Rewrite of Chapter 1
This is the rewrite of chapter 1. It is a sample of a possible rewrite of the whole book, please read and let me know your honest opinion! Thank you all!
??? POV
I was blindly running, so driven by fear my vision swirled. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins so fast I could hear my own heart pounding wildly in my ears. With nothing but the faint glow of the full moon leading the way, I stumbled and tripped through the forest, running who knows where.
I glanced behind me in hopes of seeing how close he was. But I couldn't tell. I couldn't see. I couldn't know. Tears of horror poured down my face, only making it harder to see. My long, knotted, blonde hair stuck to my face from the tears and blood. My small, bloody, cracked fingers flew wildly in all directions, knocking branches out of the way and blocking me from hitting trunks of trees.
I finally had the guts to make a break for it, and I was scared beyond my mind. If I would be caught, I would surely be killed. I knew if he got a hold of me, I would be tortured until my heart stopped beating. And maybe even then he wouldn't leave me poor, broken, empty husk alone. He probably would tear it into little pieces, not even letting my body finally lay to rest peacefully.
I didn't know where I was running but I kept going. Tripped over every root and rock, but still ran on. My small lungs took in huge gulps of air. I glanced behind me again, hoping I could see something.
I didn't know how long I was running, but my legs finally collapsed, I fell face first, my skin drug painfully in the cold dirt. The dirt mixed with my blood, only making me dirtier and the wounds bleed more. My chest heaved up and down harder than ever before. I didn't think I have ever been this exhausted before, not even after all those sleepless nights. Not after days on end of cleaning and cooking. Nothing, nothing has ever made me this tired before. I crawled slowly over to the nearest tree. I curled my sore, bloody, shaking body into a small ball, shivering from the crisp night. The branches around me hung over my head like long black claws reaching out to grasp me and drag me back to my nightmare. I whimpered, more tears ran brown and red trails down my face. I closed my burning eyes and welcomed the darkness in, finally letting it take me away like so many times before.
Nathan's POV
I sighed and ran my hand through my tousled, black hair. I scanned the finished paperwork tiredly, trying to feel at least slightly accomplished for the day. But something was still missing, it was still making me feel unsettled. There was something I was forgetting, an unfinished task possibly? I needed to do it, but what was it?
I finished my paperwork, I checked on the warriors, and I peeked in on the young pups and the pups in school. I made sure everything in the pack house was in order. I signed all the papers I needed to. I called ally packs and made arrangements as needed. I patrolled the territory a hundred times over, checking every post, every inch of the border. What more was there to do? What haven't I done? I frowned and sat back. This feeling was eating me up inside. My wolf growled and paced in my mind, the past few days he hasn't settled down and has been just as anxious as me. But why?!
"Kyle?" I mindlinked my beta and best friend.
"Yes, Alpha?"
"Is there anything left unfinished?" There was a few second pause on his end.
"I don't believe so, Alpha. I think you have finished everything there is to do."
I growled and stood up, beginning to pace my office. My hands ran through my hair again, my eyes flung wildly around the room, thinking, wondering, screaming at me to do this unfinished task. What have I missed?! I finally had enough of the small room and stormed out, deciding to go for a run to clear my head.
I began a steady jog through the forest, getting my muscles warmed up and enjoying the bright green forest and patches of sun peaking through the leaves. I closed my eyes and let myself mindlessly shapeshift. The familiar sound of snapping and popping of bones filled my sensitive ears. The shift was nearly painless now, which I was thankful for. My arms pulled back and snapped in haunches, my spine snapped and morphed, stretching out. My mouth pulled and stretched, growing a long muzzle with sharp pointy teeth and a sensitive black nose. My ears morphed and stretched to the top of my head. My whole body swelled and grew, shredding the clothes around me and covering me in long, soft, black hair. It was a few second process but it felt amazing.
Running in my place was my wolf form, he was tall, muscular, powerful, and deadly, just as an alpha-blooded wolf should be. I was almost 4 feet tall at the shoulder and well over 7 feet long from my nose to the tip of my tail.
I ran the border of my territory, checking again. I still had that sickening feeling that I was forgetting something. Something important. Once I finished the full border, I ran it again, and again, and again. The sun was nearly dipping below the horizon and I wasn't any more relaxed than I was before. It has actually gotten worse. I finally went back inside, shifting by our basket of clothes, and slipped some on. I sighed and walked into the alpha manor. This was where the alpha family, beta family, gamma family, and some of the warriors lived. I sat down at the island in the kitchen with a huff, running my hands through my hair yet again.
"Nathan, you've finished everything. There is nothing left to do." Kyle walked in, seeing my distressed state.
"I know, but I'm missing something. It's just eating me up inside. I need to do it. My wolf won't settle down either." I sighed.
"What do you think it is?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I drug my hands over my face, looking out the large window in pained confusion.
"I don't know," I whispered, trying not to sound defeated or annoyed as I felt inside.
??? POV
I heard the sound of a twig snapping and my eyes peeled open. Too tired to move, I just lay there. I knew I was in danger. Who knows who just snapped that twig? Maybe it was him. Or it was a wolf or bear, then I would be an easy meal for them. I just didn't care. I no longer shivered from the cold, which couldn't be a good thing. I couldn't feel all my wounds either, I just felt numb. I scanned the darkness weakly, wondering what was out there.
I faintly heard the sound of bones snapping and popping, sending a shiver down my spine. I curled tighter against myself, that was never a good sound. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dim moonlit forest and I focused on the nearing form of a tall man. I couldn't tell anything about this man besides he was tall, muscular, and intimidating.
"Who are you?" I heard him say harshly causing me to flinch and close my eyes tight, fearing the worst. "What are you doing on my land, rogue? You know you aren't welcome." He snapped. I shivered from the power behind his voice. "Answer me when I'm talking to you!" He said louder, taking an intimidating step closer to me. "Who are you?" I shied away from his nearing figure as best as I could but my body felt so numb and frozen I barely moved at all.
He growled, a sound I've heard so many times from him. I flinched harder than before and whimpered, closing my eyes tighter, preparing for the blow. When it didn't come I carefully peeked open my eyes seeing him standing over me, kneeling closer to my level. Now that he was closer I could see his short blonde hair and concerned face. I looked away quickly, avoiding looking at him. I would always get in trouble when I looked at his face.
"How old are you?" He asked, more gently this time, a sound I haven't heard directed at me before. "Did you get kicked out of your pack?" He asked another question.
'What is he talking about?'
"You don't know about this world do you?" He asked softly. I just stayed silent, like always. He sighed. "Come, let's get you cleaned up." He leaned over to me and reached out, the second his skin touched mine I yelped and shot up on my shaky legs, leaping away as fast as I could. I tumbled to the ground and hit my head against a tree truck. I cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground, my vision going dark.
I opened my eyes slowly, expecting to see the same gray ceiling as normal but was completely shocked to see clean white tiles. The sudden change in my surroundings gave me a mini panic attack, my whole body jumped up, heart rate shot through the hoof. I spun around to see myself in a large white room, laying on an actual bed. The events from yesterday came flooding back which made me relax just a little more, but I still was super tense. "You're awake... at 4:30..." An unfamiliar tired male voice yawned. My hair stood on end as I snapped my head around to see the same guy from before sitting in the chair next to the bed, his eyes droopy and tired. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I looked away and started shaking, scared of what he was going to do to me. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know if you're alright." When I didn't respond, he raised his hand, probably to run it over his face, but out of habit, I lifted my arm in defense. I shied away and shielded myself as best as I could, waiting for his large hand to come down on me.
I heard him suck in a breath sharply. "I'm sorry!" He apologized quickly. I whimpered and curled into my comfort ball, tucking my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, holding myself tight. I began to rock forward and back again. He swore under his breath, looking worriedly at me. "I didn't mean to scare you!" He said sincerely. "I would never hit you, or hurt you on purpose." My bottom lip quivered. "Can you talk?" He asked softly. I just glanced at him, keeping my face downcast. The man sighed softly. "My name is Logan, Logan DarkEclipse." He introduced himself. His eyes scanned me over as if checking for something. "This may sound weird, but have you shifted yet?" I didn't respond but I was unable to hide my confusion.
'What are all those new words he was saying? Why am I here? Why hasn't he brought me back yet?'
"Where did you come from?" My heart leapt out of my chest in the pain of the memories. I whimpered in fear and curled up tighter, trying to hide somehow. Just the thought of going back there made me cry in fear. I faintly heard his voice but the ringing in my ears muffled the words. Everything around me was so bright, so loud, so confusing, and new looking. My vision became blurry and too bright making me squeeze them tightly closed. My entire body felt like it just burst into flames. I shook my head violently, feeling so unsafe I couldn't breathe. My vision became dotted with black from lack of oxygen and I felt like I was drowning. I sobbed loudly, trying to take a breath in but everything was too closed up. I heard shouting and voices but couldn't pick any words out even if I tried.
I felt a small poke in my arm, slowly my body stopped shaking and my heart rate slowed back down. I gently drifted off into the darkness, taking a deep breath in as I blacked out.
Logan's POV
"What happened to her?" I asked the doctor, staring at the small strange werewolf laying on the hospital bed.
"I believe she just had a severe panic attack, Alpha." I frowned at the words.
"I've never seen a panic attack like that before," I mumbled, rubbing my chin thoughtfully.
"Panic attacks come in many shapes and forms." He said respectfully. "This young wolf just went through the worst one I have ever seen." He motioned to the mysterious girl.
"How long will she be out?"
"Not long, I gave her just enough to calm her down." There was a few second pause. "Who is she, Alpha?"
"I don't know." I sighed. "She hasn't said a word, but I don't think she knows what she is. I smell wolf on her, but not strong enough. I don't think she has shifted yet even though she looks plenty past the age. She also doesn't have a pack or rogue scent." I heard shuffling on the bed and turned to look at the young girl. She didn't look a day over 18. Her big, dull, green eyes opened wide in fear. All shifters have unnaturally bright eyes, almost like it's sparkling. But hers were so dull, lifeless, there wasn't even a certain shimmer that human eyes have. My eyes quickly traced over all the visible scars across her face, neck, arms, and legs. There were so many.
"Just breathe, we aren't going to hurt you," I said as gently as I could. Her busted bottom lip quivered slightly as she stared unblinkingly at me. Her pale skin was coated in grime and blood and her long blonde hair stuck every which way. "Can you talk?" I asked again, making sure to stay plenty far away and talk gently. Her eyes darted around the room, taking everything in like it was the first time she was seeing this stuff.
'I don't know how to comfort anyone.' I thought quietly. 'But I know Clarrisa is great at it.' I smiled at just the thought of my mate alone.
"Babe?" I said gently in our mindlink.
"Hmm?" I heard the gentleness of her voice, letting me know she was taking care of our few-month-old son.
"Are you busy?"
"Just rocking William, is everything alright?"
"I have someone I need you to meet if you are up for it." I could feel her confusion through our bond.
"Sure? Did you want me to take Will?" I looked at the shaking werewolf, wondering if it would help to see a little kid, maybe it would help her realize that we aren't going to hurt her, or maybe it would be dangerous for him. I couldn't put my son in harm's way for anything.
"Is he grumpy?" I asked. If he wasn't grumpy, maybe I could hold him while Clarrisa tries to reason with the new wolf.
"No, this is the happiest I've seen him in a long time."
"Then, yeah, why don't you bring him? It might help."
"Alright, where are you?"
"Hospital room 417."
I felt Clarrisa back out of the mindlink, telling me she was done talking. I blinked a few times, my eyes slightly dry from staring. "Everything alright, Alpha?" The doctor asked.
"Yeah, I just asked Clarrisa to come over. She would be able to comfort her better than we could." I looked over at our new guest. I tilted my head to the side as I saw her eyes closed but darting back and forth like she was remembering something. Her skinny legs pulled tight to her chest. There was no fat on this poor girl, she was just skin and bone. The wolf smell on her was still really faint, but it was there. Her shallow wounds from when I found her had already nearly healed up, showing me that she did have a wolf. No human could heal that fast, but no werewolf heals that slow. Something must be wrong with her wolf.
After a few minutes of silence, I heard a soft knock on the hospital door and was surrounded by my mate's addicting flowery smell. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I turned, and pulled my mate in a gentle hug, burying my face in her soft, wavy, caramel-brown hair. Little shocks danced on my skin where it touched hers.
"Thank you for coming, Babe," I whispered, giving her a soft kiss. She smiled, her beautiful chestnut eyes sparkled. I heard a tiny, heart-melting giggle come from my mate's arms. I looked down and saw my son, William, holding his tiny hands up to me. His hazel eyes identical to mine stared right back at me. "Hey, Will." I gently took my son from Clarrisa's arms and held him close to me. Will giggled again and grabbed onto my fingers, blowing little baby bubbles.
I looked up to see the new wolf looking at me curiously, her big eyes watching my every move and her head tilted ever so slightly to the right. "Is this who you want me to meet?" Clarrisa asked. I nodded.
"But be careful, I can't get near her without her nearly passing out from fear. She just got over a major panic attack about 10 minutes ago. She also hasn't said a word or interacted with us in any way."
I told my mate over our link. She frowned slightly but quickly covered it up with a gentle smile, releasing her super calming Luna aura. All Lunas have it, they are the mothers of the pack after all, but controlling it is something that takes a lot of practice. The new wolf frowned in confusion, probably feeling the effects already. Clarrisa grabbed a glass and filled it with cool water, the new wolf's eyes flickered to the water, she swallowed loudly and slightly licked her lips, but winced and looked away.
"My name is Clarrisa," My beautiful mate said super softly, a welcoming smile on her face. "Would it be ok if I sat here?" She motioned slowly to the foot of the bed. The new wolf frowned, but slowly and barely moved her head down once, like a tiny nod. I blinked in surprise, Clarrisa already got an answer from her! That's the most she's interacted with anyone before. Clarrisa slowly sat down, keeping her movements smooth and careful. "Would you like some water?" Her bottom lip quivered as she stared at the water sadly. "Here." Clarrisa slowly reached out the glass towards her. She tensed a lot but didn't move. She slowly reached her boney hands out to the glass, eyes flickering between the water and Clarrisa's face like she was waiting for something.
She finally took the glass and slowly brought it to her lips, watching Clarrisa the whole time. When the water hit her lips she sighed and her eyes closed. She nearly downed the whole glass in one swallow! She licked her lips and looked down into the glass as if she was making sure she got it all. "Would you like some more?" This time she nodded her head clearly, handing the glass back. Clarrisa filled it and she took it quicker from my mate, also downing this one quickly. I watched the little girl's muscles slowly relax as drank her fourth glass of water. The doctor had to leave to visit other patients but he said he would be back later.
"When was the last time this poor girl had anything to drink?!" My mate asked through our link.
"I don't know, Babe." I sighed. Just then William squeaked, throwing his hands up at me, giggling. The new wolf flinched and snapped her eyes at William. She relaxed again when she saw it was just Will.
"Can you speak?" Clarrisa asked. The new girl just glanced up at me and Will, then back at Clarrisa. She blinked once and looked down, not answering the question. "What is your name?" This caused her to frown deeply, her bottom lip quivered again. A single tear ran down her face, my heart broke for this poor girl. The girl finally shrugged her shoulders, glancing at Clarrisa. My mate tilted her head to the side.
"You don't know what your name is?" She looked sadly up at my mate, slowly shaking her head. I inhaled sharply.
'How does she not know her own name?'
"Is there something we could at least call you until we figure it all out?" The young wolf shrugged her shoulders. "Hmmmm." My mate hummed, in deep thought. "How about Bailey?" The little girl's eyes seemed to light up, I even saw the certain sparkle all shifters have, but it quickly faded along with her sudden happiness. "Bailey it is." Clarrisa smiled. "Where did you come from, Bailey?"
This made her eyes shoot wide open and tears pour freely down her face. She started to shake violently and whimpered. Bailey shook her head vigorously and scurried away, covering herself with her arms, trying to hide from us. Clarrisa looked worriedly up at me, quickly taking a few steps away from her.
Hey, I'm back everyone. I recently was reminded of this story. My life has only gotten crazier since I hit writers block on this story. I said I would continue writing it as my life settled down, but it hasn't. I have come to terms with that fact that it most likely never will and that I need to stop using that as an excuse. I've been craving writing lately so I thought that this was the best way to get back into it.
What are your guys' thoughts? If you think this story is worth continuing, if the rewrite is worth it, I will discontinue the old and start a new book. If I don't get many people interested, I will just scrap it, no hard feelings what so ever.
Thank you for all those who have stuck through this, even though it was very poorly written. It means the world to me to see that my story has brought even just a couple of people some entertainment.
What did you think of the rewrite?
Should I do question and quote of the day? I personally like them.
Question of the day:
How have you guys been doing?
I have been doing really good. I'm in my last semester of school, about to start the next chapter in my life (super excited for it), I recently starting dating! So that's new and exciting. I've been getting a better view at life, more optimistic and open which makes life more bearable, even through the difficult times.
Quotes of the day:
"You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy." - Nightbird (AGT)
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there." - Lewis Carroll
See you later, alligator!
(WC: 3,901)
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