Chapter Five
"What happened?!" Dean And Cas shouted as soon as I walked through the door.
"I went out..." I muttered. "With a friend."
Cas crossed his arms, "young lady, you know better than to give us that crap. We want details."
I gave a sly smile and a shrug and started to walk away. But my need to tell my parents everything got the better of me. Curse them being my best friends. I spun around really quickly and began to ramble off the events that took place with Azazel.
"So, am I correct in assuming you are straight." Dean asked. Of course that's the only thing he picked up.
Cas shook his head, "she's pan." it wasn't even a question. He said that sentence with complete and under conviction. And that's not even the weird part. The weird part was he was right. "I've been trying to figure it out this whole time and it just hit me... you're pansexual, aren't you?"
"She is!" Dean high-fives Cas. "It all makes sense now."
I rolled my eyes. "You guys want a huge coming out moment?" They both nodded eagerly. I took a deep breath and changed my face into a mask of worry. "Mom.... dad.... wait, fuck!" we all burst into laughter. "I've seen way to many movies!" I took another deep breath and composed my face. "Dad... dad.... I have something to tell you... I-"
Cas grabbed a handful of papers of the coffee table and threw them in the air. "Confetti! It's a parade!" he yelled.
"Dad!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he motioned for me to continue.
"Well, I know you guys will accept me no matter what and I-"
"Eeeee-I!" Dean yelled and then Cas joined him, "will always love you!"
"I'm not going to do this if you keep interrupting me!" I said in between laughing fits.
Neither of them could stop laughing so they just waved at me to continue.
"Well, I'm going to rush through this so you don't interrupt me and I'm pansexual." I gave an over dramatic bow. "Happy now?"
Dean jumped angrily off the couch. "What? this is not okay, Kennedy Novak Winchester! I can't think of a reason why not so give me a minute!" He sat back down.
I laughed so hard I fell onto the couch where they were sitting.
"Wanna go out to dinner tomorrow, angel?" Cas played with pieces of my bangs.
I shook my head and yawned. "I have plans with Aunt Jo."
I then said my goodnights and went up to bed.
"So I heard you officially came out to your parents?" Jo asked as she took a huge bite of her pizza.
I shrugged. "Yeah, they begged me to do it. I just finally gave in."
"So, pan, huh? I'm bi, in case you didn't know... which everyone does so I'm not sure why I'm saying that."
"I know, Aunt Jo. We've had this talk." I laughed. "But I'm talking to this boy..."
"Talking or talking?" she questioned.
"Talking. He's knew in town. Super cute an unbelievably sweet!" I smiled at the thought of cuddling with Azazel on the roof of his Mustang. I told her all about what had happened with him and she squealed as I finished.
"That's so cute!" she clapped. "I ship it!"
"God, what is up with you and Dean? you both use the term 'ship.'" I rolled my eyes.
"Doesn't matter. Still ship it. But he really seems like a great guy. When's the first date?"
"We actually decided on going to the new superhero movie on Wednesday." I blushed an looked down at my strawberry lemonade.
"Awwwwe! that might not be a good first date..." I looked at her confused so she further explained. "Yeah, just take the Marvel fanatic to a Marvel movie. That's not ever annoying."
I rolled my eyes again and pushed her arm slightly. "I can control myself. I won't fangirl... too hard."
"Good. But anywho, I asked you to dinner for something more than small talk.." I prompted her to continue. "Well, you know I've been with Charlie for, like, eleven years now, right?" I nodded. "Well, I finally think we should get married."
"Awe! congrats, Aunt Jo!" I grabbed her hand.
"Yeah, yeah. I just have no clue how to do it!"
"Don't worry. I'll help you out there."
She ruffled my hair, "perfect. Who better to plan a proposal than my favorite hopeless romantic."
"I get it from my favorite Aunt!"
We laughed and joked around for the rest of our dinner. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed spending time with her.
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