Save You Tonight (Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin)
Hi Sophantors!
I have been working hard to crank out as many of my requests for one shots as I can. So, here is another one! Can't believe this is the second one shot I am posting this week! How crazy is that?! This one is also a Lashton one shot. Ashton is thrown into a difficult situation and Luke is there to save him. Whoever requested this, I hope it's what you wanted. I hope you all like it too. I worked super hard on this and did tons of research to make it as accurate as possible! Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan :)
Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood Malfoy xxxxxx
Save You Tonight
Lashton Oneshot
The boys were currently touring America with One Direction on their Take Me Home Tour. They were enjoying every second and wanted to share the fun with their fans. Thus, 5SOS vs. Food was born.
The challenge led the 5sos boys to a pizza restaurant in Houston, Texas. They felt like this would be an easy challenge, since everyone in the band was obsessed with pizza. Although everyone knew Michael was clearly the biggest pizza lover.
"Can you believe we are doing this again?" Ashton asked with a giggle, looking at Luke. "No, I can't. We couldn't beat the last one. I have no idea how we are going to win this one," Luke replied with a laugh.
"Stop doubting it. We're gunna smash the hell out of this one. I could do this in my sleep," Michael said confidently. "I'm sure you could Mikey," Calum teased, messing up Michael’s hair. "Don't mess my hair up, asshole," Michael replied.
"Table for four?" the hostess asked. The boys nodded and were soon led to their table. "How big are we talking? Like give me an estimation," Michael asked the hostess. "One pizza usually feeds a party of ten. Good luck, y'all enjoy."
"Wait, did she just say one could feed ten people? We're screwed," Ashton said dramatically. "Maybe you are. I bet I can eat more than you," Luke challenged. "You're on, Hemmings," Ashton teased.
"Let's make it interesting, shall we, Irwin? Whoever wins gets to top tonight," Luke grinned. Ashton looked shocked. "But I always top," he whined. "Oh? Scared you're gunna lose and have to be bottom?" Luke smirked. "Pft, no," Ashton replied, rolling his eyes.
"Could you two not talk about getting laid with each other while we are trying to order. It's disturbing and off-putting," Michael piped up. "Jealous," Ashton coughed out with a grin. Michael flipped him off before focusing back on the menu.
"You know what I like, can you order for me, babe? I need to go call home real quick," Ashton asked Luke. "Sure thing. Hey, I love you, " Luke said, looking up at Ashton. "I love you too," Ashton smiled before leaving the table.
Ashton quickly made his way out of the restaurant and called home. He just needed to talk to his family, feel their presence again, even if it was just through the phone.
Meanwhile, Luke was listening to Michael and Calum argue over who was going to eat more pizza. "I am the king of pizza. Everyone knows that. I'm going to cream you," Michael said cockily.
"I wouldn't be so sure Clifford. I mean, you're so lazy, you'll just give up after the second slice," Calum boasted.
"I will not!" Michael said, offended. "Hey! Can you two stop arguing for two seconds so we can order the pizza?" Luke asked, noticing the waitress waiting on them to settle down to order.
"Sorry. We're doing the pizza challenge. I'll have mine with ham and pineapple," Calum said. "I'll just get cheese," Michael said. "I'll get a pepperoni. And we'll get a meat lovers one for our other band mate," Luke said.
"Sure thing, I'll have those right out for you," the waitress said before leaving. "She was hot," Michael said, winking. "You literally hit on every single girl you see, Clifford," Calum said, rolling his eyes.
Luke tuned the boys out, glancing out of the windows to see Ashton pacing back and forth with his phone to his ear. Luke frowned, wishing he could soothe Ashton. Ashton looked like he settled down though as he leant against the wall, seemingly more relaxed.
Luke smiled and tuned back into the other boy's conversation. "Luke, what do you think?" Michael asked. "I'm sorry, what? What do I think about what?" Luke asked.
"Where you even paying attention?" Calum asked. Luke's eyes darted back to Ashton, before he shook his head. "Should've figured. We were asking you're opinion on when we should do our next Twitcam?" Calum repeated.
"Oh, ummm- I guess soon. We haven't updated the fans in a few weeks now," Luke replied. "Glad we all agree then," Michael said.
"Sorry, what did I miss?" Ashton asked, sliding into the seat next to Luke. Luke visibly relaxed now that Ashton was back. "Not much. We ordered the pizzas, and Michael and Calum have been arguing about just about everything," Luke filled Ashton in.
"Oh, nothing new or unusual there, then," Ashton teased. "Piss of, Ashton," Michael huffed. Ashton rolled his eyes and leant up against Luke.
"I missed you," Luke said quietly into Ashton's hair. "I missed you too," Ashton murmured back. Luke held Ashton close, not liking it when he was gone. He felt protective of Ashton; regardless of the fact Ashton was older.
Tilting his head up, Ashton went to kiss Luke. Luke leant down, connecting their lips. They broke apart soon, however, when they heard their food being dropped off at their table.
"Good luck boys," a waiter said as he placed the last tray in front of Ashton. All the boys looked on in awe. "There's no way we can do this," Luke said, looking at his pizza, half shocked.
"Says you," Michael challenged, picking up a piece of pizza and taking a bite. "It'll be worth it, it's fantastic," Michael said with his mouth full.
Ignoring the boys, Ashton went to pick up a slice of his pizza. He took a few bites before nudging Luke. "He's right. It's really good. Bet I can still beat you," he teased. "Bring it," Luke said, starting on his own pizza.
Ashton took a few more bites. That was when he felt it. It just felt like a small itch. Just one arm. Then he could feel more of his body getting the itching sensation, but he brushed it off. It was probably just nothing.
Joking around with the other's, Ashton continued to eat. "Isn't it like some rule that you have to pace yourself or something?" Calum asked. "If there is, Michael is damn awful at it," Luke replied.
They all looked at Michael to see him stuffing his face. The weird thing was, he had a piece of pizza balanced on his head. "Should we ask why it's on your head and not on the plate?" Ashton asked.
"I'm saving that piece for later," Michael said, as if Ashton was stupid for asking such a silly question. Ashton just shrugged it off and turned to Luke.
"I'm beating you," Ashton said cockily. "You won't be for long," Luke said back. Ashton smirked and grabbed another piece. As he took a bite, he felt his mouth start to tingle. He scrunched his eyebrows, before shrugging it off. It must have just been the nerves.
Looking back at his pizza, Ashton realized he had only eaten 3 pieces of the huge pizza. He had a long way to go. Changing his tactics, Ashton started taking bigger bites, finishing off the slice and starting on the next one.
Luke looked over in shock. "How are you on your fourth slice already?" Luke asked. Ashton just shrugged in response. Luke frowned and tried to eat more.
Ashton slowed to a stop though, when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He groaned and put the piece of pizza down for a minute. He wrapped his hand around his stomach and closed his eyes. The pain washed over him and he bit his lip.
Shaking his head, he shook it off and continued to eat. Luckily, none of the boys had noticed his incident. He glanced at Luke, who glanced back. "You okay?" Luke asked, sensing something was off. "I'm fine," Ashton replied. Luke nodded and went back to talking to Calum.
Ashton sighed, and took another bite. He couldn't do it though. He dropped the pizza and gripped the table as he started to feel the world slip around him. He suddenly felt really dizzy, and couldn't quite keep things straight.
The dizziness turned into Ashton struggling to breathe. He could feel his breathing turn ragged and he started to gasp for air.
This caught the other boys' attention. "Ashton, oh God. What's wrong?" Calum asked, reaching over the table for him.
Luke grabbed Ashton and pulled him close. "Ash, baby, look at me." Ashton was shaking his head, gasping for air. It very quickly clicked in Luke's head what was going on.
"Calum, quick, come hold him," Luke screamed. Calum jumped up and pulled Ashton towards him. Michael was quick to follow Calum, and offered Ashton support.
Luke was so thankful that he was the one to take care of his boyfriend. He remembered Ashton said he didn't really need it. He would often forget it at home or in the tour bus, and that made Luke uneasy.
So, Luke had made it his job to carry it for Ashton. Just in case of emergencies. Now, it was an emergency, and Luke was beyond thankful that he had it in his pocket.
Luke immediately pulled Ashton's EpiPen out of his pocket. He frowned, realizing they were in a public place, but at this point, it didn't matter. "Michael, you need to pull Ashton's jeans down so I can put this into his thigh," Luke instructed.
Normally, Michael would have objected, or even joked about how he wouldn't touch Ashton there. He wasn't stupid though, he knew now Ashton was having an allergic reaction and that he needed the EpiPen or it could have drastic effects.
"Sorry, Ash, I need to do this," Michael said softly, before shifting his jeans down so his thighs were exposed. Luke nodded a simple thank you to Michael before he moved forward and positioned the EpiPen at Ashton's outer thigh.
As quickly as he could, he pushed the plunger down and released the epinephrine into Ashton's system. As Luke administered the EpiPen, Calum had shifted forward and was helping Ashton to breathe; telling him to steady his breathing and to breathe in and out at the same pace that he was.
Luke counted in his head, waiting the thirty seconds for the epinephrine to start working. He nodded when they thirty seconds were up.
"You're doing great Ashy, it's okay. Ten minutes, tops, and you will be feeling normal again, I promise," Luke said. Calum nodded, and let Luke pull Ashton into his arms.
"Shush, just breathe, we've all got you," Luke soothed. Calum and Michael scooted closer, so they were all sitting on one side of the table.
Calum rubbed Ashton's arm, giving him support. Michael looked at the pizza, closely examining it. "Luke, what did you order for Ashton again?" he asked.
"Meat lovers, since he loves any kind of meat on his pizza," Luke replied. "They messed up then, because there is a few pieces of shrimp and shrimp shells on the pizza," Michael pointed out.
Luke frowned, "Why the hell would shrimp end up on a meat pizza?" Michael just shrugged. "I'll go tell a waiter now. I'm sure they won't make us pay after this," Michael said. He patted Ashton's knee before getting up and leaving the table.
"I'm so sorry, Ashton. We all know you're allergic to shrimp and other shellfish. That's why I made sure to get you meat, and I know that's your favorite. God, I'm so sorry," Luke said, his voice shaking.
Ashton flashed Luke a weak smile. "You did... nothing wrong... you saved me... thank you," Ashton said, between breaths. Luke held Ashton closer, kissing the top of his head.
As time went on, Ashton felt more stable. Everything wasn't spinning anymore. The itchiness had died away, his stomach didn't hurt much, and his breathing was starting to steady out.
Michael walked back with the manager. "We are so sorry that shrimp ended up on your pizza, sir. Do you need an ambulance?" the manager asked.
Ashton shook his head no. "My band mates have taken good care of me. The symptoms are wearing off. Thank you, though," Ashton said.
The manager nodded his head. "If you need anything at all, just let me know. You're meal is on the house today. Feel free to order anything else you want, it's on me. Again, I'm truly sorry for the mistake made," the man said.
"Thank you," Michael said for the band. The manager took his leave, and Michael sat next to Calum again. "How're you feeling, Ash?" he asked. "Better, thanks to all of you. Thank you, for taking care of me. I haven't had an attack in so long I didn't recognize what was going on," Ashton said sadly.
"Hey, it's okay, that's what we're here for," Calum said reassuringly. Ashton flashed a smile at Calum in thanks. "And, Luke, I can't thank you enough for carrying my EpiPen for me. If you didn't have it, it would have been a lot worse. I just- thank you, for taking care of me. I love you," Ashton said to Luke.
"Of course, Ashton, that's my job, to take care of you. I love you too, so much," Luke said, placing a kiss on Ashton's jaw. That caused Ashton to pout, wanting a proper kiss from Luke. Luke just shook his head. "When you are fully recovered, then yes. I don't want you overexerting yourself just yet," Luke said carefully.
Ashton knew Luke was right. He sighed and leant into Luke, letting Luke take care of him. "I think we should head back to the tour bus. Just relax and make sure Ashton recovers," Calum suggested. Michael nodded his agreement.
Luke glanced at Ashton. "Are you okay with that?" he asked. "That sounds good to me. What about the challenge though?" Michael just shook his head. "Screw the challenge, your safety is more important. Come on, let's head out," Michael said.
The boys left the restaurant, Luke holding Ashton close to him as they walked. It wasn't long until they were all back on the bus. Calum suggested watching a movie; so the boys got comfy on the couches in the back of the bus and put a movie on.
Ashton curled up into Luke's side, feeling much better than he had earlier. "So... about that kiss?" Ashton asked, looking up at Luke. Luke just laughed, tilting Ashton's chin and muttering, "I love you, Ashton." Then, he placed his lips against Ashton's. Ashton hummed happily in agreement, conveying his 'I love you' through the kiss.
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