Chapter Eleven
The moment I had been dreading all night finally came. Azazel texted me.
AM: hey, baby...
KW: hello.
AM: listen, love. I'm really really sorry...
KW: well, you should be. Why would you hit me like that??
AM: I don't know, Dee. I don't know what came over me. I've just been so stressed about you in the hospital and trying to convince Steven not to press charges against you. I guess I snapped. But that's no excuse... I should never take my anger out on you.
KW: no. You shouldn't. Hitting me was not okay.
AM: I know that, Dee. I really do and I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you.
I thought about it for a few moments while playing with a strand of my wet hair.
KW: it's fine. It just can't happen again, Azazel.
AM: it won't. I swear. I love you.
KW: I love you too
God, my life was so fucked up.
I pulled on my maroon sweater dress and some black velvet high heels. I decided my outfit looked nice then went to the bathroom to work on my hair and makeup.
After searching through my makeup bag for ten minutes I realized there was no other option than to ask Mika. I walked to her room and barely poked my head in, trying my hardest to hide the bruise on the left side of my face, "hey, do you have any concealer?"
Mika gave me an odd look but handed me the makeup in silence.
It didn't cover the bruise all the way but it made it a hell of a lot better. I did my makeup a lot lighter than normal and left out the bright red lip stick.
As soon as I finished putting my hair in a neat bun I heard Azazel down stairs talking to my dads.
"Awe, you look great, Dee." Dean said as I stepped into the living room.
"Thanks, dad." I stepped over to Azazel and hugged him.
"Ready to go?" he asked with a huge smile. I nodded and he led me out to his car.
I was not ready to meet Azazel's family. I knew Crowley's dad was exactly like he because he would gives parents shit when they were all in high school. I didn't want to deal with that. And if the rest of their family was like that I knew I would end the night in tears.
I also wasn't ready to spend a set amount of time with Azazel after what happened on the cliff. Sure, he apologized and I believed him but it still scared me. I just had to trust that he loved me and would never do it it again.
"Welcome!" Azazel's mom, Claire, greeted me with a huge hug as I walked through the door. "It's so nice to finally meet you."
His dad, Nicolas, came and placed a hand on Claire's shoulder, "we've heard great things about you, Kennedy."
"How are your parents?" Crowley (A/N: in this chapter I'll refer to Crowley's dad as just Crowley and the Crowley Kennedy likes to punch as Steven) asked. I stiffened at the sound of his voice.
"They're great." I answered with a forced smile.
"Heard Castiel is working in business now. Good for him." Crowley's kind words seemed to be genuine so I muttered a "thanks."
Then Steven's mom, Abbadon, came out and told us dinner was ready so we all took our place at the huge dining room table. Mine being next to Azazel and Claire.
We all loaded our plates and I waited for someone to say grace. Nobody did. Everyone just started eating. I looked down at my lap and said a quick mental prayer before eating my own food.
Steven gave me a look that said he knew what I was doing and was mocking me for it.
"So, Kennedy, what are your plans for after high school?" Nicolas asked.
I finished chewing my bite of ham before answering. "I actually plan to work at my dad's shop for a while. Eventually I would like to be a paramedic, though."
Claire gave me an odd look, "I thought you said you dad is in business?"
I shot a panicked look at Azazel but he either didn't see it or ignored it. Either way I was on my own. "Well, Cas is. Dean is a mechanic. I have two fathers."
Claire's eyes widened and Steven laughed a harsh laughed.
"Well, that must be interesting..." Nicolas finally said.
"Aren't there things they can't teach you? Things you would need a mother for?" Abbadon questioned.
I shook my head, "they can teach me anything a mother could. And they have a better perspective on how to deal with bullies since they are still criticized."
Claire nodded, "well, it's good that they are able to raise a family."
"Are you happy?" Nicolas questioned.
His words startled me but soon a bright smile spread across my face. "Yes, I am. I'm very happy."
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