06| The Batman
The Riddler's words still echoed in my mind days after. Since I had been extremely careful about every move I made, my only comfort was that my loft was still a place that was safe. Even after my departure it was still remained untouched by the criminals of Gotham. Few people knowing about the place I called home. That was why when I saw a familiar figure in the ark alleyway leading up to my loft I immediately knew who they were.
"Floyd?" I questioned in disbelief, oddly glad to see him. Last time I saw him he had been thrown in Belle Reve, later being forced into what everyone called The Suicide Squad. Being part of A.R.G.U.S' Task Force X was almost a guaranteed death sentence, between Ivy and I were able to get Harley out. Now I felt guilty for not having done the same to Floyd. "Looks like word does travel fast in Gotham."
"Just rumors. Had to confirm it myself." He replied as he stepped closer, as confident as ever. There was a time when he was one of the only people I could confide in, and he never judged me for my mistakes. And neither did I when he felt the need to expose his demons. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too." I replied honestly because as horrible as Floyd's past was and how strained with blood his hands were, he was a good friend. At one point much more than that.
"Meeting in dark places. Just like the good old days."
I felt a small smile touch my lips as I stepped closer to him too. This routine familiar, a way for us to forget our problems. "Don't go soft on me Floyd."
He returned my smile with one of his own pulling me close before pressing his lips against mine. It was a kiss that was familiar and comforting. It came from a man that I learned to care for over the years. There was also an intensity in the kiss from Floyd as he pulled me even closer deepening the kiss, his hands tightening on my waist.
"Lets go inside." I stated as I pulled away finding that I was over reckless sex out in the open like this. There used to be a time where I was reckless ad stupid with this kind of thing, wanting to prove to myself that I could have any man I wanted. That kind of excitement not having the same effect as before.
Moving away from him I headed towards the door, though I didn't even make it three steps when I heard a loud thud followed by Floyd's groan of pain. I froze closing my eyes, almost knowing without knowing. When I turned around I felt a mixture of irritation and horror that I was right. Seeing Dick Grayson with an unconscious Floyd Lawton laying by his feet was a sight that I never thought I would see.
I felt the heavily weight of guilt in my chest at the sight of him, even if I knew I had no reason to feel guilt. It could have been due to the way I left or the fact that I was kissing Floyd, I couldn't be sure. There was a long list of betrayals to consider. "I should be surprised. But I'm not."
"Like you said I always find you." Dick replied wearing an unreadable expression as his gaze pulled away from mine to look at the man laying unconscious at his feet. "And Lawton? Really?"
I shrugged as I stole one last glance at Floyd, attempting to act indifferent. "He passes the time."
Meeting his eyes again the disbelief was beginning to set in. In my core I knew I would be seeing Dick Grayson again, at this point it felt like our live were intertwined. I just didn't expect to see him so soon, and especially not like this.
Behind me the familiar flourish of a cape caused a small smile to tug at my lips. I was beginning to become convinced that this was some kind of cruel nightmare. Regardless I easily slipped into the persona that I had created over the years. "Batsy! It has been too long."
"Drop the act Cheyenne you're not in costume." Batman replied dryly, a tone that I was familiar with but still struck a bit of fear. At times it felt that Batman was just as much of a God as Superman.
"But you are Bats." I countered, running through all the reasons why he would be here. The single reoccurring thought was that I still had five years left in my sentence at Arkham, but that couldn't possibly be the reason. Dick, was here and he couldn't possibly allow it. "Here to take me back to Arkham?"
"I've been looking for Lawton for months." He stated instead as he moved past me and towards where Floyd lay unconscious. "Seems like your return drew him out."
I couldn't help but feel guilt again with the knowledge that I was going to have to let them take Lawton away. There was no doubt that he would be forced into the Suicide Squad again. I wouldn't be able to fight Batman on my own. "Your welcome."
"But he's not why we're here." Dick quickly added.
"Why are you here?" I questioned genuinely not so much why he was here with me, but why he was here with The Bat. With the man he claimed to hate only a couple of week ago. He should be with the kids far from Gotham. "Being ambushed like this is a little overwhelming."
"Maybe you should just get whelmed." Dick replied and I found myself speechless, memories of his Robin days resurfacing. Not really able to come up with a reply I turned towards Batman who also seemed curious by Dick's words.
"Maroni." Batman stated simply his tone more serious than usual, it was almost unnerving as this seemed personal. "Jim and I have a plan to take the whole Maroni crime family down for good. We need your help."
I let a smile touch my lips at his words. Because there were no words to describe how satisfying it was to hear The Batman say that he needed my help. "Say that again Batsy, but slower this time."
"This is important Chey."
"What's the point? Take down Maroni someone else will take his place." I stated dismissively knowing that this was a pointless endeavor. Bruce was going to spend the rest of his life attempting a city that could never be saved. There were too many people fighting for control of this city removing one of the big players would only give the lesser ones more power. "I'm sure Penguin and Sionis will be thrilled to know The Maroni's are out of the picture."
"I'll deal with them when the time comes." Bats replied dryly and I suddenly placed why this seemed so personal. It was June and almost the anniversary of a memorable day for many. It was almost the day that Harvey Dent became Two Face after having attempted to go after the Sal Maroni and Carmine Falcone.
"Always so mysterious. But my answer is no."
I turned towards Dick and shook my head in disbelief. Helping them in the past was clearly a mistake, as it led them to believe that I would be willing to do their dirty work anytime they asked. "I've helped you two before, both times things didn't end too well for me."
"Sorry for having put you in that position."
"Boy wonder how many times do I have to tell you? Never apologize for any position you put me in." I told him a satisfied smile coming across my lips at the tension that set on Dick's shoulders. Turning back towards The Bat I asked the question that he was surely expecting. "What do I get out of this? If your little plan fails, Maroni won't rest until I'm dead."
"You'll be under the protection of the GCPD."
A laugh escaped my lips not only at the irony of Gordon having to protect me after years of hunting me down, but also because the protection of the GCPD meant nothing. Hals of the cops were dirty and under the control of men like Maroni a promise like that useless. "Make it Superman and we might have a deal. Is he still dating that journalist?"
"Jim is offering you a pardon. If I remember correctly you have five years left to serve at Arkham."
"You remember correctly." I replied my tone becoming dangerously serious, I was tempted to scold myself for showing how much the thought of going back to Arkham affected me. But of course The Bat knew exactly what to say and what card to use against me. A pardon to be able to walk the streets of Gotham freely again was an offer I simply could not refuse. "Alright, but one more thing. You let Lawton go."
"Why do you care if Lawton's free?" I heard Dick question, but I continued looking at Bruce. He was the one that made the decisions and even though I couldn't see his eyes, he could see mine. And he would know that this was not up for negation.
"You told me once that you believed that the people in this city could be redeemed. Even The Joker. Lawton has a kid." I said stating my case, throwing his own words in his face. Knowing that if I did he would have no other choice than to agree. He didn't reply, but from the tense set of his jaw he gave me the answer I needed. With a smile I crossed my arms over my chest. "When is this little plan of yours?"
For am moment I wanted to believe he was joking, but then I remembered who I was talking to. "Tonight?"
"Did you have plans?" Bats questioned a slight hint of amusement in his voice.
I turned around and looked at Floyd, still unconscious of the cobblestone street. Maybe it was for the best, surely getting back into old habits would have only turned out poorly for me. "I did. Before you two crashed them. Shame."
"It's Maroni's birthday. He's throwing a party, fancy and exclusive." Dick informed as he stepped over Floyd, accidentally kicking him on the way as he pulled an envelope out of his inner jacket pocket. "Here's an invitation."
I took the invitation looking at it briefly, before tearing it in half. It would be suspicious if I arrived with an invitation, it simply wasn't my style and Maroni and his men would see right though it. "I don't need an invitation."
"You and Dick will meet me at the GCPD in half an hour." Batman stated firmly as he began to walk away. "I'll take care of Lawton."
I didn't expect much of an elaboration on this plan, but I definitely expected more than what I got. With a sigh I turned around trusting that Bruce would keep his words and headed towards the entrance of the building, hearing Dick's footsteps a couple of feet away.
"Still don't trust me I see." I stated though the fact didn't have the same sting as it did before. Unlocking the door to the building I began to climb up that staircase that led to my loft, the only place that was completely my own. One that Dick had never been in.
"A precaution." He defended as I heard him following closely behind. "You have a tendency to slip through my fingers."
I stopped and faced him, mostly because I simply wanted to look at him in a better light. It was completely ridiculous how much I found myself missing him these last couple of days. I had spent a year without seeing, and now suddenly being away from him for a couple of days felt like an eternity. Clearly spending a couple of weeks with him sparked something new in me. "Seems like things between you and the Big Bad Bat are better."
"We talked things through. Found common ground."
"Good." I replied honestly, knowing that he was going to be better off with Bruce on his side. To have someone there for him and the kids when things got tough. "How are they?"
"Staying in one of Bruce's hotels. We'll be heading for San Francisco tomorrow morning. Kory went off on her own, had her own things to figure out."
"Leaving two teenagers who are attracted to each other at a hotel by themselves..." I began slowly thinking about how many ways things could go wrong. Especially considering that they both still didn't have full control of their abilities. "smart move Dick."
"We both know they're good kids." He replied, and it was true. They wouldn't be getting in any trouble on their own. And they were still too young and confused to understand what exactly they felt for each other. "They miss you."
His words brought me a small amount of joy, knowing that within all my mistakes those kids would not be one of them. But Dick was standing in from of me and it was impossible not to think about all the mistakes I've made with him. "Are they the only ones that missed me?"
Dick took a step closer, the look in his eyes intense. He was so close that his chest was almost pressed against mine. "No."
"I miss them too." I said before stepping away from and opening the door to my bedroom. Turning on the light to my intricately decorated room. Years of stealing priceless artifacts had allowed me to make this empty building into whatever I wanted. Though to me nothing compared to the king sized bed in the center of the room or my closet overflowing with designer clothing.
"Looks like being a criminal pays off."
"I like to live comfortably." I replied dismissively as I headed towards the large closet that I had built what now felt like years ago. Opening the large double door I looked at the colorful array of dresses that I had designed over the years. Looking through the dresses I removed a blue gown later followed by a black one, and held them out for Dick to see. "Which one?"
"The blue is nice." Dick stated and I met his eyes for a brief moment before placing the blue dress back in the closet. I heard him chuckle and when I faced him, he was looking at me with a disarming smile. "How did I know that was exactly what you were going to do?"
I returned his smile before glancing at the door. "Do you mind?"
"Didn't think you were modest."
Rolling my eyes slipping my shirt over my head, a s expected Dick immediately turned around and faced the wall. "I'm not. I said it as a courtesy to you."
"I'll wait outside." He muttered before walking out of the room closing the door behind him. I looked at the closed door, and the smile that was tugging at my lips immediately fell away.
"Shit." I said under my breath as I quickly slipped on the dress before sitting in front of my vanity. Looking at myself in disbelief I couldn't accept that apparently I never learned. It seems that I always slip and I couldn't be more frustrated at myself.
But I should those thought aside as I began to do my hair and makeup, reappearing to myself that Dick was leaving tomorrow morning. That there was no need to continue to worry, I would do this for him and that would be it.
A couple minutes later there was a soft knock on the door, I didn't reply. I didn't need to from the reflection in the mirror I watched as the door opened and Dick slowly stepped inside. Meeting his eyes through the reflection I remained still as he approached the vanity. I didn't look away until he sat on the edge of the vanity look down at me as I returned my attention to applying my red lipstick.
"Did you love him?" He suddenly questioned, causing me to immediately look up at him not able to hide my shock. His eyes were curious, but it also seemed like he hesitant on wanting an answer.
"Did you love Dawn?"
"At some point."
"Couldn't have said it better. At some point I did love him." I replied as I looked away from him and back at my reflection in the mirror. Because like I expected his answer hurt. "In my own way."
"He loves you."
I stood looking down at him wondering why he seemed so interested in furthering this conversation. Yet, I also felt a bit of curiosity as to why he believed that Floyd would still have romantic feelings for me. We had long ago established that we were better as friends, who occasionally slept with each other out of loneliness. "What makes you say that?"
"I know the look. Loving you should be a sin." He muttered as he reached out to touch the diamond necklace around my neck. His other hand found itself on my back pulling me closer. It almost felt like his touch was burning into my skin, and I recognized how dangerous it was to let him touch me like this. "The way he touched you."
"No one touches me like you." I found myself saying becoming intoxicated with the feeling of having him so close to me. Having him here had me realizing what I had been trying to ignore since we first saw each other again. That what I have felt for Dick all these years has never changed or faded away like I had hoped. In fact I felt that it was stronger than ever. I wanted him no matter how selfish that made me. "We're just like them. Aren't we?"
"Like who?" He questioned, but he knew exactly who I was referring too.
"Bruce and Selina," I replied pulling away from him. Needing that distance for me to even attempt to think straight. "always chasing after each other. Hurting each other, even if we don't want to. But we just can't stay away."
"Why do we try?"
"I have made incredibly bad decisions."
"Just because you've made bad decisions doesn't mean you're a bad person." He argued and he almost seemed angry. And I really wanted to believe what he was telling me, but he didn't feel the weight of my decisions. "I've made bad decisions too."
"But you'll always be Dick Grayson, Robin the Boy Wonder, Batman's partner, Titan, the man people trust and follow." I reminded him almost feeling tears sting at my eyes at the reminder. He was all these things and so much more. "I'll always be Cheyenne Freemont, Blackout, a Gotham City Siren, member of the Legion of Doom, patient at Arkham Asylum."
He reached out and brushed his hand against my cheek, against my better judgment I found myself leaning into his touch. "You're so much more than that to me."
I closed my eyes as his forehead touched mine. There truly were no words to describe the feeling of his skin against mine, even in such as small way. For a brief moment his lips brushed mine, but the moment shattered when the alarm on the device on Dick's wrist went off. Undoubtedly a message from Bruce telling us we were already late. A sigh escaped Dick's lips as we pulled away from each other, his irritation was one that I felt too.
"We should go." I stated firmly, though the words were mostly directed at myself needing to not me alone with Dick. The threat of simply unraveling was getting stronger, and it was a luxury that I could not afford.
I was aware that I wasn't going to be getting a warm welcome at the GCPD, but I wasn't expecting to have every firearm in Gotham City to be pointed in my direction when I entered the building. Personally I found it rather amusing.
Having Batman walking right behind me was all the assurance that I needed that I would come out of the building unharmed, even if I did try something foolish. Even with all the firearms pointed at me, none of this felt very real. At least not until my eyes met Gordon's who seemed incredibly displeased. There was a sadness in his eyes that wasn't there before, and I could only imagine that Gotham was beginning to weigh down on the man.
"Commissioner. It's been too long." I said making the conscious decision of attempting to not be the woman that he expected me to be. The one that I really was, but oddly enough didn't completely regret becoming.
Gordon ignored me as he turned towards the female detective standing at his side. "Montoya."
The woman stepped forwards a familiar pass of handcuffs in hand, with a small amount of hesitation I held my arms out.
"A necessary precaution." Dick stated dryly, all traces of the Dick from the loft gone. Now replaced with a man here to do a job. A job in which I once again found myself as his enemy, a simple criminal to use to take down a much powerful one.
I met the woman's eyes, she looked fierce and not someone to be messed with. Without knowing her, I found myself respecting her for being one of the few women in this room with a position of power. But that respect was quickly overshadowed by irritation the second the cuffs closed around my wrist the familiar pain returning. The memories of a couple days ago at the asylum resurfacing violently.
"You should really tell S.T.A.R. Labs that these things need an upgrade." I stated as I felt all my power drain away from me. Though it felt more like my ability was being ripped away from me as the power from the cuffs began to burn into my skin. "These aren't very comfortable."
Ignoring me Gordon turned towards Dick who hasn't even spared me a glance since we entered the building. "You'll make sure she stays in line Detective Grayson?"
"There's no need to worry Commissioner." Dick assured him as he stood firmly by Batman's side. It was odd to see Dick standing neck to Batman without his Robin suit, it almost felt unnatural.
"She's a slippery one. Gets away from my best detectives." He warned sternly, and my curiosity grew deeper wondering why he didn't seem himself. The Commissioner wasn't a warm and welcoming man, but he also usually didn't carry a dark look in his eyes either.
"Then they really aren't your best." I countered feeling myself starting to slip into that woman they wanted me to be. Once again choosing to ignore me I was led to an interrogation room where Gordon motioned me to sit across from him.
I sat quietly as Gordon explained what the plan would be, it was simple enough. The only one in real danger was me, but like Gordon explained Maroni thought I was on his side.
"This is your pardon." Gordon stated as he placed a thick piece of parchment on the desk. I leaned closer to look at it feeling a flare of hope in my chest at the sight of the mayor's signature. But that hope was brief as Gordon quickly placed it in a folder handing it to Detective Montoya. "This will not go into affect unless you get Maroni's confession."
"If I don't?" I asked though I already knew the answer.
"You'll finish your sentence at Arkham." Gordon stated firmly, and although it was the answer I expected I couldn't ignore the heavy weight in my chest that came with hearing the words out loud. Jim Gordon was a man that was incorruptible and incredibly moral, a man that anyone could look up too. I couldn't blame him for wanting someone like me off his streets. But I would not be steeping another foot inside of Arkham Asylum.
A/N: Hope you all have been enjoying so far (I know this chapter was really long). I know I have definitely been enjoying writing this story, I'm actually surprised at how quickly I've been writing it. But I absolutely love Dick and Cheyenne, so can you really blame me? Tell me your thoughts. Don't forget to vote or comment. Many fun things are coming soon!
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