Chapter Seven
Today was perfect. I honestly couldn't be happier. It was the last day before winter vacation and also happened to be my and Azazel's six month anniversary.
I smiled while taking the things out of my locker that I would need over the three week break when I felt strong hands land on my hips. My smile widened and I turned, expecting Azazel.
It wasn't him. It was Crowley.
I jumped away from the touch that now disgusted me. "What the hell?"
"Just saying my goodbyes, chipmunk." he offered a smile.
"What is up with you an your father giving people animal nicknames?" I rolled my eyes.
"It's endearing."
"It really isn't. Now, you said your goodbyes so leave me alone. Oh, do you know where Azazel is?"
"Azazel... My favorite outcast cousin. It really is a shame you settled for him. I'm the one receiving all of our grandfather's money. I could make you very happy, shorty."
"Don't call me that; I think I even prefer 'chipmunk' to 'shorty.' and this 'shorty' has a job and a car and I can take care of myself, thanks very much." I growled.
"Hey, all girls wasn't a man to buy them everything." he winked at me and gave what I'm guessing was meant to be a seductive smile.
"Most girls. And I am not most girls. You of all people should know that."
"Oh, my bad. I forgot your fag fathers raised you to be independent. Since you'll never get a man... given your background."
I knew there was no way he knew about my life before Cas and Dean but his words still made me flinch. "That's funny because I've got your cousin pretty tightly wrapped around my finger."
"Oh, don't flatter yourself." he chuckled. When I gave him a confused look he laughed harder. "Don't tell me you don't know!"
"Don't know what?" I asked warily.
"The real reason my cousin is with you. He's always been the black sheep, so to say. Hated conforming to our views on the world. Hated the way my family saw anything. Total different moral values from the rest of us. Of course he's going to go for the one thing that would piss his dad of most."
"And that would be...?" I had a feeling I already knew but I was scared for the answer.
"You." he showed his teeth in a very evil smile. "The well-liked girl with a scary taste in music and wild sense of fashion with her queer daddies. Oh, aren't you a prize to be taken."
"Shut your whore mouth, Crowley." I growled.
"Why should I? you'd think someone as strong as yourself could handle a little truth. You are nothing but shock factor. That's all you will ever be. Nobody could ever genuinely care about you. They all just want to use you to get back at someone."
"That's not true, Crowley, shut up."
"Oh, it's very true." his calm tone of voice bugged the shit out of me. "Nobody could love someone from your background. Even your mommy didn't want you..."
"You don't know a damned thing about my real mother!" I shouted and noticed a few kids snap their heads towards us. I didn't care, I was too busy holding back angry tears from pouring out of my eyes.
"And you do?"
I snapped. God, I really need to start controlling my temper. But there's a line that should never be crossed and he just crossed it.
My fist snapped out and made contact with his nose before I could even grasp what I was doing. I felt the familiar crunch of cartilage beneath my knuckles and soon the warm ooze of his blood on my fingers. Time seemed to go in slow motion as my fist pressed into his nose. I think this is the hardest I've ever punched someone. I was so proud of myself.
Time came back and he dropped to the floor and clutched his bleeding nose. I jumped on top of him and threw a few more good punches in before I felt someone pull me off.
I turned around to hit whoever was holding me back before I saw it was Azazel. I instantly stopped and let him pull me away from the crying Crowley.
***Dean's POV***
"Well, I'm aware that Steven has harassed your daughter before but her behavior is unexceptable." the principal, Mr. Shurley, told Castiel and me.
"Can you please just tell us what happened? what did he say to piss her off so much?" I asked.
"Yeah, I know Kennedy and she isn't like this out of no where." Cas added.
"Steven was talking to her about you two and her adoption and went a little too far and Kennedy lost her grip. From what I can see. Then she punched him in the nose and continued hitting him when he was on the ground until Azazel pulled her off."
"Did she break his nose?" I asked.
"Dean!" Cas smacked my arm. "This is very important. Don't make a joke of it."
"I'm not! I'm asking a serious question." I turned back to Mr. Shurley. "So I'm assuming my daughter won?"
Mr. Shurley shook his head, "I don't think that is an appropriate question but yes, she did happen to break his nose. And from what I heard this is the second time his nose has been broken by your daughter. Although, the first was not on school property so it is not of my concern."
I began to say something but Cas shot me a glare and interrupted, "what is her punishment?"
"Normally it would be suspension but that would be hard given it's the last day. So I've assigned community service. She will be playing an elf at the local mall."
Oh, my short little princess will get a kick out of that.
I walked in the house and found her sitting on the couch. She stood up the moment we walked in. I gave her a huge high five. "I knew I raised you right!"
Cas pushed me down onto the couch. I was about to object but I found it was a better idea to let him yell at Dee. "What the hell were you thinking? You can't walk around punching people! I thought I raised you with enough self control to ignore the fuckers and worry about yourself. You've lost your car, your phone, and your laptop for all of winter break. And you've been assigned community service. I hope next time you think twice before attacking someone."
I was about to get up and leave when he turned his wrath on me. "And, you! how dare you make this into a joyous moment? I'm trying to raise her into a decent young lady and it is so hard when you're teaching her the exact opposite. You can't praise her for breaking a kid's nose!"
"You heard Shurley! Crowley's Spawn is harassing out baby. He deserved whatever she have him."
"That's another thing: at home is one thing but can you at least pretend to be a good parent in front of others? we're already getting constant shit for being the 'gay parents,' you are furthering their thoughts on us being incompetent." he threw his head into his hands and groaned. "I can't believe either of you, I'm so disappointed." And with that he stormed up to our room.
And Kennedy burst into tears.
I threw my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Hush, hush... how about we go out for a drive?" she nodded and her sobs seemed to lessen. We quickly got into my car and drove off.
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