Chapter 1
"Momma? Can I go pway in the pwark?" The 4 year old girl asked her mother. She nodded her head and the little girl squealed. She ran over to the entry way and sat down to put on her shoes.
"Bailey! Remember to watch for cars, don't talk to strangers, and be back before supper. Ok?"
"Yes momma!" Bailey ran out the door and skipped all the way to the park. She played for about a half of an hour at the park alone. There was no one around.
Bailey heard a deep voice behind her.
"Hey Bailey." She spun around to see a very tall and muscular man. He looked like he was in his middle 20s. His hair was sleek and black, his eyes were piercing staring at her. They were a deep brown. His hand was in his pants pockets.
"Hi!" Bailey said in return. Her green eyes sparkling in the light.
"Bailey, your mom got into a car accident. She is at the hospital and she sent me to get you." He said as he knelt down to reach her level. There was nothing threatening about this man but Bailey took a step back.
"But I don't know you. Mommy always said to never talk to strangers!" Bailey responded with, taking another step back.
"I'm not a stranger! I'm Aaron. An old friend of your mothers."
"But I have never seen you before!" Bailey said as she took a few more steps back.
"Please Bailey, your mom is in the hospital. I am here to take you to her. Come, we can get some ice cream on the way there if we want." He said, supper gently. The 4 year old hesitated and then said,
"What's my mommy's name?"
"If you are fwends with my mommy, you would know her name." Her eyes narrowed. The man sighed. Then jumped up with inhuman speed and ran towards the now terrified girl.
She screamed and ran the other way, jumped up the stairs and down a slide. He vaulted the slide and caught her at the bottom. Bailey screamed louder and kicked the stranger where the sun don't shine.
He fell to the ground gasping she tore from his grip, punched him in the face (which really did nothing because she was not strong) and ran towards the nearest house screaming.
In the mean time Aaron pulled himself together and ran after Bailey. Catching her really quickly. He grabbed her by the hair and brought her to him and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream.
"Shut-up girl or you will never see your mommy again." Aaron hissed in Bailey's ear. She whimpered but nodded her head. He took his hand away from her mouth.
"Walk with me as if nothing is unusual. Not a word or a sign to anyone. Do you understand?" He said into her ear. She just nodded her head as the kidnapper lead the little girl away.
He shoved her into the car and locked all the doors. Bailey started to cry.
"Shut-up Girl. I need to tell you the new rules around here." Bailey kept crying. Aaron slammed on the breaks and stormed out of the front seat, he opened the back door and slapped Bailey across the cheek.
She instantly stopped crying as a look of horror crossed her face. A red mark already appearing on the her left cheek.
"What did I say Bailey?" He asked quietly and calmly, making him even scarier than if he was yelling.
"Y-You said to be quiet" Bailey sputtered.
"Good. Now from now on, you will learn your place and you will listen to everything I say without side comments or complaints. Do. You. Understand."
"Yes." Aaron got back into the front seat. He sped off and started talking to Bailey again.
"You will call me Master or Sir from now on. You will only speak when I tell you. You will come when I call you. Every morning you will wake me up with a tray of my breakfast in hand." He paused and looked at Bailey through the mirror.
"Girl. Repeat to me what I said." Bailey was looking outside until that moment, she looked at Aaron and said,
"Call you master or sir, wake you up with breakfast, and come when you call." She said it so coldly. Bailey was already trying to make an escape plan. She may be young but she is one smart cookie and knows when she should be good and when to be bad.
"Good. You were listening. But you missed one. I will let you try again." He said calmly. Bailey thought about it for a little bit.
"Only... speak... when you tell me?" She said carefully.
"Good." They sat in silence for a while. They crossed a river and Bailey didn't recognize where they were. The clear flat land of a town turned into the hilly forest land of the unknown.
For hours they went on. Mile after mile. It was well past 7 when Bailey's stomach growled really loud and Aaron heard it. He looked back at the little girl in the backseat.
"Bailey. Tell me what you want." She thought about it for a little bit.
"I want something to eat and drink." She said. Aaron growled, sending shivers down Bailey's spine.
"You missed a word!" He roared. Bailey started shaking.
"I'm sorry Master. I forgot to say Master." Bailey cried.
"That's better. When we get home I will show you around and tell you your schedule, then we can eat."
"Where is home?" Bailey asked.
A tear fell down my cheek as I scribbled down the last few letters on the paper. I am 15 now and I turn 16 tomorrow. Aaron is still the same guy he was 11 years ago.
He tortured me when he was mad, he tortured me for fun, I was his slave.
Aaron gave me a stack of papers and 2 pens for my birthday because that is what I asked for. That is the only thing he does for me. He doesn't wrap it though. He just gives it to me. I am ok with that though.
"GIRL!" I heard the gruff bitter voice of Aaron yell.
"Coming Master!" I called back and set down my new pen. I stood up and ran over to the living room.
"What can I do for you Master?"
"Get me a beer and a bag of popcorn."
"Yes sir." I spun around on my bony heals and fast walked into the kitchen to make Aaron's food and drink.
Later that night Aaron called someone on his cell phone. It sounded as if he was betting on something again. I went to bed after Aaron did and the house was clean.
My bed was the rug in the living room in front of the fireplace. I wasn't allowed to have the fireplace burning at night but it was still warm. I curled up into a little ball and fell asleep.
I woke up early and started up the fire. I then went to the kitchen to get Aaron's breakfast like normal. I whipped up scrambled eggs and bacon for him. I poured a glass of orange juice. I set it all on a tray and tiptoed to Aaron's bedroom.
I gently knocked on his door, then pushed it open, like normal he was fast asleep on his king sized bed with a thick soft blanket.
"Good Morning Master." I said gently.
"Is that bacon I smell Girl?"
"Yes Sir. I made you bacon and scrambled eggs with orange juice." I brought it over to Aaron who was now sitting up. His brown eyes still half closed and his hair a mess. I set his food in front of him.
He waved his hand in dismissal and I left. I went back to the kitchen and I got my food. One apple and a single slice of bread with a small glass of water. That was my breakfast and supper. I never ate lunch.
Aaron says I need to by skinny and weak. I don't know anything about the outside world, I was lucky to get a window in the attic. I could see the outside world. It was beautiful and huge.
All of a sudden Aaron's phone rang. I heard him talk to someone on the other end and wondered who it could be. All of a sudden, he yelled to me. I ran to him like I was supposed to do.
"Yes Master?"
"Come here." He said. I swallowed in fear of what was coming next. I walked over to him and he got out of bed. He punched me square in the stomach and I doubled over in pain but quickly got back up.
He kicked me in the shin and I cringed, a new bruise already forming. He grabbed his pocket knife from his dresser and cut my back, leaving long, bloody gashes through them.
I screamed. It only made Aaron cut more. After he was done, I was covered in marks and the floor was stained red.
"Leave me." He said. I, as quickly as I could, wobbled out of his room. I walked into his kitchen and cleaned up my blood tracks on the floor. Just then, a wave of pain like no other hit me.
It was like someone was ripping me apart from the inside. I quickly groaned and silently screamed. I learned the hard way that if I was loud, he would punish me.
My entire body started to tingle and I fell to the floor. I closed my eyes and passed out. I woke myself back up like I was supposed to and learned to with Aaron around.
But the first thing I noticed was how sharp things looked. I could see better. And smell! I could smell Aaron in his room and I could smell by blood trail yet. The food from the day and the fire burning.
I got up and noticed I was lower to the ground. I looked down to see 2 furry paws instead of fleshy hands. I gasped but no sound came out of my mouth.
I looked at myself to see that I was a dirty brown wolf with a tail that looked like it was dipped in black paint.
I looked around. 'What am I going to do now? Aaron can't see me like this! He will punish me!' I thought to myself. An idea popped into my mind. 'What if I run away?' I silently padded to Master's room. He was already asleep.
I creaked open the door and walked silently to the door. He kept the door to outside in his room.
I looked up and the door handle. It was a lever one so I quietly pushed it down like I have seen him do so many times before. He left me chained up when he would leave.
The door opened but was really loud so it woke Aaron up! I dashed out the door and he yelled,
"Get back here!" I didn't listen and I ran as fast as I could in the dark.
I heard a gun shot from behind me and it only made me run faster. I heard another shot and this time I felt a pain shoot through my leg. Causing me to stumble but I kept running.
Every step on my back left leg hurt. But I didn't care, I pushed away the pain like every other time.
I ran into the trees and disappeared from view but I didn't stop. I didn't want to be close to that person. I wanted to be on the other side of the world.
I don't know how I did it but I kept running. Not even thinking about looking around me. My leg was started to throb more.
All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise and saw 2 bright lights. I heard the squeal of tires and I looked to see a giant metal thing on wheels. I ducked down just as the thing hit me. It was going slow enough that it didn't kill me but it sent me flying through the air.
My head was spinning and my whole body hurt again. I landed on the road with a thud. The thing stopped and I heard something get out of it.
It sounded a lot like Aaron's feet. I stumbled up and looked at the person, only to find that it wasn't Aaron. It was a different man with a big beard.
"Hey there sweetie, how are you still alive? Come here you poor thing." He held out his hand and I smelled it. He didn't smell right, something about him I didn't like.
I spun around and ran as fast as I could the other way. I heard the man call out to me but I kept running.
The cuts Aaron just gave me were bleeding again and my leg was still bleeding too. I jumped over a fallen tree but my back left leg got caught in a little hole.
I pulled and pulled but it wouldn't get unstuck. I finally twisted it weirdly sending pain signals to my head and I was able to pull it out. I could still somehow walk on it. I walked on.
Then, I heard a growl coming from the bushes next to me. I looked ever there to see 2 eyes staring at me. I ran as fast as I could but was soon tackled to the ground by a wolf.
This wolf was a grey and white wolf with yellow eyes. I could tell it was a He and he was big. At least twice my size. My wounds were still bleeding a lot, staining the grass and dirt red. The wolf's paws began to become red as well.
I was pinned to the dirt by this wolf and I kept quiet. His claws were digging into my wounds. I closed my eyes so I didn't see what was to come. I was going to get punished from running away from my master.
But no pain came. The growling stopped and I heard other wolves come. I opened my eyes to see I was surrounded by wolves. All of them had clothes in their mouths.
The one that was on top of me got up, grabbed some clothes and went behind a tree. I whined and tried to get up, they all growled at me.
"Shift." I heard a deep voice say. I just laid there, not trying to get up. I looked towards the voice and saw a man walk out from behind the tree.
He was wearing black shorts and a white tank top. His hair was brown and short. His eyes were a deep green, darker than mine.
I just whimpered and looked away.
"I said Shift!" He said louder. Someone from the circle went behind a tree and came back as a man too.
He was shorter, older, he had grey hair and kind of hobbled around. He walked over to me and I growled at him. He backed up.
"Shhh. It's ok." The guy said to me. I bared my teeth at him.
"I won't hurt you. I just want to look at your wounds." He said to me. He was looking at all my side cuts that were bleeding.
"Careful Daniel. She could be dangerous." The guy said to the old man.
"She is just scared. And hurt." He said back. I curled up into a little ball.
"Alpha is on his way. He will be here soon." The guy said to the old man. He just nodded his head and started to walk over to me again.
I let him approach. He stuck out his hand for me to smell, I cowered away in fear and whined.
"Shhh. You're ok." He said as he shuffled forward again.
"Daniel, just wait till Alpha comes." The guy said.
"Fine Kyle. But her wounds need to be checked out." The old guy named Daniel stood up and backs up into the circle. Just then, I heard someone approach.
I smelled the air and noticed it smelled like pine forest, campfire, and a hint of something I couldn't quite get. It smelled heavenly.
I looked over in that direction and the circle split to let in the most handsome man I have ever seen. He was tall and muscular. His white t-shirt showed all his muscles. His blue eyes were looking back at mine. His black hair was so perfect.
"Alpha. We found-" the guys named Kyle was cut off by a hand being raised by the handsome man. He said one word.
"Mine." Everyone looked at him funny.
He rushed forward to me. I growled and snarled at him. All of the wolves growled at me.
"No!" The guy called Alpha yelled at the wolves. "Do NOT growl at my mate!" He said to them. Everyone dropped their heads and stayed quiet.
"She is wounded. Who did this to her?! Daniel get over here!" He hissed. I whimpered. He spun back to look at me.
"Shhh. It's ok sweetie, your ok. Why don't you shift back so we can talk. Ok?" He said to me.
I tried opening my mouth to tell him I didn't understand but nothing came out. Alpha? Shift? Mate? I was so confused!
Daniel came over to the guy named Alpha and started to come closer. I growled and snapped at his hand. He jumped back.
"Sweet heart. He isn't going to hurt you. He is here to help. Just lay down and make your self comfortable." I looked at Alpha and saw no threat. But something about him reminded me of my family. But also of Aaron.
Daniel reminded me of someone from my life before. I don't know who.
"Sweetie. Look at me." Alpha said to me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "Daniel is here to help you. You are safe now. Please, let him help you." I looked around to find a way out.
The guy named Kyle shook his head to tell me not to try to run away. 'Now is a time to listen. Maybe they won't hurt me then. Maybe they will let me go.' I said to myself. I laid down on my side, having my bad leg up.
"Good girl." Alpha said to me. I visibly flinched when he said Girl. "Shhhh." Alpha said as he reached his hand out to touch me.
As soon as his hand touched my head, I felt electric shocks shoot through me. I pulled away and whined. But at the same time, I liked having him touching me. I felt safe and calm.
Alpha scooted over closer to me, lifted my head and rested it on his lap, some of my blood dripping onto his leg. But he didn't seem to care. His touch started sending more electric shocks. He started petting me. I flinched at his touch.
Once I was more calmed down, Alpha nodded to Daniel. Not letting his eyes leave mine.
Daniel first looked at my leg. He touched it and I whimpered. Alpha growled, vibrating my head. I pulled away from both of them.
"Her leg is severely injured, her body is covered in cuts, she is malnourished and weak. We need to take her back to my office where all my tools are." When he said tools I whimpered and limped backwards.
"Shhh. It's ok. We are going to help you. Shift back sweet heart." Alpha said to me.
"Alpha, The Girl is 16 she doesn't know how." Daniel said. 'How did he know my age????' I thought.
"Are you sure? How do you know?" Alpha asked.
"She is scared, and she doesn't know how to shift back. You can tell she doesn't know her place in a pack and who you are. She looks young as well, and she isn't healing the speed of a werewolf. Once she shifts back to a human, her wounds will heal the normal werewolf speed. She just shifted for the first time."
'Yes!' I wanted to scream. 'That is exactly what's going on!' Alpha thought about it for a little bit and looked at me.
"Sweetie. Do you know how to shift?" Alpha asked me kindly. I shook my head and curled up into a tinier ball. "Oh! Sweet heart. It's ok. I'll help you." Alpha turned away from me and looked at Daniel.
"Let's take her home." Daniel nodded. Alpha looked at me and said, "I'm going to carry you baby. Ok? We will help you." I wanted to trust him. I just couldn't. I couldn't let myself feel safe, I couldn't feel that way again. Not after Aaron.
But I chose not to fight because I knew there was no point.
"Someone give me their shirt." Alpha said sternly to the group of wolves. One of them walked forward and dropped a green shirt at Alpha's feet. "Thank-you Peter."
Alpha grabbed the shirt and wrapped me in it, the shirt quickly turning red.
Alpha picked me up, sending shocks through me again. I whined, but didn't move. He picked me up as if I was a feather. I leaned my head on his chest and relaxed.
I drowned myself in Alpha's smell and got used to his strong arms supporting me. I felt safe in his arms. I knew I shouldn't let myself feel that way but I couldn't help it.
I let myself feel safe and relaxed for the first time in years. After a few minutes of looking up at Alpha's eyes. I drifted off to sleep.
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