Chapter 5
~~Light Editing~~
It's been a week since I decided to give Nathan a try. I didn't open up to him or tell him my past, but I started to let his love into my heart.
Nathan had some paper work things he needed to do and I went with him to his office.
"Hey Nathan?" I asked as I set down the book I was reading. He looked up from his paper work.
"Are you almost done?"
"Just a few more pages to go. Why? Are you bored? Want to go back to the room?"
"No, I just wanted to tell you some things."
"Do you want me to stop? We can talk now if you want."
"No, go ahead and finish your work." I smiled at him. He gave me a side ways glance then one of his charming smiles that make my heart flutter. I gave him my small smile and looked back down at my book.
A few pages later I heard Nathan stand up and sigh.
"Finally done with those stupid papers!" He laughed as he walked over to me. He held out his hand for me to take. "Ready to go back to the room?" I nodded my head and put the book mark in the book and grabbed his hand.
We walked in a comfortable silence back to his room. When we were about half way there, a pack member rounded the corner and saw us there. He lowered his head and showed the side of his neck in submission.
"Alpha, Luna."
I nodded my head just like Nathan always did and what I learned to do. I gave him a small smile as he walked by.
Once we reached the room, Nathan opened the door for me. We walked in and I went straight for the couch. Nathan sat on the other side like he always did and looked at me.
"What did you want to talk about angel?" I licked my lips and cleared my throat.
"I think I am ready to open up." His eyes widened in surprise and happiness.
"Really?" I nodded my head shyly.
"When you saved me, I pushed you away, not wanting to feel loved or safe again. I was afraid I would get hurt or taken in. But you didn't leave me, push me away, punish me, yell at me, rush me and more. You just stayed calm and gentle the whole time. So I gave myself a week to see what you were truly like. Well it's been a week and you are still the same. You are just so loving and caring, nothing like Aaron." I said to him, looking him straight in the eyes, then I continued.
"So I am going to tell you my story, if you still want to hear it." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
"I have been wanting to know about the past of my mate since the day I met her in the forest."
"Well you know that Aaron took me from the park when I was little..." I went on to tell him my whole story little by little. It was hard, telling my life story to someone, reliving it was probably the hardest.
Nathan just sat there the whole time, listening to every word. Once I got to the end of the story, I was crying and shaking. Nathan stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I had my arms pulled into my chest with the top of my hands under my chin.
I turned and cried into his shoulder. He just rubbed my back and whispered soft nothings into my ear, calming me down. I just thought about all those times where he would hurt me, punish me, yell at me, for doing nothing wrong. I thought about the fear I lived in with Aaron.
"Why didn't my mom come looking for me?" I asked softly once I was more calmed down. Nathan sighed.
"I bet she did. I bet she had the whole police station looking for you, with tracking dogs, helicopters, search teams and more." Nathan said to me, still rubbing my back and holding me close.
"Then how did they not find me?"
"Bailey, the nearest town from here is like 100 miles. And then from where we found you is further away yet. And I don't know how far you ran before you crossed the territory line." Nathan said to me. "They probably didn't go out this far and even if they did, it would be hard for them to track a car. Especially if there wasn't any cameras or observers." My shoulders dropped even further.
"Do you think she misses me? Or even remembers me?" My voice cracked, I didn't know if I wanted to know the answer to that question but Nathan answered any way.
"I promise you she remembers you and misses you, probably every day." He said confidently.
"How do you know?"
"Because a mother wouldn't forget their daughter, especially if you vanished the way you did without a trace." I sighed.
"Thank-you." I whispered.
"For what Angel?"
"For saving me, for being kind and caring. For listening to me, for keeping me close when I pushed you away." I felt Nathan smile into my neck.
"Of course Kitten. Thank-you for opening up to me, for sharing your life with me. And for not giving up with Aaron. You are stronger than you think Bailey." He said to me.
"Even with these ugly scars?" I asked, breaking the hug and showing him some of the scars on my arms and face to point out what I meant.
"They aren't ugly Bailey. They show what you have been through and how strong you are." Nathan said firmly while he leaned forward and kissed the scar on my chin. I blushed a deep shade of red.
"Do you want to go see your mother?" Nathan asked me, my eyes shot up.
"Do you want me to take you to go see your mom again?" He repeated. I nodded my head and smiled.
"I would love that." I whispered, finding more confident in speaking freely and openly around Nathan.
"Do you want to go now?" He asked me.
"Could I shower first?" I asked, wanting to look and smell my best. He smiled.
"Of course." I hugged him then went into the bathroom with clothes in hand.
With my mind wandering through all the amazing outcomes of seeing my mom again, I cleaned my body off and made sure I smelled good, then got out and put on the nicer outfit I picked out. Nick had a pack member go shopping for me a few days ago and she got me all sorts of amazing clothes.
I brushed through my long blonde hair as I looked at myself in the mirror.
I am going to see mom... I am really going to go see her! What if she doesn't recognize me? What if she doesn't want me? What if -
I heard a soft knock on the door.
"Is everything ok Bailey?" Nathan asked concerned.
"Yeah, almost done in here. Why?"
"You seem scared or something so I was just checking on you." Nathan said.
I was silent this time, still not fully used to responding like I have been. I brushed my hands over my scars one last time while looking at myself in the mirror, then I walked over to the door and opened it up.
Nathan was standing right there, looking like he may have been leaning on the door. When he saw me, his face lit up in a smile and he pulled me into a hug. I smiled warmly and hugged him back.
"You ready to go?" He asked me while running his hand through my still damp hair. I nodded and pulled away from a hug.
"As ready as I will ever be I guess..." He took my hand and walked out the door with me. We passed by a few pack members on the way there and we nodded and smiled at them like normal.
He led me into the kitchen and grabbed the bag that was sitting there.
"Tayla made us a meal or two so we didn't have to go out too much." Nathan whispered to me. I smiled and whispered back,
"Can you thank her for me? I still can't get the mind link thing down."
"Sure." Nathan stopped walking and I halted next to him. I watched his eyes as they went foggy and distant. Then they went back to normal.
"She said, 'You're welcome and it is my honor and pleasure Luna.'" I smiled and nodded my head, we walked out the door and into the waiting black truck. He opened the passenger door for me and I hopped in with a little bit of fear fluttering in my stomach.
"Thank-you." I said to him as he closed the door. I jumped from the noise of the door closing. Then I buckled up and closed my eyes once I was done.
Calm down... he won't hurt you. This is the safest and fastest way to go see Mom.
I tried to calm myself down.
"You ok Bailey?" Nathan asked me softly while he hopped into the driver side and put on his seat belt.
"Yeah, still trying to get used to this all..." I said just as softly back as I took a few deep breaths. Nathan took my hand and rubbed small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. He didn't start the truck yet as I slowed my breathing and forced the bad thoughts and memories out of my mind.
"We can go now." I said after a minute or two while opening my eyes and smiling at Nathan. He gave me a small smile in return and started the truck without letting go of my hand.
I gave a shaky sigh as the truck roared to life. He waited a few seconds before putting it into drive and then driving away slowly at first.
"You ok?" I swallowed back my fear and nodded my head. He looked back at the road and then drove faster. As a few minutes passed, I became more comfortable and started to relax just a little more.
Once the trees were flying past, the truck wasn't making too loud of noises, soft music playing in the background, Nick's hand sending tingles through mine, and his scent over powering my own in the truck, I started to relax in a vehicle for the first time since I was 4.
After like 10 minutes of me looking out the window and enjoying Nathan's company, he let go of my hand and put both his hands onto the wheel. I looked back at him, then at the road and saw a turn up ahead. He slowed the truck down and then turned smoothly and carefully.
He grabbed my hand after the road was straight again. We drove in silence again for another like 10 minutes.
"You want to play a get-to-know-you game? We haven't really had the chance and now would be a good time if you want to." Nathan said, breaking the silence besides music. I looked at him and smiled genuinely.
"What kind of game?"
"I ask you a question, you answer it then I answer it. Then you ask a question and I answer it, then you answer it."
"Sweet! You want to go first?"
"Umm..." I thought about it. "What's your favorite color?" I asked.
"I like deep forest green." He said with a smile, still looking at the road but glancing at me.
"I think neon turquoise is a beautiful color." I said while imagining the beautiful light blue color that I saw on a paint ad once on TV with Aaron.
"What is your favorite food?" He asked me. It didn't take me long to think of the food, I haven't had much food in my life before so it wasn't hard picking my favorite.
"Chocolate." I said without hesitation. He laughed.
"Well then it's a good thing I got this for you." He smiled as he reached down by his seat and pulled out a large bag of Hershey's Kisses. I squealed and took the bag from him. He laughed and smiled at me.
"Thank-you Nathan!!" I squealed as I tried to open the bag so I could dig into the brown deliciousness. I growled and tried again when it didn't open.
"Need some help Angel?" Nathan laughed softly at my struggle to open a bag. I sighed in defeat.
"Yeah..." Nathan took the bag from me and propped his leg up against the steering wheel to hold it in place while he opened the bag with both hands.
He handed the bag back to me and grabbed a hold of the steering wheel again. I gratefully took it from him and quickly reached in and grabbed a piece of chocolate, unwrapped it and put it into my mouth. A smile made its way onto my face as the sweet chocolate melted into my mouth.
"Thank-you." I said as I finished the chocolate. He smiled. "What is your favorite food?"
"It would have to be either steak or smoked honey ham." He said as he licked his lips.
"Smoked honey ham?" I asked.
"Yeah! I guess we will have the cooks make some when we get back to the pack house." I smiled yet again.
"You're turn to ask a question Angel." He smiled.
"Besides wolf, what is your favorite animal?" He laughed.
"Well if I can't chose wolf, then probably tigers."
"Really?" I asked, sort of dumfounded.
"But don't dogs hate cats. And wolves are in the dog family and tigers are in the cat family." He laughed again.
"Well maybe, but I think they are extraordinary creatures. They are huge cats with the most beautiful fur pattern in the world. They are powerful yet graceful and they are just all around amazing animals."
"You have thought about that a lot huh..." He smiled.
"Maybe... What is your favorite animal?"
"Mine would be a dog." He laughed.
"Besides that."
"Hmm..." I thought about it. "I think the black jaguar or horses are really awesome."
"So you like a cat as well." He smiled and snickered at me. I gave him a playful glare.
"Maybe..." I quoted him.
We continued the game from there. I learned a lot about my mate. He has 2 younger siblings and his parents are the retired alpha and luna. His middle name is Rolan. He has quite a few friends and wishes people would treat him like an equal, not like an alpha. If he could change his name, he would want it to be Logan. Nathan's favorite time of the day is middle morning when the sun just came fully up, its cool, breezy normally, everyone is full of energy and awake, and there is still a lot to the day left. His favorite memory as a kid was when him and his younger brother scared their little sister so bad that she screamed so loud she scared the entire pack into thinking there was an attack going on.
I also learned that he loves to go swimming in the evening when the sun was starting to set and the water was still warm from the day. He also likes to go on morning runs with his friends and family. He doesn't like very many fruits and vegetables. His favorite flower is purple Lilacs or the Venus Fly Trap.
"Why the Venus Fly Trap?" I laughed for like the hundredth time today.
"Well they are the only plant that actually eats meat for one, and they are so different from all other flowers. They are one of the few flowers that actually smell bad instead of good, they lure in flies then when the flies go into the flower part, the plant senses that and snaps its mouth like thing closed and slowly digests the fly." He explained. I shook my head and smiled while eating yet another chocolate kiss.
"Ok, my turn. If you were a different were-animal what would you be and why?" I asked him.
"Well since you already know that I love tigers, I won't choose that one. I think I would want to be an eagle shifter."
"I always have wanted to fly, not just in an airplane or by jumping or something, but actually flying. And eagles are large beautiful birds that are the top bird in the sky." He explained.
"I think I would want to be a horse shifter because horses are just so beautiful and majestic. To gallop with your herd and the wind whipping through your mane and the sound of thundering hooves surrounding you would just be so amazing. You know?"
"You are a family person huh?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know. I have lived with someone who isn't family so I wouldn't know."
"Well it sounds like it to me. Horses are family animals and so are wolves. And you know what?"
"We can go for a pack run sometime soon and you can feel what you want to feel if you were a horse. You just won't have a mane and you won't be in the plains." He said. "If you listen closely I promise you it sounds like thundering hooves." I smiled.
Just then a new song came onto the radio and Nathan smiled and looked at me while turning it up slightly.
"Have you heard 'All of Me by John Legend' before Bailey?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Listen to the words." He said. Then the guy started to sing, and to my surprise, so did Nathan.
What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me outGot my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you downWhat's going on in that beautiful mind
Nathan's voice rang out above John's voice. I never knew he could sing, but boy could he. He had amazing pitch and volume, his voice sent shivers down my spine. He knew every single word and it amazed me.
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's under water but I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me, loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
I blushed as he looked at me and gave me a heart stopping smile.
Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you oh
He hit every note perfectly while holding my hand and glancing at me. I loved his singing voice so much. I wouldn't have guessed that big strong alpha guy could sing like he is now.
How many times do I have to tell youEven when you're crying you're beautiful tooThe world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
He looked at me straight in my face while he sang those lyrics. I blushed a deeper shade of red and he smiled at me and continued to sing with the singer.
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you
My head's under water but I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all, all of you give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard
'Cause all of me loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me and you give me all of you
I give you all, all of me and you give me all, all of you
The song finished and Nathan turned down the music as the next song came on.
"That was an amazing song." I said, still looking at Nathan.
"Did you know John Legend actually wrote it for his mate?"
"He is a werewolf?"
"Yup, and every time I heard that song, I thought about my mate and learned all the words for her." He said while looking me in eyes. I laughed slightly.
"What?" He asked me with a smile on his perfect face.
"I just never would have thought that you, big serious alpha, could sing like you can." He blushed ever so slightly and it was really cute.
"What do you mean?"
"You have the most amazing voice ever and I never would have thought you could sing like that." He blushed even harder. "You're cute when you blush." I whispered.
He looked away and covered his face while laughing.
"Only for you." He said. I blushed and looked away as well.
"How close are we?" I asked him.
"I would say we have about 15 minutes left."
"Ok." I said as butterflies started to flutter in my stomach.
"You ok?" He asked me.
"Just nervous..."
"It will be ok. Trust me, I will be there right beside you the whole time." He said in his soft caring voice again.
"But what if she doesn't recognize me, or what if she doesn't want me, what if she moved away and isn't even here anymore? Wha-" I was about to go on but Nathan gently interrupted me.
"She will most likely recognize you, but if she doesn't then you can remind her. She will want you Bailey. She wouldn't push you away. And if she moved away, then we will find her." He paused and I saw out of the corner of my eye, him look at me.
"Bailey, hey, look at me." He said quietly. I looked up and into his eyes. "It will be ok. Ok?" I nodded my head.
"Ok." I whispered as I looked into his mesmerizing eyes. He looked back at the road and I looked as well. But what I saw scared me.
It was home. I saw the town I grew up in. Memories flooded back into my head, not just of Mom, or Aaron, but of my life before.
"Hi!" A girl my age walked around the corner. I looked up from the toys I was playing with and saw her smile at me. I smiled back.
"Hi!" I responded with a smile. Her light brown hair was straight and down to her shoulders. Her light green eyes looking at me.
"You want to pway together?" She asks me.
"Sure!" She sat down next to me and we began to play with the toys together. When we had to leave, she looked at me and gave me her smile.
"You want to be my fwiend?" She asked me.
"Sure!" I smiled back at her. "My name is Bailey."
"My name is JayCee." She said to me as we stood up and started to walk away.
"Do you remember where you live Angel?" Nathan asked me, taking me out of my memories.
"No, but I do know that a park is my backyard. I walk out the back door and the park is right there."
"Ok." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. I squeezed it back and smiled. A few minutes later we fully enter the town. I look around and recognize a few places. Like the library, and a restaurant that Mom would always take me to so I could get ice cream. Then, we reached a park that I recognized slightly.
"There." I pointed at the park. "That is the park." I said, Nathan slowed down and parked the truck at the side of the road. The park looked a lot like the one I went on the day Aaron took me. It just had a few new things and it looked like it was repainted a few years back. I got out and slowly looked around.
"You recognize this place?" I nodded my head.
"This is definitely the park I played on almost everyday." I whispered while walking forward. Nathan walked right next to me and took my hand.
"I am here with you." He said. I nodded my head and walked up to the park. I walked up the stairs and stood on the path way near the a slide.
"Right here." I whispered. "Right here is where I met Aaron for the first time. I took a shaky breath. "I stood right here and Aaron showed up right there." I pointed to right where Nathan was standing that very moment. I took a step back towards the slide, reliving that moment yet again. And Nathan looked and talked similar to how Aaron did and it scared me.
I closed my eyes and backed up again.
Calm down Bailey. Calm down. It is just Nathan. Not Aaron. Not Aaron. He isn't Aaron.
"It's ok Bailey. He isn't coming back to get you. And even if he would, he would have to get past me and the pack first." Nathan said while taking my hand. I stood there for a few more seconds before letting Nathan take me off of the play ground.
I looked around to try to find what house was mine and then spotted a familiar tree.
"This way." I whispered while walking towards that tree. It had lower branches and was lop-sided. "I used to climb this tree all the time. So that means this is my house." I walked past the row of bushes and saw my house.
It wasn't any different than before. It still had the same dull grey colored walls with the same dark grey almost black roof.
"You ready?" He asked me softly as we walked around to the front of the house and up to the front door. I shook my head no.
"I-I don't think I can do this!" I whimpered and stopped walking.
"You can do this Bailey. I will be right here the whole time." He said while holding me in place. I took a few big deep breaths and engulfed myself in Nathan's scent. "We can do this together Bailey. You are not alone."
"Ok." I said softly as he slowly led me up to the door.
"Knock when you are ready." He said to me softly. I nodded my head and took a few more deep breaths. "Just breathe..." He whispered into my ear as he held me close to him. I let myself relax in his arms and felt the tingles relax me and his smell calming my racing heart. I slowly lifted my hand and knocked loudly on the door.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -Christopher Robin
Hey everyone! Thanks for reading another chapter! Sorry I haven't published more recently. I will try to make time for it, school and life is just crazy. What do you guys think of the story so far? I'm sorry if it is slow or not good, I hope things will start to speed up from here.
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