02| The Terror of Trigon
Before stepping through the invisible barrier I had not truly considered what would be on the other side. Seeing what seemed like a completely new world around me almost felt like a dream, more accurately a nightmare.
There were bodies everywhere, one could hardly take a step before coming across another body. Though that wasn't nearly as shocking as the fact that they all seemed to be wearing the same uniform.
Bending down took a closer look at the woman laying at my feet, dressed in a black and yellow clothing. An odd symbol stamped on the chest spelling out H.I.V.E. making it clear that there was so much more to this than we could even begin to understand.
Suddenly the ground began to shake causing me to immediately stand as what seemed like a portal opened behind the house. A large being suddenly emerged from the portal, its skin as deep a scarlet as the blood that surround us. And as it fully emerged the skies around us turned the same scarlet as the demon's skin. As horrible as the being looked, nothing was more terrifying than it's size as it towered over us.
The size of a skyscraper.
"What the fuck?" Jason exclaimed as we all looked up at the monstrous being. I truly couldn't find any better words to explain how I felt looking up at what apparently was Rachel's father, a concept that was more difficult to wrap my mind around than ever before. We truly were way in over our heads, it felt like there was no hope in winning this battle.
As much as I wanted to pretend the fear spreading through me wasn't real, there was no point in attempting to conceal it. However, the fear that seized me was one that I could not allow to drag me down, even if it felt all consuming.
"Like I said should have called fucking Superman." Hank muttered at no one in particular, but seeing the horror in his eyes let me feel slightly better about my own horror.
"More like the entire Justice League." Dawn replied softly her voice carrying its usually calm, but her eyes failed to conceal what she was attempting to hide. It was no surprise, I often found that you knew people better by looking at their eyes than listening to the words that they spoke. This was very much Dawn's case. "None of you happen to have their number."
Before any of us could reply a familiar scream rang through the air as the door to the house flew open and Gar came running towards us in despair. Blood covered his face as he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist with incredible strength.
"Gar! What happened?" I questioned as I pulled him off of me to get a good look at his battered face. We had left him and Rachel alone for so long I could hardly even begin to imagine what happened during our absence. "Where's Dick?"
Gar looked over at what looked like a large portal behind the house. "He went after Rachel."
"X'Hal." Kory muttered in disbelief her features twisted in what almost resembled grief. "She must be in his dimension completing the trails."
I could almost feel all the blood drain from my face as I remembered the four hundred day trails that Kory had mentioned earlier. The thought alone of Dick and Rachel being wherever that thing came from made me want to scream in frustration, knowing that they were gone. We couldn't even begin to form any sort of plan as Rachel's father suddenly turned towards us.
"You have finally arrived to witness the terror of Trigon. I have wanted you alive to witness my power. I need an audience to witness my triumph." The being stated the power in his voice causing the ground below our feet to shake. There was a devilish smirk on his lips as he looked down at us with contempt. "But now your time had come. Your lives are forfeit. And you shall be destroyed by the symbol of your power. Your own darkness."
"Should have know we would get a fucking monologue." Jason quipped as both of his fist were clenched as his sides. Surprisingly he seemed more irritated than fearful of Trigon's words. All I could think about was what those words meant.
I knew there was no chance in us defeating Trigon, he was too powerful. We were more of a nuisance to him than a threat.
"Your human souls are mine!" Rachel's father exclaimed as suddenly figures appeared before us. For a moment I thought I was looking in a mirror, only now I was wearing my blue and black suit. I knew it wasn't me when I realized that the eyes I was looking into were not my own. In fact, I wasn't sure if what I was looking at were eyes at all as they seemed more like an endless black abyss.
Looking at the other's who seemed just as confused as I felt at they looked at their own doppelgängers that also wore their Titans suits. The only exceptions being Gar and Kory. But as I looked at the other Kory I was almost breathless as I watched her floating a couple feet off the ground, her long red hair consumed in flames.
Before I could even begin to understand what any of this meant the other me suddenly lunged forward blue electricity running through her finger tips. Instinctively I moved to the side getting a hold of her arm taking in her electricity. "You will lose because you are weak. You always have been."
As I continued my own fight with myself, I could hear the other's engaged in their own internal battles. The sounds of a variety of animals could be heard, but I could barely afford to lose my focus. Fighting myself was more difficult than I anticipated, though it really shouldn't have been much of a surprise as we anticipator each other's every move. We were evenly matched in every way. It wasn't until a trumpeting cry of an elephant caused me to lose my focus that I allowed her to gain the upper hand.
"Have to say there have been many moments that I've hated myself. Never more than now." I stated as she had me pinned to the ground, her whip wrapped around my neck.
"Poor little Cheyenne always wondering if her beloved Robin still loves her. How pathetic." She said through gritted teeth as the whip around my neck tightened, my throat felt like it was moments away from collapsing. For a moment I considered to stop fighting, but that ridiculous thought withered away instantly. I never took the easy way out. This would be no exception. "You're dead."
"No, you are." I replied breathlessly, although I wasn't completely sure if this would work I had to try. My plan relied solely on whether this suit was an exact replica of my own.
Quickly I reached down into the hidden pocket at the thigh of the suit, and almost released a sigh of relief when my hand tightened around the small blade. I had never been more grateful to Selina than now as she always insisted on carrying one, in case I ever got in a sticky situation. Without a second thought I embedded the blade in my evil doppelgänger's neck, closing my eyes as I felt my own blood stain my face.
Pushing her off of me I stood to find that the others had also defeated the evil versions of themselves. We looked at one another with relief, but with the knowledge that this was far from over. This was only a little game for Trigon's entertainment but it was not victory.
We all came together standing in front of Trigon waiting to see whatever little trick he had planned for us next, as he looked down at us he began to chuckle in delight. A chuckle that was interrupted as the portal suddenly widened once again, for a moment dread seized me at the thought that another being like Trigon would emerge.
But I had truly felt no greater relief than the sight of Dick and Rachel emerging from that portal. While Dick looked like he had been through hell and back, Rachel seemed like a completely new person covered in a deep purple hooded cape. A red gem shined brightly in the center of her forehead as he confidently made her way over to Trigon.
"My child." He said, with a surprising hint of pride in his voice.
"Azarath metrion zinthos!" Rachel yelled from the top of her lungs as a dark figure in the shape of a raven emerged from within her followed by a blinding white light. I was almost tempted to shield me eyes from the intensity of that light, but my curiosity got the better of me as I watched as Trigon became nothing but a cloud of red smoke. The smoke seemed to linger for a moment before it was pulled into the portal before it sealed shut.
"We did it?" Gar questioned slowly in disbelief as a large smile spread over his face, one that was very welcome considering what we just experienced. "Yeah! We did it!"
A/N: I know that this is vastly different from what happened in the show. The way they defeated Trigon was horribly done in my opinion and I wanted to rewrite it in a way that was both simple and comic accurate. Hope you enjoyed.
Next Chapter: Blackout vs Robin
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