Chapter One
*Pandora's Pov*
It's been roughly six months since our last battle with Neron before banishing him to hell for good. John and I had taken a break from being aboard the waverider with the legends, they try to understand why but none of them can truly understand what it's like to be possessed by a demon like that. It fucks with your head in such a major way that makes you question everything. John has tried his best to be supportive but I've just been pushing him away ever since that day.
I try not to be upset at the fact he left me on the waverider when he could've died but that's what hurt worse than being possessed by a demon. In a way being angry towards him helps me forget the fact that I practically died in his arms.
I lied within the dark sheets of our bed with nothing on more than a pair of underwear, same as John as he had his arms draped around me while I pretended to still be asleep. I've had difficulty sleeping ever since that day, I'll be able to get the occasional hours of sleep but they usually end with a nightmare from that time period.
It's odd that we sleep the way we do considering we haven't had sex since before the final fight, which is definitely my fault. Just something felt different with me and I just haven't been ready to again especially after our baby had died.
We've been staying in Jasper's old house along with Chas, Ritchie and Zed. John and Zed went on a few jobs but nothing that lasted more than a day which besides that things around here have been pretty quiet. John has been trying to figure out some sort of plan for when the vails between our worlds do split but there's nothing we can really do until it happens unless more demons manage to escape from hell and cause havoc once again.
I felt John tighten his grip around me assuming he had begun waking up so I had rolled over onto my other side facing him. I was met with his sleepy eyes and face which provided me comfort in some way but also made me uneasy at the same time. I tried to smile or at least make some facial expression but all I could do was stare as I felt my breathing get faster and faster.
"Pandora, what's wrong?" His voice was groggy but still filled with concern but all I felt was stuck in place, I couldn't move or say anything. My breathing just kept getting faster and faster until John pulled himself up and covered my body with the sheet and sat me up in our bed.
"Pandora, what's going on? Did I do something?" As I looked up towards his eyes they were filled with worry and I don't blame him, I'd be worried too.
"John. You left me on that ship alone. You could've died and I wouldn't have gotten to say goodbye." I finally got the courage and my breathing had slowed down as I spoke.
John was speechless, it's like he knew nothing he could say or do would change the fact of what he did.
"I try to understand, everyday I try to play what it would be like to be in those shoes of yours but none of my options would be considering leaving you alone." My voice began to raise and I wasn't sure if it was because I was upset or angry or both.
"Is this why you haven't been comfortable around me? You haven't let me touch you at all Pandora, I'm not even talking about sex you've barely let me kiss you and there's times at night where you cry out for me to stop holding onto you." The way the tone of his voice was let me know he was hurt and in a major way.
"You think I don't want to kiss you John? I want to be all over you but everytime I touch you I get sent all those memories from that awful day and the fact you proposed to me but I couldn't get a goodbye and I was left!" I felt my eyes filled with tears but I managed to keep myself together throughout my sentence.
"Do you actually want to have this argument Pandora? I understand you're hurting but you don't think you being dead in my arms makes up for that? I thought I lost you, I thought I lost whatever chance I had at having a family, another baby with you! Not to mention you voided any bloody protections you had on you! Something I never taught you but it was in my studies so you must've gone through my books!" He was now raising his voice at me so I gathered myself out of bed and put one of my shirts on and untucked my hair and headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?" John spoke up as he also got up out of bed and came after me as I opened the door. I just continued walking as I grabbed my essentials along with my wallet.
"Pandora! Respond to me! You can't just leave when things get tough we need to figure this out!" He was loud enough to wake up everyone else in the house at the time as I heard some of their doors opening.
"John, I don't know at what point you'll understand I would risk it all for you our baby is dead because of me! I jumped in after you! I did what I had to do that day with Neron for YOU! To save you!" My voice was shaky and I began to stutter as I felt a couple warm tears roll down my cheeks. He began to take steps up the stairs towards me before he finally spoke.
"You're always trying to save me but when are you going to let me save you? I know I'm not the greatest hell no where close but I'm at my best when I'm with you but I really need you to not walk out that door. You need to stay, we need to figure this out, it has been months and not facing these things head out will cause you to build them up more." I've never heard him talk like this since that day on the hologram, it's a lot nicer to hear it in person.
"You don't need to respond, I'm going to put on a shirt and you are going to grab my keys and we are going to leave together and talk this out." He added.
"What if I say no?" I felt like a smart-ass curious about his answer.
"You tell me Pandora, you know I'll always find you. No matter where you are I will come back to you, now stay here and wait for me." The look he gave me in his eyes they were doing the thing with the bright colored ring around them that I always loved I could tell he was being serious with me.
We've been driving for about 20 minutes in absolute silence, I had no idea where or if we were going anywhere it just felt endless.
"Will you hold my hand?" It was a stupid question to ask but I wasn't sure if he was still upset with me or not. I gestured my hand out towards him, and he accepted it and carefully took one hand off the steering wheel.
"Love, you don't need to ask." He replied back with.
"Just didn't know if you were still mad at me." He then began to shake his head, which made me confused.
"I was never mad at you, I understand where you are coming from but I just want you to understand where I'm coming from. Your heart stopped beating Pandora, I watched your cheeks lose the color they had." He gripped my hand tighter when he said this and took his glasses off to give me a quick glance and then focused back on the road.
"I'm sorry, that I had scared you. If that was me, I couldn't imagine.." I honestly had no idea what to say so my voice just died down.
"I wake up in the middle of the night to make sure you're still breathing Pandora, I don't expect you to understand and I am sorry that I left you but that is the only way I knew you would be safe. I already failed you once." He had confessed and gave me another quick glance.
"What are you talking about that you already failed me once?" I questioned because there's no time that I remember of.
"The night of the Gala. The places that monster touched you, I didn't protect you." I don't know why he thought that was his fault and I felt a pit in my stomach grow as he talked about it.
"Johny..Do not blame yourself for that everyone was spread thin, I try not to think about that night cause it doesn't do anyone good. Please do not think it was your fault." He had started pulling over into a forest entry and parked the car on the side of the road. He opened the car door and came onto the other side and opened my door and helped me out of the car by extending his hand. He took my hand and then we began walking deep into the forest.
"Pandora, I want you to feel safe with me, I want you to be able to sleep in our bed and want to be there with me." He sat us both down onto a log laying on the ground in the middle of a big patch of bright green grass. We sat down looking across from each other on opposite ends of the log while I tried my best to think of something to say.
"You're not Ace, John. I know you wouldn't do anything intentionally to hurt me and I feel the most safe when we are lying in bed but parts of me always will know that something can happen." I slowly started moving my body closer towards him.
"I hope you believe what you're saying because it's the truth." His accent thickened when he said this as he casually pushed himself closer towards me as I nodded my head along to what he said.
"I'm sorry for everything John, for the past 6 months and being the way I've been and I know you must've been hurting and it was selfish." I confessed and looked him directly in his eyes as I saw his mood change across his face and he pulled my hand into his.
"I don't need you to be sorry Pandora, just understand the extent you're willing to go for me I'll easily double it." When he said this I felt his breath on my face as they were inches apart now.
I pulled myself onto his lap and unbuttoned the top button to his white dress shirt. He looked confused but I just kept going and planted my lips onto his and moved one of my hands to the top of head and played with his hair. I slowly started grinding on his lap and as I did this I heard his breathing get heavier and heavier. We took a brief break in between kisses and he swiftly pulled my shirt above my head and threw it on the ground. After he did this I quickly finished unbuttoning his shirt and I did the same with it.
He unbuttoned the top of my shorts and slowly trailed his hand down my stomach leaving it at the top of my underwear line before he pulled away slightly and spoke.
"Are you okay with this love?" It made everything else better when he asked that and I blushed even more than I already was.
"Yes, John." He gave me a big goofy smile which in return made me smile, I was ready and everything just felt timeless.
He slid his hand down into my underwear as I shivered and was met with goosebumps and I pulled him back into another kiss and moaned into his mouth which in return caused him to groan. He carefully picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he stood up and he put my backside against a tree.
The bark scraping against my back wasn't the most pleasant feeling but at that moment I really didn't care as I worked to get his belt off and took his pants off. He dropped me down for a quick second to pull my shorts and panties down around my ankles before picking me back up and putting me back against the tree.
He pushed inside of me, which had caused me to gasp and moan at the same time while John just gave me his seductive chuckle because he was satisfied he got a reaction out of me. He kept me going up and down while he placed his hand on the side of my neck and made out with me and as our lips moved in sync I was moaning away in his mouth.
After we had finished he picked up my clothes off the ground and started dressing me when he was done he got himself dressed and we made our way back to the car. He held my hand the entire way back and then let it go to open the door for me as I got inside I winced when my back hit the seat.
"What happened?" John looked confused as to why I winced in pain.
"I think it was the tree scratching against my back, lift up the back of my shirt." I explained to him as he proceeded to lift up the back of my shirt. His face dropped as I felt him run his fingers over some of the openings.
"Love, I'm so sorry, why didn't you say anything?" He was upset at the fact that I got hurt.
"Sex in the woods with John Constantine? I think that's worth it, besides you'll probably end up with poison ivy." I burst out laughing at that second as I watched his soul leave his body.
"Bollocks." Was all he said as we drove off leaving me in a fit of laughter.
A/N: Well, this was Chapter One of Save Me and I hope you guys somewhat liked it, it turned out a lot longer than the first time I wrote the chapter, almost a thousand words longer. Some things I do want to clarify before we move on just incase, Pandora is legal she's 22 as of right now her birthday was about 3 months into the 6 month time gap which I will add in flashbacks to. I researched online John would be about 34 at this point which is fine, I'm pretty sure everyone knew he was older anyway. These first few chapters are going to be for the most part strictly between John and Pandora and to give them a little more time to themselves before they go back to the waverider. I know what you're probably thinking, first chapter and they already have had sex, trust the process. Cheers Loves! -L.S
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