Chpater 3
"GIRL!" Aaron's voice screamed through the house. I woke up and ran over to him before I got punished. My foot caught on the edge of the carpet and I went flying on my face. I gasped and scrambled up to my feet but I fell again. I finally stood up and ran the rest of the way over to him.
"What took you so long?" He hissed.
"S-Sorry Master. I was asleep and didn't hear your call. Then I tripped over the carpet. I am sorry Master." I whimpered.
"That is no excuse!" He roared in my face. I whimpered again. His fist collided with my cheek and I fell to the ground in a heap.
"You are useless." He kicked me in the gut. "You're garbage." Another kick. "Only good for work."
After each name he called me, he kicked me. 'Waste of food. Waste of air. Waste of life. Worthless. Pathetic.' the list just went on and on. I screamed and covered my ears. I curled into a tinier ball, hoping the pain would end.
"PLEASE MASTER! Stop!" I cried out. "No!" He just kept kicking me and calling me names.
"BAILEY!" A different voice yelled. Again and again it called my name but Aaron was still there kicking me. Finally I felt a strong hand grip my arm and tingles erupted from the touch and I shot awake.
I was breathing really heavy, my eyes were wide open, my throat was sore. I whimpered and curled into a ball, pulling my legs up to my chest and hugged them.
The bed dipped down by me and I felt 2 arms pull me into a hug. I flinched when his hands touched me but I didn't move.
"It's ok, Bailey. You're ok now. They are not hurting you anymore." Nathan cooed me. My head was resting against his firm chest. Tingles coated my body, trying to get me to relax. Nathan's scent surrounded me, calming my nerves.
"You want to talk about it? That's what always helped me." Nathan asked me softly. I shook my head no. "Ok. Do you want anything? Water? Food?" I shook my head no again.
I was shaking while I closed my eyes tight. Nathan just held me close. It was comforting, I almost let myself relax and get comfortable when I remembered what I was. I was a waste of air, useless, no good. So I stiffened up and breathed through my mouth so I would get less of his calming scent.
"Bailey, just relax Angel." Nathan said, he must have noticed my stiffness. "You are ok now." But I didn't fall for his trickery. We sat in silence like this for a little bit. I took this chance to look around.
I was laying on an actual bed for literally the first time since Aaron took me. The comforter was soft and fluffy.
The room itself was huge! I could just faintly see the back wall through the darkness. A could see a large tv and a couch as well. I couldn't look to the sides of me because Nathan was there.
"Want to go eat breakfast Angel?" I shook my head no.
"I can go make it though." I whispered.
"No honey. You don't have to do that." He whispered back. "We have cooks doing it."
"Why don't we head down, ok? Maybe when you see the food you would want some?" I just nodded my head. Not wanting to argue.
Nathan got off the bed and I followed. I stood up to my full height of like 5'5'. Nathan towered over me, easily past 6 foot. My skinny figure looked even smaller next to him. He reached out his hand and I slowly put my tiny bony hand in his.
He smiled and walked over to the door. We stepped out into the light. I looked around at the nice walls and the bright new lights. It was nothing like Aaron's house. This place was HUGE!
Nathan watched me carefully as we walked down the hall and past many other doors. Then, he opened a door at the end of the hall and I gasped when I saw all the people on the other side talking, laughing, and eating.
I have never seen so many people in one place before! My eyes widened as I stopped and tried to turn around.
"Shhh. It's ok Bailey. What's wrong?"
'Why? Why did he have to keep asking questions?! Now I have to answer him!'
"Too many people!" I whimpered as I tried running back to the room.
"Hey Bailey. It's ok. They won't hurt you." My heart was racing, but I knew there was no use fighting him. So I let him lead me back to the door. He opened it the rest of the way and the whole crowd of people erupted into cheers and applause. It was so loud and unexpected!
I yelped and tore out of Nathan's grip and ran the other way as fast as I could.
"Bailey!" Nathan called. The cheers died as I ran as far and as fast as I could. I heard the padding of Nathan's feet as he chased after me.
I reached the end of the hall where there was a dead end. I looked around for a way out but found none, so I dove behind a decorative plant and curled into a tiny ball back there.
Nathan wasn't far behind.
"Bailey, sweetie. I am so sorry they scared you honey." His voice called calmly. I saw through the plant that he was sniffing the air and looking for me. His eyes landed on the plant I was hiding behind.
"They were just congratulating us. They are happy that I found my mate Bailey. Please come out."
'Please? He actually asked nicely? And what is a mate? Why would they be congratulating him? Is he happy he gets another maid?' Thoughts ran through my head as I hid there.
"I can tell them to be quiet or leave if that would make you more comfortable." His voice was so soft and gentle. The only other time I heard that tone was when Aaron took me. But there was something different, there seemed to be another feeling pouring out of his voice.
I slowly shuffled out from behind the plant. His face lit up into a huge smile when he saw me.
"Want the pack members to be quiet?" I nodded my head. "Ok, come, let's go eat."
He reached out his hand for me to take and I carefully put my hand in his. He gently pulled me up, there was this cutest smile on his face. 'He seems so different from Aaron...' I thought as he held my hand as we walked.
Right before we reached the door, I heard the voices of the people on the other side and I became scared again. Nathan noticed and stopped us there. His eyes went cloudy and it surprised me.
'What happened to his perfect blue eyes?!' I yelled in my mind. It looked like a cloud just passed by and covered up the color making it a more faded and darker blue. The voices on the other side of the door stopped suddenly and Nathan's eyes went back to normal.
"I told them that they have to be quiet and not stare. Is that ok?" I nodded my head and Nathan slowly opened the door.
I was expecting every eye to be on me, but to my surprise, everyone was eating silently and looking at their food.
Nathan led me to the line where there was endless food waiting. I opened my mouth in shock, never in my life have I seen so much food.
"What do you want Bailey?" Nathan asked me softly, breaking the silence in the room. I swallowed and whispered,
"A slice of bread, an apple, and a glass of water please." I noticed that people started talking quietly, a few at a time.
"Is that all?" I nodded my head. He frowned and scrunched together his eye brows while looking at me carefully.
"You can eat as much as you want, you know."
"I know..." I said quietly.
"Ok..." He said slowly. Within a few seconds I had a large plate that only had what I ordered. I looked at Nathan's and saw that he piled his plate full of all sorts of foods. By now most of the people here were talking quietly and every so often I caught someone looking at me and when they saw I was looking at them, they quickly looked away.
Nathan led me over to a table that had 6 other people at it. Starting on the left there was Kyle with a woman close to him on his right. She was skinny with brown-black hair and deep green eyes similar to Kyle's. There was this power coming off them that was similar to Nathan's but a little less strong.
There was a little gap then another couple. The man had red-blonde hair with grey eyes and the girl had blue hair with silver streaks underneath, and her eyes were chestnut. Both of them had a little bit of power radiating off them.
There was another little gap then the last couple. They were both extremely fit. The man was tall and muscular with a short beard. His hair and beard was black and his eyes were a green-grey color. The girl was tan with bright blonde wavy hair. She was skinny and muscular and her eyes were interesting. It started at the pupil with a light brown then it spread out and turned into a light green color.
Nathan sat down next to Kyle and I sat down to the right of him. We ate in a tense awkward silence. Finally Nathan said happily,
"The table is finally filled!" The other 6 smiled and nodded their heads, but I was confused. But Aaron told me I wasn't aloud to talk when I wasn't told to so I kept quiet.
'What does he mean it is filled? Who are those people? What is this power I can feel? What are all those people doing here? Why hasn't Nathan punished me yet? Why am I a wolf? Why is Nathan a wolf? What is this place? Why am I here? Where is my mom? Why didn't she come for me while I was with Aaron? Why is Nathan called Alpha? What is an Alpha?' Nathan must have noticed my scrunched face because he asked me,
"What's wrong Angel?"
"I am confused." I confessed, I closed my eyes and prepared the hit. Aaron always hurt me when I didn't know something.
"What are you confused about Bailey?"
"Everything." I whispered, the people at the table looked down at their food and ate in silence.
"What do you mean?"
"Never mind." I mumbled as I took a bite of the apple. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Nathan looked a little hurt. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again and took a bite of some sort of meat.
When I finished my food I just sat there, waiting to be told to do something. Everyone else was still eating.
"Are you still hungry? Want me to go get you more food?" Nathan asked me softly.
"No thank-you. I am full."
"You didn't even eat a lot though, Bailey."
"This is what I have eaten for the past 11 years of my life, I am full." I said back to him with a little bit of sass that I didn't even know I had. He looked shocked.
"11 years with only that as your meals?" I nodded my head. The look on his face scared me into not saying any more. I quickly glanced at the people at the table and saw they had similar expressions, but they were not looking at me.
Anger, shock, and maybe a little fear? Or confusion? I don't know, but I didn't like it. So I looked down at my hands in my lap, avoiding everyone's gaze.
"Bailey..." A very quiet, kind voice called my name. I looked up slowly to see the girl straight ahead of me, the one with a little bit of power. Her chestnut eyes were filled with sadness and caring. "Honey, you can talk to us. We are here for you."
She gave me a sad smile, her face held so much emotion it was hard to read it all. I just nodded my head and looked down again. The rest of the meal was eaten is silence until they were finally done and Nathan took me back to his room. He led me over to the couch and we sat down, I sat on the other side of it, as far from Nathan as possible.
"Bailey, about last night..." He started. I just looked down the whole time. "You were screaming and crying for someone to stop. Please talk to me. I want to help you, Angel. But you have to open up first." He spoke so softly that I could barely hear him in the silent room.
We were quiet for a little bit. I still didn't want to open up to him though. If he knew what I have been through, he would learn just what Aaron did and he would do the same thing or worse. Or he would turn me away because I am broken and worthless.
'I can't take the chance that he might be just like Aaron.' I thought fiercely. 'I can't let him in. I have to keep pushing him away.'
"What if you would tell me a little bit each day? Just a little bit of your past. How does that sound?" Nathan asked me hopefully. I knew he would just keep nagging and I might as well try to please him.
I nodded my head and he smiled softly but if his eyes could smile, his eye smile would be the largest smile ever. His eyes were sparkling with happiness.
"Want to start now?"
"Sure..." I said slowly, testing my voice. I took a deep breath as I told him my story.
"I was 4 years old and I lived in a small nice town." I began. He looked at me unblinkingly. I closed my eyes and continued. "One day my mom let me go to the park. I was there alone for a while before this tall dark haired muscular man walked up to me and told me that my mom got into an accident and is at the hospital and he was sent to get me. I didn't believe him and ran, but he was inhumanly fast and caught up to me in no time.
He told me to be quiet and do what he said or I will never see my family again and he took me to his truck vehicle thing. Then he started driving me away. He told me the new rules I would have to follow, and what my life was going to be like. He took me to his house and instantly started on chores and taught me how to cook food for him."
I stopped there and opened my eyes to find Nathan looking at me. On the outside he looked relaxed but I could see in his eyes that he was upset.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered. I didn't know what I was sorry for, but I was sorry.
"What are you sorry for Angel? You did nothing wrong!" Nathan gasped as he reached out to pull me into a hug. I instinctively flinched and shied away. I closed my eyes tight and waited for the blow, but none came. I opened my eyes to see that Nathan pulled his hands away and was looking at me with hurt and confusion.
"I-I am sorry." I stuttered as I stood up and ran out towards the door. That look on his face hurt me. That look that I hurt him pulled something in my chest.
'But why do I care that I hurt him somehow?' I thought as I ran. Before I got close to the door, Nathan was there blocking it. I gasped and turned the other way and darted into the bathroom and closed and locked myself in there.
I heard Nathan walk up to the door. He knocked softly.
"Bailey. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." I didn't respond. 'Maybe I can stay in here forever. He can't punish me if I stay here.' "Bailey, please talk to me. What's wrong?" I still didn't respond. I heard him sigh as the door creaked as he leaned against it.
"I-I am confused about everything around me." A whispered loudly.
"Do you want me to explain Angel?"
"Yes, please." I whispered.
I sat down near the door and I heard Nathan do the same.
"What do you want me to explain first?"
"What are we?"
"We are called werewolves. When we turn 16, the Moon Goddess gives us a wolf. We are able to change or shift into the wolf at any time. They are a part of us. If our wolf dies, so do we. Does that make sense?"
"Kind of. What is a Moon Goddess?" There was a slight pause.
"Well, she is the god of the wereanimals. She is the creator of werewolves. The Moon Goddess pairs wolves and humans together, she also pairs 2 people together for life. They are called mates. When mates see each other, the world slows down. Their smell calms you down and makes your heart flutter. When your skin touches, tingles erupt and coat your body, relaxing you. And you never want anything or anyone else besides your mate." He said in a dreamy far off land voice.
"So... does that mean...?"
"Yes, Bailey, you are my mate." I was silent for a little bit.
'So I was given a wolf part of me by someone called the Moon Goddess and she also gave me Nathan as my mate?'
"Where are we? And who were all those people?"
"You know how wolves live in packs?"
"Well, werewolves are the same way. We live in large groups called packs and there are ranks in the pack just like normal wolves. So we are in a large building called a pack house. All those people in that room was the pack members. I am their Alpha, their leader.
At the table is the leaders of the pack that help me. They are my close friends and trusted members and their mates. I can introduce you to them sometime if you want."
"Ok. But why are the people congratulating you?"
"If you accept me as your mate, and if you accept the position, you would become the packs Luna. The Luna is the mother of the pack. She is caring, and loving to everyone, and she keeps the Alpha in check. You would be that person Bailey. And the pack always has a strong connection to their Luna. So they are happy that I found my mate and their Luna."
It was all starting to make sense to me. Why he has been so kind to me, why he hasn't hurt me, why I feel safe near him, why I feel sparks when he touches me. All the pieces start to fit together except one.
"How do I know you aren't lying to me?"
I heard him sigh loudly, his head hit the door.
"Bailey. Don't you feel the sparks? How can I lie about that? Don't you feel that pull towards me? The... the... need to be near me at all times? Don't you feel that?"
"Ya... but that doesn't mean anything."
"It means you are my mate. We were given each other from the Moon Goddess to be together forever."
"Tell me this, if the Moon Goddess or whoever wouldn't have paired us or whatever, would you still want to help me, care for me, protect me?" There was a little bit of silence.
"Well, as an Alpha it is my duty to protect my pack from all threats and you were a ro-"
"So you wouldn't have helped me. The only reason I am still alive and the only reason why you say you care for me is because of the Moon Goddess." I said, disgusted.
"You only claim you love me because of these sparks going on." I didn't know what I was thinking, making him mad.
'I am probably going to get really punished now.' I thought to myself. 'Can this door hold him back?'
I heard him growl lowly and inhumanly on the other side of the door.
"Bailey. The Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes. She paired me to you for a reason. I am not going to question it. You are perfect, you are mine." His voice was rising. I stood up and backed away from the door.
"You only think that because of the mate bond." I heard him start to pant, I could tell he was really getting upset.
"When you saw me in the forest for the first time, what would you have done to me if I wasn't your mate?" I asked loudly, finding my firm voice. He was silent for a while.
"I would have done what I do to all other rogues. I would have brought you to the doctor and got you fixed up and then to the dungeons." He told me.
"Well then there it is, the only reason you care for me is because of the bond."
"So what? I love you Bailey, you are mine forever, my perfect mate." I was silent, my sadness started to kick in.
"But... I'm not perfect." I said quieter this time.
"You are to me."
"You-You're lying. I'm useless, ugly, worthless, a waste of air." With each word, I got quieter and quieter, I sat down again and curled into my comfort ball.
"What are you talking about? You are beautiful, and you are the most amazing girl I know." I flinched again when he said girl.
"That's not true and you know it, I know it. So stop lying to me." I whispered.
"Bailey, whoever told you this don't see you the way I do. Whoever told you is wrong." He said, I could hear anger in his voice.
What does he mean Aaron is wrong?
"Why don't you open the door Bailey?"
I shook my head but realized he couldn't see me.
"No thank-you."
"I won't hurt you Angel. I just want to comfort you, I can tell you are sad. Please?"
"No, you just want to punish me."
"What? Bailey, I'm not like that. I won't ever hurt you Bailey. Please let me in?" I was silent this time.
Nathan sighed again for like the 5th time. I could tell this was getting to him, but I wasn't about to let him in.
'I got away from Aaron, and I will not get caught by Nathan. He has an army here that can catch me in an instant. I will not let Nathan in. I will no longer be the weak Bailey he knows, I am going to harden my heart, set my mind, and close off my feelings. I am going to be a whole different person, I am going to go back to being 'Girl'.'
The last tear I was going to let fall slid down my face and into my lap. I was no longer Bailey. I set my jaw, closed my fists, put on my no emotion face, lowered my shoulders, made myself smaller and closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep on the rug in the bathroom of Nathan's room with the sounds of Nathan's plees on the other side of the door.
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