01| A Siren's Song
It was an unusually hot night in Gotham, the humidity in the air leaving no desire to do much of anything. Though that didn't seem to be the case for Harley who was continuous tossing daggers of the sketch of The Joker I had made for her.
"Am I the only one that's bored?" Harley questioned as she tossed another dagger at the drawing on the wall, this time it embedded itself in The Joker's right eye. "I fell like I'm the only one that's bored. I wanna do something excitin'!"
Looking up from my sketch of the new suit Harley requested, I stole a glance at Ivy who was occupied watering her plants. Usually if was Ivy and I who had to keep Harley out of trouble, Selina usually lacking the patience to deal with her antics. "Why didn't you go out with Selina?"
"You know Kitty she's so serious sometimes." She replied with a frustrated sigh throwing yet another dagger at the picture, an activity that used to bring her joy seemed to have lost all its appeal n"Ya know a real stick in the mud. Just don't tell her I said that."
"She doesn't have too." Selina declared as she entered the room a sour expression on her face though it didn't seem to be due to Harley's words. She was in her new Catwoman suit we had just finished a couple days ago, after a long discussion it was agreed that her purple was in desperate need of an upgrade. This new black look was much more mysterious and sexy, a look that fit her much better.
Lately Selina had been spending more nights out, the reason why was still a mystery. But the more nights she disappeared meant that her mood would be unpredictable the next day. In fact it was a surprise that she was back this early. Setting my sketch pad I stood concerned by Selina's almost foul mood. "Selina what's wrong?"
Her features seemed to soften for a moment before the wall at the far right of the room began to shake, causing all of us to immediately hold a defensive stance. Suddenly the brick wall seemed to shatter like glass revealing a large man with a skull like mask and large silver gauntlets.
"Who the hell is this?" Ivy questioned her usually passive features instantly twisting into irritation as the plant around the room immediately shifted protectively around her. The sight itself would have been terrifying if it wasn't for the fact that I had seen the real extent of her abilities.
"Looks like I hit the jackpot! Catwoman, Poison Ivy..." The man looked around the room eagerly before his eyes landed on Harley and I with mild confusion and interest. "Who are you two?"
It was no surprise that he didn't know who I was, and although Harley's pale skin would have normally given away here identity the sight of her in pajamas and not her iconic jester costume might have confused the man who clearly wasn't very bright to begin with.
"Me I'm Harley fucking Quinn skull head! An' the pleasures all yours!" Harley exclaimed excitedly as she ran towards the man slipping through the air with the intention of kicking him in the face only he moved aside in tip catching Harley by the throat.
"The Harley Quinn? Freakin' sweet!" The masked man yelled as he tossed Harley to the side like she weighed nothing. His strength though not surprising considering he broke through the brick wall, was still astonishing though something told me that he wasn't a meta human. "Tomorrow everyone will know Boneblaster's the only guy with guts enough to whack the Joker's chick!"
Selina stepped forward defensively as her hand tightened around her whip. "How did you find us?"
"Doesn't matter." Ivy declared as she raised her hand a thick vine shooting across the room and towards this Boneblaster who effortlessly got a hold of the vines snapping them in half."No. How dare you!"
"That's all you ladies got?" He mocked as he looked around at us faking boredom and disappointment.
"I got a whole bag full of tricks!" Harley yelled as she ran forward her new mallet in hand as she hit Boneblaster on his side, he didn't seem affected by the hit as he smiled down at Harley approvingly.
"Any way you want it, sweets! I got a rep to build and people to impress! Don't make it too easy for me!" He replied, his words causing Selina and I to look at each other understanding what this was all about. He was simply a nobody that wanted to make a name for himself in Gotham's underworld. Clearly defeating the Sirens was an easy way to get noticed.
"Trust me Bunblaster, I'll give ya a night you won' forget!" Harley mocked as she raised her new wooden mallet once again only this time when he caught it in his hand the wood splintered and shattered.
That was when I understood that the source of his power was the gauntlets, in fact I could feel the electricity running through them.
"My turn." I declared as I ran forward and as this Boneblaster watched me approach him a wicked smile formed on his lips as his fist came down in an attempt to throw me out of the way. Instead I got a hold of one gauntlet and then the other letting my electricity flow into them. Instantly sparks began to fly out of the gauntlets frying them in seconds. The charge electrocuting our wannabe villain until he ungraciously fell to the ground unconscious.
Harley walked up to him kicking him several times until she seemed satisfied. " He's blacked out alright."
"Was that exciting enough for you?" I questioned as I looked to Harley who was now yawning as she fell back against the couch with a pout.
"Nah I wanna mess with Batsy." She stated as as a bright childlike smile came over her face.
Vines began to entrap our mystery man, and when I turned towards Ivy she was looking down at him in disgust. "How about we get this thing out of here first?"
Harley gasped as she picked up the remains of her mallet eagerly. "Can we kill him?"
"No." Selina and I replied in unison.
"Where did you go Selina?" Ivy questioned suspiciously, her distrust of everyone who wasn't Harley was at times unnerving.
Ivy's suspicion often clashed with Selina's tendency to want to be on her own. And whatever Selina has been doing the past couple of nights had only worked to increase the tension between the two. The tension became thick when Selina's face became serious, but she simply pulled a flyer out of her pocket. "Tonight and tomorrow the Gotham Museum of Natural History is holding a fundraiser. The main attraction is The Emerald Cat of Karmak it was said to be a gift to the Egyptian goddess Bast."
"Say no more. Let's go crash that party!" Harley exclaimed as she once again picked up her mallet, excitement shinning bright in her eyes.
"No, we take it tomorrow." Selina declared a familiar glint of mischief in her eyes that was more like the Selina that I knew. "I have a plan, but first before I get my paws on it we have to do a little bit of research."
Selina and I walked into an alley a block away from the Gotham Museum of Natural history, although it was dark the moon gave us enough light to take in the two men who were currently entrapped in thick weeds. Their eyes seemed glossed over as they limply looked back at us, if I didn't know better I would have believed they were dead.
"Two invitations." Ivy stated as she appeared from the shadow holding up the two elegant pieces of parchment with disinterest. It was usually difficult to get Ivy to agree with anything, her only real interest being plant life. Anytime she decided to engage in any real criminal activity was when someone was threatening her beloved plants.
Selina took the two invitation and inspected them with satisfaction. "Thank you Pam."
Slowly the weeds holding the men released them, and I watched as Ivy walked over to the men as she caressed both of their faces. "Go back to your beds. Tonight never happened."
Without another word Ivy disappeared back into the darkness, no doubt to return to our hideout. Selina handed me my invitation as she adjusted the strap on her scarlet gown. "Remember just follow my lead."
After months of Selina and Harley training me extensively to the point where I felt confident in myself and what I could do physically. Through much convincing Ivy had allowed me to fully understand the extent of my powers, and although they were training me for acts like the one Selina and I were about to do I had never fully imagined myself going out to Gotham as a Siren.
Once we were inside of the museum I immediately began to take in my surroundings like Selina instructed me too. After months of having to learn all the rooftops and understand the way the city moved to be able to make easy escapes, being inside and surrounded by so many people felt odd.
"The extra security measures they must now that this little artifact would be too tempting Catwoman." I pointed out as my eyes swept across the museum recognizing many members of Gotham's elite like Thomas Elliot, Harvey Dent and Jermiah Arkham. The absence of Bruce Wayne was not surprising, but also a relief as it would have only brought complications.
Selina and I casually studied the different displays of artifacts that although valuable were not nearly worth as much as the main attraction of this exhibition. When we were finally in front of it I felt the air escape my lungs at its beauty. The sparking green form of the emerald cat was stunning, and as I stole a look at Selina I could see the hunger in her eyes to have that statue in her hands.
"Seems like we've got trouble." Selina said softly under her breath as she moved through the crowd swiftly, knowing better than to attempt to look towards what Selina had noticed I wordlessly followed her behind a large statue of an Egyptian god.
Looking around the statue I saw Bruce Wayne, with a woman on his arm. The instant the press noticed his appearance they instantly surrounded him eager to take his photo.
The sight of him immediately made the blood in my veins run cold, knowing only a small fraction of how smart Bruce Wayne is. Knowing that he was here for a reason, because everything he did had a purpose. There was no doubt that like everyone else in Gotham he expected Catwoman to steal this priceless artifact.
"Tomorrow night." Selina said as her eyes narrowed in on Bruce Wayne and the woman who I now recognized as Vikki Vale on his arm. Knowing that Selina didn't speak much about her relationship with Bruce I had never asked what happened between the two, seeing Bruce with Gotham's beloved reporter confirmed that they were not in a good place in their relationship. "It's time Gotham met our new Siren."
Next Chapter: The Terror of Trigon
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