08| The Killing Joke
I stood with Dick a block away from the banquet hall that Sal Maroni was throwing his little birthday party. After our little trip to the GCPD I found myself in a sour mood as I listened to Dick once again go over the plan. If there was one thing that I learned over the years was that nothing ever went according to the plan.
"May I?" Dick suddenly questioned snapping me out of my thoughts. He held up recording device that I was going to wear. Wordlessly I turned around moving my hair to the side and I stood still as he unzipped the back of my dress securing the recording device. I felt as his fingers brushed against my skin, but my mind was somewhere else entirely that the gesture didn't fully register in my mind. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I replied dismissively as he zipped my dress again and I adjusted the strap of my dress eager to get this night over with. With that pardon I was free to walk to the streets without any worry of being chased for my crimes, though it didn't change that fact that I would always be seen as a criminal. Not that it really mattered to me anyway as this last year I was able to live rather normally, that is until I bumped into Dick again.
"That face isn't nothing." He stated as he helped me into my coat, trying to search my eyes for an answer. Though he should have learned by now that I never really allowed my eyes to reveal anything, maybe if there was one thing I mastered from Bruce it was that. But in a city like Gotham and with the people I surrounded myself with, not revealing your true emotions was almost a survival tool. "And not to mention the fact that I just unzipped your dress and you failed to make some seductive comment."
"Maybe I was just busy thinking about all the things we can do once this over." I told him as I let a smile play on my lips pulling him closer by his tie, but he continued look at me sternly. Usually that would have been enough for him to drop the subject, maybe I was losing my touch. Clearly I have been away from Gotham for too long. With a sigh I moved away from him feeling that maybe I did need to get this off my chest to focus completely on what I was just about to do. "I suppose I didn't consider that fact that I would be going back to Arkham if I fail in getting your precious confession."
"You won't." He assured me quickly, almost like the idea itself was ridiculous. Maybe it was, what I had to do was simple and I had no doubt I would be able to do it successfully. Yet, any memories of Arkham tended to pull me into a darker place. Not so much the experience of being within those highly secured four wall, but my actions that drive Bruce to finally lock me up.
"I could."
He took a step closer certainty shinning bright in his eyes, and for a moment I couldn't believe that at some point I thought he underestimated me. "You're not going back to Arkham Chey."
I felt a small smile touch my lips, this one surprisingly genuine and not the practiced one that I tended to use. "Are you telling me that you'll let me slip, if I don't get your confession?"
"I've done it before." He replied, and it was true. Dick has let me escape too many times to count and I didn't doubt that he would let me go if it came to that. Even if I was certain it wasn't going to come to that. Taking another step towards me Dick looked at me with the same intensity as the loft, reminding me of how we were interrupted only a couple hours ago. We were only inches apart and it seemed like we were always being pulled together this way, each time with an increasing intensity. "Chey I really want to..."
Without really thinking I leaned forward capturing his lips in mine for the slightest of moments. The kiss was brief, criminally so. He didn't have a chance to react if he wanted to because I had already pulled away and stepping into onto the street heading towards the banquet hall. Even the slightest brush of his lips caused me to lose focus and that was why I had to pull away. And I couldn't have my mind clouded over with thoughts of him, even that slight touch was a mistake.
Slipping into the building was easy enough and oddly it brought a feeling of deja vu, because I had been in a similar position before only the person that I was looking for information from was Carmine Falcone and Selina was at my side. It was difficult not to think of Falcone and The Holiday Killer, but it seemed like such long time ago already.
I picked up a glass of champagne from one of the waiters trays blending into the crowd of already intoxicated party guest. Finding Maroni within the crowd of people wasn't complicated, he was a man who always wanted to make his presence shown. And sure enough he was surrounded by a crowd of people who seemed entertained with whatever story he was in the middle of telling. I stood just outside the crowd until his eyes met mine, he seemed truly surprised to see me and I simply offered him a small smile as I walked into the other room.
I looked around at the empty sitting room and heard the door open behind me. Turning around I wasn't surprised to find Maroni along with two armed men at his side.
"If it isn't Cheyenne Freemont." He greeted now that we were alone, or as alone as we could be considering that he never went anywhere without protection. Though when you were a man that was only powerful because of the money in his pocket, protection was more a necessity than a show of power. "You certainly are a sight for sore eyes."
"Happy Birthday Sal."
"Don't I get a birthday kiss?" He questioned jokingly and I offered him a small smile as I leaned forwards and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. Unlike Penguin Maroni was flirtatious, but never in a way that made me uncomfortable. "Alway such a tease."
He took a seat on one of the couches , and I took the one across from him as I let a small pout fall on my lips. "I have to say I was a little hurt when I didn't get an invitation."
"We both know you don't need one."
Quickly replacing the pout with a smile I leaned forward in my seat looking at him attentively. To a man like Maroni I was just a pretty face that he didn't expect much from, and I could play the part easily. "I've been away for so long. You have to catch me up."
"All everyone is talking about is what Joker did to Gordon's girl. Sick bastard." Sal stated dismissively as a dark look came over his eyes. Maroni never did try to hide his dislike of people under masks. Whether they were villains or heroes, they were all the same to him. He was old fashioned and was repulsed by the new ways to not only commit crimes but stop them. "We really have to get rid of all theses masked freaks. You being an exemption of course."
Curiosity took over reason, as I desired to know more about Joker's recent crime. It explained why there was something off about Gordon, and although I did have a simple plan to stick to all plans were known for changing. And I really was curious to know more. "What did Joker do?"
"Went to Gordon's place. Shot and paralyzed his daughter. Apparently wanted to break Gordon. You know cause he's always been by the book. Worst part was the pictures." Maroni continued seeming genuinely disturbed by what happened, though anything that was related to the Joker tended to be disturbing. He had no boundaries and was unpredictable this was a line I was not surprised he crossed.
"What pictures?"
"After he shot the girl he took some pictures. Heard he undressed her and tortured Gordon with them at that abandoned amusement park. They still haven't caught the freak." Hearing this sent hot fury running though my veins. I knew that The Joker followed no rules, but there was something about knowing that he undressed a girl that simply clouded all my thoughts replacing them with anger. And I couldn't help but find my respect for Gordon increase knowing that he didn't want to rip Joker apart for what he had done.
Quickly pushing away the anger that I was feeling I forced a smile as I met Sal's eyes. Although I wanted to know more I had to get what I came here for and with a man as eager to boost his own ego as Maroni that was going to be an easy task. "That's certainly gossip worthy. But what have you been up to Sal?"
The next thirty minutes he went on to discuss all the important business deals he had made during the last couple of months. I was only half listening to his prideful ramblings my mind still going over what he had told me about Gordon's daughter. It was difficult for me to believe that Batman had failed to capture Joker especially when he hurt the daughter of the man he considered a friend and ally. "Well you've certainly been busy."
"Business has never been better kid." He replied proudly as he lit a cigaret leaning back in his chair. I knew that if I continued to ask he would continue to talk, not only because he enjoyed talking about his success. He trusted me, even if I had only sought out a friendship with him out of convenience for myself. Maybe that was why I felt nothing in deceiving him in such a way. He might have been kind to me but nothing changed the fact that Tony Zucco worked for Maroni.
Knowing that I had already been here for far too long I stood, and he immediately did the same. "Well I've certainly enjoyed catching up Sal. I'll let you get back to your party."
"Don't be a stranger." He called out and I offered him one last smile before I slipped out the door, knowing that it everything went how Gordon and Batman hoped he would be wishing me dead soon.
Now that I was hear I found it rather ironic that Dick and I had agreed to meet on a rooftop. As I waited for him I felt myself struggle with what I wanted to do, I could easily just pretend what Maroni told me was of little importance to me. I could get my pardon, the ticket to get away from Gotham's criminal underworld if I wanted to. Maybe I wanted to do what I was planning because I wanted to find myself back into that same underworld, or maybe the thought of the Joker disrespecting a woman for his own amusement really did get under my skin.
"That was surprisingly easy." Dick stated and I turned around to see his approaching figure in the darkness, this almost felt like before. Only this time we weren't behind masks and wearing costumes.
"I'm curious about something." I said instead a plan slowly coming together, it was incredibly reckless. And slightly ironic considering I had just had a conversation with Dick about my tendency to make bad decisions. This one would come with a cost. All bad decisions did.
"Aren't you always?" He replied a small smiling playing on his lips though he did seem tense, almost like he was nervous about what I was going to ask. Although I was curious about his odd behavior there wasn't much time to waste the night was almost over and there was still so many things that I had to do. The Iceberg Lounge was on the other side of the city.
I stepped closer to him as I shrugged off my coat handing it to him. Curiosity shinned in his eyes as he took the coat, almost hesitant to do so. "You clearly heard everything, undoubtedly recorded it. What would have guaranteed that I would have gotten my pardon?"
"Only Batman and I heard you." Dick stated suspicion already written all over his features as he studied me, I suppose that was a problem in our little relationship. We knew each other too well. "What are you planning?"
"I wasn't planning anything." I told him dismissively as I continued looking into his eyes wondering if he was going to act on his suspicions or watch this play out. "I mean I've got your confession, I have my pardon. What could I possibly be planning."
There was a tight set in his jaw as he continued to look at me intently already expecting my next move. "I know you Chey."
"I know you too." I replied as I allowed a small smile to play on my lips was I placed my hand on his chest. Luckily I wasn't disappointed that he was wearing a protective vest underneath, if he hadn't this would have been a lot more complicated. This action instantly caused the pieces of come together in his mind as his eyes widened.
"Chey... don't..." He began but I had already raised my hand already hitting him with a blast of electricity that sent him half way across the rooftop. I knew he had the protective vest on, but the impact and the fall undoubtedly caused some damage. But he was Dick Grayson and the second his back hit the concert of the floor he was already trying to sit up. Without a second though I stepped onto the ledge hearing the busy city street below, as I pulled my dress up to my thigh where I had my retractable whip safely tucked away.
"Boy Wonder, catch me?" I questioned with a smile as I stepped off the ledge of the roof knowing that he wouldn't be able to follow. After all he wasn't Robin anymore, right now he was Detective Dick Grayson.
Returning to the Iceberg Lounge was not something that I had planned when I returned to Gotham, knowing that if I did I would get sucked back into Gotham's underworld. One thing that I knew too well was that once you get pulled in, it's nearly impossible to pull yourself out.
As I walked through the room of familiar faces I ignored their curious eyes as I headed towards Penguin's office. Many of these were people that I had worked with in the past, others must simply be people who were still trying to work their way up to the top of Gotham's most powerful. I felt as two of his armed guards fell into step beside me and when I stopped in front of the office one of the women reached forward to open the door for me.
Clearly he has been expecting me.
"I've been expecting your visit since I first heard you stepped foot in Gotham again." Penguin replied casually as I entered the room, his lack of surprise only confirming the fact that he has seemed to be waiting for me. Whether it was because he believed that I would need something from him or that he needed something from me I couldn't be sure. What I was sure of was that either option was dangerous.
I let a calculated smile form on my lips, once again slipping into the person they expected me to be. "Don't tell me you missed me Penguin?"
"After your escape from Arkham you disappeared." He stated as he pushed away his plate of whatever raw fish he seemed to have been eating. One of his black and white costumed henchwomen stepped forward and removed the plate as another served two glasses of wine. Seeing all these women work for Penguin had always been unsettling, but I had always wonder about how many women he went through considering that every visit at the Iceberg Lounge consisted of new faces.
Another one of Penguin's women stepped forward and pulled out a chair for me at his side. Knowing how this normally goes I wordlessly accepted the seat and met Oswald Cobblepot's questioning eyes. "Decided to go on a little vacation after being locked up for so long."
"So you didn't run off in search of your mentor?" He questioned as he raised an eyebrow, a satisfied smile on his lips. That satisfaction only increased as the smile slipped from my lips at the realization that he possibly knew what I had been doing these last couple of months. It was also possible that his statement was simply a guess, of course I would be looking for Selina. But my reaction already confirmed his suspicion. "I know everything that goes on in this city. Maybe I even know where Selina..."
"If The Bat hasn't been able to find her, you certainly don't know anything." I quickly countered able to see through his lies and attempts to feed his own narcissistic ego.
An angry look shown in his eyes, I knew how easily he could snap. I knew his hatred for Batman ran deep, that he didn't appreciate the fact that I just said Batman was smarter than him. But he seemed to quickly collect himself, leaning back in his chair. The only sign of his irritation was the tight grip he held on his cane. "I know things The Bat doesn't."
"Which is why I'm here."
"You know how this works Cheyenne. This is Gotham..."
"Every favor comes with a price. I remember I haven't been away that long." I stated knowing how this all worked, having been in this position before. He knew what lines I wouldn't cross and I was confident that he wouldn't be ambitious enough to ask something that would cross one of those line. "What's your price?"
"As you know with you and Selina gone the city is missing master thieves." Penguin stated cooly, though I could tell the fact displeased him. Of course there were many thieves in Gotham, but none were the type that favored stealth. Most wanted to make a show of themselves, wanted all of Gotham to witness their crimes.
Selina and I on the other hand were the type to slip in and out without being noticed. Surely whatever this object he wanted was he had no desire of its owner to know it missing or who was being the crime.
"You want me to steal something?" I replied feeling relieved that what he asked was something simple in nature.
"Naturally, but that's a favor for another day. I trust you'll keep your word."
I met his eyes knowing that he was not a man that trusted very easily, but I had proven myself to him before. "Penguin you know me. I'm a woman of my word."
Seeming content with my response he leaned back on his chair casually, always studying me. This was a man that although didn't look like much was unexplainably dangerous simply for all the power that he held. What I Bruce and Dick was true getting rid of Maroni would do nothing for this city. Undoubtedly Penguin or Black Mask would be next in line to run Gotham City. "What do you want to know?"
"The Joker."
"In hiding after what he did to Gordon's daughter. Sick bastard." Penguin replied dismissively, his distaste for The Joker mostly coming from what happened during what was now known at The War of Jokes and Riddles. The memory of it also brought a bitter tasted in my mouth, it seemed that The Joker seemed determined to leave his mark on everyone in this city.
"Where is he?" I questioned realizing how dangerously serious my voice had gotten. These were details Penguin surely wouldn't miss, in fact he already seemed curious.
"Why do you want to know?"
"That's between me and The Joker."
"Amusement Mile." He stated a wicked smile forming on his lips, a smile of satisfaction. One born from the knowledge that he knew what both Batman and the entire GCPD were desperate for. "Funny isn't it? Hiding right under their noses."
I returned his smile, though it was mostly to hide my own irritation at the fact that it was so obvious. But one should never underestimate The Joker, he undoubtedly has something up his sleeve in case they found him. But those were not my problems I already found myself sinking into problems of my own. "Fools."
"You still do work for The Bat?" He asked suspicion shinning brightly in his eyes. Like Selina it was known that I sometime helped Batman and Robin, a fact that unsettled many of the Gotham rogues. Even if many did see us as treasonous in many ways they didn't dare try anything with us in fear of upsetting The Bat.
"He's the one that locked me away in Arkham for months." I stated making my distaste for The Bat clear. It was an emotion that I could easily tap into considering the first few months I was locked away I felt nothing but a festering hatred for The Dark Knight. "What do you think? This thing with The Joker it's personal."
"Everything is always personal."
"Thank you Oswald." I told him as I got to my feet heading out the door having no intentions of being here longer than necessary, practically announcing my arrival the way I had just done was risky enough.
"I'll see you soon Blackout." He replied his words vary clear, that when we next saw each other he didn't want Cheyenne Freemont in front of him. He wanted the woman who was known in the streets of Gotham as being a ruthless Siren. This was a reminder that I didn't need, I was always ruthless when I needed to be.
A/N: Long chapter I know, don't hate me. We're going to be getting into what happens in the show soon, this was just a story that I wanted to tell not only because you get a good feeling of Cheyenne's current relationship with Gotham/ Bruce, but because I have been working on a possible Birds of Prey spin-off after I finish this book. Anyway tell me your thoughts and what you hope to see soon!
(Also wanted to add that I just created an instagram for this account that will feature extra art [this is also where you can send me any fan art] and where I'll post special announcements. You can find it in the carrd link in my bio where you will also find my Goodreads account if you want to know what I'm currently reading.)
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