5 | "Will you stop staring please?"
~Yasmin’s POV~
I kept running into the woods around the Light Pack’s village. It was thick and seemed to go on forever and so after a few minutes I had no idea where I was. I didn’t care though. I just needed to get away from that place, those people and… Blake.
I couldn’t believe what had happened. Looking back on it now, I could see that it probably wasn’t his fault but it annoyed me that he didn’t mention it beforehand.
I slowed and then sat down at the base of a large tree. I brought my knees into my chest and hugged them close to my body. I liked it here in the forest all alone. It was a great place to just relax and think.
My mind wandered to a day three years ago.
I was sitting at home picking out a dress to wear for my aunt’s birthday party. I had spent a good hour dressing myself, applying makeup and doing my hair before heading downstairs to find my mom. I was surprised to see the Alpha there. He hardly ever visited the people unless it was for a very important reason.
He saw me and smiled. “Hello Yasmin. That dress looks beautiful on you.”
“Thank you Alpha Paul,” I said. I had to respect him because he was the Alpha and ruled over the village that I lived in.
My dad gave Paul a hard stare. “I think it’s time for you to leave now, Alpha.”
I looked at my dad. He had never spoken to anyone in such a cold and hard manner before; it worried me.
“Not quite yet,” Paul said, without taking his eyes off of me. He took a step towards me but he was blocked off by my dad who stopped him from getting any closer.
I saw Paul’s eyes lock on my father and fear gripped me.
“Yasmin honey, why don’t you go back upstairs,” Dad told me.
“Stay where you are Yasmin,” Paul ordered with his Alpha voice.
I was helpless to move now that he had exerted his Alpha authority.
“Dad, what’s going on?” I asked.
Before he could answer, Paul looked at me and smiled. “What’s going on is that I came here to ask your father your hand in marriage and he refused.”
“I am not going to marry my daughter off to you, I don’t care if you’re Alpha,” Dad told him. “Yasmin is too young at the moment and she will marry whomever she wants.”
Paul’s eyes found mine. “But Yasmin does want to marry me, don’t you?”
I shook my head. “No.”
His eyes turned black and he let out an almighty roar of anger.
My mother and little brother Mason came running down the stairs.
“What’s going on?” my mother asked, fear laced in her words.
Paul looked at my father. “One more chance old man, marry Yasmin off to me.”
My father didn’t even blink. “No.”
Paul exploded into his wolf form and lunged at my mother.
“NO!” me and my father cried in sync.
Paul’s teeth sunk into my mother’s neck and he pulled her throat out. Mason was watching with wide teary eyes like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Paul turned on my father who had just managed to transform into his large grey wolf. Paul was too quick for him though and his claws dug into my father’s torso and ripped in him down the front.
I ran towards Mason, grabbed his hand and pulled him through the kitchen and towards the back door. We didn’t even get half way through the kitchen before Paul came barrelling in. He grabbed my brother and held him up in the air by his shirt like a rag doll.
“No!” I cried. “Please Paul, please don’t hurt him,” I was crying now and on my knees, pleading for Mason’s life. “I’ll marry you just please don’t kill him. Please.”
Paul’s black eyes eyed me carefully before he transformed back into human form. He was completely naked but I didn’t care about that. I was too busy looking at my brother who was now on the ground at Paul’s feet.
“Do you have any other family?” he asked me.
I was confused as to why he wanted to know that but I answered anyway. “No, it’s just me and Mason left now.”
He looked down at Mason and shook his head sadly. “That’s a shame,” he said. “I was hoping I could dump him with family and keep you. Seeing as I have no use for him, he has to go.” And with that, he reached down and snapped my little brother’s neck.
“MASON!” I screamed as his body fell limp on the ground.
Tears endlessly streamed down my face as Paul stepped over Mason’s non-moving body and knelt down in front of me.
“You don’t need him,” Paul said, cupping my cheek. “I’m your family now.”
I pushed his hand away and scrambled backwards. “Get away from me you murderer,” I snapped. “You killed everyone I loved in a matter of seconds! You heartless bastard!”
The next think I knew, I was being pinned to the ground. Paul’s body was pressed against mine and his face was inches from mine.
“I’m not heartless Yasmin,” he said quietly. “I love you.”
“I can easily change that,” he said with a smile. “You just need to be loved to understand how much I care for you.”
His lips came down on mine and he claimed my mouth roughly. His tongue forced its way through my lips and sloppily explored my mouth. I felt his hands rip my new dress down the front and I flailed as I realised what was about to happen.
Wrenching my lips away from his, I screamed. “Stop it!”
He ignored me and pulled my bra off my body. His lips came down on my breasts and he bit my nipples painfully.
“Ah! Stop, it hurts!”
My panties were ripped and in tatters as Paul tried to pull them off me. Once I was completely exposed, he spread my legs and dipped his hand in-between them. His tongue worked over my hot flesh and I wriggled around, unable to escape from what he was doing to me. He slipped two fingers inside me and groaned.
“Fuck Yasmin, you’re so tight,” he said with a wicked smile. “It’s gonna feel so good when I stick my dick in there.”
“Please Paul, don’t do this,” I was crying. I didn’t want him to take my first time, especially not like this. “Please.”
“Yasmin, you’re too sexy to resist,” he said, positioning himself at my entrance.
I screamed in pain as he thrust inside me and shredded my innocence.
Fresh tears were falling down my cheek as I remembered the horrible experience of having sex for the first time. It was supposed to be something beautiful and magical and to be shared with the person that you loved more than life itself. Mine had been the complete opposite and it pained me to know that I could never go back and change what had happened.
I decided to go for another run and shifted into my brown wolf without even thinking about the clothes I was wearing. They were in tatters around me when I was fully transformed. Without caring, I shot off into what I hoped was the direction of the Light Pack village.
After what seemed like an hour, I stopped running. I was definitely lost and now I was panicking. What if I couldn’t find my way back? What if I ended up back in Paul’s territory?
I heard the sound of someone approaching and my head snapped to where the noise was coming from.
A deep brown wolf emerged from the bushes and stopped when it saw me. Momentary panic shot through me as I thought it was Paul but then the wolf transformed into a very naked Blake.
I saw him smile as he saw me trail my eyes down his perfectly tones chest to his… Oh damn! I looked away and silently thanked whatever God there was for the fact that wolves couldn’t blush because if they could, I would be as red as a tomato.
He chuckled at my bashful nature. “Wait a second,” he said before turning back and disappearing into the forest.
He emerged again but this time he was wearing ¾ length jeans and holding a white t-shirt.
“Here, change back and put this on,” he said, dropping it on the ground and then turning around to give me some privacy.
I didn’t take my eyes off of him as I changed back into human form and pulled the shirt very my head. It was quite baggy and stopped less than half-way down my thighs. I uselessly tugged on the end to make it longer but there was no point.
“Done,” I told him with a sigh.
He turned back around and just stared at me. His eyes slowly roved over my body. I self-consciously fiddled with my fingers and tried pulling the end of t-shirt down again because the way he was looking at me made me feel as though he were analysing absolutely everything about me.
“Will you stop staring please?” I asked quietly, my head facing down to the ground.
I didn’t realise that he had come right up to me until I felt his hand tilt my head up to look at him.
“Sorry,” he said. “I can’t help myself. You are so breathtakingly beautiful that I need to keep looking to make sure you’re real and not just some figment of my imagination.”
A tiny gasp escaped my lips at his words. They were sincere and full of emotion. I stepped away from him in order to stop the sparks running through my skin but he only followed me until I was backed up against a tree.
He placed his hands either side of my head and leant into my body so that I couldn’t go anywhere.
“Blake,” I said, putting my hands against his hard chest. “Stop it.”
“I’m not doing anything,” he said. “I’m just looking at you.”
“Then why are you trapping me against a tree?”
His eyes searched mine for something before he sighed and backed away from me. He turned away and headed towards the bushes that he had come from.
“We’re not that far away from the village,” he said without looking at me. “We can just walk there.”
“Okay,” I said quietly.
We walked through the forest in silence. I stayed a few metres away from him and couldn’t help but stare at his back and arms. Every time he moved, his muscles would flex and I imagined running me hands over those taut muscles and travelling lower and lower until my hands grabbed his ass cheeks and squeezed them.
He stopped suddenly and I was so startled that I slipped over a tree root and fell.
“Ow,” I groaned softly as I sat up.
Blake was already at my side. “Are you okay?”
I nodded.
He held out his hand and pulled me up in one quick movement. When I took a step forwards, pain shot through my ankle and I clutched onto Blake’s arm for support.
“I think I’ve twisted my ankle,” I said.
I lowered myself to the ground. I was just about to examine my foot when Blake knelt down and held my foot in his warms hand and used his fingers to probe my ankle. I remembered that I had no underwear on and quickly tried to cover myself as Blake lifted my foot slightly.
“It’s sprained. Nothing serious though,” he said. “Here, let me help you up again.”
He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to stand. Then he lifted me into his arms and started carrying me bridal style.
“Blake, I’m fine. Put me down.”
“We’ll get to the village much faster if I just carry you.”
“There’s really no point in arguing Yasmin, I’m not putting you down.”
I felt Blake’s hand move slightly to get a better grip on me and I involuntarily gasped as his hand travelled closer to my completely naked ass. He noticed what he had unconsciously done and quickly moved his hand back.
We continued towards the village in silence again until I plucked up the courage to break the silence and ask him a question.
“Hmm?” he said, looking down at me.
“When we were walking beforehand, why did you stop so suddenly?”
~Blake’s POV~
“When we were walking beforehand, why did you stop so suddenly?” she asked me.
Oh God, I thought. I had no idea what to say to her.
The reason I had stopped was because I could smell pheromones and other hormones being released from her. She had obviously been thinking about something to do with sex and I hoped to God that it was me because I could smell the desire emanating off of her.
Now I was torn, should I tell her or not? She would either be really embarrassed or really angry. I decided not to risk it and told her a harmless lie instead.
“I thought I heard someone else in the wood but it didn’t seem powerful enough to be a threat,” I told her. “Nothing to worry about.”
She nodded.
Thank God she bought it, I thought.
We had reached the village now and I took Yasmin straight to the Infirmary house and took her to the room she had been staying in. I set her down on the bed.
“I’ll go and get Opal so that she can look at your ankle,” I told her.
“Thank you,” I heard her say as I left the room.
I found Opal and told her about Yasmin’s ankle and she went to see her straight away.
I was on my way to my house when Eric came running over to me. He had blood dripping down the side of his face and there was dirt all over him.
“Eric, what happened?”
“We were attacked.”
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