Chapter One
Four months ago...
"Is she okay?" The newcomer asked to visit the sniper.
Layla did a curtesy first before she shook her head while she was carrying the tray of food that the sniper didn't even bother to eat.
Silvanna sighed.
Right after she heard what happened with the fight between VENOM and SABER, she pleaded her father to visit Lesley, her childhood friend. His father– King Silver– who was the king of the Moniyan Empire, was doing all he could to hide her from the Dark Abyss.
His father only agreed when Granger volunteered to accompany her to SABER's headquarters.
"Can I see her?" Silvanna asked Layla.
"Of course, Your Highness. But you need to prepare yourself. She's not still emotionally well. She's depressed." Layla sadly said.
"I understand." Silvanna said, "Thank you Layla."
Layla did a curtesy once again before leaving.
"Your Highness, do you want me to come with you?" Granger asked worriedly.
Silvanna shook her head lightly, "I'll be fine from here, Granger. I want to talk to Lesley alone. I'm sure she doesn't want additional people to see her in that state."
Granger nodded, "Very well. Don't hesitate to call me if you need help, Your Highness."
Silvanna smiled and walked towards the room Lesley was occupying.
She knocked two times before she carefully opened the door and Silvanna was in too much shock to see her friend's state.
It had been a month after that tragic night. Lesley lost too much weight since she wasn't eating that much. She was staring blankly at the window. There were even traces of dried tears in her face.
Silvanna already expected Lesley to be this melancholy, but she didn't know it was worse than her imagination.
"Lesley..." She called her faintly.
Silvanna was too emotional. It was the first time she saw her after many years of not seeing her friend. And now that she met her again, Lesley was in this kind of state.
But Lesley was still staring blankly at the window.
Silvanna carefully went near Lesley.
"I'm so sorry." Silvanna said softly while crying, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you."
There was no reaction from Lesley.
Silvanna carefully reached for Lesley's hand, "I know how it feels to lose a brother. And I'm so sorry for your loss."
Lesley was still not speaking, but tears were now falling from her eyes.
"I'll help you. I'll do everything I can to save Harley, Gusion and the rest of the VENOM Squad. Just please, come back." Silvanna pleaded, "Come back to us. We wouldn't be able to save them without you Les."
Lesley was still silent so all that Silvanna could do was to hug her friend.
Silvanna cried even more when she felt Lesley hugged her back for it was a sign.
A sign that Lesley was still with them.
"Did you already track VENOM?" Silvanna asked SABER squad.
Saber shook his head, "Not yet, Your Highness."
Silvanna let out a heavy sigh, "Please inform us in the castle once you do. We will take them back." She said before putting on her hood so people wouldn't recognize her.
"We will." The SABER squad answered before bowing and doing curtesy to her.
Granger opened the carriage's door for Silvanna and offering his hand to her, "Your Highness."
That was when it sank to Silvanna, Granger was calling her that way again.
"As far as I remember, I told you to stop being too formal with me, Granger." Silvanna said while frowning.
Granger was taken aback a little before giving her an awkward smile, "I'm sorry Princess, I'm still adjusting."
She sighed before accepting his hand to mount on the carriage. Granger carefully closed the door before mounting the horse so they could go back to the castle.
"How was your mission to Swan Kingdom? Did Princess Odette agreed?" Silvanna asked while they were on their way back to the castle.
"Princess Odette told me she will think first. She said she wants to stay out of any kind of war."
She fidgetted her fingernails, "That's negative. It would be a great help if she would help us."
"I agree. Especially that she is with the Baroque siblings."
"The Baroques! They would be a great help." Silvanna whispered, "I'm also thinking of asking for help from Paxleys and Vances. But Paxleys are hard to deal with– scratch that, the Elders are hard to deal with." And I doubt it if they would help us also saving Gusion, knowing they already banished him. "And the Vances don't like to be involved in any war too. Lesley wouldn't want her parents to be involved also, I'm sure."
Harley is still in VENOM, he and Lesley are one of the best duo whenever those siblings are in the battlefield. Hanabi is from the East Land. Maybe the Scarlet and Shadow Faction could help us? Not to mention that the Onmyouji girl is with them. Silvanna thought. What should I do?
"Princess?" Granger called her that cut her reveries.
"Let's head back to the castle as soon as possible, Granger." Silvanna said with full of determination, "We have a new mission."
"How are you feeling?" Octopus asked Emperor Scorpion the moment the latter stepped out from the capsule with green liquid.
But it had different chemical substances compare to what Dr. Leo was using.
"Fine, I guess." Emperor answered and shrugged.
"How about you Vespid? Nephila? Monitor?" Octopus asked the three when they also came out from their own capsules.
"Fine too, I guess." Vespid asnwered, "But I think it's improving."
Octopus sighed, "Improving but still not enough."
"Don't pressure yourself." Emperor reminded the kid while patting his back.
"Stop that. It won't work." Octopus rolled his eyes.
Emperor laughed and went to the door, but he looked back to Octopus when he remembered something, "Any news by the way?"
"They are in their headquarters. Should we attack them? They are also keeping he–"
"No, not yet. Thanks Wolfi." Emperor said before leaving.
The rest of their squad also left the room, leaving the angry Octopus because of what Emperor Scorpion had called him. But then he sighed as he glanced at his board on the wall.
There was a picture of Magic Cube there and beside it was a picture of a certain sniper.
Octopus cluck his tongue before going back to what he was working.
Dr. Rooney was busy upgrading a suit– a white high-tech suit to be exact.
"Based on what you are doing, I think she accepted your offer."
Dr. Rooney didn't mind the trespasser in his laboratory and continued what he was doing, "What are you going to borrow this time?"
He heard him chuckled, "Nothing. I just want to check on my cousin."
Dr. Rooney was about to suggest to Claude to visit his cousin but he realized that it was a nonsense suggestion.
Lesley Vance wasn't still in good shape. She was unstable physically and mentally. It was a good thing he prevented her from shooting herself earlier.
"She's a mess, at the moment." He informed Claude who was now looking around his laboratory.
Claude sighed, "I hope she'll regain herself soon. She won't give up easily."
"Then that's good." Dr. Rooney said and stood in front of the white high-tech suit, "It's about time for Stellaris Ghost to be in the battlefield."
I know I said I will update this after I finish See You in My Dreams but I got excited. HAHAHAHAHA.
I promise, I will update this again once I finish See You in My Dreams. I want to finish the chapters offline first so I can upload them one by one. HAHAHAHA.
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