22| Rose
With five people living under the same roof it was difficult to choose what to watch as our late night entertainment. After a lot of arguments between Rachel, Gar and Jason it was decided that every night would be alternate between who would choose what to watch for the night. Tonight was Rachel's night and naturally Game of Thrones was on, as unpredicted as Jason and Gar were in their choices it was always guaranteed that Rachel would be choosing Game of Thrones. A show that admittedly had started to grow on me.
Rachel, Gar and Jason were already gathered around the T.V. as Dick and I set up the snacks for the night.
"Your still upset about this morning." Dick whispered as he dumped a bag of chips into one of the glass bowls. Since the incident this morning with the coffee and realizing that he had lied about where he had gone with Rachel I had decided to avoid all interactions with Dick in order to prevent a fight between the two of us.
I turned towards Rachel, Gar and Jason who seemed to be intently watching the show. "You know how I feel about lies Dick. Especially from you."
Dick remained quiet for a moment before stepping closer taking my hand in his. "Trust me." He urged but I simply rolled my eyes and turned away from him. "Rachel and I were just out getting your birthday gift."
"Bullshit. My birthday is in six months." I countered lowering my voice as I realized that it wasn't just us in the room.
"Please don't fight." Gar mustered as he looked at Dick and from his seat on the couch. Jason and Rachel were also clearly listening into the conversation but chose to remain quiet as they never looked away from the television screen.
Stealing on last irritated glance at Dick I walked away from him setting the snacks on the coffee table in the living room before taking my usual seat on the couch. It wasn't long before Dick took his usual seat beside me, he remained still for a moment before slowly wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
As frustrated as I was with Dick and his continued tendency to keep things from me I wanted to trust him, and continuing to fight in front of the others would only make them uncomfortable and ruin their night. Once I rested my head on his shoulder, Dick seemed to immediately relax as he placed a kiss on top of my head.
By the time the episode ended Gar and Jason were already asleep, a fact that really seemed to annoy Rachel as Gar was the only one who always pretended to seem the slightest bit interested in the show. Just as we all began to clean up the mess that had been created around the living room the sound off police sirens and flashing red and blue lights had us all rushing to the window as a helicopter sped across the city.
Immediately Dick turned on the TV as the news broadcasted a police chase. To our surprise all the chaos was due to one silver haired girl who was single handedly taking on all of San Francisco's police force. But they didn't seem to be all she was running from as she was impressively jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
"Who the hell is that?" Gar questioned as he sat up eagerly in his seat. I knew what he was thinking from the eagerness in his eyes, they all wanted to take part in some action instead of having Dick's friends do all the dirty work.
"A total badass." Jason replied not taking his eyes off the screen. He was at the edge of his seat and it was the first time win days that he seemed genuinely interested in something.
"Stay here." Dick ordered as he grabbed his jacket from the hanger before heading towards the elevator. Gar, Jason, and Rachel all turned towards me waiting for some kind of direction. As tempted as I was to have us all follow Dick I also wasn't going to send the three of them towards an unknown threat.
"Go prepare a bed in the med-bay." I ordered them and although they clearly didn't seem pleased that they were once again going to be left out of the action they obeyed without a word.
An hour later Dick returned to the tower the unconscious girl in his arms. He didn't say a word but we all simply followed him into the medical wing of the tower where he set the girl down. Her white hair was stained with blood and from the gauze covering her left eye she was suffering from some serious injuries.
Turning around towards Rachel, Gar, and Jason who were standing at the doorway I frowned. Whatever was happening here the girl not only needed her privacy, but Dick and I had to discuss what we had to do next. "All of you out of here."
Dick and I immediately began inspecting all of her wounds but oddly enough there didn't seem to be any. From the tears in her clothing and the blood stains everything pointed that she should be badly wounded, especially after having fallen from a five story building.
"Dick." I said unsure of what to think about this new detail about our mystery girl. It was one thing for her to be a gifted fighter, but her being a meta human made things much more complicated.
"What?" He questioned as he stepped forward.
"It's healed."
His expression gave away nothing, but from the sudden tense set of his shoulders I knew that this was something that had caught him off guard. "It changes nothing."
"It changes everything." I argued unsure she he didn't seem very concerned. "She's a meta-human."
"She needs our help."
"I know that." I snapped, irritated with his stubbornness. Because this was him just slipping into his usual habit of taking in strays left and right. We already had enough on our hands with Rachel, Gar, and Jason. Adding this girl into the equation would only further complicate things. "But we don't know who she was running away from or why."
"Whatever it is we can handle it."
"But Rachel and Gar," I began feeling like ick was running into the situation blind. It wasn't just about us, we had the others to consider and worry about. "they aren't like you and Jason. They didn't grow up in Gotham or get trained by Batman. They still don't know what they've gotten themselves into."
Before Dick could reply the sound of someone clearing their throat stopped him. We both turned to find Gar standing uncomfortably by the doorway holding a pile of towels and other supplies in his hands.
"Sorry here are some towels." He replied awkwardly as he set the towels down on the dresser. Although he slipped out of the room as quickly as possible Gar was very obvious in the way that he stopped to briefly stare at the unconscious girl. I wouldn't have been surprised if he was sent by the others to find out what was happening with the girl. "Sorry."
Once Gar's footsteps disappeared down the hallway Dick turned his attention back to me. "Chey, please just trust me. Look I know I haven't done much to earn that trust in the past, but I need you to trust me on this now."
I knew that he wasn't only referring to the unconscious girl that he brought to the tower, and I couldn't be that untrusting in him when he was trusting in me. Not when I had done much worse things when breaking his trust in the past. "I don't know why you care what I think. You're just going to go ahead and do what you think is right anyway."
"Because we're doing this together. What you think is important to me." He replied as he stepped closer and I could almost roll my eyes at the slight smile that was forming on his lips. "Anyway I don't want to get you any more mad at me. I kind of haven't kissed you all day and its starting to drive me a little crazy."
Taking another step closer to him brushing my lips against his, but I pulled away before he could react. "I love you, but you have to know that it's going to take a lot more than your usual charm to convince me on this one."
Sitting in the security room Dick sat quietly watching as I continued my work on the eyepatch he wanted for the girl. I knew there was something that he wanted to say, but he didn't seem willing to say it just yet. The girl was still unconscious and I didn't expect her to wake anytime soon.
"You don't think she should be here." He said after a long moment, and I looked up to meet his troubled eyes. Dick wanted me to approve of what he was doing, and although I knew that it was fundamentally the right thing to do my natural survival instinct wouldn't allow me to admit it.
"Just concerned that we know nothing about her." I replied as I finished the last stitch and set the eye patch. After the last couple of months of Dick and I living in what felt like bliss, us being in a disagreement now felt terrible. But we were clearly on very different sides here. "There are ways to fix that."
He shook his immediately and I knew there was no point in arguing the subject any further. Although he and Bruce worked things out that didn't mean t that anything related to Bruce Wayne or Batman was a touchy subject for him. After everything that Bruce put him through at such a young age it was a surprise that Dick wasn't more like him to begin with. "We're not approaching this like Bruce would. It isn't right."
We both remained silent knowing that if we continued this discussion any further it would undoubtedly end in some kind of fight. We had already done too much of that. And ultimately it would get us nowhere.
Suddenly Dick's phone began to run breaking the uncomfortable silence that had unsettled between the two of us. Even Dick seemed grateful for the call as he stood to answer it.
"Hank? Are you okay? You sure it was Dr. Light? All right, I'm sorry. It's just..." Dick continued to say seeming to be at a loss of words about whatever he was being told. "I thought he was still in prison. This is bad. You guys should come here. We should get together to figure this out."
Dick sighed once the call ended, running his hand through his hair again as he took a seat across from me. He was quiet for a moment, trying to process the phone call. Whatever happened with Hank and Dawn must have been serious if he was offering for them to come to San Fransisco. Especially after whatever had caused the Titans to break apart in the first place. "Hank and Dawn were attacked by Dr.Light."
"Doctor Light?" I repeated surprised by the fact that Dick seemed unfazed by the fact. Dick was under a lot of stress, but even this was concerning to me. "Don't you see the pattern here?"
"What do you mean?"
Normally Dick would have seen the pattern, the fact that he didn't know told me that his mind was somewhere else entirely. He was worried about the girl. "Shimmer and Mammoth? Doctor Light? It seems like your old friends are having reunion."
The realization seemed to dawn on Dick, but before he could reply an alarm was set off in the building. Turning towards the wall of screens beside us we watched as the girl attempted to find her way out of the building. Luckily the towers security system was too advanced that it wouldn't even allow her to step into the elevator.
By the time that Dick and I had arrived Rachel, Gar and Jason had the girl surrounded. Although the girl was clearly outnumbered she didn't seem concerned, in fact she seemed ready for a fight. A part of me had to admire her for not being unfazed, especially after the night she had gone through.
"We need to talk." Dick stated firmly before turning towards Rachel and the boys. "It's late."
Reluctantly the three of them headed towards their rooms and although Rachel and Gar seemed disappointed to not get to talk to the girl, Jason looked visibly irritated to once again be left out of something that very much affected them. I understood his frustration, but the girl needed her privacy and if she did decide to stay then we would have to get through this as an entire team.
Once the others had left the room I pulled out the black eyepatch from my pocket and held it out to the girl. It was a pathetic attempt to make her comfortable, but considering that she still visibly on high alert something needed to be done. "Here. You might need this."
She looked down at the patch with uncertainty before taking it from my hand and shoving it down her jean pocket. "You can't keep me here against my will. It's kidnapping."
"Call it a precaution." Dick replied simply as he casually leaned against the wall as his attempt to make her feel more comfortable. "I saw what you could do out there on the street, and it looked like you might need some help. Better safe than sorry."
They girl seemed stunned as she stared at Dick with wide eyes before an annoyed expression came over her features. "So you brought me here unconscious?"
"You can leave whenever you want." I assured her, finding that the best option overall.
"They're still out there. And if I could find you, so can they." Dick quickly reminded her, clearly determined to convince this girl to stay. "It's pretty clear you're running from someone. Do you wanna tell me who?"
"Okay. Let's start with who you are. You got a name?"
The girl scowled as she studied Dick for a moment, like she already knew exactly the kind of person that he was. There was anger behind her eyes and I couldn't tell if that anger was directed at Dick or if she was sim ply upset by the situation that she found herself in. "Like you haven't gone through my stuff."
"I haven't." Dick quickly assured her.
"Consider yourself lucky." I muttered remembering how he and Bruce had investigated every single detail of my life while I was unconscious when we first met. Although I understood that Dick was attempting to do things differently from Bruce there was something about the girl that was unsettling.
Maybe it was the little show she had performed for the entire city, but whoever she was running from felt like someone we should know about. Even if Dick was too stubborn to admit that it was something that needed to be done. The simple truth was that if we were going to help this girl we needed to know what we were up against. And clearly the girl wasn't very forthcoming with information considering that she wouldn't even give us her name.
"Look, there are a lot of ways I could find out who you are. But I'd rather you just tell me."
A scowl formed on the girl's lips as she looked between Dick and I with contempt. "The less you people know, the better."
"You don't need to worry about us. We can take care of ourselves." I replied feeling irritated by the girl's attitude. Maybe in any other circumstances I might have liked her fiery attitude, but at the moment we didn't know anything about her or who she was running from. I trusted that Dick took every possible measure to ensure that he wasn't followed, but preparing for an unknown threat was nearly impossible.
"Yeah, what the hell is this place anyway?"
"This is a place where people like you can learn how to be the best version of who you are. And you can do it without being afraid for your life." Dick stated firmly, and although the statement was meant to comfort her, it seemed that comfort and safety were things that she was not interested in.
The girl looked at Dick in disbelief for a moment before chuckling to herself. Admittedly a couple of years ago I would have laughed at his words too. "Boy, are you deluded. Bringing me here was a big mistake. He'll kill you and everyone else in this place just to get to me."
"Who?" I questioned. "Who is he?"
"The more you know, the more trouble it makes for all of us. Now... are you gonna let me outta here?" She questioned impatiently as her eyes settled on Dick, who still didn't seem discouraged by her words.
"Look it's late. Stay the night, and if your still want to leave tomorrow then I'll drive you to the bus station myself."
The girl was silent for a moment as she considered her options. "Fine." She replied with gritted teeth before heading down the hallway that led to the room that had been set up for her.
Admittedly I was surprised that she had agreed to stay, but Dick had this natural charm about him that caused people to normally follow his lead without question. "I'm guessing she's staying."
"What makes you say that?" Dick questioned.
"You convinced her to stay the night. She's staying." I explained knowing that staying the night would cause her to feel a sense of comfort and security. I knew the feeling, it was what had persuaded me to stay with Bruce and Dick all those years ago. "If she accepts your help, then you have to help her."
"Irritatingly, it's what you do. Dick, you can't resist a bird with a broken wing."
"I wouldn't say I can't.
"Me?" I reminded him.
Dick smiled as he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer. "I've never been able to resist you."
"I'm serious Dick. I mean this is why you brought us all here to your Titans Tower." I continued unable to hide the slight bitterness in my tone. As much as I did enjoy being here with Dick and the others, it was still a reminder of everything that I was not. I wasn't a hero like the Titans, and I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to be. "Maybe she can't admit it. But she needs help. That's what you do best. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do. But I don't think you have a choice."
"You don't completely agree."
I sighed as I looked up to meet his eyes. As much as my instinct was telling me tp rid myself of the problem, I also had to admit that I needed to allow myself to be more trusting. That I wasn't on my own anymore. "I trust you. So if you think this is the right thing to do... then I'll help you."
"I love you."
I nodded feeling an unwelcome sense of uncertainty that came when thinking about the differences between Dicka and I. "You certainly know a lot more about this hero thing than I do anyway."
Dick seemed to immediately sense this change in me as he took my hand. "Chey... you're not wrong about this. I know Bruce would disapprove and I want to do this my way. But..."
"Call him. Call Bruce, you know you want to." I encouraged realizing that it was the thing that was troubling him this entire time. Dick didn't want to admit that he wanted to turn to Bruce for advice, even if it was advice that he didn't plan to follow. He just wanted to know that Bruce would be there for him if anything went wrong.
It was the kind of support that I wish I had from Selina.
Even after everything that Bruce put Dick through, in many ways Bruce was still a father to him. Taking his silence as a response I stepped out of the room giving him the privacy that he needed to talk Bruce, and hopefully he would get the encouragement that he was looking for.
Dick had woken up early to take they girl to the train station, even after trying to convince her to stay the girl refused. She was stubborn or simply had no interest in staying with strangers who promised her safety. I could understand her hesitation to stay, though Dick was still optimistic that he would be able to change the girl's mind.
Walking into the kitchen I was surprised to find Rachel by herself silently making herself some breakfast. The red gem on her forehead sparkled from the sun's reflection, always a constant reminder of what she was.
"Where are the boys?" I asked Rachel as she poured herself some coffee.
"I've been asking myself that question all morning." Rachel replied in a disinterested tone. The last couple of days Rachel seemed more distant and less interested in her training. Undoubtedly it had something to do with how her abilities had changed since her confrontation with her father. What was worrying was that she always seemed to avoid the subject.
As the days went by I found it more difficult to get close to her. I could only hope that she would want to come to me on her own. Nodding I stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway were hushed voices could be heard from the security room.
Placing my hand on the palm scanner the doors instantly opened and sure enough Gar and Jason were both seated behind the desk. Both boys looked at me with tired eyes, but it was only Gar who seemed ashamed of getting caught.
"Rose Wilson." Gar said ignoring me and turning his attention back to the files that were displayed across all the screens in the room. They had clearly been doing their little investigation for a while, and from the snacks scattered around the room I wouldn't have been surprised if they had been up all night. "And that's her dad, Slade Wilson."
Hearing the name Slade Wilson had me instantly turning me attention to the images on the screen, but that face was unmistakable. Suddenly it felt as if my mouth had gone dry as the realization of what we had gotten ourselves into hit me.
"No fucking way." Jason muttered in disbelief, unable to tear his eyes away from Slade Wilson's profile.
Gar turned towards me with questioning eyes noticing the way that both Jason and I were frozen in place. "What?"
"Deathstroke." I muttered feeling the fear run through my veins. There were few villains that were known to be as ruthless as Deathstroke, Slade Wilson was not a man who you wanted as an enemy.
"Deathstroke!" Gar exclaimed with more excitement than the situation required. Of course from his perspective Deathstroke was more of a story than an actual threat. But if he knew only a fraction of the things that Deathstroke had done over the years I knew that Gar would be as unnerved as Jason and I. "Did you say Deathstroke?"
Neither Jason and I had the desire to repeat the fact that we were in fact not only dealing with Deathstroke, but that his daughter was currently sleeping under our roof. Living in Gotham meant dealing with some of the most vial people imaginable and Slade Wilson was one of the worst.
A/N: And so it begins. I know that I haven't been updating much but with school and work I just needed a break. Very excited for season 3, the first three episodes have completely blown me away. As the big Batman fan that I am its like a dream having this season be in Gotham.
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