Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
I rolled my eyes, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. The phone read Liam's name but something told me this had to do with Louis. I clicked the reject icon, tossing my phone to the side.
Ed walked into the living room with a plate of spaghetti. I gratefully smiled at him, taking the plate.
"Spaghetti for breakfast?" I questioned with a smirk.
"It's what I eat when I'm struggling with a bad break up." Ed shrugged.
"I see," I nodded, nibbling on a meatball coated in cheese.
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine." I shrugged, picking at my food.
Ed suddenly pulled out his phone.
"Yeah he's here." Ed paused.
"Yeah, bye." Ed hung up the phone giving me an apologetic look.
"You guys have an autograph signing today, Liam says you need to go back home." Ed explained causing me to groan.
I guess I should go now while it's still early." I announced gathering all my things, which wasn't much. I hugged Ed thanking him for allowing me to spend the night.
The five of us were sat in the plastic red chairs that read one direction. I sat on the very edge next to Niall. Zayn of course sat next to him, then Liam leaving Louis on the other edge. I couldn't help but look at him and observe his features. His eyes had dark rims of black underneath them, his lips were chapped, skin pale, and his eyes were bloodshot. His usually perfect hair was tussled like he didn't even let Lou style it. He didn't even smile at the fans, it's bad enough that Zayn and Niall are neglecting the fans. Liam and I tried our best to smile and talk to all the disappointed fans but most were upset at the fact that their idols were ignoring them.
"I love you so much, Niall! Can you sign my arm?" Niall showed the smallest smile then nodded. The girl rolled up her sleeve revealing a long row of scars that made Niall and I gasp.
"I stopped for you, Niall. You saved my life." A tear shed from her left eye, Niall hesitantly grabbed his sharpie.
"Does it hurt?" Niall questioned to which the fan shook her head.
Niall signed his name on her arm causing the girl to smile and walk off with a 'thank you'.
"That was nice of you." I smiled, continuing to sign pictures and CD's.
I brunette across the room caught my eye. I groaned loudly at the sight of her fluffed hair and lean legs.
"What the fuck is she doing here?" I whispered to Niall.
Niall looked around until his eyes landed on my gaze.
"I'm sorry Haz." Niall mumbled.
How could Louis invite her? I get it that I broke up with him but that was only last night. My vision blurred as tears were threatening to fall down my cheeks. I blinked them back as best I could, although my attempts didn't go unnoticed. A few fans began questioning me but I shook it off as nothing. Eleanor began walking towards the front of the line, ignoring the many fans that were waiting for a signature.
"Louis we need to talk!" she hissed. Louis' eyes widened in panic.
"Eleanor, can we do this later? I'm kind of busy if you hadn't noticed." Louis replied with a hint of annoyance. By now the signing process had come to a pause as fans shouted in attempts to get Eleanor's attention. Why the hell do they want pictures with her? What ever happened to all the Larry shippers in the fandom?
"No, Louis. I came to say that we are over. You and I went on such an amazing date last night then run off without saying another word to me! You left me stranded in the middle of London!" Eleanor stomped her foot dramatically.
"Eleanor, I had somewhere more important to be." Louis groaned.
"What is more important than our date? I really like you. What kind of boyfriend does something like this? You Louis Tomlinson are a womanizing jerk!" Eleanor squealed.
"I'm not your fucking boyfriend! I don't have feelings for you Eleanor! There is only one person that I love. I am not a bloody womanizer! I'm gay, Eleanor! I am in love with Harry!" Louis shouted before tipping the table over. The fans were hysterically screaming and cheering as they held up their phones. I was too stunned to say anything or move as Louis pushed passed the others to get to me.
Louis pulled me out of my chair before dipping me in the most cliché way ever.
"Loui-" Before I could finish, Louis' lips were on mine and if it were possible, the cheers grew louder. I involuntarily closed my eyes as my hands gripped the back of Louis' neck. He stood us back up only to get more engaged into the kiss. I heard a loud familiar voice shout through an intercom. I broke away to see Mr. Griffiths holding his head in annoyance. He pulled Louis and I away from the crowd as Liam, Niall and Zayn followed closely behind. We're dead.
Question: What's your opinion on smut?
Goal: 25+ Votes, 30+ Comments = Next Update.
Published: March 12, 2014
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