own blade and we raise them together, facing each other. We start to circle each other, watching each other closely.
"I'm sure you're out of practice," I tell her. "Spending all that time with those kids."
Tink's solid sky blue eyes sparkle at my challenge. "Insults are a little beneath, don't you think?"
I shrug, "Perhaps." I lunge at her and thrust my blade. She parries and steps back. "But where's the fun in silence?"
This time she swings at me and I block her attempt. "After all, I always enjoy our conversations."
I lunge and our blades lock. I struggle to hold my ground against her strength. Despite being tiny, she has the advantage of not being human. Luckily I have the advantage of years of practice. I dig my feet into the deck, firmly planting my foundation. I grip the handle with both hands and roll my shoulders back.
"I guess you have been practicing," I grit out, trying to shove her off but failing miserably.
She shrugs, no sign of exertion on her delicate features. No sign of enjoyment either. Figures, she's a fairy.
"I know how you love a challenge," she points out dully. "I wouldn't want to disappoint you."
I roll my eyes at her. "You sound so amused with your current situation." I respond, matching her dry tone.
She smiles at me and pushes on our connected blades a little more. I grunt and grit my teeth and I try, again in vain, to unlock our blades.
"Is that hard enough for you?" She asks sweetly.
I can feel myself starting to sweat. I narrow my eyes at her. A silent challenge. Then I get an idea. I adjust my grip on the handle of my cutlas and push with all my might straight up and our connected blades are pushed into the air. I quickly turn into her so my back is practically touching her front. I step on her foot and bring my blade down so the hilt hits her in the ribs. I quickly duck and step away from her.
I turn back to face her just in time to see her doubled over form straighten up. When she looks back at me her eyes shine with a different emotion, determination. A wicked grin spreads across her face as she raises her blade again.
I know that look. I know that if I thought it was difficult to get to this point, that was small time compared to what she's prepared for now. I take a calming breath and build my resolve. I would not back down.
This time she initiates the action. I do everything I can to parry and block her thrusts and swings. The air gets filled with the sound of our blades meeting. Our boots pound on the wood deck of my ship as we dance around the open space of the deck.
There is no jeering or encouragement from my crew. They know better. When Tink and I duel, there should be no outside distractions. And they should watch to make sure they do not get in our way.
We meet each other blow for blow until I am sweating and my curly hair is getting in my eyes. My hat has been tossed aside, picked up by one of my crew. My blouse is being blown around by the wind. My vest is not as neat as it usually is.
Basically, I'm looking like a mess and starting to get tired. I'm panting from the effort of holding her off. She has long since stopped holding back her strength and my arms are starting to feel like liquid. I can feel the impact of every hit in my bones.
Our blades lock again. I'm panting from effort and staring into the sky blue orbs of her eyes. "Do you yield?" I ask in between breaths.
She smiles at me. There is no trace of sweat or tiredness from her. "Never," she whispers.
"Draw?" I ask, breathless. There is a tiny trace of a plea in my wavering voice. I hope that my crew doesn't notice.
After a beat of silence she nods. We both step back and lower our blades. I try to hide the shakiness of my arms as I put my blade away, back on my belt. Tink doesn't even blink when she does the same.
Tink looks out at the sky. I can tell from her expression that she is gauging the time. "You might get the excitement you were asking for earlier."
I quickly get back to my position on the railing before responding. "What do you mean?"
"I am going to meet Pan soon. We're going to the mainland to get a child. A young boy," she answers plainly.
I nod, understanding. New additions to the island are always a little touchy. "Good luck," I offer.
Tink nods silently. Then she starts her journey back to the island. I turn against the railing, facing the water and island again. Slowly my gaze wanders up to the star that is the path to the mainland. My thoughts wander to certain red headed boy with a very energetic personality.
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