05| The Iceberg Lounge
Although it had only been two nights since our stealing of the emerald cat of Bast, I still felt remnants of the excitement I felt that night coursing through me. I couldn't deny that there was a part of me that wanted to feel that excitement again, but it was also foolish of me to deny that I also yearned to see Dick.
His inability to recognize me still stung at my core, but it did allow to to come to the realization that he truly did not know me at all. That he never bothered to take time to look at the small details that I had memorized in him. There was no doubt in my mind that to him I was now a distant memory, but just like he moved on I was determined to do the same.
Pushing all thoughts aside I returned my focus on the red and black leather I was stitching together. I had lost myself in my work when suddenly the door to my room slammed open causing me to jump in my seat and accidentally poke myself with the nettle between my fingers. "Shit."
"Ya better get ready Sparky we're going out!" Harley exclaimed as he began to jump excitedly on my bed her pink and blue pigtails whipping wildly across her face.
"And where exactly are we going Harls?" I questioned as I set my materials aside, giving her my full attention. Harley was extremely unpredictable, but one thing that I knew for certain was that she always demanded attention.
Ignoring my question she leaped off the bed landing beside me, an excited shire escaped her lips as she picked up my sketchbook. Flipping through it eagerly a wide smile spread on her lips at the final design for her new suit. It was long ago decided that her red and black jester suit had to go, it was too deeply connected to The Joker. Someone who Harley claimed she no longer wanted to be linked to, even though the longing in her eyes at every mention of The Clown Prince of Crime could not be ignored.
I looked at the sketchbook in her arms hesitantly as I tended to be very protective of them, the only one I had ever willingly let go of was now in the hands of Bruce Wayne. A sketchbook full of ideas that he had surprisingly adapted into new versions of the Batman and Robin suits.
"I love it!" Harley exclaimed as she hugged the sketchbook close to her chest before pressing a quick kiss to my lips, a habit that she had gotten into lately. "When will it be ready?"
"About a week." I estimated although I knew that wasn't the answer the answer that she wanted to hear.
"Good." She declared as she surprisingly set the book gently down on the table. A determined look came over her face that soon became dark, a look that we had all associated with The Joker. Luckily he was someone the entire city didn't have to worry about about considering that he was defeat locked up in Arkham Asylum. Though realistically speaking we all knew it wouldn't last very long, he always escaped eventually.
I offered her an encouraging smile knowing what she tended to slip in a dark moon whenever she thought too deep about her times with The Joker. "Now, where exactly are we going?"
"We're going to Pengy's place. Just were that sexy little suit of yours and you're golden." Harley replied dismissively as she picked up a red lipstick from my vanity and applied it rather forcefully. I had heard about The Iceberg Lounge, a night club run by The Penguin, which was an extremely exclusive location to visit. "Kitty's coming too."
"And Ivy?"
Harley pouted already giving me an answer. "You know how Red is."
I was slowly getting to know Ivy, though she was difficult to understand as she tended to keep everyone at an arms length. Well, everyone except Harley.
And Harley didn't have to elaborate on Ivy's reasoning for not wanting to go. Ivy preferred isolating herself from most people, choosing the company of plant life instead. There were times that I couldn't really blame her people had a tendency of being cruel and selfish. But I could hardly judge because I found myself becoming more selfish with each passing day. And everyday that slipped away I slowly began to not see the problem in looking after my own best interest.
The Iceberg Lounge was absolutely breathtaking, nothing compared to seeing images in the newspaper or on television. The building truly did resemble an iceberg, not because of the shape but the crystal like structure and lighting of the club resembled glistening ice. From where Harley, Selina and I where standing we could see many members of Gotham's elite going inside the building, walking on a glorious velvet carpet and going past security.
"The entrance for people like us is this way." Selina stated casually as we kept to the shadows though Harley had different plans as she skipped energetically towards the side entrance.
"But us you mean criminals." I said Selina's silence giving me my answer. Though I did find it hard to believe that people were ignorant to what The Iceberg Lounge really was, a place of Gotham's worst to meet and relax. A place that covered up all of The Penguin's criminal activities. "He must know."
"Of course he knows." She replied any mention of Gotham's Dark Knight bringing a bitterness in her voice. Knowing that she still wasn't ready to talk about whatever it was that was haunting her, I kept quiet as we followed Harley through security and into the dazzling elegance of the club. The inside continued with the same ice structure theming, the wall and furnishing all made out of a perfectly polished crystal. Even the temperature inside was cool, but not cool enough to remain welcoming. "He calls this place The Cool Room. When things in Gotham get too dirty this is where people like us go."
Harley had already disappeared into the crowd, probably to get as mind numbingly drunk as she claimed she was going to get. I had no doubt that Selina and I where probably going to have to carry our girl out. "Slow night?"
"Usually this place is a lot more crowded." Selina noted as she looked around the room at the criminals who occupied the space. Some were unmistakable like Scarecrow, Mad Hatter and Professor Pyg. Many of the other people in the room undoubtedly belonged to one of the many crime families running for power and control over the city. AT first I found it odd that Harley, Selina and I came in costume but clearly this was normal for those of us who took on another persona. "Most of the usuals are locked up in Arkham."
I didn't say a word to Selina as I followed her to the bar, but truly couldn't imagine this place being anymore inhabited by villains. Especially considering that some of the worst were currently locked up in Arkham. An unsettling thought crossed my mind.
That everyone were undoubtedly hated The Batman and his sidekick Robin. Maybe it simply unsettled me because I could never imagine myself hating either of them, even if they greatly disappointed me.
Selina and I settled ourselves at the bar and ordered ourselves drinks, although I technically still wan't old enough to drink that fact hardly mattered here. I a room full of thieves, terrorist and mass murders a girl under twenty-one drinking alcohol could hardly be considering a crime.
A man settled himself beside me, placing a white mask on the counter. The memory of the wanted posters across the streets of Gotham and the news reports slowly resurfaced. The mask now familiar to the citizens of Gotham.
Deadshot. A highly priced mercenary.
"Floyd." Selina greeted dryly, acknowledging his presence purely as an attempt to be civil.
"Selina." He replied as he ordered himself a drink.
Quickly losing interest in the man Selina's eyes casually scanned the room and it quickly became clear to me that Selina's desire to be here tonight had a purpose. A purple that she wasn't going to share. Selina wasn't an open person, but she certainly wasn't as secretive as she was being now. At least not to me.
"I have something to take care of. Stay out of trouble." Selina suddenly stated dismissively as she disappeared into the crowd of people. With her departure I expected Deadshot to leave, but he remained where he was.
The urge to be angry at her secrecy slowly began to bubble up inside of me, but that anger didn't have a chance to bloom as I acknowledge the gaze of the man standing beside me. "You're all everyone in this place can talk about."
"Only because I'm the new shinny toy." I replied as I took a sip from my cocktail, not really caring what anyone in this place though of me. Though I couldn't deny that I did enjoy the attention and the curious eyes.
"I would associate it to how breathtaking you are." He stated as he shifted closer to me, so close that I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. Considering the cold chill in the air his warmth was welcome, and I felt slightly tempted to move closer to him too.
I looked around the room at all the woman in fishnet stocking and tight bodysuits, all in the penguins signature black and white motif. "There are plenty of beautiful women here. Penguin has made sure of that. Now. What do you want?"
I looked at Floyd knowing that it would be ridiculous to deny the fact that he was incredibly attractive, in fact every woman here would kill for the slightest glance from him. "Maybe I just want to get to know you."
A laugh escaped my lips at his words wondering how many women had heard them before. Yet, the idea was tempting. Too tempting. I knew I could easily lose myself to him, to his strong build and his charming smile. Though his smile was a pale comparison to the one that I had burned into my memory. I doubted the his touch could erase the one I craved.
He was tempting. But not tempting enough.
"You don't want to get to know me. You just want to get me to go home with you." I replied slowly as I ran a finger down his chest feeling the hard muscle under the suit. How foolish of me to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.
"There are many different ways to get to know a person."
I let a small smile touch my lips as I leaned forward letting my lips brush his momentarily, it wasn't until he leaned forward that I pulled back. "It was nice meeting you Floyd."
"I'm sure we'll be seeing each other soon Cheyenne." He said casually, clearly enjoying the shock I felt in the face the he knew my name. He smiled as his eyes seemed take me in one last time. "You want information this is the place to come to."
A slight smile tugged at my lips before I turned around and melted into the crowd in search for Selina or Harley. Though Harley was hard to miss as she was dancing wildly on top of one of the tables a bottle of tequila in hand.
Before I could save her from further embarrassment two of Penguin's girl appeared on either side of me. "Can I help you ladies?"
"The Penguin would like a word with you." The blonde woman stated, her voice void of any kind of emotion.
"Follow us." The other stated as she both began to walk in the direction of what had to be The Penguin's office from the incurably intricately carved crystal doors. Knowing that I didn't have much of a choice I followed the two women through the large double doors to what was clearly a meeting room. A long glass table taking up most of the space.
The Penguin was sitting at the farthest end of the table surrounded by more costumed women. Sitting on either side of him was Selina and The Riddler. I could hardly be surprised, I was becoming numb to the feeling now. Seeing as all eyes were on my I casually walked across the room to where the owner of this club was seated on his glass thrown.
"What a beautiful creature you have discovered Selina." The Penguin muttered as nightmarish smile forming on his lips as his eyes ran across my body almost hungrily in a way that made me feel unimaginably disgusted. When he seemed satisfied he turned towards Gotham's other villain. "Isn't that right Eddie?"
"Indeed. A pleasure." The Riddler said as he stood, tipping his bowler hat forward before reaching for my hand and bringing it to his lips. When his eyes met mine I had to fight to keep my composure and the urge to pull my hand away.
Moving aside Riddler offered me his seat, and I offered him a slight smile as I sat down waiting for whatever it was The Penguin had to say.
"I have to tell you that usually business is a lot better than this. The damn Bat has been doing his job a little to well lately." The man stated bitterly as he looked at the wall that was covered in small television screens that displayed security camera footage from various locations throughout the club. I could hardly say that business was unsuccessful considering the part of the club that was available for the wealthy citizens of Gotham was incredibly busy. "His victories will no be long lasting. There are too many of us for him to take care of on his own. You lovely Cheyenne are going to be a wonderful addition to our family. Welcome to The Iceberg Lounge."
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