"Hey, Brooke, do you think you come over today?" Avery asked the following Sunday morning.
"Can't," I spoke into the phone while putting my hair up into a bun. By the way, the worst idea ever. I sighed in frustration. "Going to church with Aiden today." I put down the brush. I'll just finish my hair once I'm done talking to Avery.
"Since when do you go to church?" Avery inquired, knowing that I never liked the idea of church, to begin with.
"To you the truth, I don't know," I admitted.
"If Aiden is making you, then you have full right to say no," Avery suggested.
"Nah, maybe I'll change my view on life." I offered, splashing water on my face. My belly already starting to get in the way.
"Alright then, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here all day."
I laughed, "I'll keep that in mind, well I gotta go, he'll pick me up at 9:30."
I could see her shake her head in bewilderment, "Sometimes I think you two are dating."
I chuckled as we two hung up. I sighed and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My brown eyes stared back at me, with my light brown, almost blonde hair strands pointing in every direction. "Let's get you under control," I mumbled as I picked up the brush again.
Aiden picked me up at 9:30, like he said he would. Not that I doubted him. He always seemed to keep promises, and that's one thing that I liked about him.
The whole ride, we just exchanged a few words, until we finally pulled up at his church. My light pink sundress came just below my knees. I made sure it had sleeves as well. I let my breath go, not realizing that I was holding it. Aiden opened my door for me, even though I told him not, but he objected. His black pants seemed to be ironed perfectly, and his shirt was tucked in. I stepped out of the car, and we went into the church.
A few people looked up in our direction as we passed. I felt exposed here, ridiculed even. But I told myself to relax, it's only for one day anyways. Some people told Aiden hello and started a small conversation, I stood off to the side, pretending to look occupied by looking around. The church wasn't that big. There were a lot of kids here, though. Most were under 13, while others were older than 15.
One of the pastors, it seemed, was walking around, giving people handshakes and words of encouragement. When he got to me, he shook my head, and said, "You must be Brooke! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! I've heard so many things about you." He smiled warmly, his hair showed that he had years of experience with kids.
I glared at Aiden, who shrugged, and forced a smile.
"Very well, I need to prepare my sermon, you two stay out of trouble!" He called over his shoulder as he walked away.
"Let's go find a seat." Aiden gestured towards the people already sitting down in their seats. I followed him and silently sat down beside him since he was practically the only person I knew here. He said hello to an older couple, who I assumed were his parents because he asked them a quick question about Uncle Bill Turner, who I've known as Doctor Turner.
A young man stood up and said the opening sermon, and then we prayed. It was very uncomfortable since I haven't prayed in a long time. Soon, the same man who shook my hand earlier stood up and walked to the pulpit. He opened his Bible, and started, "Praise God that we have lived through another successful night! Amen?" A chorus of Amen's sounded throughout the room, "Today, I would like to talk to you about Prayer." I crossed my arms and waited for his next words. This sounded a bit cliche, like in those high school drama movies. The preacher continued, "Can we survive without prayer? Kids, can we not pray, and expect God to hear us?" He looked over at the front row where more than 20 kids sat, talking quietly amongst each other. When they heard the preacher talking to them, they automatically shut their mouths. The bravest ones said no or shook their heads. The preacher nodded approvingly, "To not pray is like living without oxygen. We can live for a little bit without oxygen, but not for the whole day. Prayer, on the other hand, works almost the same way, spiritually speaking. We can live a day, months, even years without prayer, but when you notice your behavior and attitude during that time, you'll begin to notice how you came from lively and active, to sour and upset, you might even feel alone and rejected--"
I stared at the preacher as he continued talking. It actually felt like I was the only one in this room and he was talking to me. I felt alone and rejected right now. But how is that supposed to prove that God exists? Or maybe he does, I just didn't take the time to pay attention. I gripped the seat, as I heard the preacher ending his sermon, "So your homework for this week will be a challenge, try praying for the people that have hurt you or possibly became your enemy. And with that, I will close, let's kneel and pray." Obediently, the whole church kneeled and started praying. This felt different from the past church I've known. With questions swirling around in my mind, I couldn't focus on praying. The atmosphere felt suffocating. So I quickly tapped Aiden's shoulder. When I got his attention, I quietly asked, "Can we leave early?"
He seemed saddened by my request, but nodded, telling his mom first, before standing up and ushering me towards the exit. When we were outside, heading towards his car, I continued telling him how sorry I was, when he turned out and smiled, "Why are you apologizing? You have the full right to leave, I'm the one who brought you here, it is I who needs to apologize."
I gave him a lopsided look but decided not to ask him about it. I guess he thought that I didn't like the church service, when in reality, I felt like I needed to know more, but I decided not to bring that up. He drove up to my house and smiled, as I opened the car door.
"Oh by the way!" He exclaimed before I closed the door.
"Yes?" I asked, opening the door wider.
He dug behind the seat of his car, when he stopped, he brought up a pretty new black book. For a second, he looked pretty nervous whether or not he should give it to me, when he decided against it, he handed it out to me, "I don't know if you would like to....I mean, I bought a bible, I mean..." he stammered. For the first time I have met him, he was at a loss for words. I smiled up at him, as I took it from his grasp.
"I would like to." He quickly let go of the bible, all of a sudden feeling embarrassed, his cheeks seemed to go slightly pink. Soon I realized he was blushing! I never knew it was possible for a guy to blush! I mean, do I look that intimidating? I felt the corners of my mouth lift up into a smile. "Very well, I must get inside, it's pretty chilly outside." I felt the cold air hit against my back and my bare legs.
He nodded, "That would be a good idea, don't want you to catch a cold!"
Just like last time, he waited till I went inside before he left. I closed the door and sighed. Whatever happened back there was pretty awkward. I looked down at my new possession. The bible was still in its plastic wrap, as most new bibles are. Mom was still probably at that so-called church she attends, so I went to my room, and shut the door behind me, as I sat down in my old swivel chair behind my equally as old desk. I inspected the bible. Its black color gave it a bold and sharp look, and the words Holy Bible was written in golden letters on the front.
It has been years since I've held much less read a bible. I had a funny feeling this God wanted me to open the bible and see what lies inside. Though I didn't want to, dad used to say not to go against God's will and purpose. If he talks to you, answer him.
I shrugged, it wouldn't hurt to read a little bit before I fixed myself some lunch. The bible made a fresh crack when I opened it. The new white pages looked up at me as if saying, "What are you waiting for!?" So picking a random spot, I read Hebrews 11:1.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I paused, not daring to read further. I put today's sermon and this verse together. To pray is to believe and to believe is to have faith. You can't expect God to hear you unless you have faith. I quickly remembered long ago in Sunday school, when me, mom, and dad were still a happy family. The teacher talked about faith and prayer. Many people in the bible had their faith tested. If I remember correctly, Daniel prayed three times a day, Solomon prayed asking God for wisdom, David prayed when he faced hardships. I could almost hear God saying, "Now it's your turn, trust me."
I was stunned. How do I know God is not just a king on a thrown, giving out orders? So many Christians said that he's compassionate and caring, but most haven't faced hardships like David, or prayed three times a day like Daniel, so how can they be so sure?
So I did the unthinkable. I kneeled down. At first, I didn't know what to say, but following my mindset, I said the first thing that came to me, "God, I...I'm lost. I don't know where to go anymore. Help me to restore my faith like it used to be, before...dad left. I know you're out there, I just need a little push to get back on track after all those years....Amen...?" After I finished, I felt a little weight lift off my shoulders. And it felt wonderful. I opened up my bible and started reading the beginning of the new testament, forgetting about lunch.
About an hour later, I heard the door slam, signaling that mom was home, she sounded angry, when she yelled my name, "BROOKE! Get over here!" I quickly put a small bookmark into the page I was reading, and put the bible into my drawer, getting up, and half sprinting down the hallway to see why mom yelled my name so loudly.
Half minute later, I halted, when I saw mom in deep conversation with no other than Colby Hayes.
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