24| Differences
The five of us stood in silence as we tried to make sense of our new discovery. Dick,Jason and I were well aware of who Slade Wilson and how dangerous he could be. Gar and Rachel were unaware with the new threat we were facing, unlike the other rogues in Gotham Deathstroke stayed in the shadows. He wasn't one to make a big show of his work, and because of it Slade Wilson's name was not a household name in Gotham like mine or the other rogues were.
"That's Rose's father?" Rachel questioned as she observed all of our reactions. She could feel everything that we were feeling, and I couldn't imagine how it would only add to her own worry.
"Yep. The one and only Deathstroke." Jason replied with a hit of excitement in his voice. I doubted that he had ever confronted Deathstroke, but he had undoubted heard stories from Bruce.
"Is that somebody you know?" Gar questioned as he turned towards Dick who seemed to be in another world entirely.
"Kind of. Old Titans business." Dick replied stiffly, his eyes never leaving the image of Slade Wilson that was displayed on the large monastery before us.
"Check it. Former Delta Force commando, part of H.I.V.E. Select soldiers who underwent a series of experimental bio-enhancements." Gar read slowly unable to hide his own fascination with Slade Wilson. "Huh. Out of the 35 trial subjects, the only one to survive was Slade Wilson. INTERPOL says he retired years ago after the death of his son, Jericho. I tried having the computer find..."
Before Gar could continue Dick reached forward and clicked away from the file. "I'll take it from here."
Everyone looked at Dick confused by his behavior. It was almost like he was going back to the Dick from a couple of months ago that was always on edge and so distant from everyone around him. Before any of us could question him the security alarm was activated.
Security alert. Main entrance. Access denied.
The large screen in front of us lit up with the security footage of Donna, Dawn and Hank at the door of the tower. Seeing them here only made me realize how serious this situation was becoming, and if their history with Deathstroke was a terrible as Dick was making it seem then there was no knowing how they would react to this new set on news. As far as they knew they were only here for Dr. Light.
With Dick and Rose being attacked this morning at the train station it was clear that Dr. Light wanted revenge against the Titans. Now they were all going to be together in the same building and I couldn't help but wonder if this was part of the plan. With last weeks Shimmer and Mammoth attack and having Deathstroke's daughter living under our roof, everything seemed connected in some way.
"So I guess you changed the code?" Donna questioned as she looked up at the security camera.
"Finally." Rachel muttered with a smile before she exited the room. Jason and Gar followed after her to greet the old Titans. Although they were clearly excited to see Donna, Dawn and Hank again I couldn't find it in myself to share their excitement.
As I turned to follow the others Dick got a hold of my wrist. "Wait I have to tell you something."
I tried to meet his eyes but he was clearly avoiding looking into mine as looked at the monitor that only moments ago displayed Slade Wilson's file. "What is it?"
"The Titan's history with Deathstroke... it's messy." He finally said though he still seemed to be at a loss of words. Slade was a terrifying man, yet I couldn't think of what could have happened that would have Dick this on edge. His history with Slade went beyond the Titans, Deathstroke had caused problems for Batman and Robin too.
"I guessed as much."
"A couple of years ago Deathstoke killed Garth, Aqualad." Dick explained, and for a moment I could still see some grief in his eyes. I remembered hearing about the death of Aquaman's sidekick, it was a couple of months after Ivy and I had escaped from Arkham. "He was one of us. And we wanted revenge so we planned on using Slade's son, Jericho, against him. He was a good kid. We should have never gotten him involved."
Although I had a feeling I knew where his story was going I still wanted to hear him say it. "What happened with Jericho?"
"I got him killed."
His words surprised me as I would have never imagined that the Titans would ever be driven by revenge in such a way to use someone to their advantage. But even so Dick's words didn't seem to make any sense. Even if they wanted to use the kid to get to Slade they would have never put him in harms way.
"I was reckless and went after Deathstroke on my own. Jericho was there... he died to save my life. Slade put a blade through his chest."
Hearing this caused everything to make a little more sense. Slade wanted his revenge. Even if he was the one who killed his son, Jericho would have never been placed in that position if it weren't for the Titans getting him involved. In some weird way I understood Slade
"So that's why the Titans broke up?" I questioned after a moment of silence, I knew Dick wasn't looking for comfort he wanted me to be angry or disappointed. Those were emotions I probably should have felt, but I was only surprised. We hadn't talked about our lives after we had gone our separate ways in Gotham. He never spoke about the Titans and I never spoke about Lex Luther and the Injustice League. Thinking about it now they were moments in our lives that we had to talk about, no matter how much shame they caused us.
Dick nodded as he sighed, straightening his shoulders readying himself for what he was about to say next. "That's not all. I lied to the others." He declared as he looked up to measure my reaction, but I simply waited expectantly for him to continue. "I told them Jericho was already dead when I arrived at the church. I never told them that Jericho sacrificed himself for me."
"Oh Boy Wonder." I said with a sigh finally feeling the weight of what he was telling me. It was more than just the guilt he felt about Jericho, it was the shame or letting it happen and lying to his team after. "Why did you lie?"
He looked at me and I knew the answer. Dick was the leader of the Titans, and he didn't want to destroy the image they had of him. Maybe it was selfish of him but I understood his reasoning.
"I didn't want them to see me any different." He finally admitted. "I don't know how you aren't."
"After all the things I've done I have no right to be disappointed or judgmental." I replied know that I had my own list of things that I would never forgive myself for. And after all the terrible things that I had done in the past it was a miracle that Dick would still want me.
Dick seemed slightly relieved now that he told me what had happened with Slade all those years ago. And I could only imagine that I was the first person that he had told this two, that all these years he had been carrying around the shame of his all all by himself. "That's the reason the Titans split up. We walked away and never turned back. And now Rose is here and..."
"You're afraid of making the same mistake." I realized still trying to process everything that he had just confessed. The past was really coming back to haunt him, and it seemed to be repeating itself too. "They're here now. And we'll get through this together. We're a team remember?"
Nodding Dick took my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. I was surprised by his uncertainty, I had only ever seen him as overly confident in everything that he did. With a deep breath we both headed down the hall to greet the old Titans who were distracted by Gar and Rachel who were asking them a series of questions.
Seeing Hank, Dawn and Donna standing in the living room was an instant source of uncertainty for me. They were all heroes in their own right, even if they had given it up and moved on. I had given up my past life too but that didn't mean that they had forgotten that, I certain hadn't. The moment Dick and I entered that room I could feel their disapproval.
"Where's Kory?" I questioned noticing her absence. Dick had told me that she had gone off with Donna in an attempt to do her own thing. At the time I understood but seeing Donna without Kory was a disappointment. I was well aware that the old Titans were not very fond of me and I was replying on Kory being here to help me get through the next couple of days.
"She sort of vanished." Donna replied with a hint of uncertainty.
"What do you mean by 'vanished'?"
"I don't know. She's not answering her phone. But, you know, she mentioned she wanted to see Florida." Donna dismissed uncomfortably as she continued to look around the room almost like she expected a ghost to appear at any moment. Although I didn't know her very well it seemed unlike her, or unlike a way a trained Amazonian warrior would carry herself. "So, I just figured she made an Irish exit and took a quick little trip."
I couldn't help but feel disappointed that Kory had moved on. Although I hadn't known her for very long I had grown to like her. But it only made sense that she would continue to have the desire to discover who she was, after all she wasn't from this planet at all.
"Were you followed?" Dick questioned immediately and I couldn't help but be surprised by his lack of greeting his old friends. But considering what he had just told me it shouldn't have been a surprise that he wanted his friends at an arms length, after all he had been lying to them for years.
"We shell gamed before we knocked. Covered our tracks." Hank assured.
"Can you guys give us a minute, please?" Dick asked as he turned towards Gar and Rachel who were lingering close by. Although they seemed disappointed they left without a word, the same could not be said for Jason who was lingering in the corner. "You too, Jason."
I could see that he was ready to resist, so I stepped away from Dick and towards Jason. "Come on Little Bird." I said as I motioned for him to follow, he initially seemed reluctant but agreed with a frustrated sigh.
Dick raised an eyebrow as he looked at me clearly confused about my decision to leave. "Chey?"
"Old Titans business right?" I told him knowing that it was best for me to leave this issue for them to solve. The last thing I wanted was to create any tension between them and I knew that me presence would only cause them to fight.
"This is bullshit." Jason muttered once we were in the hall. We headed in the direction of his room, although I didn't want to be in the same room as the other Titans that didn't mean that I was going to sit around and do nothing. I considered involving Jason but the truth was that Deathstroke scared me, and I wanted the kids as far away from anything related to him as possible.
There was nothing that we could do about Rose Wilson staying under our roof, but we still didn't know what it was that Slade wanted.
"This is personal for them." I argued hoping that seeing this from a different persepective would help ease his frustrations. Even I couldn't see myself playing a part that was something for them to resolve. The had their own lose end to tie with Dr. Light and it had nothing to do with me. "Let them resolve this on their own. There will be other bad guys for you to lock up."
Jason's face seemed to light at the thought as he opened the door to his room and stepped in side. I couldn't help but feel some relief that he was letting this go. For now at least.
Heading back towards the main operations room I pulled up the security footage that Dick and Gar had acquired of Rose. There was something about this entire situation that was unsettling. Everything seemed to be happening at once. Shimmer and Mammoth, Rose, Deathstroke, and now Dr. Light. They were too any problems coming together simultaneously to be a coincidence.
Suddenly the automatic doors opened as Dick led Donna, Hank and Dawn into the room. Dick stopped as he looked at the footage of Rose and Deathstroke displayed on the screen and then at me with questioning eyes. He didn't expect me to be here, but turned his attention back to his friends.
"Well, I picked her up the day before yesterday." Dick continued what he was telling them before, and I realized that he was telling them about our situation with Rose. "She was on the run. The evasive technique was impressive. She has talent and training. And then I saw this."
Reaching forward he pulled up the surveillance footage we had captured of Deathstroke going after his daughter. The second that the image of Deathstroke appeared on the screen the room went entire silent.
"Fuck me." Hank suddenly cursed loudly.
"I thought he... " Donna began until she seemed at a loss of words. I hadn't noticed it before, but she had gone paper white. And I suddenly realized that Donna Troy was terrified. "He was dead."
Dick noticed this too as he looked at his best friend with concern. There was more their history with Deathstroke than he had told me, only maybe the rest wasn't his story to tell. "Yeah, we all did. But he's alive and well in San Francisco."'
"Her name is Rose. Wilson. Deathstroke's daughter."
"You have Slade Wilson's daughter in the other room?" Dawn questioned in disbelief as he looked between Dick and I. It was almost like she expected me to see reason where Dick could not.
Hank who was initially lingering in the doorway stepped forward. "You're fucking with us, right?"
"I didn't know who she was when I picked her up." Dick argued as he studied the faces of everyone in the room. I on the other hand remained seated watching the scene play out. Clearly nothing would get them to approve of Rose staying here with us. Although in all reality I wasn't fully convinced myself that keeping Rose with us was a good idea I also couldn't imagine leaving her on her own while Deathstroke was after her.
"And now you do and she's still here." Donna replied raining her voice, not out of anger but fear.
"Yeah, obviously it's a concern."
"A concern?" Dawn questioned still struggling with the idea that the girl was still with us. "It's pathological. Dick, I get that you have a soft spot for strays, but she can't stay here."
Donna still seemed shaken as she glanced at the image of Deathstroke again. "Deathstroke is why we shuttered this place. We limped away. I didn't come for round two."
"I didn't forget. But I can't kick her out. Slade's tried to kill her once, he'll do it again." He argued knowing that it was the only reasoning that his heroic friends would understand. Rose wasn't the easiest person to be around, her guarded nature wouldn't allow it. But considering Slade Wilson was her father it was entirely understandable that she was so cold. I couldn't imagine everything she had been through, considering her own father was capable causing his daughter to lose an eye Slade Wilson was no father of the year.
"You don't think we're past that?" Hank exclaimed as he motioned to the monitor displaying the Deathstroke footage. "You don't think the same camera that saw you pick her up saw you bring her here?"
Dick sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "He doesn't know she's here. I covered my tracks. And I'm not kicking her out."
Seeing as the others didn't plan on letting the subject go anytime soon I finally stood. They all looked turned their attention to me clearly having forgotten that I was in the room at all.
"Look, you're all here for Dr. Light, take care of Dr. Light." I told them not willing to let them believe that they had any say in the matter. Their stay here was temporary, and they had turned their back on this place and this life a long time ago. "The girl is our problem."
"So now we're going to take orders from a Siren?" Hank questioned as he stepped in my path, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the action. Truthfully their presence already had me tense, and Hank acting the way he was would only lead to me possibly doing something that I would regret.
"Hank, don't go there." Dick warned as he stepped forward but I held my arm out preventing him from stepping between Hank and I. Although I appreciated that he was on my side I also didn't need him to fight my battles for me. The last thing that I wanted was to give Hank any sort of satisfaction.
"It's okay he clearly wants to start a fight." I dismissed.
"Is that so?" Hank replied a smirk on his lips. "Look where you are. Surrounded by Titans, you really think you can take us?"
I raised an eyebrow surprised by his words. From what Dick had told me he was mourning someone, who became a victim in Light's plan. Maybe he wanted to release the anger that he felt towards Light on the person who he also saws an enemy.
"You really think that I would go from fighting Batman, to fighting a washed up vigilante that no one ever cared about?" I questioned as I took a step towards him the lights in the room beginning to flicker. As much of a control as I had gotten over my powers, my emotions occasions took control again. But my momentary lose of control was worth seeing Hank's confident demeanor crack. Looking down at my hand I moved my fingers along with the blue currents of electricity running between them. "Anyway it wouldn't be much of a fight. Now get out of my way."
Hank held my eyes for a moment before stepping aside. Initially I had told myself that I would attempt to at least get along with the other Titans, but that had quickly proved itself to be impossible.
Needing some time on my own to cool off I headed to my room. It felt like I hadn't had anytime to myself in weeks, and although I loved Dick and the kids most of my life I had learned to be alone. Being part of a team like this was something that I was still growing used to. But maybe that was because we were becoming more of a family than a team.
Taking a seat at the edge of the bed I ran my finger through my hair in frustration. As much as I didn't want to be bothered by everything that had happened my irritation was difficult to ignore.
"I'm sorry about Hank. All of this isn't easy for us." Dick declared as he entered the room effectively ending the alone time that I was looking for.
My blood still felt as if it was boiling after what happened with Hank. I wasn't sure if it was because of his words of the fact that I had lost control. In the end I only proved myself to be exactly the person that they believed me to be. A villain in their story.
"I know your friends don't like me very much. I can't blame them. But don't expect me to play nice." I told him not wanting to hear him defend Hank. I understood his reasons, but it wasn't something that I want to hear.
"I think I would be disappointed if you did." He replied as he kneeled down in front of me a small smile playing on his lips. Dick ran his hand up my legs before taking both of my hands in his. "So, are you going to tell me what you're thinking?"
I raised an eyebrow as looked at him for an explanation. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you were looking over the footage again before we came in. There has to be a reason for it."
With a sigh I slipped off the bed taking a seat next to him on the floor. There were so many things that were occupying my head that I didn't know where to begin. But Dr. Light seemed like a good place to start. "All of this just feels wrong. Dr. Light attacking you all individually and now the old titans are back under the same roof?"
"Arthur Light isn't smart enough to come up with a master plan." Dick argued immediately dismissing my theory. "But he is the type to follow someone else's. Do you really think Deathstroke is involved?"
I nodded grateful that he was listening. I knew the others wouldn't take the time to listen to me, but they would definitely listen to Dick. "These coincidences are just too big to ignore."
Dick didn't have a chance to tell the other Titans our theory because Gar had already found a lead on Dr. Light. He had gathered Dick and I back in the main ops room to show us what he had found. There were so many different things pulled up on the monitors in front of us that I didn't know where to look.
"There was nothing irregular in the main grid, so I started searching the private lines, and then this." Gar explained as he pulled up several maps and grids of the city. "It doesn't look like enough power for Dr. Light, but it's centered around that location."
"It's a switching station. Kind of like a back door into the grid." Dick recognized as he took a closer look at the grid. Admittedly everything that they were talking about was going over my head, or I simply didn't find it important enough to pay attention.
Suddenly everything around us went dark as the lights went out. I felt as the electricity around us seemed to just disappear in an instant.
Main power interrupted. Auxiliary power engaged.
Just as quickly as the lights went out the backup power came on relighting the tower. The same could not be said for the rest of San Francisco which was left completely in the dark. Unlike the people of Gotham, the people of San Francisco weren't used to their city blacking out from a villains wildly chaotic plans.
Gar's eyes widened as he looked at me with a hint of amusement. "The city's blacking out."
"It's Dr. Light. He's redirecting the energy, looking for a light delivery system to refuel." Dick replied as we all made our way to the large window overlooking the city. The entire city was consumed by a darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. That is until the football stadium a couple of miles away lit up.
"How about a stadium?" Gar quipped, proud to have uncovered Dr. Light's plan before it had unfolded.
Dick moved quickly as he gathered the others filling them in on what Dr. Light was doing. As he did I couldn't help but continue to find all of this incredibly unsettling, they had only been here for a couple of hours and Light was already enacting a plan. So maybe I was right, it was almost like he was waiting for them all to come together. Like this was his plan all along.
"He's a grandiose motherfucker, isn't he?" Hank commented in disbelief, a hint of excitement in his voice revealing how eager he seemed to go after Light. I knew that Hank had to give up the Hawk persona because of his addictions, I could only imagine that playing hero was something that he missed.
Even I couldn't deny that there was a rush of adrenaline in hiding behind a mask. There was no feeling like it, and although I had given up being Blackout a long time ago it was a time in my life that I thought about often.
"It's a challenge."
"Or a trap." I added knowing that there had to be a bigger reason as to why he was choosing to make such a big show of this.
"He's asking for a party of one. Let's give him a party of four." Hank stated confidently, making it a point to address everybody except me. I didn't have any intentions of going them, but I definitely didn't now even if I was aware of the fact that I could be an important asset in helping them take down Light.
"What, we're on the move?" Jason questioned as he entered the room, to our shock he was wearing his Robin suit. I should have known that he would be to stubborn to actually let this go.
Hank chuckled as he looked down at Jason, who was simply excited about helping them on their mission. "Yeah, to Omaha. We'll drop you off at the bus station."
"This doesn't have anything to do with you. We'll handle it." Dick added to my displeasure. Although I was aware that he wouldn't allow Jason to join them, I also didn't agree that he would dismiss him so easily. Especially after Hank had decided to mock him. It was all the more irritating knowing that Jason was fully capable of doing them, more capable than Hank and Dawn combined. He had the best trying there was, yet he was the one that was going to be benched.
Jason looked to me with frustration before turning back to Dick. "Look, I didn't come here to empty the dishwasher. At least let me run interference or something."
"Not this time."
"I can help. I'll do whatever you say, but don't leave me behind, man." Jason practically pleased and I could see as Dick's stoney expression crack. He did feel guilty about having to bench Jason, but that changed nothing.
Placing a reassuring hand on Jason's shoulder he shook his head. "You'll get your time. Not tonight."
Dick turned towards me with a questioning look in his eyes, possibly wondering if I was going to come along. But he seemed to read me well enough as he nodded before silently heading towards the elevator, the others following behind him. If Jason, Gar, and Rachel were going to sit this out because they weren't part of the Titans before then I was too. Not to mention that I didn't feel like I could work alongside the others. I didn't trust them, and they didn't trust me. That was a deadly combination.
"Costume Friday?" Rose mocked as she walked into the room.
Jason shot her a deadly glare before he headed back to his room. I sighed frustrated with how quickly things seemed to be falling apart. it felt like Jason was getting pushed to his limits, but Dick was too caught up in the mess that was Dr. Light and Deathstroke to notice. Luckily Dr. Light would be taken care of tonight and all of our focus could be turned to figuring out what Slade Wilson was doing in San Francisco.
The Titans had only been gone for an hour before the elevator doors opened. I stood from my seat on the couch, the expressions on their faces speaking a million words. They had clearly failed their mission to stop Dr. Light. But it wasn't something that I planned on commenting on in fear of making the situation worse.
Hank was leaning on Dawn as they stepped out of the elevator. He had injured his leg and although some part of me felt some satisfaction at the fact, I decided to focus my attention on Dick who was already headed towards me.
"You okay?" I questioned as I studied him for any injuries. Dick nodded as he wrapped an arm around my waist, placing a kiss on top of my head. Although he wanted to make it seem that things weren't as serious as they looked, it was an act that anyone would be able to see right through.
"I'll get some gauze from the infirmary." Donna declared as she headed into the hallway.
Everyone remained silent for a moment, almost like if we all knew that if one of us spoke we would end up arguing with one another. Dawn quietly guided Hank in the direction of the infirmary, but suddenly Hank came to a stop as he turned back towards us. A furious expression on his face as his eyes settled at Dick who seemed to be expecting this reaction from him. "You had a chance."
"He would've killed everyone on the bus." Dick countered and from his tone I could hear his own frustration with himself. I didn't know what happened out there with Light, but Dick clearly had to make a difficult decision. They all did.
"And he's gonna kill how many more now?"
"I'll get him."
"Maybe you've lost the taste for how this works." Hank replied raising his voice.
Hank yelling only seemed to anger Dick who had previously been attempting to remain calm. He was supposed to be the leader of this team and he couldn't afford to lose control. "We'll get another shot."
"The old Robin would've taken the first one." Hank yelled as he moved away from Dawn and moved towards Dick. His intentions were clear, he wanted to take this fight to the next level. Hank was impulsive and reckless, but he clearly cared. I couldn't hate him for it, but I also wasn't going to allow him to hit Dick.
"Hank. Hey. Hey." Dawn urged as she also got between the two. She placed a hand on Hanks chest and he seemed to instantly relax under he touch. He and Dawn were complete opposites, which maybe was why they worked in theory. Though I couldn't help but believe that Dawn could do a lot better than Hank Hall. "That's enough. Come on."
I placed a reassuring hand on Dick's shoulder, although I didn't know what happened out there I knew that the decision was tormenting them all. Had I known that the situation with Dr. Light was going to get out of hand I would have gone out there with them. I could have possibly stopped Dr. Light had I been with them. All I had to do was steal the electricity from the light that he used. But my own pride and stubbornness didn't allow me to join them.
"Where's Dr. Light?" Jason questioned as he stepped into the room, Rachel and Gar following closely behind with worried looks on their faces.
"Jason." I warned knowing where this was headed. Unlike Gar and Rachel who kept their anger of being left being to themselves, Jason was not afraid to voice his.
Jason ignored me as he stopped in front of Dick with a satisfied expression in his face. "Little stealth job on a guy who shoots, what, head lamps? I mean, half the city's on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light."
"Not the time, Jason." Dick become tense again, still fresh from his earlier fight with Hank. The last thing he needed was for Jason to push him further over the edge. Deciding it was better to avoid the confrontation altogether Dick attempted to walk around Jason only for Jason to step in his way again.
"Look, I don't take orders from you anymore, man. I do what I want, when I want."
"Get out of my way." Dick replied slowly.
Taking a step forward Jason gave Dick a light, mocking shove. It was all an attempt to prove that he was better and in control. And the action was getting the reaction he wanted from Dick. "I think you got it all wrong. You're in my way. Maybe you need to see a retirement package, huh?"
"Don't." Dick said in what was clearly his final warning, but that only seemed to incite Jason more.
It all happened so quickly, as Jason raised his fist only for Dick to throw his down in one quick move. Instinctively I looked away from the two of them unable to see them treat each other this way. They were brothers and should be supportive of each other, but Dick's refusal to include Jason was straining that relationship.
A look of regret instant came over him as he extended his hand towards Jason. "Shit. Here."
Jason slapped Dick's hand away as he stood, there was anger and hurt in his eyes as he walked off to his room. I could see the regret in Dick's eyes but also the stubbornness that wouldn't allow him to apologize. At least not yet.
It was difficult to see them fight this way, especially when they were just beginning to get along.
"I got it." I assured them as I went after Jason the room to his door was closed, but it wasn't locked meaning that he expected someone to come after him. Whether it was me or Dick I wasn't sure. I only knocked once before opening the door to find Jason sitting at the edge of his bed. "You okay?"
"I've been thrown down before." Jason quickly replied attempting to brush off the incident, but it was an act that I could clearly see through. Not only did Jason feel humiliated, he also had to feel disappointed by Dick's actions. Although he would never voice it out loud Jason looked up to Dick, that admiration had to be tainted now.
"Dick shouldn't have done that. But you also need to understand that he's going through a lot of pressure right now." I told him wanting him to understand that he wasn't being excluded because Dick didn't think he was capable. All he was doing was wanting to protect Jason, Gar, and Rachel. Clearly he was protecting them a little too much that now they felt benched. "He just wants to protect you guys. Deathstroke is dangerous. And not a man who you want to mess with."
"Of course you would know you're rogue just like him."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." I stated as I headed towards the door, as much as I did care for Jason I also wasn't going to let Jason take out his anger on me. I was already dealing with Hank and Donna who made no attempts to hide just how much they didn't approve of me.
"Cheyenne I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."
I stopped at the door and nodded knowing it was best for the both of us to just let the subject go. Tensions were already running high in the Tower, and I couldn't find it in me to truly be mad at Jason. "I know. You should get some rest. It's been a long night."
"I am sorry." He repeated again as he shoved his hands inside his jeans. I could see the glimmer of shame in his eyes, but if there was one thing that he mastered from Bruce was pride. He wouldn't show the vulnerability, but at least he was willing to apologize for his mistake.
"I know Little Bird." I assured him before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind me.
Things weren't perfect before, not now it seemed that whatever we had built in the last couple of months was beginning to unravel quickly. I couldn't be sure what changed, whether it was Deathstroke or the arrival of the old Titans. Or maybe those issues were just revealing problems that were already there. But whatever the reason I had a feeling that things would only get worse from here.
A/N: Long chapter but I know that all like those. This chapter did largely focus on Chey and Jason's relationship. It only felt natural for them to both have a closer bond as they are the outsiders of the group and have anti-hero qualities to them. I do plan on continuing to develop their friendship more in the future. Hope that you guys are enjoying their relationship. Lots more drama to come.
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