I only received one interview question so I'm using it :) Thank you for your submission. Thank you all for your votes and comments. I am now dedicated to this story 100% thanks to the few readers who kept pushing me to update.
I'll also be dedicating chapters from now on:) Also I ALWAYS reply to inbox messages. I like talking to my fans 100% :)
This chapter is dedicated to @Birrrdspotting for her interview suggestions :)
The five boys made their way on the stage, sitting on a leather couch across from Adam & Sally the show hosts.
"Hello everyone! You're watching Adam & Sally and today we're interviewing world famous boy band One Direction!" Adam announced into the microphone earning loud screams from the audience.
"Good Morning boys, how are you?" Sally questioned. The boys let out a chorus of 'Good's and 'Fine's.
"How's your tour going?"
"It's good. We're performing in London tonight, that's always exciting." Liam informed.
Sally simply nodded. She sat next to the boys on a separate couch with Adam seated on the farther end away from the boys. Niall sat closest to Sally with Zayn next to him. Next to Zayn was Liam, then Harry, next to him was Louis.
"So Harry, we were just reading earlier that you and Kendall Jenner are an item," Adam chuckled.
Louis tensed up. The thought of him with someone else made Louis sick. Harry turned his head to glance at Louis, noticing his discomfort.
"No, we're just friends." Harry answered although it seemed as more of a reassurance towards Louis.
"How about you, Louis? You and Niall have been single for quite a while." Sally flicked her blonde hair, pursing her lips.
"I am not officially dating anyone at the moment." Louis sighed.
"And Liam, you have been steadily dating Sophia Smith for a few months now. Am I correct?"
Liam nodded with a small smile. (Please no hate. It didn't feel right added Danielle. Payzer is long gone I'm sorry but true fans would be happy for him. Liam is dating Sophia and sadly no fan can change that.)
"Zayn, you have been quite cozy with Little Mix member Perrie Edwards, correct?" Sally questioned. Zayn nodded.
"How's that going for you two?"
"It's good. I don't see her much so it's hard but we both trust each other. She's really great." Zayn smiled at the thought of his yearlong girlfriend. Niall felt a growing ache at the bottom of his stomach as a lump caught in his throat. He raised his arm to scratch the back of his neck. He couldn't help but envy Perrie. Hearing Zayn talk so highly about her hurt Niall. Perrie is a sweet girl but Niall wished someone could speak of him with such love and admiration. Niall had hardly noticed his sleeve rising up exposing his wounds. Sally gasped at the sight.
Niall's eyes widened, pulling his sleeve down. Sally grabbed onto Niall's arm with her tight grip. Niall whimpered loudly at the stinging pain but Sally wouldn't let go as she tugged at his sleeve. The camera zoomed in on Niall's wounds. The boys sat in shock, all processing what she was doing. She may seem like a nice woman but this proved she was just a hungry reporter.
"Oh my," Sally gasped as Adam inched closer. "Are you getting this? Tell me you're getting this." She spoke to the camera man.
The audience was going insane. Some girls shocked, some girls crying, and some girls outraged that this woman was hurting their idol. A few fans tried running on stage but the security stopped them. The fans began to 'Boo' at Sally. The camera stayed glued on Niall who began crying, thinking the fans were booing at him. Sally looked disgusted with the poor boy as her grip tightened.
"Get your grimy hands off him, you bitch!" Zayn roared, standing over her like a bear.
Liam stood up trying to calm Zayn down as Harry and Louis comforted a distressed Niall. Richard Grifiths, head of the boys management; Modest! Management was trying to get the cameras off. The crew weren't listening to him as he was beginning to yell.
Richard ushered the boys off stage as best he could without causing even more of a scene. This interview would be all over the internet and the latest tabloids by the next hour. Richard knew this was bad for publicity, Adam & Sally would no doubt be hearing from them in court.
The boys' bodyguards appeared right away as they exited the building, getting them away from cameras and reporters. All the boys entered their van, thankful that the windows were tinted.
Zayn was furious, he managed to calm down for Niall's sake as he rocked the boy in his arms.
"It's okay. Calm down Ni. They won't bother us anymore." Zayn kissed the top of Niall's head.
"There are no excuses for what happened in there boys. We'll be meeting with you tomorrow. This is all very stressful so we'll be dropping you at home. Tonight's concert is cancelled. We're sorry." Richard told them. Three out of five of the boys gasped. Niall and Zayn couldn't care less. Niall was fed up with their fans and Zayn wasn't helping.
"But all those fans will be so disappointed. That's 30,000 people." Liam argued.
"You'll be making up for it tomorrow night, the concert will just be moved up a date." Richard said as they reached the boys' flat.
After dinner, Louis and Harry went up to Harry's room. Liam had announced he was going to bed. Zayn wanted to stay with Niall but it was Perrie's last night in the UK before she left for tour and he hadn't seen her in months. Niall didn't look like he was in the best shape. Zayn sighed, he knew he needed to take Niall. Niall felt like a child, a burden, a filthy cockblock.
"Let's go Nialler. Perrie says Leigh-Anne keeps asking about you." Zayn smirked.
Zayn knew Niall always had a small crush on Leigh-Anne.Who could blame him? She's gorgeous. Zayn and Niall drove in Zayn's Black Bentley to the hotel that the girls were staying in.
The two boys entered the building, a few of the younger guests in the lobby staired and tried approaching them. Niall cowered behind Zayn who just glared at the girls. They went up the elevator to Perrie's room knocking at the painted white door. Perrie opened the door with a small smile.
"Hey, sweets." Perrie hugged Zayn.
"Hello, Niall." Perrie smiled weakly. "I saw the video." she whispered to Zayn.
"Can we talk?" Zayn asked. Perrie nodded.
Niall was soon greeted by Jessy, Jade and Leigh-Anne.
"I don't know what to do, Per. I just found out this morning. He really needs me I just don't know anymore." Zayn threw himself into Perrie's arms who reluctantly patted his back.
"Babes," Perrie began. "We need to talk."
"That's why I'm here. He's worrying me so mu-"
"No. Zayn listen. Sit down." she gestured towards her bed.
"I've been thinking, with this tour coming up. We'll be spending some time apart." Perrie sighed.
"I think we should see other people."
Zayn looked up at her with unshed tears. How could she break up with him in his time of need?
"I-is there someone else?" Zayn choked out a sob. Perrie stayed silent but nodded softly.
"Who is he?" Zayn's eyes were glued to the floor.
"Zayn," Perrie sat next to Zayn, placing a hand on his shoulder."We'll always be friends. Promise, babes."
"Who is he?" Zayn repeated.
"Who the fuck is he? Have you been seeing him while we were together?" Zayn yelled. The others could hear him perfectly.
"It's me." A voice said from the doorway.
I've always wanted to end in a GOOD cliff hanger. Holy shit.
Vote, Comment, Fan :)
~ A Random Weirdo .
Possible publication date: February 5, 2014
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