04| Return to Gotham City
With such an unbelievable event like a demon from another demons threatening to destroy our planet it was no surprise that there were reporters and press surrounding the area of what could have been a catastrophe.
While there were dozens of people gathered at the scene, both curious spectators and reporters, I could only look at the Titans who were excitedly recounting everything that had just occurred to one another. I was able to successfully slip away and get together my belongings without any of them noticing. Not that I expected them to, considering that I wasn't part of their little hero team and they were clearly remembering their time together.
I continued to watch them, playing with the golden chain in my coat pocket as I waited for the ride I requested. Not able to ignore the fact that a part of me wished I could share their happiness. Even with that understanding I couldn't stop the small smile that touched my lips at the sight of Dick smiling and laughing with his friends. Before I could think too deeply on it the car I requested arrived, a feeling of relief flooding through me with the need to leave. Quickly I picked up my things and headed towards the car, the pull of Gotham being the reason why I found leaving easy.
"Leaving without a goodbye?" I heard Rachel say before I entered the car, a sinking feeling growing in my chest having hoped that I could have slipped away unnoticed. That I could have avoided having to say goodbye.
"How did you know?" I questioned as I turned around to face her and Gar, who both wore disappointment in their eyes. Seeing them in front of me now had me questioning whether leaving was the right decision. Especially because of Rachel who now carried the burden of having her father trapped in the gem that was now permanently attached on her forehead.
"I felt it." She replied sounding surprised that the words were even coming out of her mouth. I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to elaborate on this new ability she seemed to have gained, though I could only imagine what she whatever trials she faced in her father's dimension must have given her a greater insight on what her abilities were and how to use them. "I can feel what everyone is feeling, like I can feel your determination and your longing."
I felt myself go speechless at her admission, oddly feeling vulnerable and uneasy at the idea of someone knowing what I was feeling. "Rachel..."
"The weird thing is, that it isn't longing for him." Rachel continued quickly as she looked over at Dick who was animatedly talking to his Titans friends. "It's a longing to go back. Why do you want to go back?"
"Gotham is my home." I replied honestly knowing that there was no place that I fit in better than in Gotham. After all it was the city that created me and made me the person I was now. But most importantly I had to find Selina, her absence beginning to worry me. She was my closest friend and I knew she was hurting, that she ran away to avoid the pain. "Where I belong."
Gar crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "No you belong with us. With the Titans."
I looked back in the direction of the retired Titans, and knew that Gar's words weren't true. "No I'm not. I'm a Siren."
"I'm not going to stop bugging Dick until he convinces you to come back." Gar stated confidently, and it surprised me how he could still have a smile on his face after everything that he just experienced. "You know that right?"
I smiled as I pulled the two teens into a hug, and although this little trip I took complicated many of my feeling. I was glad to have met them, and I could see what Dick saw. The potential they had to be great. "I know. I also know that you two are going to be amazing Titans, or whatever you want to call yourselves."
"Titans 2.0?" Rachel questioned softly.
"Maybe Titans Next Generation." Gar continued, clearly excited about the idea of becoming a hero himself.
"More like the Teen Titans." I corrected knowing that regardless of everything they have been through and faced they were still just teenagers. Teenagers who deserved to have a normal life, but had been burdened with abilities that they had never asked for or wanted.
Rachel placed her hand on my shoulder, and as I looked into her eyes I could see the drastic change in her. She seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, but she also seemed older and more mature. "You're confused."
I nodded as I reached into my pocket pulling out the golden chain with the robin charm, place if it in Rachel's hand. "Give this back to him."
Rachel studied the necklace for a moment before returning her gaze to me, possibly understanding that this was my final goodbye. That I planned to let go, but I couldn't tell Gar that. Couldn't disappoint him or ruin his excitement for the new adventures he was about to be a part of.
"Take care of yourselves. Take care of him." I told them sternly before a smile touched my lips. "But also give him hell for me."
Finding myself in a bar inside Gotham, was something that was familiar. Of course I was tempted to go the Iceberg Lounge, but I also knew that announcing my return would only pull me into trouble. Trouble that I wasn't completely sure that I wanted to find myself in just yet.
I wanted to feel happy or relieved to be back in my city, back to the place I considered him. Yet, undeniably there was something that was holding me back from feeling what I should be. I knew exactly what that something was but acknowledging it would only worsen the strange ache that I felt. No longer in the mood to find someone to go home with I left the bar stepping out into the busy city.
In the distance I could see the outline of Wayne Enterprises, the tallest building in all of Gotham. The chill in the air only adding to that lonely feeling I felt looking up at the building. Though the loneliness never seemed to go away. Suddenly I felt a small pinch at the base of my neck, there wasn't much time for me to react as the drug quickly took effect. The alcohol running through my veins was also against me as I immediately felt the darkness consume me.
There was no way of knowing how long I was unconscious, I questioned if i was really awake considering that around me I could see nothing but darkness. As I attempted to move I realize that my arms and legs were bonded to a chair, not a real attempt to keep me contained considering that could easily summon electricity to burn away the rope bindings. Curiosity was what caused me to remain where I was as I heard shuffling and giggling coming somewhere in the darkness.
"They try to beat me, they try in vain. And when I win, I end the pain. What am I?" A familiar childlike voice said from somewhere in the room. A voice I couldn't completely place due to the fact that the only thing that was clear to me was the headache that simply made me craze closing me eyes again and slip back into a deep sleep.
"Death!" Another childlike female voice replied enthusiastically, and I couldn't do anything else as I rolled by eyes in annoyance already understanding what this was about.
"Query? Echo?" I questioned not in the mood for any of these games. The only thing I wasn't sure about was whether or not they were acting on their own, they had always desperate to impress him. "Where is he?"
Suddenly green lights shinned down on a stage revealing The Riddler in his signature green suit imprinted with question marks. His hands gripping tightly on his cane, I had to place a great deal of restraint at not rolling my eyes at his theatrics. "Riddle me this? The less of me you have the more I am worth. What am I?"
"A friend." I replied as I leaned back on the chair I was strapped in, knowing that I was in no danger. "Now tell me Eddie is this anyway to treat an old friend."
Stepping off the platform Ed twirled his cane between his fingers, before stopping in front of me. "Had to give you the Gotham welcome."
"Apparently news travels fast." I muttered irritated at myself for not having noticed that I was being watched, clearly I was losing my touch. Another reason why I had to return, Ivy would say that I was going soft again.
"Especially news concerning a Siren." He continued thoughtfully, and I felt the heavy truth of his words. Although many Gotham rogues tended to ally themselves on occasion it was more common for us to find enemies within one another. And regardless of how much The Sirens kept to ourselves, making enemies was inevitable. "Riddle me this? When is a prizefight like a beautiful lady?"
I thought about his little riddle, having heard many before this one was new. But I had learned a long time ago that I was good at solving Ed's riddles, I also knew that it was best to play along with whatever it was he wanted. "When it's a knockout."
"And Cheyenne my dear you are a knockout." Eddie stated as he brushed my dark hair aside with the tip of his question mark carved staff. I did nothing knowing his impulsivity, that although he was being friendly now that could change in an instant. "You were too good for Lawton."
"So you've said."
An intense look came over his eyes, one that I had seen many times before. It was a look the admittedly unsettled me. "You know I love you."
"No, Eddie you're obsessed with me." I quickly corrected, irritated having thought that he had moved past his infatuation towards me. There was no way of knowing when it began, but I did know that he didn't understand me. Didn't know why I became who I am now. "You love riddles. You're obsessed with things or people you can't solve. That's why you're obsessed with Batsy."
"Wise words."
I shrugged knowing that these words were not my own, they were Harley's. There would be nights where she would psychoanalyze us all, even Batman and it surprised me how much she knew without really knowing. "Harley had some insightful things to say about all of us."
"What did she have to say about you?"
"I want to please people. That's why I'm always trying to do what they don't expect. Always trying to disappoint them." I replied slowly watching understanding wash over his features, and although I didn't want to be revealing my own truths I knew he needed to hear this. That him understanding me would cause his obsession to faed away. "I do it because I don't want to live trying to please others. To live up to their expectations."
"Insightful." Ed muttered as he looked towards Query and Echo, offering them a pointed look before turning his attention back to me. I felt as the two women undid my bindings, and once I was free I stood to meet Edward Nygma's calculating eyes. "It's always a pleasure Cheyenne."
"Still friends Eddie?" I questioned, not wanting to get on the bad side of a man like The Riddler. It was a necessary evil to associate myself with him, even though I carried the weight of my choice. The weight of all the people he's hurt and killed to satisfy his narcissistic tendencies.
"Are there such things as friends in a city like Gotham?" He asked as he removed his bowler hat, seeming to be deep in thought. "Answer. No, there aren't. There are only allies and enemies. And you my dear Cheyenne are no enemy of mine. But as an ally I will say that there are many who will be interested in your return."
A/N: Hope you all have been enjoying so far, I know I've been deviating from what happens in the show. But I really do want to expand this world, because I really do love the world of Gotham. So the next couple of chapters are going to be my own story before I get into what happens in the show. I will also be changing the personalities of some of the characters so that they align more to how they are to the comics. Anyways, tell me what you think so far. Love hearing from you all.
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