11| Wicked Games
Normally I would have been unsettled attending a party where Gotham City's untouchable Crime Lord was in attendance. Tonight Johnny Vitto got married, the nephew to Carmine "The Roman" Maroni, he most powerful man in Gotham who was responsible for the city's corruption. This should have been unsettling but after having spent a night roaming through the halls of Arkham Asylum I could no longer be easily unsettled.
"Blend in, don't cause any trouble." Selina instructed as made our way through the crows who was beginning to gather at the center of the dance floor as the band began to play. While Selina and I were getting ready I initially felt that we were overdressed, now being among all these mob members and their families I felt incredibly undressed in my golden silk gown. These people were not hiding their wealth as it was on full display on all the women's necks which sparkled brightly.
"I think we've caused more trouble than Gotham can handle this week alone." I countered knowing that the night we went after Harley we effectively made Gotham more dangerous than before. Many of the inmates inside Arkham escaped include Deathstroke, Firefly, The Joker and others. Enough that we effectively doomed the city to more destruction and chaos. "I'll be good."
"Not too good." Selina replied with a smile before expertly disappearing within the sea of party guest.
As a waiter passed by I reached out taking a glass of champagne, although this wedding was a bore anything was better than being at our hideout. Things were still incredibly tense between Harley and Ivy since their falling out in Arkham. It was odd seeing them so distant towards one another, but it was expected after what happened.
Scanning the room my eyes suddenly landed on Selina who was in the arms of Bruce Wayne as they danced closely together. My shock didn't come from seeing them together but the fact that Bruce was here at all. There had to be a reason because Bruce Wayne would never be seen surrounded by the Falcone crime family. Whatever that reason was, it had nothing to do with what Selina and I are here for. The tense set in Bruce's shoulders told me that he was just as surprised to see her.
I continued to look throughout out all the party guest until my eyes landed on him, he stuck out like a sore thumb the way Bruce did. It was hard to place what made them stand out in a crowd. But Dick was nothing like all these dirty and ruthless people in the room. Whatever that quality was I watched him for a moment as his eyes seemed to scan the room, and without really thinking I found myself talking towards him.
"Looking for me Boy Wonder?" I questioned and as he turned around to face me the shock in his eyes was quickly masked by an unreadable expression. Dick seemed to study me for a moment almost like I was a stranger and in many ways I was. The girl that he knew had changed so much, that I almost couldn't remember the girl that I was before. After a moment I reached out straightening his tie, it was like I had no other choice but to satisfy my need to touch him. Even in such a meaningless way. "Are you going to ask me to dance? Or have you forgotten how to be gentleman?"
Wordlessly he wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me into the dance floor, far away enough from Selina and Bruce to ensure they wouldn't spot us right away. As we slowly swayed to the music it almost felt like before, if it wasn't for how tense he seemed. Dick truly looked like he would prefer for the ground to swallow him whole as he avoided any eye contact with me.
"Que pasa amor?" I whispered softly never letting my eyes stray away from Selina and Bruce. Whatever plans Bruce and Dick had tonight would undoubtedly interfere with Selina's. I was beginning to think that if there was a God her surely hated me as he kept placing me in Dick Grayson's path like this. "How about you ask the question that you want to ask?"
"What's the point in asking if you aren't going to answer?" He questioned his eyes still burning with anger which I oddly found satisfying. It was much easier to go on knowing that he hated me, that maybe it would relieve me of some of my remaining guilt in leaving the way I did.
"True. Then ask me something else."
"Did you really believe what you said?"
He didn't have to elaborate because I knew exactly what he meant, and I wondered if this question was keeping him up at night. The truth being that I wasn't sure of the answer myself. Did I really believe that he liked me because I thought me weak? As I looked at him I knew that wasn't the case at all. "Does it matter?"
Now he seemed to become irritated and it was something that I found that I enjoyed. I smiled at him realizing that Selina had told me before was true. It could be very fun to toy with men but Dick clearly wasn't in the mood to deal with me. "Why are you telling me to ask you questions if you aren't going to answer?"
"Ask me something worth my time."
His eyes seemed to burn into mine as he pulled me closer against him. Although I remained calm I could feel my heart begin to beat rapidly against my chest from the intensity in his eyes. "Do you miss me?"
This was a question that caught me off guard. One that I didn't expect but my answer was still immediate. "No."
"I don't believe you." He replied confidently like he could see right though me. I was sure that I wasn't revealing anything, hiding my emotions was something that I had become quite good at. But maybe my eyes revealed more than I wanted them to.
I allowed a small smile to play on my lips not enough to be cruel, but one that would have him questioning his own confident response. "You can believe whatever you'd like."
His irritation was unwavering but it seemed best to have him resent me, after leaving the way I had his resentment was deserved. Selina and the girl might have prepared me for an infinite number of situations when dealing with Gotham's underground, but nothing could prepare me for my interactions with Dick Grayson.
Suddenly he pulled away from me quickly taking my hand and leading me out of the main banquet hall. There wasn't much time for me to protest as I was pulled into a small bathroom and he quickly locked the door behind us. This certainly wasn't how I expected this encounter to go as I imagined in yelling or refusing to speak to me at all.
"You miss me. Like I miss you." He stated confidently before his lips captured my own. I rational part of me was screaming to push him away, but the part of me that desired him was much stronger. There wasn't much room for rational thought as I parted my lips allowing his tongue to lips into my mouth, sending me somewhere else entirely. This kiss was devoid of any of the gentleness of the ones that came before, all those gentle kissed were now replaced by something much more dangerous.
Dick's mouth left my own as his lips began to kiss their way down my neck. His body then pressed tightly against mine and I intently wrapped my leg around his needing to feel him closer. Painfully I bit my lip as as he continued to mark every inch of my exposed skin and slowly I began to question how far I should let this go.
"You miss me." He repeated again as his lips brushed behind my ear, while his hand slowly trailed up my thigh through the slit in the dress.
As his lips kept sending me into new states of euphoria it became more difficult to admit the my body and heart aches for him in a way that was to powerful to put into words. That was my driving factor in placing my hands on his chest pushing him away enough to allow me to meet his eyes."Really? Because from where I'm standing it seems like you're the one the misses me."
My words surprisingly didn't faze him as he brushed a strand of hair away from my face before pulling me into another kiss. Though this one brought the gentleness that I remembered.
"You kiss different." He muttered and I couldn't say the same. His kiss was exactly the same, at least in the way that it made me feel. The lust that was prominent his gaze seemed to drain away replaced by a seriousness as he looked into my eyes. "Come back."
"And you think Bruce would just accept me back with open arms? I've been very bad." I questioned and he seemed at a loss of words. He knew that there was no going back to the way things were. The way that we were before. Even if I wanted to things between us would never be the same. Knowing this had to be the last time we would be together like this I slowly ran my thumb across his lips removing the remnants of my lipstick. "This was fun and all, but I really have to go."
"Why?" Dick asked and for once I wasn't completely sure what he meant. Was he asking me why I had to leave now? Or was he asking me why I left him? Both were questions that I couldn't answer.
"What the point in asking if you know I'm not going to answer?" I replied before slipping out the door knowing that I had to find Selina as soon as possible.
Luckily when I found Selina she seemed to have gone on her own little adventure with Bruce apparently having saved District Attorney Harvey Dent from Falcone's men. It was widely known that Dent was determined to take down the city's most powerful crime family, though most people believed him mad considering that Falcone practically owned owned the city and everyone in it.
Now that we were standing in Falcone's office in skintight suits on the hottest night in July refusing to speak about what was clearly on out minds. Though like Bruce, Selina tended to calculate and account everything. Even a simple conversation though I honestly didn't feel willing to share my feelings either.
"Keep a look out." Selina instructed as she immediately began to work on the safe and it seemed that she had no interest in hiding the tense set in her shoulders. I wasn't sure if that tension was due to her possibly discovering the truth about father to her interaction with Bruce earlier. I was tempted to ask though I knew better to do it now.
Selina expertly opened the safe in a manner of seconds but as she began to shift through all the documents and cash a familiar shadow moved across the curtains from the outside.
"He's here." I warned and hardly had enough time to react as she tossed a thick leather bound notebook at me. The second that the notebook was in my grasp Batman came through the window and I felt my heart come to a stop as I silently slipped into the shadows watching at Batman slowly approached Catwoman.
"I was wondering who left the window open."
"I don't have time for this." Selina replied in a bored tone as she slipped what must have been Falcone family jewels into her bag. In reality Selina could have cared less about the jewels but she had to throw Batman off on what we were actually here for.
It was truly incredible to watch them now when only a couple of minutes ago they were wrapped in each others arms dancing. The Selina and Bruce that were in front of me now lost their playfulness, but the tension of their attraction to one another could still be felt. "My business here doesn't involve you."
"Funny I don't believe you." Selina stated as I slowly began to make my way towards the window hoping that I could slip away unnoticed though that could hardly be the case with Robin still unaccounted for.
"You should." Batman said just before I slipped out the window and used the fire escape to get to the roof. Although leaving Selina was something that did not sit well with me, I knew that I had no other choice. Batman wasn't here for us, which meant that he was in Falcone's office in search of something too.
"What were you and Selina doing at Falcone's?"
I turned around not surprised to find the Boy Wonder standing before me. It was no surprise that they didn't believe that we were here for jewels or money, but they would never conclude that we were here for something much more personal. "Why are you asking when you know I'm or going to answer?"
"Why are you being so difficult?" Dick questioned and I found it astounding how much easier it felt interacting with one another now that he had mask on. It was like we were two different people entirely and I slowly began to understand the appeal of hiding behind a mask and pretending to be someone else.
"Where's the fun in being easy?" I countered as I slipped the leather bound notebook in the bag hanging off my hip. I watched as his eyes narrowed on the notebook and the moment that he took a step towards me I turned around and leaped off the ledge landing on the neighboring building a couple of feet below.
Without a moment of hesitation I continued running using the buildings that I had memorized to get to my destination. I knew that Dick wasn't too far behind but once I got to the abandoned building I slipped inside through the large crack in the glass ceiling. Landing on one of the wooden beams I made my way across it to the second floor of the mall.
The building was once and abandoned mall which was going under-construction to become a new theater to replace the one near Crime Alley. But the building was once again abandoned and the project was forgotten in favor of relocating the theater to one of the wealthier neighborhoods in Gotham.
Taking a seat I quickly began flip through the pages of the notebook discovering that it was a leader with important transactions between Carmine Falcone and other powerful people in the city. Clearly this was what Batman was after as this could easily be used against Falcone, but to Selina and I it was useless. All these transactions were dated recently and would be no help in uncovering whether he really was Selina's father.
Suddenly the sound of glass shattering brought me out of my thought as Robin crashed though the large glass window landing in the middle go the buildings courtyard. I almost rolled by eyes by his lack of subtly. But Robin wasn't supposed to be subtle, he was supposed to be the distraction. Batman was the one who lurked in the shadows. Though I always has the suspicion the Dick's role in the duo was more than being the distraction. He was there to make sure that Batman never went to far, to ensure that he didn't lose himself in his mission to save Gotham.
"Batman and I need that ledger." Dick called out not attempting to hide his own frustration. A frustration that matched met own as I realized that this ledger was completely useless to Selina. That this whole night was a waste of time unless she was able to uncover something else. Leaping off the beam I landed a couple of feet away from him, holding the ledger carelessly between my fingers. "Chey..."
"Sorry Boy Wonder but I can't give it to you." I told him as I slipped the ledger into the black bag having from my hip. The ledger was utterly useless to Selina but I couldn't give it to him so freely. If I did he would believe that I was still on their side, it would give him hope. "So I guess you'll have to take from me."
For a moment he seemed amused until with a simple flick of my wrist my whip extended forward as a loud snapping noise filled the abandoned building. The whip had wrapped around Dick's wrist, and as expected he pulled on the whip attempting to pull me forward. But I simply used that momentum to roll down on the floor yanking on the whip that forced Dick down onto the floor.
He was up in an instant, his hand now free of the whips hold. It was clear that he wasn't even trying as we continued to fight, and I new better than to believe that we were evenly matched. Irritation quickly spiked through me as I grabbed both end of my whip wrapping it around his wrist. Quickly followed by the other as I brought my leg down, pulling Dick forward and flipping him over on his back. Not planning on being gentle I had my knees tightly against Dick's hips, making sure that he had not escape.
"You still think so little of me that you won't even try?" I asked and found that I truly felt disappointed, I was well aware that he was a much better fighter than me. Dick had plenty of years more experience than I did and if he truly wanted to he could take me down and hand me to Bruce without much of an effort.
"Even after what you've done... I don't think I could hurt you." He stated with an unusual amount of sincerity but that was quickly replaced with a seriousness that did not suit him well. Though this seriousness now seemed to only be directed towards me. "But you give no choice."Then in an instant he raised his hips pushing me forward and with my loosened grip he was able to bring his elbow down on my arm before flipping me over on my back.
Now I was the one who was pinned to the ground as he reached in the bag pulling out the ledger. It was his turn to mock me as he held the ledger to my face using it to brush as strand of hair away. "I got this fair and square."
"What are we children?" I questioned in a mocking tone as I pushed him off of me. This suddenly seemed like a game that we were both playing, but neither of us was going to betray the other in a harmful way. Besides I had no interest in the ledger and whatever they had planned for it was clearly important.
"No. Not anymore." He replied as he walked away but it was difficult to ignore the disappointment and harshness in his voice. Oddly enough those three words carried an unexpected amount of weight that reminded me that we weren't the people that we were before. This realization opened my eyes that now in many ways we were on opposite sides. That we were obstacles to each other. His now cold demeanor meant that from now on we would no longer see each other in the same way, and would truly see each other as we were. A criminal and a masked vigilante.
A/N No better way to celebrate Batman Day than an update! In celebration of the World Greatest Detective who's your favorite on screen Batman?
Have any of you read Batman: The Long Halloween? If you have what do you think? Going to be doing my own little spin on the story which is going to tell it more from the rogue's point of view which I thought could be interesting. Anyways tell me what you excited to see next!
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