Chapter Nineteen
I was laying in my bed and Cas and in and sat down on it. He flipped through his phone and started a song.
There's a moment in time
And it's stuck in my mind
Way back, when we were just kids
I laughed, "Dad, last time I listened to The Offspring I ended up in the hospital."
"Just listen." he nudged my thigh with his foot. "It's a good song. And it's fitting."
I nodded and sat back to listen. I really always loved the song but now it struck a chord. "Can you stay strong? can you go on?" I began to sing along.
"DeeDee, are you doing okay?" Cas screamed, changing the lyrics and adding my name.
"A Rose that won't bloom." we sang together. "Winter's kept you. Don't waste your whole life trying I get back what was taken away."
Cas leaned over and hugged me, "your dad and I are going to take you to that little Italian place you like so much. Does that sound good?"
I looked towards the wall and blinked quickly to hold back tears. "I don't want special treatment because... of what happened. I want things to be normal."
Cas pulled my face so I was looking at him. He paused the song. "This is not special treatment, Kennedy Novak Winchester. We just want time with you."
I hugged him, "okay, Daddy."
He kissed my cheek, "get ready to go. We'll be downstairs waiting." he got up and left.
"What can I get you guys?" the very cheerful waiter asked.
"Two cheese lasagnas and a spaghetti. Pepsi's to drink." Dean ordered for us, as he always did.
"And for the rest of you?" the waiter joked. Corny restaurant jokes. Always fun. We pretended to find it funny and he left us to put in our order.
"I have a show next Friday." I told them as I chewed on a breadstick. Cas questioned what I meant. "I'm reading. It's a multi-talent, multi-background show and my English teacher suggested I read an essay I wrote about our home."
The waiter brought our food so we paused our conversation to pray. "That's great, Dee." Dean said when we finished our prayer. "We'll make sure and be there. Uncle Sammy, Aunt Nikka, Aunt Jo, Aunt Charlie. Everyone."
"Awesome!" I said with a huge smile. "I'm extremely nervous. I've never done anything like this."
"Oh, angel, you'll be great. Your writing has always been amazing. And so is out family." he placed a hand over Dean's and gave him a smile. I loved when they did that. They seemed to escape into their own little world. They were so happy together and I wished I had that.
"So are you selling tickets?" Dean asked. I told him they were five dollars each. "Well, you might as well just sell them all to us. We've got a big enough family to fit the entire audience!"
I laughed, "yeah, I'm sure the other people's families will enjoy that."
"The others aren't important. You're the star." Cas chimed in, complete with jazz hands.
We laughed and joked through two hours of dinner. Ca was right, no special treatment. No careful eyes. They weren't watching me to make sure I wouldn't break down. They didn't eye me like an emotional grenade. It was great.
When everything happened with Azazel I felt like I would never have my life back. I would constantly be worried. Always looking over my shoulder and wondering when the next pinch was going to happen. But now everything was going back to normal and I couldn't e happier.
"No! I refuse!"
"Kennedy Alexis! just try the damned skirt on." Dean rolled his eyes and held the wretched thing out to me.
"No, Dad, I don't wear skirts." I said while crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly.
"Dee, just for us?" Cas added.
Before I could even respond we were interrupted by the doorbell. I was, quite literally, saved by the bell. "I'll get it."
I opened the door and there were two men in nice suits. One of them gave me a small smile that was obviously faked, "hello, I'm Agent Peart, this is my partner, Agent Garcia. We're here for Kennedy Novak Winchester, Castiel Novak, and Dean Winchester."
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