Bones Exposed
The air was humid, sticky, hot, and all around, miserable. Groups of kids were complaining around me about this weather. It was bad, but it also was the middle of summer. Plus, all of the people around, jumping and yelling, didn’t help either. That was Warped Tour for you.
It was my first one. I started to listening to the bands that I was coming to see a couple of years ago, but finally I decided to go. It took me a while to get the courage to go. My friends didn’t really enjoy this music, even though I told them there were other genres here, so I was forced to go alone.
I made sure I was all ready for Warped Tour. Reading what people recommend, watching concert videos, and learning festival kindness. One of the thing it all thought me, it was going to be hot.
As much as I love the heat, I wanted to watch the bands, and leave in as little time as possible. I come to see a couple of bands, but the bands I wanted to see the most were Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil. So right when I got here, I made sure to get the time for them, and plan my day around it.
As I passed through the crowds of complaining teens, I found the main stage. I still had a couple of minutes before Sleeping With Sirens was suppose to come on, so I walked around the area. I stopped at a couple of booths, and got some free stuff, looked at the signing that were going to happen, and listen to the music around the area.
“Hello ma’am, are you busy?” A voice behind me asked.
I turned toward the voice, and saw a man in shades. “No sir.” I replied.
“Are you with friends?” He said.
He gave me an uncomfortable feeling, but I decided to be polite. “No sir, I am not.” I told him, trying to edge away from him.
“If you’d be interested, would you like some backstage tickets?” He asked, as he started getting closer the farther I walked off.
“I’m good.” I said. He didn’t seem like the person to handle those things, nor would that have anything to do with who I was with. I decided to get away from him. I turned my back from him and started walking away. I almost got to the main stage when a piece of cloth covered my mouth, forcing me to breath in the awful scient. It made me drowsy, and I felt sick. I tried fighting away the person who was doing this, but all I could do was fall out of conscious.
"Can you hear me?" A calming voice asked me.
I tried opening my eyes, but it felt like they were glued together. I felt as if someone was standing on my chest. Breathing was hard to do. I tried moving, anything really. The only thing that would move were my fingertips.I kept moving them, hoping of waking up more of my body.
"Keep your fingers moving. Please stay with me." The same calming voice pleaded.
I kept moving them like the voice said. I felt someone move my eyelids as the sun shined into my eyes. "It burns." I hissed. I kept my eyes open as the sky darken from sunglasses being put on my eyes.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" The voice asked.
I saw someone's fingers come into my vision. "Three." I said.
"Good, now what color hair do you have?" The voice asked again, wiggling locks of hair in my perspective.
"Dark brown." I said.
"What’s your name, and do you know what happened to you?” He asked. “I’m Vic by the way, I promise you're safe with me.” He insured.
"Marina." I spoke as I felt feeling go up my leg. "I don’t, I don’t remember very much." I said, my voice coming out weak and tired.
"I found you here after my show. I was just going to find my brother, and I found you here." He told me. “You seemed like you were out for a while, so I just stood by your side.”
I saw him stand up, but I couldn't see his face.
He reached an arm out, and I grabbed it with my little strength.
Vic pulled me up as I tried standing on my feet, only to fall into him. "I’m sorry, my legs are still waking up." I apologize.
“It’s okay.” He said sweetly.
I looked up at him and froze. "Vic Fuentes?" I gasped. I pushed away from him and fell to the ground.
He bent down and looked at me. "You've heard of me?" He asked.
I just stared wide eyed. "Yeah, I’m really, really, really sorry for making you come out here." I told him.
He just laughed. "It's not your fault, now let me help you. You need help." He said. He stood up and reached for me.
I sat there trying to process the moment. Then I reached my hand out. “Thanks." I sighed, grabbing his shoulder.
He walked me to where, I’m guessing, the tour buses were. We stayed silent, since walking took a lot of my breathing since I was still so weak. He opened a gate for me, and then we scrambled into the lot of buses.
“Where are we going?” I managed to asked.
“I thought I’d take you to the bus, just till you get better. If that’s okay with you.” He said.
I just nodded in return, as he took me to one of the buses. He opened the door, and a rush of noise attacked me.
"Vic! Where have you been?!" A voice called.
Vic leaded me onto the bus, and everyone went quiet.
“Guys, can I have a minute.” Vic asked them.
I just looked down at the floor as Vic moved me alone a very small bus. I saw people’s feet on both sides of me, noting that there were at least three people on the bus. Vic took me pass a darker area, then into a bigger area than what we were in.
“You can sit on the couch over there.” Vic said.
I looked up, and moved over to the couch.
“I’m going to go tell the guys what’s happened, you need anything right now?” He asked.
I felt my head sting a little. “Can I have some pain killers.” I asked.
“Sure, I can do that.” He replied. He walked over to the other side from me, and jumped on the couch. He slid pass a glass panel, and grabbed a bag. Opening it, he passed me a bottle. Then he grabbed a water bottle, and put everything back together again. “Need anything else?” He asked, handing me the water bottle.
I shook my head, and smiled. “Thanks.” I told him.
“No problem, it’s a shame something like that happened. If you need anything, anything, just tell me.” He said, then proceeded to walk back to where we came from.
I took out two pills, and took a swig of water to swallow them down with. My head was starting to pound, and I just wanted to rest. I leaned down on the couch, and decided to just close my eyes for a little. My body was still very weak. I listened to the voice’s talking, but I couldn’t hear clear words.
“Marina!” A voice called as footsteps came closer to me.
I opened my eyes and smiled when Vic entered. “Yes.” I replied weakly.
“We are going to be leaving soon to the next venue. I know this seems really sudden, but would you like to come with us, just for today, and then we’ll get you a ride home tomorrow.” Vic said, seeming nervous.
I thought about it for a little bit. I was in no condition to drive myself home, it was too dangerous for them to just leave me, and it wouldn’t hurt to stay a little while. “That’s fine with me. Is it okay with everyone else?” I asked.
Vic laughed. “They said as long as they get to meet you.” He told me. “Guys, come here!” He yelled to the other side of the bus.
Footsteps raked through the bus, and then all three other boys that make Pierce The Veil appeared.
“So, your name is Marina?” Mike was the first one to speak up.
I nodded my head and smiled. “And you’re Mike.” I stated.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Marina.” Mike says. “We don’t usually let fans on the bus.” He tells me.
“I didn’t think you did.” I told him.
The air around us was really awkward, which I was hoping didn’t last long.
“I’m Tony, nice to meet you Marina.” Tony said shyly.
I smile to him. “It’s nice meeting you too.” I told him.
And then all the awkwardness was gone when Jaime spoke up. “I’m Jaime!” He said excited. He ran over to me and lifted me off the couch, into a bear hug.
I just grinned into the hug, just hanging there. “Nice to meet you too, Jaime.” I said.
“Well, everyone has meet Marina. Why don’t you tell us some things about yourself.” Vic said, and everyone walked over to the couch. “Just like school.” Vic joked.
“I go to college near here. I guess that’s pretty cool. I enjoy music a lot, but can’t sing a note. Nothing really special I guess.” I said. What did they want me to say? Who you favorite member of the band was? Sorry, but I didn’t want to make any enemies.
“That’s fine. You need to rest anyways, so I’ll leave you alone. If you want, we have an extra bunk under Jaime, but I imagine the couch is more comfortable.” Vic said.
Everybody started standing up, and leaving to go, to where I am guessing, bed. “I’m fine with the couch. Can I just have a thin blanket?” I asked.
“Sure.” Vic walked over to a little pill, and pulled out a blanket. “Make yourself cozy, and if you need anything, I’m the top bunk on the right.” Vic told me.
I nodded and smiled. “Thanks Vic for this. It really means a lot. Especially since I have no clue what caused a guy to do that. I just can’t even thank you enough.” I told him.
He smiled, and wrapped the blanket around me. “It’s fine Marina. As long as you are safe, that’s all I care about.”
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