Game On Part 2
Matt's POV:
Why was it when you were anticipating something, time seemed to stand still? I knew that wasn't physically possible, but damn if it didn't feel like it as she set across from in at the small table in the back corner of the Italian restaurant. I watched as she practically inhaled her pasta in a rush to finish up dinner. My only hope was that she was planning on skipping desert. Not that I thought that she needed to or anything. It was just that I didn't know if I could handle another minute of her moaning as the taste of the food blossomed on her tongue. Lord knows I'd did my own moaning tonight.
Even after eating the most delicious shrimp alfredo I'd ever eaten, there was only one taste still on my tongue, and that was the taste of her juices from where I'd dipped my finger inside of her earlier. No matter how much I tried to think about anything else, the taste of her on my tongue mixed with the image of her bare breasts in the middle of the parking hot had left me with a hard on that made me thankful for the white table clothes that were on the table and hiding the evidence of my arousal. Then again, with what I was feeling, how desperate I was to have her beneath me, was it even arousal anymore? Or was it something much bigger? Is there anything bigger than arousal? Need... yes, I was in serious need of her and her body and the pleasure that I knew that I would get from her and that I would give to her.
Sitting in the chair across from her as my mind raced with the possibilities that were to come, I watched as she fidgeted in her chair. Not going to lie, I was curious of what she was doing. But that curiosity was soon satisfied when I watched her reach her hand onto the table, her fist closed.
"Give me your hand." She said softly.
Lifting my hand onto the table, I felt her slip something inside my palm before closing my hands around it. Based on the feel of the material, I knew what it was and knew without a shadow of a doubt what she had just given me. But to satisfy my own curiosity and confirm that my suspicions were right, I placed the hand in my lap before opening my fist. There, in the palm of my hand was the miniscule lace thong that she had been wearing only moments ago. The animalistic side of me begged me to lift the material to my nose and breath deeply, but the gentlemanly side of me had me shoving them into my pocket for safe keeping. Much like you would see in the movies, I raised my hand, silently telling the waiter that I was ready for the check. I mean who could blame me? My girlfriend was sitting across from me panty-less and I knew for a fact that she was as ready as I was to take this little party over to the hotel so that we could both go at one another like we were both craving.
It might have only been a couple of minutes since the waiter had brought me the check and left to run my card, but damn if it didn't seem like time had once again stopped. Chancing a glance over at Stormy, I saw her skin flush. Evidently, she was reading the hunger in my eyes for her and knew that I was close to the edge because a small smirk came over her face, telling me that she thought she was about to win this little game. Not if I can help it... I might not be able to have my way with her in the middle of this restaurant, but the ride to the hotel and the elevator up to the room were both fair game. Just thinking about the elevator made me think of those Fifty Shades of Gray movies that I'd heard so much about until I'd finally caved and watched them. Boy, had Ebony had a field day with my ass when she found out that not only had I watched the movies, I'd read the books. She'd found my copies of them one day while she was helping me rearrange the living room and switch out the blackout curtains that I'd hung for some that she said were more aesthetically pleasing, whatever the hell that meant.
When the waiter returned with my card, I nearly broke his arm when I took it from and quickly scribbled my signature on the line and added a generous tip. I knew anyone looking at me and seeing the way I reached for Stormy's hand and tugged her behind me knew I had one thing on my mind. But ask me if I cared.
With her small hand in mine, I weaved us though the tables and out of the restaurant and out to my truck. Every fiber of my being wanted me to take peel that dress off of her and haver her now but that just wasn't going to do. That would me that she had won this round and well, I wasn't a quitter and I damn sure wasn't a loser. So instead of slamming my mouth down over hers and pressing her against the truck, I swung the door open and lifted her onto the seat, lifting my hands from her warm body before my dick told my brain not to do so. Shutting the door, I climbed into the truck.
"You're in a hurry." Said Stormy from beside me. "Guess that means you are about ready to beg huh?"
"No begging from me darling." I said as I eased my truck out onto the road and towards the hotel. "And if I remember right, I told you that it was be you that was going to be doing the begging." Flipping the console up, I reached a hand across the distance between us and placed it on her leg just below where her dress stopped. Gliding it up a fraction so that I was beneath it, I dug my fingers into the skin of her thigh, causing her to inhale sharply. The sound only made my dick harder.
Digging my fingers in her thigh further, I pulled her across the seat so that she was sitting beside me, her hip touching mine. I let my hand trail further her leg until I reached her bare pussy. I let my fingers slip through her folds, the wetness I found making it hard to concentrate on the road. But I couldn't stop. Focusing on her clit, I rubbed small circles over the hardened bud repeatedly, her hips bucking and looking for more with each pass I made. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her head fall back on her shoulders at the same time as her hips thrusted up, reaching for that bar that was just out of reach. Not wanting her to cum just yet, I eased back on the pressure, causing her to growl in frustration.
"Matt, what are you doing?" she asked, her tone desperate.
"Adding to the anticipation." I said as my hand travel lower down her leg and away from her dripping wet pussy.
"Matt..." she growled once more. She was so close to begging. All it would take was for me to keep up this torture and I would have her right where I wanted her.
"Ready to beg yet, darling?" I asked as I pulled my truck into the parking lot of the hotel.
"I- I'm not begging you for any- oh god that feels amazing..." She said as I slipped a finger over her clit once more, making her lose her train if thought. She was so close. I could feel her pussy throbbing with the need to be filled, sucking at nothing, trying to drag something inside to fill the void that she was feeling.
I was forced to remove my hand from her clit when I found a parking space. The sound of frustration that tore though her in that moment was so fucking sexy, that I almost said fuck it to going up to the room... almost.
"Come on darlin. Your room awaits." I said as I switched off the engine. Pulling the key from the ignition, I grabbed our bags from the back and climbed out. I didn't have time to go around to the passenger side to help her out. As I reached the front of the truck, she was there waiting for me, desire coming off her in waves. "Who's in a hurry now?"
"Shut it and take me to bed before I spontaneously combust on the spot." Said Stormy.
"Your wish is my command darlin." I said, gesturing towards the main door of the hotel.
I don't know if it was just me or the fact that I was just as desperate to have her naked and screaming my name, but the fact that the desk clerk was taking what felt like forever to give me the key cards for the suite I'd booked was doing little to ease the tension I was feeling. Again, I wondered why when you were in a hurry to do something, time seemed to stand still.
"Here you are Mr. McGraw." Said the desk clerk as he slid the cards across the counter for me. "You are in room 421. Do you need any assistance with your bags or help finding your room?"
"Nah, I think we got it." I said, already making my way over to the bank of elevators across the lobby, Stormy hot on my heels.
I sent up a prayer of thanks to the man upstairs that when I hit the call button for the elevator, the doors slid open. Taking Stormy's free hand into my own, I dragged her into the waiting car. The doors had barely shut when let our bags crash to the floor and my mouth slammed over hers as her back slammed against the back wall of the elevator. Her hands roamed over me as mine roamed over her, touching every spot that I had been wanting to touch all night. But even as close as we were, I needed her closer. Placing a hand on her thigh, I lifted it so that it was draped over my hip before slipping my hand around to her ass and once more finding her pussy.
Slipping two fingers in, I slowly began thrusting them into her, finding that spot that I knew drove her wild as I rubbed the length of me against the front of her. I felt her nails dig into the skin on the back of my neck at the same time as I felt her teeth sink into the skin over my collarbone. Hooking my fingers, I found the spot inside her that was sure to make her go off. Stroking over it gently, I placed my lips over her ear and whispered "Don't you dare cum."
"Matt I- Oh god, how and I supposed to -fuckkkk- hold back?" she said as I kept rubbing over that spot, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.
"You know what you have to do for me to let you cum." I said, just before letting my teeth sink into the fleshy part of her ear.
"Fuck it. I quit. I'm begging you Matt. Please! For the love of God, make me cum." She moaned. "I fucking need it."
"Not until we get into that room." I said. As if on cue, the elevator dinged, signaling that we were on the fourth floor. Forcing myself to turn loose of her leg, I eased it down before turning to grab our bags. With them in hand, I grabbed her by the hand and headed in what I hoped was the direction for our room. Once again sending up a prayer of thanks when I found it, I made quick work of inserting the key card. When it didn't work the first time, I growl in frustration, taking back my two previous prayers of thanks. But when I tried it again and it worked, I apologized to the man upstairs and slipped into the room.
The door hand just shut completely when I felt Stormy's hands land on my chest, fisting both sides of my shirt seconds before she snatched the two parts away from one another. Buttons flew through the air and my desire for her skyrocketed.
"I've been wanting to do that since you showed up at my place." She said, standing back and taking in the skin that she'd just revealed.
"And I've been wanting to do this." Walking over to her, placed my hands on either side of her face before slamming my lips down over hers in a quick but passionate kiss. Breaking it, I stepped back and let my hands slip down to the top of her strapless dress, leaving goosebumps behind as my hands traveled south. When I reached the top of her dress, I slipped a finger from each hand into the neckline and tugged, letting the dress fall down around her waist, leaving her standing there in a white strapless bra that her tits looked like they were about to spill out of. "You are so fucking beautiful."
Before I had a chance to move to unfasten the strapless bra, I watched as her hands slipped behind her back and with expert precision, she flicked the clasp open, letting the material fall away from her. her full breasts stared at me; her nipples so hard that they looked like they were about to rip the skin. My mouth watered to taste her. And since she had given up breastfeeding because Sadie was biting, those puppies were all mine now. Sure, there would be some lingering milk, but milk does a body good right?
Lowering my head, I pulled one hardened point into my mouth, letting my tongue flick over the tip just before I let my teeth graze over it ever so slightly. The sounds that came from her were almost my undoing. Knowing this time was going to be too quick but that we had all night, I lifted her -her nipple never leaving my mouth- and carried her over to the bed where we crashed onto it in a pile of half nakedness and disheveled clothing. Letting her fall from my mouth, I moved over to the other and gave it the same treatment as her hands worked the buckle of my belt. I felt her fumbling with it and had to restrain myself from laughing when she growled in frustration.
"Here, let me." I said, letting her nipple fall from my mouth as I sat back on my heels and worked the buckle. When I had it unfastened, her hands were back on me, working the button of my jeans as I worked to remove what was left of my shirt. I was slipping the shirt from my shoulders when I felt one of her hands slip inside of my jeans and her fingers wrap around my cock. I had to count to ten to keep from exploding in her hands.
Wrapping my fingers around her wrist, I tugged her hands from my appendage and pushed her back onto the bed, making her bounce from the force. Lifting first one arm and then the other over her head, I wrapped my long fingers around her wrists and held them there.
"Don't move." I said, my tone demanding. "If you move, I stop."
"I won't move." She said. But even as she said the words, her hips circled, rubbing her pussy along the length of my dick. "Plus, I seem to remember begging to cum and you said that when we got in the room, that was going to happen. I'm beginning to think that you are all talk an no action."
"Oh, I'm going to show you just how much action I have darlin." I growled. "Now keep your hands above your head. I mean it, you better not move." I watched her for a second to see if she was going to do as she was told and smiled to myself when she didn't move a muscle.
Pushing the material of my jeans down my legs, I kicked my feet around to remove my boots. I heard them clatter to the floor sends before I finished pushing my jeans down. Now that I was naked, I let my hands land back on her.
"Are you a fan of this dress?" I asked as my hands roamed over her body.
"Actually- heyyy!" she said as I fisted the material in my hands and ripped it right down the middle, cutting off what she was about to say. The tearing of the fabric so loud that I imagined that it could have been heard from the moon. But it was the look of molten desire in her eyes that had me aligning my cock with her entrance and slipping all the way home in one swift thrust. I swear my eyes crossed when I hit the bottom of her and I felt her walls clamping down around me, trying to pull me deeper.
Setting up a slow rhythm, I thrusted in and out of her slowly, the tip of my cock rubbing over that spot that I knew was her trigger repeatedly. Her nails dug down my back leaving marks that added an element of both pleasure and pain. But all too soon, I felt that tell tale sign, telling me that I didn't have much longer before I went off like a roman candle. Changing the angle of my thrusts, I began slamming into her, hitting that spot harder with each movement.
"Need you to cum darlin." I said though clenched teeth, fighting off my own impending orgasm.
As if my words were what she had been waiting on, I felt the first tremor rock her body, pulling me over the edge with her. With a load roar, her name left my lips as I spilled even last drop of my seed into her core before collapsing over her spent form. Not for the first time, I wondered if it would always be like this with her. Would I always be so fucking spent that I couldn't see straight but still crave her like an addict craves their next hit? I sure as hell hoped so because this was the stuff that they wrote about in books and portrayed in moves. Sex with Stormy was so much more that two people acting on their most basic animalistic needs. It was everything that I had ever hoped that it would be.
When I was finally able to catch my breath, I placed a kiss on her lips before whispering "That was round one. Hope you're ready for more darlin because I'm just getting started with showing you that I am a hell of a lot more action than I am talk."
"Bring it on." She said, her tone challenging.
"You're wish..."
"...Is my command." Said Stormy, cutting me off and finishing my sentence.
Stormy's POV:
Was it humanly possible to die from having too many orgasms in a short amount of time? And how many would it take for someone to die that way? Whatever the number, apparently, I hadn't reached it yet because while I might feel like I'm floating up in heaven from the delirium that having multiple orgasms brings, I knew I was still alive because I could feel his hands trailing over me as his tongue trailed a path from my belly button upwards.
"Welcome back." He said with a smug look on his face seconds before he kissed me in lazy kiss. "You were out for a minute there."
"Well, someone fucked me unconscious." I said, stretching and feeling the delicious soreness deep inside of me. It was a feeling that I was getting used to when it came to Matt. I knew for a fact that I would be walking funny tomorrow. I just hoped that whatever Matt had planned didn't involve a lot of walking. If I'm being honest, I would be just fine hanging out in this room all day and seeing if I could wring as many orgasms from him as he did me. Now, if I only knew the number...
"Well, you did beg me to make you cum. But you didn't specify how many times." Said Matt. "That was what? 8?"
"I lost count." I said sleepily.
"I didn't." said Matt. "Think I can wring a couple more from you before you pass out from exhaustion? Or are you already too tired?"
"I think I just need some sleep first." I said, a yawn escaping my lips.
"Then sleep it is darlin." said Matt, laying down beside me and pulling me to him so that my head was resting on his chest. I draped an arm over his hips as I settled in. "Goodnight darlin."
"Good night." I said, sleep already taking me over. That night I dreamt of a private island, white dresses, and little boy with black hair running along the beach as he played with Sadie.
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