You know those mornings where you just don't want to get up because of the amazing dream you're having? Well that's me right now. I'm having the best dream of my life; Channing Tatum is my husband, we bang every night, and live on a private island. You seriously cannot get much better.
Well my dreams came to an end when I heard the sound of glass shattering.
Must be Jacob and dad going at it again.
See, my brother Jacob and dad don't get along too well. Jake is in his first year of college and isn't taking it seriously so my dad gets super pissed and threatens to not pay for it anymore. This is a weekly thing- especially since my brother thought he got this girl pregnant. Turns out, it was someone else's baby. Slut.
When I say slut, I mean my brother.
"LIKE HELL IF YOU THINK I'M PAYING FOR ANOTHER SEMESTER FOR YOU TO SIT ON YOUR LAZY ASS AND PARTY!" My father shouted to my brother. Yes, their screaming is so loud I can hear it from my bedroom up the stairs.
"I'M DOING MY WORK! WHAT THE FUCK MORE DO YOU NEED?!" Jake shouts back at my father.
I hear another glass shattering and that's my call to go downstairs and break it up... Again.
I trudge down the stairs, I probably look like death at the moment but I don't even give two shits.
Once I reach the kitchen where they're fighting I stop in the doorway and glare, so they know I'm pissed. "Could you two please knock it off! I'm sick and tired of these arguments!" I shout and then point my index finger at Jake. "Jake, get your life together and start taking it seriously! And dad, stop threatening that you're not going to pay for his college and pull the damn plug already!"
Jake looks at me wide eyed. "What? No! Diana, I thought you were on my side?!" He questions me.
I roll my eyes. "I am on your side! Maybe if dad stops paying for everything you do it will make you grow up a bit! I'm sick of being woken up by these constant arguments."
"Honey, I'm sorry. Jake, why can't you be more like your sister?" My father questions him.
He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "So grow boobs?"
I laugh while my father rolls his eyes. "No, you know what I mean. Be more mature!" He then looks at his watch for the time. "Shit, I'm running late. Bye, see you tonight." He days before kissing the side of my head as he quickly walks out the door.
"Wow, it's really great to know my sister has my back." Jake said sarcastically.
I put my hands up in defense. "Hey, I'm not the one who flunked my English class. Just get it together and get through this. You don't want to be in school your whole life. I know I can't wait to get out of it. Only one more year to go!" I happily said while taking a bite out of my apple.
He clicks his tongue and crosses his arms over his chest. "Speaking of school, doesn't your first day start in 5 minutes?"
I turn around and look at the clock, it's 7:55 am and school starts at 8. "Shit!" I run up the stairs and went straight into my bedroom to get ready.
'Crap! What do I wear?! My thoughts that I always have on the first day back to school.
I pull on a pair of light washed skinny jeans and then a short sleeved, grey, v-neck on. I slide in my black Vans and quickly examine myself once over in the mirror. My long blonde hair was still in a braid so I quickly undid it and had awkward looking waves in it. I didn't have time to fix it, so I quickly swiped some mascara on and called it a day.
I had to walk to school, unfortunately, but only because Jake crashed the spare car. He bought a new one a couple years ago so unless he felt one being a saint, my ass was walking.
I finally get to school and I'm only 20 minutes late. I quickly rush down the hallways towards my first class- History. The most boring and dull class I've ever had. Mr. Hendricks, the teacher, smells like ham and the odor is strong when you walk past.
Once I'm in front of the door and slowly open it and the whole class shuts up and looks my way, including Mr. Hendricks. He takes a few steps towards me.
Yep there's that smell.
"Mrs. Slaven, how nice of you to join us. Care to sit?" He sarcastically says in his old Irish accent.
I nod and quickly find the first remaining desk... In the back of the class. I walk past the other rows and see me friend Molly give me a slight wave and a smile.
I sit down in the desk and began pulling my books and pen out.
Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I look up, I see the quarter back of our school's football team, Josh. "Hey can I borrow a pen?" He whispers.
I nod and grab another pen out of my bag and hand it to him. He gives a quick thanks before turning his attention back to the teacher.
I put my elbow on the desk and my chin on the palm of my hand, wishing this class would end. Every time I look over to the clock it's either the same time or a minutes past.
My mind eventually wonders off and I start to dream about Channing Tatum and that gorgeous body of his. I'd love to just-
"Mr. Meyer, this is not a good way to start off the first day of class. Go to your seat." Mr. Hendricks tells him... Cole Meyer. A.k.a., school 'bad boy'.
I've gone to school with Cole basically my whole educational life. We've never talked or had any exchanges, I was hoping today wouldn't be any different. Cole is the biggest heart breaker in this school. He humps and dumps basically. He's not only known for being a player but for also being dangerous. Rumor is, is that he has gone to jail 7 times in the past five years. I personally don't like to listen to silly gossip but with the way he looks, I wouldn't be surprised.
Cole walks down the rows of desks and stops at the one beside me. I continue to look straight, hoping he'd do the same.
Another tap goes on my shoulder and I turn to see that it's him. Cole. "Yes?" I ask somewhat rudely.
Cole smirks. "Do you have a pen I can borrow?" He makes no attempt to keep his voice down.
I simply shake my head and try to pay attention; though right now. I'd rather poke my own eye out than sit here and listen to this man talk.
"And that is the Columbian Exchange. Class dismissed." The bell rung and we all grabbed our stuff and hurried to our next class.
Before I could go to English class I had to drop by my locker. When I stepped out into the hallway, people were pushing and shoving trying to get through. I did not miss this that's for sure.
Once I'm at my locker, I put in my new combination and then switched my books out. Right when I closed it, I was greeted by a smiling face. Otherwise known as Molly.
She pulled me in for a tight hug while I happily returned. "I miss you so much! You have no clue!"
I pull out of the hug and nod in agreement. "I know! What class do you have next?"
Molly grabs her schedule from her bag and reads over it. "Umm, calculus. You?"
I groan. "English. What lunch do you have?"
"Mine is fourth period."
"Damn it! Mines fifth."
She has a look of disappointment. "Now who's going to make fun of Cara with me?" Cara is the schools head bitch. The popular, gorgeous, cheerleader. Well, she's only gorgeous if you qualify the 15 pounds of makeup she puts on herself daily.
I give her a pouty face. "I'm sure you'll find someone else."
She fake gasps. "Never!"
We bother laugh and after a couple more minutes we both say goodbye and head to our classes.
I was looking through my phone and walking down the empty hallways to my class. Well, I thought it was empty. I suddenly crashed into what felt like a brick wall but turned out to be a hard chest. I rub my forehead then lift my head to see who the victim of my clumsiness. It was him... Cole.
"I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." I stutter.
He rolls his eyes. "Clearly. Just watch where you going next time or else." With that he stormed off the other way, leaving me completely stunned.
This is a serious WTF moment.
The bell rang and everyone exited the class room and head towards the cafeteria. I attempt to walk there but I'm continually tripping and shoved.
Once I successfully reach the cafeteria I get in line. I look around to see who's sitting where. The first two rows you have the popular people, then the drama people. Next table is the nerds, the burn outs, and then there's Cole's table. He always sits with one other guy and typically a random girl on his lap.
After getting my lunch I find a table in the back and start walking toward it- only to bump into someone. I look up and it's Cole... Again.
"Uh... I... I'm sorry.. I didn't-" I stutter like a maniac.
He smirks instead of give me the cold death glare he gave me last time. "Can't get enough of me can you?"
I cock one eyebrow up and scoff. "Yeah, that's it." I turn to leave but he grabs my arm, preventing me from doing so.
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"I'm surprised you don't know. We've only been going to school together since 1st grade." I pull my arm out of his grasp and walk away towards the empty table in the back.
Here I am just sitting here eating... Well I'm actually attempting not to throw up at the sight of the school food. I decide to just push it a side. But anyway, I'm sitting here minding my own business when Cole thinks it would be a good idea to start calling my name- actually he doesn't know my name so all he says is, 'Hey you!' or 'Virgin!' which pisses me off... Oh and every time I didn't answer, he would throw a balled up napkin at my head.
Thump. There goes another napkin at my head... "Hey!" He called.
"Are you def or something?!" He shouts from across the room at me.
Ok that's it.
"Hey!" He called
I stand up and stomp all the way to his table. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" I scream at him.
"Aw, cupcake. Don't be so crude. I just wanted to say hi."He spoke with a sickeningly sweet voice and a smirk.
I glare at him with my fists balled. Giving him the sweetest fake smile I could. "Hi. You've said hi, I've said hi. Leave me alone!"
"One condition."
I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest. "What would that be?"
"A kiss." He says with a grin.
I scoff but grab his face and smash my lips on his for a quick kiss. His lips actually feel really nice. They're warm and soft. Before he had to react to the kiss I stopped. When I pulled away he looks stunned and I smirk. "There, now leave me alone." I told him then walked off back to my table.
Conceited jerk.
There's a picture of how I imagined Diana to look above!
Please comment and vote(:
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