"Killian, are you almost ready?" Rosie called out from the bathroom down the hall.
"I've been ready, waiting for you for like the last 25 minutes." I shot back. I heard the sound of more makeup bags being unzipped and zipped.
The living room tv now read 10:03 pm. Sarah was long gone, and besides the occasional noices from the bathroom, everything seemed far too quiet for a Friday night.
I was so used to hearing the halls of Princeton getting ready for parties on Friday nights. I, of course, never participated. I had thought of doing a research paper on the experience, but after finding a drunk guy passed out naked on my dorm room floor one morning, I decided it wasn't my cup of tea.
Rosie appeared at the front of the corridor moments later. She was wearing this tight gold sequins dress that hugged every roll on her body. She didn't really have any rolls, so maybe they were actually curves? I thought it looked uncomfortable when I saw it on her in the fitting rooms. She just responded with "Pain is beauty."
Her legs looked the most uncomfortable as she tried to walk in these super high heels. When her eyes met mine, she pretended to faint against the wall.
"Mama Mia don't you look like one tall dark drink. Mm mm mmmm I did good. I did real good." Rosie sighed longingly.
I was in a tighter than average dress top, with a belt and some dress pants. I didn't have much of any muscle, but my broad shoulders helped fill in the top part of the shirt. This dark color on me made my pale skin stand out even more than average.
"You look like some sexy vampire that belongs on twilight." Rosie assure. I wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or not. I wasn't sure what twilight was.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
After a few more millenniums of 'touch ups' Rosie was now ready to be seen by the public. She ordered us an Uber even though I told her I had no intention of drinking tonight and could definitely sober cabbie us home.
She wouldn't hear it.
When we finally arrived at the club, I almost did a 180 to call for a cab. The line had seriously trickled out the front doors and wrapped itself around the entire building.
"There's no way we're getting in tonight." I told Rosie. She just rolled her eyes at me and handed me her purse to hold temporarily.
"You just gotta know how to play it right with the bouncers. Here, watch this." Her hands went to her boobs to push them up a little inside her bra, before we approached the bouncer at the very front of the line.
"I'm sorry, You two will have to wait like the rest of you don't have VIP entry." The man spoke. Rosie gave him one of her flirtatious laughs, and just like any average male would do, his eyes immediately cast down to her cleavage.
"It's my birthday, and I was just hoping to show my brother a good time here. He's only in New York for a week." She called out to him over the loud music.
He looked to be contemplating it for a moment, but his eyes only ever left her boobs to cast down to her ass as he finally let us through.
"Men are pigs." I spoke more to myself than Rosie. But she had heard me.
"Spoken like a true gay friend." She smiled.
"I'm not-" I started. But Rosie has already made her way to the bar.
"I'm going to get a vodka cranberry, and can I get a coke and rum for my friend here?" She called out over the music. The bartender gave her a flirtatious smile, and got right to making our drinks.
"I'm not drinking tonight, remember?" I asked her. It was her turn now to give me a shrug.
"I promise it's not too strong at all. Plus, you already like Coke, it's your favorite beverage with just a little rum in it." She called back over the noise.
I gave her a sigh of defeat as I took a seat at the bar besides her. The place didn't smell as bad as I thought it would, but it must have been because it was their first night opening.
What this place was, however, was packed to capacity. You could barely make it a foot without bumping into at least 4 other people. I didn't like the congestion.
It was only moments before our drinks were set in front of us. I held the glass to my nose and gave it a sniff. It didn't smell so bad. Kind of had a spiced scent to it.
"I went easy on the rum, I promise." The bartender spoke, offering me one of those 'over the top ambitious for a bartender' grins. I gave him a polite nod, and took a sip.
It tasted a little off from just regular coke, but I didn't mind it.
Dare I say, I might have kind of liked it. The rum was an excellent compliment to the soda.
"I told you you'd like it!" Rosie called out. I gave her a small smile as my body started feeling a bit warmer than usual.
It only took minutes before I killed the drink completely and asked for another.
Rosie was chatting up a storm with Mr. Bartender, but it didn't take long before Chad had spotted us.
"Hey Rosie." He spoke, using the suave voice Rosie seemed to always fall for. He gave me a nod in my general direction but I ignored it.
Last time I saw him, he had made Rosie cry and and I had busted his nose.
We weren't exactly on speaking terms anymore.
"I'll be back in just a moment." Rosie called to me as she slipped off the bar stool and made her way onto the dance floor. Something told me I wasn't going to see her for the rest of the night.
Fantastic, I thought to myself.
"Can I get another one of these?" I asked the bartender. He gave me a nod.
"I hope that wasn't your girl." He spoke, setting the refreshed glass in front of me. I was finishing up sending a text to Sarah to see if she could pick me up in a bit.
"Nope, She was his though." I replied. These were probably the most words I had said to any stranger that wasn't a threat. I couldn't believe I was even carrying a conversation with this guy I barely knew, but I guess that was the power of liquor, right?
"Damn. Looks like a total douchebag too." I gave the bartender a smile.
"Definitely a total douchebag." I replied.
"I'm Damion by the way." He introduced.
"Killian." I replied. I offered him cash for the drink, but he told me it was on the house tonight.
By now, my body was completely on fire. I sort of liked the feeling. I don't think I'd ever just spoken without thinking, but in this moment, everything was fumbling past my lips.
There was another girl who had broken away from her friend group to grab a drink at the bar.
"I couldn't imagine a man such as yourself, drinking alone at a bar." She spoke to me. If I didn't have threee drinks mixing in my system, I probably would of ignored her, but what the hell I thought to myself.
"No girlfriend, just here with a friend. I think she's hooking up with her douchebag ex right now." I replied. The girl laughed at that.
"Well too bad for her. Would you care to dance a bit?" She asked.
"I'm sorry, but I don't dance." The only dancing I had ever done was an international dance class I was forced to take at Princeton. I had what some would call two left feet.
"Rubbish. Finish up that drink and I'll show you how." She called back. I took the last few sips from the glass, gave the bartender a generous tip, and let the girl lead me on to the dance floor.
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