Chapter 3
"What is this place?" Waves asks, looking around the seemingly empty place. I walk over to a mound of dirt and start digging. Kindle and Tornado walk up and help me, and together we quickly push all the dirt away to uncover a trap door.
"This is one of the most sketchy places in the Earth Kingdom," I reply , standing up and wiping my palms on my shorts. I walk over to my horse and tie him to a pole sticking out of the ground and the others follow suit.
"Let's go in," Ebony speaks up after we all stand there staring at the trap door for a minute. I shake my head out of the gutter and nod, walking over to the trap door and picking the lock.
It springs open and I pull the door up, dust scattering around me. I sneeze and wave my hands, the dust immediately settling in a pile beside me. I look down and see a ladder leading to the inside of the place.
I put my feet on a lower rung and start climbing down. I make it to the bottom and wait as the others climb down the ladder and stand next to me. Acid comes in last, the trap door slamming shut as they get to the bottom. We look up and I sigh.
"I guess we aren't getting back out that way," I state. I look around and see two hallways. I close my eyes and picture the dirt around us, trying to see where they are going. The one on the right leads to a really long hole and then just stops there. The left one keeps going for a while and it seems to be the way we need to go.
"We need to go to the left," I say, opening my eyes. They nod and I lead the way through the dusty tunnels, occasionally hearing the others sneeze behind me. I try my best to wave all the dust away so their allergies don't go crazy but they still sneeze every so often.
I stop and close my eyes after we walk for a while and follow the dirt paths. One leads to a huge room where they could possibly be keeping the children.
"This way!" I say, rejuvenated by my find. I walk faster and the others follow behind me, not wanting to be left alone in the tunnels. We make it to a huge set of double doors and stop.
Acid lifts their right hand and puts a small hole through the door. They peer in and then save us over. I look in a see boxes and boxes of stuff and different rooms around the basement type place.
Acid melts the door knob and Tornado pushes open the door. We walk inside and look around, seeing that there isn't anyone around. I walk over to one of the boxes and open it, seeing extremely expensive fruit sitting inside.
The others walk over and look in. We open more boxes, and find more and more fruit. I see Waves to to take out one and eat it but Kindle smack sit out of her hand, saying that it could be poisoned.
"We should go check the doors," I suggest. They nod and we split off, opening the doors and finding more crate in each room, but no children around.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" A person yells. I freeze with my hand on the doorknob of one of the rooms. I peer over my shoulder and see a few men standing there, a couple more crate in their hands.
I see Kindle slowly move her hand from beside me and she makes eye contact with me. I discretely nod and she almost raises her hand all the way before the men start running in.
She shrugs and starts blasting fire around the room, setting crates on fire. Tornado helps her by directing the wind towards the men, making the fire fly straight at them.
It catches one man on fire and he looks down at his arm. He starts screaming and drops to the ground, rolling around and trying to put it out. I walk over to Waves and she lifts her hands, creating a wall of Water between us and the fire.
Acid and Ebony run over, standing behind the water wall. I close my eyes and quickly search for a way out, finding one on the other side of the room, where everything is currently on fire.
"The only exit is on the complete opposite side of the room," I tell them. Waves nods and makes the wall expand, putting a circle around us. We make it to Kindle and Tornado and Waves puts a door shape in the wall, letting them walk into the circle.
She quickly closes it and we walk to the door, the wall of Water putting out the box fires. The basement is almost surrounded with smoke but Tornado keeps our air clean inside the bubble.
Waves let's me out of the bubble and I work in the door, finally getting it open. She lets down the water wall and we all walk into the room. Acid goes up the ladder first while me and Kindle stay to make sure that nobody comes to attack is while we're going up the ladder.
Kindle goes up first and I create a mound in front of the door. I walk to the ladder and lift myself up, making it to the top. I kick the second trap door closed and we walk back to our horses.
I get in my horse and look at the others, seeing most of us covered in ash. I shake my head and see the ash falling out of my hair. Tornado looks over and sees me doing this.
He raises his hand and wind circles around me, blowing all the ash off. He does this to himself and everyone else before nodding and grabbing his horse's reigns.
"Where are we going next?" Acid asks from beside me. I look down at my map and see the only other place in the entire kingdom that I have marked. The only place my aunt wouldn't let me go.
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